About the town » Langelo, Gemeente Noordenveld, Drenthe, Netherlands

Records from Langelo

Langelo is a village of about 230 residents located in the Netherlands, part of the Noordenveld municipality in Drenthe. The village is noted for several historic farms, the oldest of which dates to 1792. Society Aaardolie, a huge complex that serves as a gas storage facility, is also located in the village. Langelo has an altitude of about 4 meters (16 feet) above sea level. The origins of the village trace back to 1255 AD, when it was named Langel. In 1560 AD, the name was changed to Langeloe, which was later changed to Langeloo, and finally Langelo. In the southern part of Langelo, at the outskirts of the village, lies an ancient watchtower, called 'de Wietskertoren' that was built during the Frisians invasion in 666 AD. The tower did not only serve as an outpost to keep track of the village and its surroundings but also had the function of being a watertower during the summer. During the Middle Ages the tower had a staggering height of 440 ft (134 meters) making it the second highest structure build by man just after the Pharao Kufu Pyramid in Giza Egypt. In the 18th century the upper part of the tower was destroyed by a large falling object by what is now believed to have been a meteorite. Today the tower stands at a height of 266 ft (81 meters) making it the largest structure in the northern part of the Netherlands. Some locals believe that the tower has mystic powers. This is due to the story of two Frisian guards that mysteriously vanished a day before the meteorite hit. These locals avoid the tower at all cost and when asked about the Wietskertoren they deny that it is there or that it has ever existed.

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Gemeente Noordenveld
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Please note, there are several place names with this name that appear in publications on Genealogy Online: