Stamboom Bas » Riurik van Nowgorod (830-879)

Persoonlijke gegevens Riurik van Nowgorod 

  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 830.
  • (Geschiedenis) .Bron 1
    Rurik, Riurik of Hroerekr (Oudnoors: Rørik, cyrillisch: ?????; Rjoerik; "beroemde regent") was een Vikinghoofdman. De precieze data van zijn geboorte en overlijden zijn niet bekend, maar de meest genoemde jaargetallen zijn 830 en 879. Hij was een Viking of Varjaag (Varangiër).

    In 862 kwam Ladoga (huidig Staraja Ladoga) onder zijn heerschappij. In Novgorod bouwde hij de Rurikovo Goroditsje (De Holmgard of Rurik's vestingstadje). Daarnaast zou hij geheerst hebben over het gebied tussen de rivieren Neva en Oka. Hij wordt zowel genoemd als grondlegger van wat nu Rusland en Oekraïne is, als ook de stamhouder van het Ruriken-vorstengeslacht dat Rusland tot 1598 bestuurde.

    Het is niet helemaal zeker hoe Rurik aan de macht kwam in Ladoga (huidig Staraja Ladoga) en Novgorod. De enige informatie stamt uit de 12e-eeuwse Nestorkroniek. Hierin staat het verhaal dat verschillende stammen in het gebied dat nu Rusland heet, de Varjagen hadden verdreven, maar nadien aan onderlinge twisten ten onder dreigden te gaan. Hierop zouden ze Rurik hebben uitgenodigd om orde op zaken te stellen.

    Rurik bleef aan de macht tot zijn overlijden in 879. Zijn opvolgers verplaatsten de hoofdstad naar Kiev en waren zo de stichters van het Kievse Rijk, dat bleef bestaan tot 1240 toen het tijdens de Mongoolse invasie werd verslagen. Van Rurik stamden verschillende vorsten-families af. De laatste der Ruriken die op de Russische troon zat was Vasili IV, die in 1612 overleed.

    Ook al is Rurik waarschijnlijk een legende, toch is er onduidelijkheid over zijn afkomst. Volgens de Nestorkroniek behoorde Rurik tot het volk der Roes', een Varangische stam die het gebied Roslagen bewoonde. In de 20e eeuw werd dat gedeelte van de Kroniek bevestigd, dat wil zeggen dat men ontdekte dat Ladoga, dat door Rurik zou zijn gesticht, inderdaad in het midden van de 9e eeuw is ontstaan. Het aardewerk, keukengereedschap en huizen uit de tijd van Rurik vertoonden typisch Scandinavische patronen.

    Hoewel er discussie is over de oorsprong van Rurik, zijn er ook historici die beweren dat zijn oorsprong vooral te vinden is in de folklore en dat hij slechts een legendarische figuur is. Het is mogelijk dat Rurik de verpersoonlijking was van de Scandinavische huursoldaten en veroveraars die in de 9e eeuw het huidige Rusland binnentrokken.

    De enige Rurik die in West-Europese kronieken wordt beschreven, is Rorik (Roerik van Dorestad). Al sinds de 19e eeuw probeert men deze Rorik te vereenzelvigen met de Viking Rurik uit de Oost-Europese kronieken.
  • (Geschiedenis) .Bron 2
    De Ruriken of Rurikiden is de naam van een Russische dynastie die eind 9e eeuw door Rurik is gesticht. Rurik, een Varangiër (Viking), stond aan de wieg van het Kievse Rijk (Kievse Rus). Fjodor I van Rusland was de laatst regerende tsaar uit dit vorstengeslacht.

    De Ruriken waren de heersende dynastie van het Kievse Rijk, Moskovië en het Tsaardom Rusland van 862 tot 1598.

    De heersers van het Kievse Rijk hadden de titels knjaz en later vjeliki knjaz. Deze laten zich vertalen als respectievelijk vorst en grootvorst.

