maximum test » Sancho I "Antso I.a Gartzes" Garcés Rey de Pamplona (865-925)

Persoonlijke gegevens Sancho I "Antso I.a Gartzes" Garcés Rey de Pamplona 

  • Roepnaam is Antso I.a Gartzes.
  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 865Sangüesa
    Navarre Spain.
  • Hij werd gedoopt in King of, Navarre (Pamplona), 905-925.
  • Alternatief: Hij werd gedoopt in King of, Navarre (Pamplona), 905-925.
  • Alternatief: Hij werd gedoopt in King of, Navarre (Pamplona), 905-925.
  • Beroepen:
    • Konge.
    • Roi, de Navarre, de Pampelune.
    • in het jaar 905 unknown in King of Pamplona (Navarre).
  • Hij is overleden op 10 december 925, hij was toen 60 jaar oud.
  • Een kind van Garsea I Ennecones en Urraca
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 22 januari 2019.

Gezin van Sancho I "Antso I.a Gartzes" Garcés Rey de Pamplona

Hij heeft/had een relatie met Toda Aznárez of Pamplona.


Notities over Sancho I "Antso I.a Gartzes" Garcés Rey de Pamplona

Name Suffix: Of Pamplona
Konge av Pamplona (Navarra) 905 - 925.
Navarraslekten var konger av Navarra (Pamplona) fra 810 til 1134. Slekten etterfulgte
Castillaslekten som konger av Castilla fra 1026 til 1230 og Leonslekten som konger av Leon
fra 1037 til 1230. Deretter var slekten konger av Castilla-Leon fra 1230 til 1516. Sidegrenen
var grever av Aragon fra 809 til 922. Aragon ble fra 970 et eget kongerike i union med
Navarra, men ble i 1035 skilt ut som eget kongerike under Aragonslekten.
Det er usikker hvem som er Sancos foreldre. Mogens Bugge angir i ?Våre forfedre?:
Han far, Garcia Jimenéz, var greve av Aragon og døde i 882-84. Han kalles også Garcia
Iñigués. Disse navnene er ofte feilaktig tillagt to forskjellige personer. Han var gift med Urraca
som var av kongelig byrd og mor til Fortun Garcés, bror til Sancho. Det oppgis at hans farfar,
Iñigo Arista, var den første konge av Pamplona og at han døde så sent som i 880.
Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen angir i ?Rosensverdslektens forfedre?:
Den videre rekkefølge angir tradisjonelt at hans far, Garcia I Iñigues, døde i 880 og at
hans farfar, Iñigo Arista, døde i 851 (29 år tidligere enn angitt av Mogens Bugge). Det
oppgis at en kilde, ?Nouvelle Larousse illustré? av Claude Augé, angir at hans far var Garcia
Jimenez som døde i 883 og at hans farfar var Jimeno Garces, født ca. 800.
Sancho etterfulgte sin bror Fortun Garcéz og utvidet sitt territorium til Tudela.
I 905 antok han kongenavn, men nedla regjeringen i 919 og gikk i kloster. Landet ble
imidlertid i 920 truet av invasjon av maurerne. Han allierte seg med Ordoño III, men de
kristne armeer led et fullstendig nederlag ved Valjunquera. Muselmennene trengte helt frem til
Frankrike, men led ved tilbaketoget delvis nederlag ved Roncevaux.
I 924 foretok sarasenerne en ekspedisjon helt frem til Pamplona som de dog måtte
Sancho I Garcés (d. 925), king of Pamplona (Navarre) from 905. He expanded his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its independence in spite of the sack of his capital in 924 by the Umayyad caliph 'Abd ar-Rahman III of Córdoba.
Sancho I Garcés (d. 925), king of Pamplona (Navarre) from 905. He expanded his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its independence in spite of the sack of his capital in 924 by the Umayyad caliph 'Abd ar-Rahman III of Córdoba.
Sancho I Garcés (d. 925), king of Pamplona (Navarre) from 905. He expanded his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its independence in spite of the sack of his capital in 924 by the Umayyad caliph 'Abd ar-Rahman III of Córdoba.

