Over de plaats » Hartwick, Otsego County, New York, Verenigde Staten

Archiefstukken uit Hartwick

Hartwick is a town located in Otsego County, New York, USA. As of the 2010 census, the town had a population of 2,110. The Town of Hartwick is located in the middle of the county, southwest of Village of Cooperstown. The town was named for Lutheran minister John Christopher Hartwick (1714–1796), an early landowner of the town. He bought the area (the Hartwick Patent, granted 1761) that now constitutes the township from the Mohawk Indians in 1763. Discontent with the sparsely settled communities of Palatine Germans in the Mohawk Valley to the north, which Hartwick believed made people immoral, he bought the original Hartwick Patent with the intent to build a "New Jerusalem". This did not occur as Hartwick stipulated, according to conditions in his lease that residents look to him as their religious superior, and by the 1790s the shrewd land speculator William Cooper had sold most of Hartwick's land against his wishes. Instead of a New Jerusalem, Hartwick requested in his will that a Lutheran seminary be opened with his estate. Upon Hartwick's death in 1797, efforts to do this started but were complicated by the fact that Hartwick left his estate to Jesus Christ. The Lutheran seminary established at Hartwick in 1797 was incorporated in 1816, moved to Oneonta after 1931 http://www. google. com/search?q=hartwick+seminary&tbs=nws:1,ar:1&source=newspapers and in 1947 merged with the 1927 Hartwick College. http://www. google. com/search?q=hartwick+seminary&tbs=nws:1,ar:1&source=newspapers#hl=en&tbs=ar:1&tbm=nws&sclient=psy-ab&q=hartwick+seminary+oneonta+merger&pbx=1&oq=hartwick+seminary+oneonta+merger&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=42729l43696l2l43821l7l7l0l0l0l0l265l1231l0.3.3l6l0&bav=on.2,or. r_gc. r_pw. r_qf. ,cf. osb&fp=9d6a38968ad3284a&biw=1600&bih=709 The town was established in 1802 from the Town of Otsego. In 1803, the north town line was altered. The largest commercial enterprise to occur in Hartwick was probably the Oneonta-Mohawk trolley line which arrived in 1901 and had extensive shops, car barn and yards on the southeast side of the village, many of the hamlets and crossings still show architectural signs of its passage nearly a century after the last passenger service.

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Otsego County
New York
Verenigde Staten
Vlag van Verenigde Staten

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