Stamboom Homs » Álmos ► Konstantin (1068-1129) Prince of Hungary "Алмош Арпад" ÁRPÁD(házi) Duke of Croatia (± 1070-1129)

Persoonlijke gegevens Álmos ► Konstantin (1068-1129) Prince of Hungary "Алмош Арпад" ÁRPÁD(házi) Duke of Croatia 

  • Alternatieve namen: Álmos / Almus (Konstantin), Vak / Blind, Vak Almos Of Hungary
  • Roepnaam is Алмош Арпад.
  • Hij is geboren rond 1068 TO ABT 1070.
  • Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 14 mei 1938.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 14 mei 1938.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 14 mei 1938.
  • Beroep: .
    {geni:job_title} Roi, de Croatie, Prince, de Hongrie
  • Hij is overleden op 1 september 1129 in Konstantine, Macedonia, Byzantine EmpireKonstantine, Macedonia.
  • Hij is begraven op 11 april 1137 in Székesfehérvár, Fejér, HungarySzékesfehérvár, Fejér.
  • Een kind van Geza I. Géza ÁRPÁD(házi) en Synadene - Sinodia Synadenos
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 14 november 2011.

Gezin van Álmos ► Konstantin (1068-1129) Prince of Hungary "Алмош Арпад" ÁRPÁD(házi) Duke of Croatia

Hij is getrouwd met Predzlawa of Kiev Рюриковна.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 21 augustus 1104 te Kiev, Kyiv, UkraineKiev, Kyiv.


Notities over Álmos ► Konstantin (1068-1129) Prince of Hungary "Алмош Арпад" ÁRPÁD(házi) Duke of Croatia

GIVN Almos, Prince Of
SURN Hungary
NSFX [Duke Of Croatia
AFN 881C-6G
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:15:31
GIVN Almos, Prince Of
SURN Hungary
NSFX [Duke Of Croatia
AFN 881C-6G
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:15:31
Name Suffix: Of Hungary, Duke Of Croatia
Name Suffix: Of Hungary, Duke Of Croatia
Almos var prins av Ungarn og statholder 1087 i Dalmatien og Illyrien.
Fra 1091 til 1095 var han konge av Kroatia.
Han ble forfulgt, fengslet i 1109 av Koloman og blindet. Koloman blindet også hans
sønn i 1113 (eller 1123?).
Almos ble første gang gift ca. 1090 med Sofie av Looz.
Han døde i Tracien (eller i Konstantinopel).
He and his infant son, Bela II, were blinded by the brother of Almos, Coloman
in order for Coloman to secure the throne for his son, Stephen II.
Prince Álmos
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Álmos (in Croatian and Slovak Almoš) (died 1129) was a Hungarian prince, the son of King Geza I of Hungary, brother of King Kálmán. He held several governmental posts in the Kingdom of Hungary.

Between 1084 and 1091 he was the duke of Slavonia; between 1091 and 1095 he was named King of Slavonia (eastern Croatia). In 1095 Kálmán dethroned Álmos, making him the duke of the apanage Nitrian duchy (Tercia pars regni) instead.

Álmos, supported by Germany and Bohemia, came in conflict with Kálmán in 1098, after Kálmán had declared himself the king of the whole of Croatia in 1097 (crowned in 1102). On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev.

Kálmán made peace with Álmos in 1108, but only to have Álmos and his son Béla imprisoned in 1108 or 1109 and then blinded to prevent them from becoming the future king. After this he went on to live in seclusion at the monastery of Dömös founded by himself until his death, but his son would succeed as king of Hungary.

Álmos was the last duke of Nitra (in Hungarian Nyitra), his removal also marks the end of the Nitrian Frontier Duchy and thus a full integration of the complete territory of today's Slovakia into Hungary.

