About the town » Made, Gemeente Drimmelen, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Made is a town in the Dutch province of North Brabant. It is located in the municipality of Drimmelen, about 10 km northeast of Breda. Between 1997 and 1998, "Made" was the name of a municipality, created in the merger of the former municipalities of Hooge en Lage Zwaluwe, Made en Drimmelen, and Terheijden. In 1998, the name of the municipality was changed to "Drimmelen". Made lies along the highway A59, which puts it in close range of both the A16 and the A27. Made has approximately 17.000 inhabitants, which makes it the largest town within the municipality of Drimmelen. It has public sports associations for soccer, tennis and hockey, as well as for several indoor sports like badminton, table tennis and gymnastics. There is an outdoor public swimming pool the "Randoet", which opens only between May and October.

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Gemeente Drimmelen
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