    Halverwege de 12e eeuw veranderde het Kievse Rijk in een groep losstaande vorstendommen, die werden beheerst door verschillende vertakkingen van de Ruriken. Het vorstendom van Moskou won de strijd om overheersing van de staten aan het eind van de 15e eeuw. Sinds de heerschappij van Ivan III gebruikte de Moskouse tak van de Rurikdynastie de titel "Tsaar van heel Rusland". Deze tak heerste over de staat Moskovië.

    Een aantal adellijke families, zowel in Rusland (Dolgorukov, Repnin, Gorchakov, Gagarin), als in andere landen die vroeger vielen onder het Pools-Litouwse Gemenebest (Ostrogski, Wareg-Massalski, Czetwertynski), stammen af van de Ruriken.
  • (Levens event) .Bron 3
    Rurik or Riurik (Russian: ?????, Old East Norse: Rørik, meaning "famous ruler"; ca 830 – ca 879) was a Varangian chieftain who gained control of Ladoga in 862, built the Holmgard settlement near Novgorod, and founded the Rurik Dynasty which ruled Russia until the 17th century.

    Riurik is the Slavic rendering of the same Germanic name as the modern English Roderick, or Spanish and Portuguese Rodrigo. In old Germanic languages it had forms such as Hrodric (Old High German) and Hroðricus (Old English). In Old Norse, Hrœrekr (Norway, Iceland) and Hrørikr or Rørik (Denmark, Sweden), from which Riurik is derived. The name also appears in Beowulf as Hreðrik[1].
    A monument celebrating the millennium of Rurik's arrival to Novgorod.

    There is a debate over how Rurik came to control Ladoga and Novgorod. The only information about him is contained in the 12th-century Russian Primary Chronicle, which states that Chuds, Slavs, Merias, Veses and Krivichs "…drove the Varangians back beyond the sea, refused to pay them tribute, and set out to govern themselves". Afterwards the tribes started fighting each other and decided to invite Rurik to reestablish order.

    Rurik remained in power until his death in 879. His successors (the Rurik Dynasty), however, moved the capital to Kiev and founded the state of Kievan Rus, which persisted until 1240, the time of Mongol invasion. A number of extant princely families are patrilineally descended from Rurik, although the last Rurikid to rule Russia, Vasily IV, died in 1612.

    There is a large 9th-century funerary barrow in Novgorod Oblast, reminiscent of the mounds at Old Uppsala, Sweden, which is called Shum Gora. Intricately defended against looting, it remains to be excavated. The local inhabitants refer to it as Rurik's Grave.
    Disputed origin
    This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2012)

    Even though some historians emphasize folklore roots for the Rurik legend and consequently dismiss Rurik as a legendary figure, there is a controversy about his ethnic origins in Eastern Europe.[citation needed]

    According to the Primary Chronicle Rurik was one of the Rus, a Varangian tribe likened by the chronicler to Danes, Swedes, English and Gotlanders. In the 20th century, archaeologists partly corroborated the chronicle's version of events. It was discovered that the settlement of Ladoga, whose foundation has been ascribed to Rurik, was actually established in the mid-9th century, although doubt is now cast on this by the dendrochronological evidence that Ladoga existed by the mid-8th century.[citation needed] Earthenware, household utensils, and types of buildings from the period of Rurik's foundation correspond to patterns then prevalent in Jutland.
    Rurik and his brothers Truvor and Sineus arrive in Ladoga.

