Over de plaats » Eagleby, Logan, Queensland, Australië

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Archiefstukken uit Eagleby

Eagleby is a suburb of Logan City in Queensland, Australia located on the southern bank of the Logan River at the juncture with the Albert which forms the southern and eastern boundary. The Pacific Motorway marks the western boundary. Eagleby is northeast of Beenleigh, and was originally a suburb of Beenleigh. There is a post office at Eagleby Shopping Plaza at the corner of River Hills and Fryar Roads. The crossroads is the centre of the suburb, and also has the state school and local pub. Major shopping centres and services are at Beenleigh and the Logan Hyperdome at Loganholme. Eagleby is also the home of the Beenleigh Distillery and Twin Rivers Food Co Op. A waste water treatment plant is located in Eagleby. The facility was established in 1967 and processes water in three stages before releasing it into the Albert River.

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