The temperature on November 1, 1760 was about 1.0 °C. Wind direction mainly south-southeast. Weather type: helder. Special wheather fenomena: ijs. Source: KNMI
January 9 » Ahmad Shah Durrani defeats the Marathas in the Battle of Barari Ghat.
March 20 » The Great Boston Fire of 1760 destroys 349 buildings.
July 8 » British forces defeat French forces in the last naval battle in New France.
August 15 » Seven Years' War: Battle of Liegnitz: Frederick the Great's victory over the Austrians under Ernst Gideon von Laudon.
October 10 » In a treaty with the Dutch colonial authorities, the Ndyuka people of Suriname - descended from escaped slaves - gain territorial autonomy.
October 25 » King George III succeeds to the British throne on death of his grandfather George II
When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin: William H Davis III, "Davis Family Tree", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 12, 2025), "James Newby (1672-1760)".
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