Ancestral Trails 2016 » Thomas FITZALAN (1381-1415)

Persoonlijke gegevens Thomas FITZALAN 

  • Hij is geboren op 13 oktober 1381 in Arundel, Sussex.
  • Hij is overleden op 13 oktober 1415 in Arundel, Sussex, hij was toen 34 jaar oud.
    Fell ill at Battle of Harfleur

Gezin van Thomas FITZALAN

Hij is getrouwd met Beatrice de PORTUGAL.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 26 november 1405 te London, Middlesex, hij was toen 24 jaar oud.

Notities over Thomas FITZALAN

He was the only surviving son of Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel and his first wife, Elizabeth de Bohun. When he was 16 his father was executed (1397) and his lands and titles forfeited. Fitzalan was given as ward to King Richard's half-brother John Holland, 1st Duke of Exeter, along with a large part of the Arundel estates. Holland greatly mistreated him, a matter FitzAlan would cruelly repay many years later. Eventually Fitzalan escaped from his guardian and joined his uncle Thomas Arundel, the deposed Archbishop of Canterbury, in exile. The two eventually joined with another exile, the King's cousin Henry Bolingbroke. Fitzalan followed Henry in his return to England in July 1399, and in the following events which led to the deposition of King Richard II and Henry's crowning as King Henry IV. He functioned as butler at the coronation, and shortly afterward the new King restored him to his titles and estates. These included two notable Earldoms; those of Earl of Arundel and Earl of Surrey, and large estates in the Welsh Marches. Early the next year a group of Barons who had been close to the deposed King Richard II revolted-known as the Epiphany Rising-amongst them Fitzalan' former guardian John Holland. The latter was captured by followers of Fitzalan's aunt Joan, Countess of Hereford, and at Fitzalan' behest was soon executed (some claim he was tortured first). The next few years Fitzalan was much occupied by events in the Welsh marches, where he had to help deal with the revolt of Owain Glyndwr which ran in full from 1400 to maybe 1412 but gained a great deal of early momentum until 1405. After the Battle of Shrewsbury in 1403 he was appointed to defend the Marches from further attacks along its full length and then focused on defeating Glyndwr in the northern March adjacent to North Wales. In 1405 there was a revolt in the north of England, led by the Archbishop of York, Richard le Scrope, and the Earl of Norfolk, Thomas de Mowbray. Fitzalan was the head of the Commission which condemned the pair to death. This apparently led to a falling out between Fitzalan and his uncle, Archbishop Thomas Arundel, who objected to the execution of a fellow prelate. King Henry's sister, Philippa of Lancaster, had married King John I of Portugal, and to further cement the alliance between England and Portugal, Fitzalan married Beatrice, the illegitimate daughter of King John. The wedding took place in London on 26 November 1405, with King Henry IV in attendance. In the following years Fitzalan again had to help suppress revolts in Wales and the Welsh Marches. Politically, Fitzalan allied himself with the King's half-brothers the Beauforts, and when Thomas Beaufort, 1st Duke of Exeter was appointed Chancellor in 1410, Fitzalan became one of the King's principal councillors. Beaufort favored an alliance with Burgundy, and Fitzalan was one of the leaders of those sent to help fight the rival Armagnac faction in France. Sometime in this period Fitzalan was made a Knight of the Garter. In 1412 the Beauforts lost power, and Fitzalan retired to his estates until the next year, when King Henry IV died. His son, King Henry V restored Fitzalan to a place of influence, immediately appointing him Lord Treasurer, as well as constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports. Fitzalan was one of the initial commanders of Henry V's 1415 French campaign, but at the siege of Harfleur he, along with many others, fell ill and had to return to England. He never recovered, and died not long afterwards. Fitzalan left no children. The castle and lordship of Arundel was inherited by his cousin John Fitzalan, 13th Earl of Arundel. The Earldom of Surrey fell into abeyance (or went extinct; authorities differ on this matter). The rest of his property was split amongst his three surviving sisters. SOURCE: Wikipedia

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Historische gebeurtenissen

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Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

Bron: Wikipedia

Bron: Wikipedia

Over de familienaam FITZALAN

  • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam FITZALAN.
  • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over FITZALAN.
  • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam FITZALAN (onder)zoekt.

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Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 27 juli 2024), "Thomas FITZALAN (1381-1415)".