About the town » Hoevelaken, Gemeente Nijkerk, Gelderland, Netherlands

Records from Hoevelaken

Hoevelaken is a town in the Dutch province of Gelderland. It is a part of the municipality of Nijkerk, and lies about 5 km east of Amersfoort. Hoevelaken was a separate municipality until 2000, when it was merged with Nijkerk. In 2001, the town of Hoevelaken had 7990 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 2.2 km², and contained 3044 residences. The statistical area "Hoevelaken", which also can include the peripheral parts of the village, as well as the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 9040. In national context, the town is mostly known because of the homonymous motorway interchange between the E30, E231 and E232. This interchange is an important hub for north- and eastbound traffic in the Netherlands. The town is famous for its 5th soccer team, with it's star players; Hidde Hulshof and Roel Bijvank.

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Gemeente Nijkerk
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This place belongs to the working area of the Gemeentearchief Nijkerk