About the town » Gorinchem, Gemeente Gorinchem, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Gorinchem [ˈɣɔrkəm ˈɣɔrkəm] or [ˈɣɔrkʏm ˈɣɔrkʏm], also called Gorkum, is a city and municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality covers an area of 21.99 km² (8.49 mile²) of which 3.03 km² (1.17 mile²) is water. It had a population of 34,623 in 2004. The municipality of Gorinchem also includes the population centre of Dalem.

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Gemeente Gorinchem
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Regionaal Archief Gorinchem