Family tree Van Weeghel » Descendants of Esien op 't Wegele

Generation 10 (continuation)


Johannes van Weeghel, son of Jan van Weeghel and Jansje van 't Ende, was born on October 4, 1950 in Oldebroek (Wezep),, Gelderland, Nederland. He got married with (Not public). Johannes died at the age of 55 on June 10, 2006 in Oldebroek (Hattemerbroek),, Gelderland, Nederland.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11 -
281696 - 1712
3231732 - 1753
4291759 - 1803
5971796 - 1850
63041829 - 1889
77881854 - 1924
88491878 - 1951
91671907 - 1971
1051947 - 1973

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