On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev and has children:

Adelaide, (b. c. 1105/07 – 15 September 1140); Married 1123 with Duke Sobeslav I of Bohemia
Béla II of Hungary
Hedwig, married 1132 with Duke Adalbert of Austria (1107 – 1137/38)
Cross, Samuel and Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd. The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian
Text, 1953

Preceded by:
Ladislaus I of Hungary King of Croatia
1091–1093 Succeeded by:
Petar Svacic
He and his infant son, Bela II, were blinded by the brother of Almos, Coloman
in order for Coloman to secure the throne for his son, Stephen II.
He and his infant son, Bela II, were blinded by the brother of Almos, Coloman
in order for Coloman to secure the throne for his son, Stephen II.
He and his infant son, Bela II, were blinded by the brother of Almos, Coloman
in order for Coloman to secure the throne for his son, Stephen II.
GIVN Almos, Prince Of
SURN Hungary
NSFX [Duke Of Croatia
AFN 881C-6G
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:15:31
{geni:occupation} duque da Croácia, Roi, de Croatie, Prince, de Hongrie, Almos var prins av Ungarn og statholder 1087 i Dalmatien og Illyrien. Fra 1091 til 1095 var han konge av Kroatia., хърватски княз Алмос
=Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia (1)=
*M, #114082, d. 1129
*Last Edited=25 Jun 2005
* Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia was the son of '''Geisa I Arpád, King of Hungary''' and '''Synadene Synadenos'''. (1)
*He married '''Predslava of Kiev''', daughter of Svyatopolk I, Grand Duke of Kiev, in 1104. (1)
He died in 1129. (1)
* Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia gained the title of Prince Almus of Hungary. (2) He gained the title of Duke of Croatia.
*Child of Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia
# Hedwig Arpád (2)
*Children of Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia and Predslava of Kiev
# Adelheid Arpád+ d. 1140 (1)
# Elisabeth Arpád+ d. a 1150 (3)
# Béla II Arpád, King of Hungary+ b. c 1109, d. 1141 (1)



=Álmos herceg=
A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából.
*Álmos herceg (1075. körül – 1127. szeptember 1.) I. Géza magyar király fia.
1091-ben már részt vett I. László horvátországi hadjáratában, s ő lett az új tartomány kormányzója. Nagybátyja őt szánta a következő magyar királynak, ámde 1095-ös halála előtt mégis Álmos bátyját, Kálmánt jelölte meg utódaként.
Ugyan a Várkonynál 1098-ban felsorakozott hadakkal szemben álló feleket még sikerült lecsendesíteni, Álmos folyamatosan harcolt a szerinte őt megillető trónért. 1102-ben Kálmán király elvette tőle Horvátországot, és a Bihari dukátus és a Nyitrai dukátus kormányzásával bízta meg. Ezt a herceg zokon vette és külföldön keresett magának segítséget.
*1104. augusztus 21-én feleségül vette Szvjatopolk kijevi nagyherceg lányát, '''Predszlává'''t, akitől három gyermeke született:
# '''Adelhaid''' magyar hercegnő,
# '''Béla''' és
# '''Hedvig'''.

1106-ban mint a nagyherceg veje fordult a német-római császárhoz, majd Lengyelországhoz. Sógora, III. Boleszláv lengyel fejedelem megtámadta Magyarországot, de miután a harcban alul maradt, békét kötött Kálmánnal. Bár Álmos elfoglalta Abaújvárt, de egyedül nem tudta megtartani, ezért behódolt bátyjának.
Néhány hónapra jeruzsálemi zarándokútra ment, majd Dömösön templomot építtetett, aminek 1108-as felszentelésén a király is megjelent, minden gyanakvása ellenére. Őrizet alatt tartotta öccsét, aki ez elől Passauba menekült, és ismét segítséget kért V. Henrik német-római császártól. A császári hadak szeptemberben Szvatopluk cseh herceggel megtámadták Magyarországot. Miután Pozsonyt több hónapos ostrommal sem tudták bevenni, Henrik kibékült Kálmánnal.
1113-ban a fia trónjáért aggódó Kálmán elfogatta Álmost és 5 éves fiát, Bélát és a dömösi kolostorba záratta őket. Mindkettőjüket megvakították (néhány őket pártoló főúr kíséretében), hogy uralkodásra alkalmatlanná téve ellehetetlenítsék királlyá választásukat. Kivégzésüket a szerzetesek megakadályozták.
A vak herceg csak 1126-ban tudott megszökni; ekkor Görögországba ment. A macedóniai Konstantine városban telepedett meg, és felvette a '''Konstantin''' nevet. Itt halt meg 1127-ben. Holttestét II. Béla 1137-ben hozatta haza és a székesfehérvári királyi sírboltba temettette.
Mivel II. Istvánnak nem volt utóda, az őt követő Árpád-házi királyok mind Álmos leszármazottai voltak.