From Tue Jan 3 17:57:49 1995
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Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 09:58:38 -0800
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Subject: Re: Arab Royalty > Spain > England
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Brian, I know what you mean about cross-link documentation. Wish I could get
some more & I suspect it's out there.

I have had suggested to me the following:

-- Mohammed
-- Rukaiya m. Caliph Uthman/Otman ben Affan
-- Aisha bint (d/o) Otman m. Merwan ben Hakim
-- ?? bint Merwan m. Muza ben Nuseir el-Bekra (660-718)
-- Abd-al-Aziz ibn Musa (d. 717) m. ??
There also is a claim that this fellow is a son, not grandson of
Merwan ben Hakim. (This is true in all charts I've seen -- RikV)
-- Aisha (?) m. Fortun Benqasim
-- Muza ben Fortun m. ??
-- Muza ben Muza m. ??
-- Oria Benqasi m. Fortun Garces le Borgne, King of Pamplona
(son of Garcia Iniguez)
-- Oneca Fortunez of Pamplona m. Aznar Sanchez of Larron
-- Toda m. Sancho I (865-925), King of Navarre
-- Garcia III (919-970), King of Navarre m. Andregoto, Cdsa de Aragon
-- Sancho II (935-994), King of Navarre m. Urraca, dau. of Cdr Fernando of
-- Garcia IV (964-999), King of Navarre m. Jimena Vermudez
-- Sancho III (990-1035), King of Navarre m. Munia, dau. of Sancho I of Leon

Two things you could check on for me, since I can't find my notes on Fortun &
family: Do you have any reference to Fortun's wife? He was actually a Basque
convert, but went to Damascus. Apparently (according to this data) he must
have married there. His family (Banu) was Qasi, hence Banuqasi. I also show
that Musa Ibn Musa (Musa son of Musa) married his step sister Assona Iniguez,
daughter of Jimeno of Pamplona. Jimeno married Musa Ibn Fortun's widow (not
named) and from this marriage come the early kings of Pamplona/Navarre. Any
references you have on Fortun and the two Musa's

Second: Mohammed the Prophet had a daughter Rukaiyya, and her marriage to
Othman is known, but are there documented descendants?

We may need to start a special interest group!

(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) (Albert Blauensteiner, Vienna)
(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) (Tom Camfield, Port Townsend, Washington, USA)

Tom also has a correspondent in Norway; also one of the guys who responded
to the original Arab post, but I guess he's pretty busy on his doctorate.


.From Tue Jan 3 17:57:49 1995
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Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 09:58:38 -0800
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In-Reply-To: (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) (Brian Tompsett) "Re: Arab Royalty > Spain > England" (Jan 3, 11:57am)
References: ((XXXXX@XXXX.XXX))
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To: (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)-science (Brian Tompsett)
Subject: Re: Arab Royalty > Spain > England
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Status: RO

Brian, I know what you mean about cross-link documentation. Wish I could get
some more & I suspect it's out there.

I have had suggested to me the following:

-- Mohammed
-- Rukaiya m. Caliph Uthman/Otman ben Affan
-- Aisha bint (d/o) Otman m. Merwan ben Hakim
-- ?? bint Merwan m. Muza ben Nuseir el-Bekra (660-718)
-- Abd-al-Aziz ibn Musa (d. 717) m. ??
There also is a claim that this fellow is a son, not grandson of
Merwan ben Hakim. (This is true in all charts I've seen -- RikV)
-- Aisha (?) m. Fortun Benqasim
-- Muza ben Fortun m. ??
-- Muza ben Muza m. ??
-- Oria Benqasi m. Fortun Garces le Borgne, King of Pamplona
(son of Garcia Iniguez)
-- Oneca Fortunez of Pamplona m. Aznar Sanchez of Larron
-- Toda m. Sancho I (865-925), King of Navarre
-- Garcia III (919-970), King of Navarre m. Andregoto, Cdsa de Aragon
-- Sancho II (935-994), King of Navarre m. Urraca, dau. of Cdr Fernando of
-- Garcia IV (964-999), King of Navarre m. Jimena Vermudez
-- Sancho III (990-1035), King of Navarre m. Munia, dau. of Sancho I of Leon

