About the town » Warmond, Gemeente Teylingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Records from Warmond

' is a village and former municipality in the western Netherlands, north of Leiden in the province of South Holland. The municipality covered an area of 14.42 km² (5.57 mile²) of which 4.42 km² (1.71 mile²) is water, and had a population of 4,977 in 2004. Together with Sassenheim and Voorhout, it became part of the Teylingen municipality on 1 January 2006. Warmond is located in an area called the "Dune and Bulb Region", and is notable for being extremely affluent. Warmond is situated on a lake system called Kagerplassen and has several marinas which make it a popular recreational area for boating and other water sports. An 18th century mansion called "Huys te Warmond" ("House at Warmond") is located north of the village along the main road.

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Gemeente Teylingen
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