Rosser and Henderson World » Bronnen » Baptism Southwark, Surrey, England (St Paul, Westminster Bridge Road.) 14 Aug 1887 Robert Henry Rosser

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Baptism Southwark, Surrey, England (St Paul, Westminster Bridge Road.) 14 Aug 1887 Robert Henry Rosser

Reference: London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; Board of Guardian Records, 1834-1906/Church of England Parish Registers, 1754-1906; Reference Number: p92/pau2/003
Other Info:
Date: 14 Aug 1887
Address: St Paul, Westminster Bridge Road.
Place: Southwark, Surrey, England
Name: Robert Henry Rosser
Gender: male
Date of birth:
Birth place: Southwark, Surrey, England
Birth address: 6 Joiner St
Residence place: Southwark, Surrey, England
Residence address: 6 Joiner St
Father: Robert Rosser
Father's occupation: Jeweller
Father's residence place: Southwark, Surrey, England
Father's residence address: 6 Joiner St
Father's age:
Father's date of birth:
Father's birth place:
Father's birth address:
Mother: Rosa Elizabeth Ritchie or Phillips
Mother's Occupation:
Mother's residence place: Southwark, Surrey, England
Mother's residence address: 6 Joiner St
Mother's age:
Mother's date of birth:
Mother's birth place:
Mother's birth address:
Minister: Geo Nelson Curate

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