Two things you could check on for me, since I can't find my notes on Fortun &
family: Do you have any reference to Fortun's wife? He was actually a Basque
convert, but went to Damascus. Apparently (according to this data) he must
have married there. His family (Banu) was Qasi, hence Banuqasi. I also show
that Musa Ibn Musa (Musa son of Musa) married his step sister Assona Iniguez,
daughter of Jimeno of Pamplona. Jimeno married Musa Ibn Fortun's widow (not
named) and from this marriage come the early kings of Pamplona/Navarre. Any
references you have on Fortun and the two Musa's

Second: Mohammed the Prophet had a daughter Rukaiyya, and her marriage to
Othman is known, but are there documented descendants?

We may need to start a special interest group!

(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) (Albert Blauensteiner, Vienna)
(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) (Tom Camfield, Port Townsend, Washington, USA)

Tom also has a correspondent in Norway; also one of the guys who responded
to the original Arab post, but I guess he's pretty busy on his doctorate.


He extended his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its
independence despite the sacking of his capital in 924 by 'Abd ar-Rahman III.
This is the end of this line of Kings of Navarre.
Sancho I of Pamplona
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was regent of Pamplona from 870 to 880 while Fortún Garcés was held captive and apparently co-king of Pamplona from 860 to his death in 882, and Dadildis de Pallars. Sancho may also have been a co-king during the reign of Fortún. The elderly Sancho (already 45 years old) succeeded King Fortún when the latter was deposed by a coalition of enemies: the Banu Qasi under Lope ibn Mohammed, King Alfonso III of Asturias, and Sancho's uncle, the count of Pallars.

Sancho's first wife Urraca, daughter of the count of Aragón, did not have surviving children. So Sancho married a second time to Toda Aznárez in his old age. His children were thus minors upon his death. Queen Toda (born Teuda de Larraun) was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs. Sancho fought against the Moors with repeated success and joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda. Before his death, all the Moors had been driven from the country.

Sancho was succeeded by his son García Sánchez, with his widow Toda and brother Jimeno (who used the royal title) acting as regents.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926
Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile
Urraca, married Ramiro II of León
Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza.
García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa
Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre
Preceded by
Fortun I King of Pamplona
905–925 Succeeded by
Jimeno II
Succeeded by
García III
He extended his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its
independence despite the sacking of his capital in 924 by 'Abd ar-Rahman III.
This is the end of this line of Kings of Navarre.
He extended his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its
independence despite the sacking of his capital in 924 by 'Abd ar-Rahman III.
This is the end of this line of Kings of Navarre.
He extended his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its
independence despite the sacking of his capital in 924 by 'Abd ar-Rahman III.
This is the end of this line of Kings of Navarre.
[Wikipedia, "Sancho I of Pamplona", retrieved 5 Oct 07]
Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 - December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was regent of Pamplona from 870 to 880 while Fortún Garcés was held captive and apparently co-king of Pamplona from 860 to his death in 882, and Dadildis de Pallars. Sancho may also have been a co-king during the reign of Fortún. The elderly Sancho (already 45 years old) succeeded King Fortún when the latter was deposed by a coalition of enemies: the Banu Qasi under Lope ibn Mohammed, King Alfonso III of Asturias, and Sancho's uncle, the count of Pallars.

Sancho's first wife Urraca, daughter of the count of Aragón, did not have surviving children. So Sancho married a second time to Toda Aznárez in his old age. His children were thus minors upon his death. Queen Toda (born Teuda de Larraun) was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs. Sancho fought against the Moors with repeated success and joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda. Before his death, all the Moors had been driven from the country.

Sancho was succeeded by his son García Sánchez, with his widow Toda and brother Jimeno (who used the royal title) acting as regents.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926
Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile
Urraca, married Ramiro II of León
Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza.
García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa
Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre
Sancho I Garcés (d. 925), king of Pamplona (Navarre) from 905. He expanded his kingdom south of the Ebro River and maintained its independence in spite of the sack of his capital in 924 by the Umayyad caliph 'Abd ar-Rahman III of Córdoba. Sancho fought against the Moors with repeated success and joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda. Before his death, all the Moors had been driven from the country[Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97: SANCHO I]
#Générale##Générale#Profession : Roi de Navarre de 905 à 925.