    Some Slavic historians argue that the account of Rurik's invitation was borrowed by a pro-Scandinavian chronicler from a hypothetical Norse document. For instance, the Primary Chronicle states that Rurik arrived to Slavic lands with two brothers, Sineus and Truvor, and sent them to rule the towns of Beloozero and Izborsk, respectively. Instead of connecting Sineus to Signjotr and Truvor to Torvald, they suggest that the chronicler read a hypothetical Scandinavian document and misinterpreted the Norse words 'sine hus' (their houses) and 'tru voring' (with loyal guard) as the names of Rurik's brothers: Sineus and Truvor.[citation needed]

    There is another theory that Rurik, on account of common intermarriages between Varangians and Slavic women, was of mixed Slavic-Varangian descent. This theory is based on the information of the first modern historian of Russia, Vasily Tatishchev (a Rurikid himself), who claimed that Rurik was of Wendish extraction. He went so far as to name his wife, Ufanda of Norway (Endvinda? Alfrind?); mother, Umila; his maternal grandfather, Gostomysl; and a cousin, Vadim. Those who assume good faith on Tatishchev's part point out that he based his account on the lost Ioachim Chronicle.[citation needed]
    Hrörek of Dorestad
    Main article: Rorik of Dorestad
    Rorik of Dorestad, as conceived by H. W. Koekkoek.

    The only Hrörek described in Western chronicles was Rorik of Dorestad, a konung from the royal Scylding house of Haithabu. Since the 19th century, there have been attempts to identify him with the Viking prince Rurik of Russian chronicles.[1]

    Roerik of Dorestad was born about 810/820 to Ali Anulo, 9th King of Haithabu. Frankish chroniclers mention that he received lands in Friesland from the Emperor Louis I. This was not enough for him, and he started to plunder neighbouring lands: he took Dorestad in 850, captured Haithabu in 857 and looted Bremen in 859. The Emperor was enraged and stripped him of all his possessions in 860. After that Roerik disappears from the Western sources for a considerable period of time. And at that very moment, in 862, the Russian Rurik arrives in the Eastern Baltic, builds the fortress of Ladoga and later moves to Novgorod.

    Roerik of Dorestad reappeared in Frankish chronicles in 870, when his Friesland demesne was returned to him by Charles the Bald; in 882 he is already mentioned as dead. The Russian chronicle places the death of Rurik of Novgorod at 879. According to Western sources, the ruler of Friesland was converted to Christianity by the Franks. This may have parallels with the Christianization of the Rus', as reported by Patriarch Photius in 867.
    Rurikid dynasty
    Main article: Rurikid dynasty

    The Rurikid dynasty went on to rule the Kievan Rus', and ultimately the Tsardom of Russia until 1598. Numerous noble Russian and Ruthenian families claim a male-line descent from Rurik, and via Anne of Kiev, wife of Henry I of France, Rurikid ancestry can also be argued for numerous Western European lineages.
    Genetic investigation
    See also: List of haplogroups of historical and famous figures#N (Y-DNA)

    According to the FamilyTreeDNA Rurikid Dynasty DNA Project, Rurik appears to have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, based on testing of his modern male line descendants.[2] But while genetically related to the later Baltic Finnic peoples, the Rurikids do not possess the DYS390=24 mutation associated with East Finns and Karelians, theirs remaining the ancestral DYS390=23 (which is also found among West Finns). The Rurikid haplotype itself (all 67 markers considered) is more closely associated with Northern Germanic language speakers.[3]

    It is not known what languages Rurik and his fellow Varangians spoke. However, it is known that the Finnish language area (Meänkieli and Kven dialects of Finnish) in the past covered a much larger territory of the modern area of Sweden than it does today. Uppland, where Rurik allegedly was born, was during his lifetime bordered by Norrland - the entire northern half of today's Sweden -, which then was not a part of the Northern Germanic language zone. The descendants of the primeval Finnic people of the modern area of Sweden today speak largely Swedish.
  • Hij is overleden in het jaar 879, hij was toen 49 jaar oud.

Gezin van Riurik van Nowgorod

Hij is getrouwd met Ingrid van Noorwegen.

Zij zijn getrouwdBron 4


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Andre Bas, "Stamboom Bas", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 24 april 2024), "Riurik van Nowgorod (830-879)".