Forrás / Source:




(in Croatian and Slovak Almoš) (died 1129) was a Hungarian prince, the son of '''King Géza I of Hungary''', brother of King Kálmán. He held several governmental posts in the Kingdom of Hungary.

Between 1084 and 1091 he was the duke of Slavonia; between 1091 and 1095 he was named King of Slavonia (eastern Croatia). In 1095 Kálmán dethroned Álmos, making him the duke of the apanage Nitrian duchy (Tercia pars regni) instead.

Álmos, supported by Germany and Bohemia, came in conflict with Kálmán in 1098, after Kálmán had declared himself the king of the whole of Croatia in 1097 (crowned in 1102). On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev.

Kálmán made peace with Álmos in 1108, but only to have Álmos and his son Béla imprisoned in 1108 or 1109 and then blinded to prevent them from becoming the future king. After this he went on to live in seclusion at the monastery of Dömös founded by himself until his death, but his son would succeed as king of Hungary.

Álmos was the last duke of Nitra (in Hungarian Nyitra), his removal also marks the end of the Nitrian Frontier Duchy and thus a full integration of most of today's Slovakia into the Kingdom of Hungary.

*On August 21, 1104 Álmos married '''Predslava''', the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev and has children:
# Adelaide, (b. c. 1105/07–15 September 1140); married 1123 with Duke Sobeslav I of Bohemia
# Béla II of Hungary
# Hedwig, married 1132 with Duke Adalbert of Austria (1107–1137/38)


'''Álmos''' (Slovak, Croatian: Almoš) (died 1129) was a Hungarian prince, the son of King Géza I of Hungary, brother of King Kálmán. He held several governmental posts in the Kingdom of Hungary.

Between 1084 and 1091 he was the duke of Slavonia; between 1091 and 1095 he was named duke of Croatia.[1][2] But, last native Croatian King, Petar Svačić during Almos' governing made an war, which was by defeated by Coloman and Svačić was killed. In 1095 Kálmán appointed him the duke of the apanage Nitrian duchy (Tercia pars regni).

Álmos, supported by Germany and Bohemia, came in conflict with Kálmán in 1098. On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev.

Kálmán made peace with Álmos in 1108, but only to have Álmos and his son Béla imprisoned in 1108 or 1109 and then blinded in 1113 to prevent them from becoming the future king. After this he went on to live in seclusion at the monastery of Dömös founded by himself until his death, but his son would succeed as king of Hungary.

Álmos was the last duke of Nitra (in Hungarian Nyitra), his removal also marks the end of the Nitrian Frontier Duchy and thus a full integration of most of today's Slovakia into the Kingdom of Hungary.

[edit] Family
On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev and has children:

1.Adelaide, (b. c. 1105/07–15 September 1140); married 1123 with Duke Sobeslav I of Bohemia
2.Béla II of Hungary
3.Hedwig (aka. Sophia), married 1132 to Duke Adalbert of Austria (1107–1137/38)
[edit] References
[edit] Sources
Cross, Samuel and Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd. The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text, 1953
Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1967.)
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Stjepan II Duke of Croatia
1091–1095 Succeeded by
Petar Svačić
Retrieved from ""
Categories: 11th-century births | 1129 deaths | Hungarian nobility | Pretenders to the Hungarian throne | Hungarian princes | House of Árpád