Король Наварры, первый представитель наваррской королевской династии Хименесов и первый из правителей королевства Наварра, который вёл завоевательную политику по отношению к соседним мусульманским владениям.

Sancho Garcés I (n.Sangüesa (actual Rocaforte) 865 - † Resa, 10 de diciembre de 925). Rey de Pamplona entre los años 905 y 925.

Hijo de García Jiménez, descendiente de la dinastía Jimena. A la muerte de García I Íñiguez en el año 870, es gobernante de la Valdonsella y pronto comienza a intervenir en todos los territorios circundantes.

Ocupa Pamplona cuando todavía reina Fortún Garcés, ayudado por Alfonso III de Asturias, junto con el conde de Pallars. Eliminados los derechos patrimoniales de los hijos de Fortún Garcés, estos recaerán en su nieta Toda, casada con Sancho Garcés I, que los hizo valer y se proclamó rey de Pamplona en 905, tras destronar a Fortún Garcés.

Al morir el conde de Aragón Galindo Aznárez II, Sancho Garcés I ocupó las tierras de Aragón ignorando los derechos sucesorios de todos. Ésta fue la causa que justificó las luchas del gobernador musulmán de Huesca, al-Tawil, que tenía derechos sucesorios sobre el territorio por estar casado con Sancha, hermana del conde. Se solucionó el problema al prometer en matrimonio a Andregoto Galíndez, hija de Galindo Aznárez II, con el hijo de Sancho Garcés I, el futuro rey García Sánchez I, que era todavía un niño.

Amplió considerablemente las fronteras meridionales del reino hasta llegar a tierras riojanas mediante una serie de campañas militares contra los musulmanes. Conquistó Nájera y estableció allí su corte, dotando de una organización definitiva al reino de Pamplona.

Aliado con Ordoño II de León, venció a un ejército cordobés en San Esteban de Gormaz (917), pero fue derrotado por Abd al-Rahman III en Valdejunquera (920).

Durante su reinado se comienza a acuñar moneda, siendo el primer reino cristiano que use tal regalía. Así mismo, aparece el sistema de tenencias, que se perpetuará en Navarra y Aragón hasta principios del siglo XIII.

El centro político del mundo cristiano estaba en la corte de Nájera que dio como resultado varios matrimonios reales de las hijas de Sancho Garcés I y la reina Toda Aznar:

* Urraca de Pamplona, casada con Ramiro II de León.

* Oneca de Pamplona, casada con Alfonso IV "El Monje" de León. Fue reina de León entre 926 y 931. Murió en 931.

* Sancha de Pamplona, casada en primeras nupcias con Ordoño II de León, en segundas con el Conde alavés Álvaro Herrameliz y en terceras, con Fernán González, Conde de Castilla.

* García I Sánchez, Rey de Pamplona, casado con Andregoto Galíndez y con Teresa de León.

* Velasquita o Belasquita Sánchez, casada en primeras nupcias con el Conde alaves Munio Velaz, en segundas con Galindo de Ribagorza y en terceras con Fortún Galíndez.

* Munia (Muña) de Pamplona, casada con Ordoño I de Asturias.

* Orbita de Navarra, probablemente casada con al-Tawil, gobernador de Huesca. Pudo ser hija póstuma, como hace suponer el significado de su nombre, "la huérfana".

El rey Sancho Garcés I murió en las cercanías de Resa, a orillas del río Ebro, el día 10 de diciembre del año 925 y fue enterrado en San Esteban de Deio en Monjardín.


Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was regent of Pamplona from 870 to 880 while Fortún Garcés was held captive and apparently co-king of Pamplona from 860 to his death in 882, and Dadildis de Pallars. Sancho may also have been a co-king during the reign of Fortún. The elderly Sancho (already 45 years old) succeeded King Fortún when the latter was deposed by a coalition of enemies: the Banu Qasi under Lope ibn Mohammed, King Alfonso III of Asturias, and Sancho's uncle, the count of Pallars.

