Genealogy Online subscription met 15% korting voor HCC-leden

You can try this genealogical service without any obligation with a trial subscription. If you are satisfied with the service, you can upgrade your subscription to a Plus subscription with even more service!

FunctionalityTrial subscriptionPlus subscription
Publish genealogical information
Matches in other pedigrees
Number of publications 1unlimited
Starting points in your publication up to 3unlimited
Include an unlimited number of genealogical images up to 250unlimited
Scan search service limited number of sourcesall available sources
Innovative reports
Add stories and documents
Access gate for data and images
Adjust the appearance of your publication and reports
Pedigree PDF Wizard
Pricefor free€ 52 per year   € 44.20 per year

You can pay via internet banking or direct debit, so the subscription can be used immediately.

HCCAls lid van HCC krijgt u 15% korting op de abonnementprijs! Dit geldt ook voor het Stamboom Forum Plus abonnement. In het betaalproces zal op basis van uw lidnummer en postcode gecontroleerd worden of lid bent van HCC.

Take advantage of the stack discount

Coret Genealogy offers various products for family tree researchers. If you purchase multiple products, you will receive - in addition to the 15% discount - a stack discount that can be up to 30%! Click products 'on' or 'off' below to see how much benefit you can get.