About the town » Kamerik, Gemeente Woerden, Utrecht, Netherlands

Popular surnames at Kamerik
Records from Kamerik

Kamerik is a town in the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is a part of the municipality of Woerden, and lies about 3 km north of Woerden. In 2010, the town of Kamerik (including Kanis) had 3808 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.43 km², and contained 877 residences. The statistical district "Kamerik and Kanis", which includes two villages and the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 3050. This does not include the separate villages of Kamerik-Mijzijde and Oud-Kamerik. Until it was merged with Woerden in 1989, Kamerik was a separate municipality. Between 1818 and 1857, it was split into two municipalities: Kamerik-Mijzijde on the west side, and Kamerik-Houtdijken on the east.

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Gemeente Woerden
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Regionaal Historisch Centrum Rijnstreek en Lopikerwaard