Sancho's first wife Urraca, daughter of the count of Aragón, did not have surviving children. So Sancho married a second time to Toda Aznárez in his old age. His children were thus minors upon his death. Queen Toda (born Teuda de Larraun) was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs. Sancho fought against the Moors with repeated success and joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda. Before his death, all the Moors had been driven from the country.

Sancho was succeeded by his son García Sánchez, with his widow Toda and brother Jimeno (who used the royal title) acting as regents.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

* Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

* Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

* Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

* Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza.

* Orbita

* García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

* Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre


Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lubb ibn Muhammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, Galindo Aznar II of Aragon and Sancho's uncle, Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place. Throughout his reign, he involved himself in the squabbles among the Muslim lords to the south with repeated success. In 907, he turned on his former ally Lubb ibn Muhammad, killing him in battle. Four years later, another former ally, Galindo Aznar, joined with his brother-in-law Muhammad al-Tawil and Abd Allah ibn Lubb ibn Qasi to attack Sancho, but they were crushed: al-Tawil was killed, the power of the Banu Qasi was severely crippled, and Galindo forced into vassalage to Sancho, leading to the incorporation of the County of Aragon into Pamplona. In 920, he teamed with Bernard I of Ribagorza and Amrus ibn Muhammed, son of Muhammad al-Tawil, to attack Monzón. He joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda.



Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lubb ibn Muhammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, Galindo Aznar II of Aragon and Sancho's uncle, Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place. Throughout his reign, he involved himself in the squabbles among the Muslim lords to the south with repeated success. In 907, he turned on his former ally Lubb ibn Muhammad, killing him in battle. Four years later, another former ally, Galindo Aznar, joined with his brother-in-law Muhammad al-Tawil and Abd Allah ibn Lubb ibn Qasi to attack Sancho, but they were crushed: al-Tawil was killed, the power of the Banu Qasi was severely crippled, and Galindo forced into vassalage to Sancho, leading to the incorporation of the County of Aragon into Pamplona. In 920, he teamed with Bernard I of Ribagorza and Amrus ibn Muhammed, son of Muhammad al-Tawil, to attack Monzón. He joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda.

Perhaps to legitimize the succession, Sancho married Toda Aznárez, granddaughter of former king Fortún Garcés. Queen Toda was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Sancho and Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs, but likewise akin to Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba, a grandson of Oneca by a former husband. When Sancho died in 925, his only son was still quite young. Thus Sancho was succeeded by his brother, Jimeno Garcés, upon whose death Sancho's son García would succeed.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

* Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

* Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

* Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

* Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza, and third, nobleman Fortún Galíndez.

* Orbita

* García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

* Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre


Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona1

b. circa 881?, d. 11 October 925

FatherGarcía II Jiménez, regente de Pamplona2,1 d. circa 885

MotherDadailidis de Bigorre b. circa 860?

Also called rey Sancho I Garcés de Navarra. Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona was the father of Sancha Sánchez de Pamplona; daughter of Sancho Gárces I of Navarre (905-925).3 Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona was born circa 881?. He was the son of García II Jiménez, regente de Pamplona and Dadailidis de Bigorre.2,1 Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona associated with N. N. , a concubine of Sancho I before 905; She was a handmaiden. Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona married Toda Aznárez de Larraun, daughter of señor de Larraun Aznar Sánchez and Oneca Fortunez de Navarra; His 2nd. His grandniece.4,5,6 Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona married Urraca Aznárez de Aragón, daughter of Aznar II Galíndez, conde de Aragón, before 905; His 1st.4 Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona succeeded his brother, Fortuno, to the throne of Navarre in 905. He was strenghted the Basque Kingdom centered on Navarre in 905.7 He established a new dynasty in Pamplona in 905.8 King of Pamplona at Navarre, Iberian peninsula, between 905 and 926.9,3,10 He advanced into the upper Ebro Basin to seize Nájera, Calahorra and Viguera, what Spanish historians occasionally define this as the beginning of the Reconquest, before 920. He able to capture Pamplona and fortify a long line of forts in the foothills of the Pyrenees, after the decline of the powerful Banû Qasî clan made such an advance possible, but no further advances were registered during the tenth century, as 'Abd al-Rahmân III was able to turn the Navarrese back in a series of campaigns before 924.9 He was defeated by 'Abd al-Rahmân III, al-Nâsir, of Córdoba, who inflicted heavy losses on the Basque troops and sacked Pamplona in 924.11 He was a witness where 'Abd al-Rahmân III an-Nasir li-din Allah ibn Muhammad, khalifa al-Qurtubi sacked Pamplona and inflicted heavy losses on the Basque troops of Sancho Garcés of Navarre in 924.11 Sancho I Garcés, rey de Pamplona died on 11 October 925.1