'''Prince Álmos'''
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Álmos (in Croatian and Slovak Almoš) (died 1129) was a Hungarian prince, the son of King Géza I of Hungary, brother of King Kálmán. He held several governmental posts in the Kingdom of Hungary.
Between 1084 and 1091 he was the duke of Slavonia; between 1091 and 1095 he was named King of Slavonia (eastern Croatia). In 1095 Kálmán dethroned Álmos, making him the duke of the apanage Nitrian duchy (Tercia pars regni) instead.
Álmos, supported by Germany and Bohemia, came in conflict with Kálmán in 1098, after Kálmán had declared himself the king of the whole of Croatia in 1097 (crowned in 1102). On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev.
Kálmán made peace with Álmos in 1108, but only to have Álmos and his son Béla imprisoned in 1108 or 1109 and then blinded to prevent them from becoming the future king. After this he went on to live in seclusion at the monastery of Dömös founded by himself until his death, but his son would succeed as king of Hungary.
Álmos was the last duke of Nitra (in Hungarian Nyitra), his removal also marks the end of the Nitrian Frontier Duchy and thus a full integration of most of today's Slovakia into the Kingdom of Hungary.


On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev and has children:
# Adelaide, (b. c. 1105/07–15 September 1140); married 1123 with Duke Sobeslav I of Bohemia
# Béla II of Hungary
# Hedwig, married 1132 with Duke Adalbert of Austria (1107–1137/38)


Cross, Samuel and Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd. The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text, 1953


=Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia (1)=

M, #114082, d. 1129
Last Edited=25 Jun 2005
Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia was the son of '''Geisa I Arpád, King of Hungary''' and '''Synadene Synadenos'''*?*. (1) He married '''Predslava of Kiev''', daughter of Svyatopolk I, Grand Duke of Kiev, in 1104. (1)
*He died in 1129. (1)
* Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia gained the title of Prince Almus of Hungary. (2) He gained the title of Duke of Croatia.
*Child of Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia
# Hedwig Arpád (2)

*Children of Almus Arpád, Duke of Croatia and Predslava of Kiev
# Adelheid Arpád+ d. 1140 (1)
# Elisabeth Arpád+ d. a 1150 (3)
# Béla II Arpád, King of Hungary+ b. c 1109, d. 1141 (1)

Forrás / Source:
*?* according other sources mother of Álmos was Sophia *!*
Géza I of Hungary,
Marriages and children

#1. c. 1062: Sophia (? – before 1075) *!*
-1. King Coloman of Hungary (c. 1070 – 3 February 1116)
-2. Duke Álmos (c. 1070 – 1 September 1127)

#2. c. 1075: Unnamed daughter ("Synadene") of Theodulos Synadenos and his wife, the sister of the future Byzantine emperor Nikephoros Botaneiates (? – after 1079) -in Hungarian version they had a daughter 'Katalin'-éza_I_of_Hungary