Family 1

Toda Aznárez de Larraun b. circa 885, d. after 970


Nunilo Sánchez de Pamplona+ b. c 904?12

Sancha Sánchez de Pamplona+ b. c 915, d. Dec 9594,13,14

Velasquita Sánchez de Pamplona+ b. c 91715

García II Sánchez, rey de Navarra+ b. bt 919 - 921, d. 97016,1

Family 2

Urraca Aznárez de Aragón b. circa 880


Urraca Sánchez de Pamplona+ b. c 905, d. 23 Jun 9563

Oneca Sánchez de Navarra+ b. c 9054

Family 3

N. N. , a concubine of Sancho I b. circa 885


Lopa Sancha de Navarre+ b. a 90517


[S882] Armerías ilustres, online, Corona de Navarra.

[S1316] Reyes y Reinos Genealogias, online, España - 08.B.

[S1074] Bishop Pelayo "the Fabulist" of Oviedo, "CRL", 79.

[S187] Royal Genealogy Database, online

[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 293-40.

[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Ishmael, 91.

[S223] Si, online, reconque.html.

[S1312] Stanley G. Payne Payne, pg. 51.

[S515] Thomas F. Glick, Islamic and Christian Spain, pg. 46.

[S1281] De Galíndez, Jesús, online &

[S515] Thomas F. Glick, Islamic and Christian Spain, pg. 41.

[S682] D.S.O. Lt.-Col. W. H. Turton, Turton, pg. 46.

[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 285-36.

[S1074] Bishop Pelayo "the Fabulist" of Oviedo, "CRL", CRL (pg. 79).

[S674] Family Trees, A&E Family Forest.

[S172] Various Encyclopaedea Britannica.

[S1265], online, Counts of Bigorre, Ribagorza and Pailhars.

Sancho I of Pamplona

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lope ibn Mohammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, and Sancho's uncle, Raymond, the count of Pallars, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place.

About the time of, and perhaps to legitimize the succession, Sancho married Toda Aznárez, granddaughter of former king Fortún Garcés. Queen Toda was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs, but likewise akin to Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba, a grandson of Oneca by a former husband. Sancho fought against the Moors with repeated success and joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda. Before his death, all the Moors had been driven from the country.

When Sancho died in 925, his children were still minors upon his death, and his only son still quite young. Thus Sancho was succeeded by his brother, Jimeno Garcés, upon whose death Sancho's son García would succeed.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza.


García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre


Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lope ibn Muhammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, and Sancho's uncle, Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place. Throughout his reign, he involved himself in the squabbles among the Muslim lords to the south with repeated success. In 907, he turned on his former ally Lope ibn Mohammad, killing him in battle. In 920, he teamed with Bernard I of Ribagorza and Amrus ibn Muhammed, son of Muhammad al Tawil, to attack Monzón. He joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda.

About the time of, and perhaps to legitimize the succession, Sancho married Toda Aznárez, granddaughter of former king Fortún Garcés. Queen Toda was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs, but likewise akin to Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba, a grandson of Oneca by a former husband. When Sancho died in 925, his only son was still quite young. Thus Sancho was succeeded by his brother, Jimeno Garcés, upon whose death Sancho's son García would succeed.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza.


García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre
García Íñiguez of Pamplona

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

García Íñiguez had following children:

Fortún Garcés, the future king.