*!* Sophie von LOOZ (1040-1065) - from
Álmos herceg [szerkesztés]
A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából.
Álmos herceg (1075. körül – 1127. szeptember 1.) I. Géza magyar király fia.
1091-ben már részt vett I. László horvátországi hadjáratában, s ő lett az új tartomány kormányzója. Nagybátyja őt szánta a következő magyar királynak, ámde 1095-ös halála előtt mégis Álmos bátyját, Kálmánt jelölte meg utódaként.
Ugyan a Várkonynál 1098-ban felsorakozott hadakkal szemben álló feleket még sikerült lecsendesíteni, Álmos folyamatosan harcolt a szerinte őt megillető trónért. 1102-ben Kálmán király elvette tőle Horvátországot, és a Bihari dukátus és a Nyitrai dukátus kormányzásával bízta meg. Ezt a herceg zokon vette és külföldön keresett magának segítséget. 1104. augusztus 21-én feleségül vette Szvjatopolk kijevi nagyherceg lányát, Predszlávát, akitől három gyermeke született:
-1. Adelhaid magyar hercegnő,
-2. Béla és
-3. Hedvig.
1106-ban mint a nagyherceg veje fordult a német-római császárhoz, majd Lengyelországhoz. Sógora, III. Boleszláv lengyel fejedelem megtámadta Magyarországot, de miután a harcban alul maradt, békét kötött Kálmánnal. Bár Álmos elfoglalta Abaújvárt, de egyedül nem tudta megtartani, ezért behódolt bátyjának.
Néhány hónapra jeruzsálemi zarándokútra ment, majd Dömösön templomot építtetett, aminek 1108-as felszentelésén a király is megjelent, minden gyanakvása ellenére. Őrizet alatt tartotta öccsét, aki ez elől Passauba menekült, és ismét segítséget kért V. Henrik német-római császártól. A császári hadak szeptemberben Szvatopluk cseh herceggel megtámadták Magyarországot. Miután Pozsonyt több hónapos ostrommal sem tudták bevenni, Henrik kibékült Kálmánnal.
1113-ban a fia trónjáért aggódó Kálmán elfogatta Álmost és 5 éves fiát, Bélát és a dömösi kolostorba záratta őket. Mindkettőjüket megvakították (néhány őket pártoló főúr kíséretében), hogy uralkodásra alkalmatlanná téve ellehetetlenítsék királlyá választásukat. Kivégzésüket a szerzetesek megakadályozták.
A vak herceg csak 1126-ban tudott megszökni; ekkor Görögországba ment. A macedóniai Konstantine városban telepedett meg, és felvette a Konstantin nevet. Itt halt meg 1127-ben. Holttestét II. Béla 1137-ben hozatta haza és a székesfehérvári királyi sírboltba temettette.
Mivel II. Istvánnak nem volt utóda, az őt követő Árpád-házi királyok mind Álmos leszármazottai voltak.

Forrás / Source:Álmos_herceg
Almos var prins av Ungarn og statholder 1087 i Dalmatien og Illyrien.
Fra 1091 til 1095 var han konge av Kroatia.
Han ble forfulgt, fengslet i 1109 av Koloman og blindet. Koloman blindet også hans sønn i 1113 (eller 1123?).

Almos ble første gang gift ca. 1090 med Sofie av Looz.

Han døde i Tracien (eller i Konstantinopel).

Tekst: Tore Nygaard

N. de Baumgarten: Généalogie et Mariage occidenteaux des Rurikides Russes du Xe au XIII Siècle. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 1120. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 18.
TURUL 2006. 1-2 füzet 32-39 oldal.-VAJAY Szabolcs:"I.Géza király családja---szerint SINADENE (I.Géza 2 neje) az anyja Álmos hercegnek,aki 1075 táján születhetett,és meghalt Makedoniában 1127-ben
Álmos (in Croatian and Slovak Almoš) (died 1129) was a Hungarian prince, the son of King Géza I of Hungary, brother of King Kálmán. He held several governmental posts in the Kingdom of Hungary.

Between 1084 and 1091 he was the duke of Slavonia; between 1091 and 1095 he was named King of Slavonia (eastern Croatia). In 1095 Kálmán dethroned Álmos, making him the duke of the apanage Nitrian duchy (Tercia pars regni) instead.

Álmos, supported by Germany and Bohemia, came in conflict with Kálmán in 1098, after Kálmán had declared himself the king of the whole of Croatia in 1097 (crowned in 1102). On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev.

Kálmán made peace with Álmos in 1108, but only to have Álmos and his son Béla imprisoned in 1108 or 1109 and then blinded to prevent them from becoming the future king. After this he went on to live in seclusion at the monastery of Dömös founded by himself until his death, but his son would succeed as king of Hungary.

Álmos was the last duke of Nitra (in Hungarian Nyitra), his removal also marks the end of the Nitrian Frontier Duchy and thus a full integration of most of today's Slovakia into the Kingdom of Hungary.

On August 21, 1104 Álmos married Predslava, the daughter of Svyatopolk II of Kiev and has children:

Adelaide, (b. c. 1105/07–15 September 1140); married 1123 with Duke Sobeslav I of Bohemia
Béla II of Hungary
Hedwig, married 1132 with Duke Adalbert of Austria (1107–1137/38)


=Almos (Vak Almos) Prince Of HUNGARY=

Prince of Hungary Duke of Croatia


=Almos King of Croatia=
*Born : 1068 Esztergom, Hungary. 1191 King of Croatia.
*Died : 1129 Demos, Greece. Blinded with his brother, king Kalman of Hungary
*Father Geza I Kiraly King of Hungary
*Mother Synadena of Byzantine Empire
*- '''Sophie of Looz''' (Parents of Sophie were: Emmo II Count of Looz -d. 17 Jan 1078 & his wife Schwanhild Countess of Looz -d. ~1078)►
# Abt. 1128 - Elisabet Princess of Hungary

*- '''Predslawa Swjatopolkowna Princess of Kiew''' ►
# Abt. 1109 - Bela II the Blind King of Hungary
429873846. Prins Alomus GEISASSON av Ungarn(15326) was born in 1074. He was born about 1074.(15327) He was a Statsholder in 1087 in Dalmatien og Illyrien. (15328) He was a Konge between 1091 and 1095 in Kroatia. He died in 1129. He died in 1129 in Tracian (eller Konstantinopel). (15329) He was a Prins in Ungarn. (15330) Han ble forfulgt, fengslet 1109 av Koloman og blindet. He was married to Predslawa SVIATOPOLKSDTR av Kiev on 21 Aug 1104. (15331) Hans 2 g.m
prince de Hongrie et duc de Croatie.
King of Croatia (1091-1129)

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    Historische gebeurtenissen

    • De temperatuur op 14 mei 1938 lag tussen 8,2 °C en 26,0 °C en was gemiddeld 18,5 °C. Er was 9,9 uur zonneschijn (63%). De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 3 Bft (matige wind) en kwam overheersend uit het zuid-oosten. Bron: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 1890 tot 1948 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genoemd)
    • Van 24 juni 1937 tot 25 juli 1939 was er in Nederland het kabinet Colijn IV met als eerste minister Dr. H. Colijn (ARP).
    • In het jaar 1938: Bron: Wikipedia
      • Nederland had zo'n 8,6 miljoen inwoners.
      • 17 februari » Juan Soldado wordt in Tijuana ter dood veroordeeld. Later zouden velen dit als onterecht beschouwen, en hij groeit uit tot een soort heilige.
      • 12 maart » Oostenrijks nazileider Arthur Seyss-Inquart wordt benoemd tot nieuwe kanselier van Oostenrijk. Diens eerste daad is het versturen van een, tevoren opgesteld, telegram waarin hij Duitsland vraagt om het Duitse leger te zenden om vrede en veiligheid te brengen....en om bloedvergieten te voorkomen.
      • 16 april » Groot-Brittannië erkent de Italiaanse annexatie van Abessinië.
      • 21 mei » Splitsing van het Apostolisch vicariaat Nederlands-Borneo in Nederlands-Indië in het Apostolisch Vicariaat Pontianak en de Apostolische Prefectuur Bandjarmasin.
      • 26 mei » Eerste uitzending van de AVRO-quiz Hersengymnastiek.
      • 31 juli » De Britse stoomlocomotief Mallard bereikt een snelheid van 202,7 km/h, een record dat zestig jaar zou stand houden.

    Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

    Bron: Wikipedia

    Over de familienaam ÁRPÁD(házi)

    De publicatie Stamboom Homs is opgesteld door .neem contact op
    Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
    George Homs, "Stamboom Homs", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 10 mei 2024), "Álmos ► Konstantin (1068-1129) Prince of Hungary "Алмош Арпад" ÁRPÁD(házi) Duke of Croatia (± 1070-1129)".