Sancho Garcés, whose only known child, Aznar Sánchez, married a daughter of king Fortún Garcés and by her had queens Toda Aznárez, wife of king Sancho Garcés I, and Sancha Aznárez, wife of king Jimeno Garcés.

Onneca Garcés, wife of Aznar Galíndez II.

Velasquita Garcés, married to Mutarrīf ibn Mūsā ibn Qasi, Wali of Huesca, son of Mūsā ibn Mūsā.

(perhaps) Jimena, wife of Alfonso III of León (assignment of her parentage based on political, chronological and onomastic arguments).


Sancho I of Pamplona

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The Kingdom of Pamplona at the death of Sancho I

Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lubb ibn Muhammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, Galindo Aznar II of Aragon and Sancho's uncle, Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place. Throughout his reign, he involved himself in the squabbles among the Muslim lords to the south with repeated success. In 907, he turned on his former ally Lubb ibn Muhammad, killing him in battle. Four years later, another former ally, Galindo Aznar, joined with his brother-in-law Muhammad al-Tawil and Abd Allah ibn Lubb ibn Qasi to attack Sancho, but they were crushed: al-Tawil was killed, the power of the Banu Qasi was severely crippled, and Galindo forced into vassalage to Sancho, leading to the incorporation of the County of Aragon into Pamplona. In 920, he teamed with Bernard I of Ribagorza and Amrus ibn Muhammed, son of Muhammad al-Tawil, to attack Monzón. He joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda.

Perhaps to legitimize the succession, Sancho married Toda Aznárez, daughter of Oneca Fortúnez, (who was a daughter of former king Fortún Garcés) and Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun. Thus, Sancho and Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs, but likewise akin to Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba, a grandson of Oneca by a former husband. When Sancho died in 925, his only son was still quite young. Thus Sancho was succeeded by his brother, Jimeno Garcés, upon whose death Sancho's son García would succeed. The family would be called the Banu Sancho (Arabic: بنو شانجه‎) by Al-Andalus chroniclers, in his memory.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

* Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

* Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

* Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

* Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza, and third, nobleman Fortún Galíndez.

* Orbita

* García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

* Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre

Preceded by

Fortún Garcés King of Pamplona

905–925 Succeeded by

Jimeno Garcés

This page was last modified on 27 April 2010 at 09:54.
Sancho Garcés I de Pamplona

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Sancho Garcés I (n.Sangüesa (actual Rocaforte) 865 - † Resa, 10 de diciembre de 925). Rey de Pamplona entre los años 905 y 925.

Hijo de García Jiménez, descendiente de la dinastía Jimena. A la muerte de García I Íñiguez en el año 870, es gobernante de la Valdonsella y pronto comienza a intervenir en todos los territorios circundantes.

Ocupa Pamplona cuando todavía reina Fortún Garcés, ayudado por Alfonso III de Asturias, junto con el conde de Pallars. Eliminados los derechos patrimoniales de los hijos de Fortún Garcés, estos recaerán en su nieta Toda, casada con Sancho Garcés I, que los hizo valer y se proclamó rey de Pamplona en 905, tras destronar a Fortún Garcés.

Al morir el conde de Aragón Galindo Aznárez II, Sancho Garcés I ocupó las tierras de Aragón ignorando los derechos sucesorios de todos. Ésta fue la causa que justificó las luchas del gobernador musulmán de Huesca, al-Tawil, que tenía derechos sucesorios sobre el territorio por estar casado con Sancha, hermana del conde. Se solucionó el problema al prometer en matrimonio a Andregoto Galíndez, hija de Galindo Aznárez II, con el hijo de Sancho Garcés I, el futuro rey García Sánchez I, que era todavía un niño.

Amplió considerablemente las fronteras meridionales del reino hasta llegar a tierras riojanas mediante una serie de campañas militares contra los musulmanes. Conquistó Nájera y estableció allí su corte, dotando de una organización definitiva al reino de Pamplona.

Aliado con Ordoño II de León, venció a un ejército cordobés en San Esteban de Gormaz (917), pero fue derrotado por Abd al-Rahman III en Valdejunquera (920).

Durante su reinado se comienza a acuñar moneda, siendo el primer reino cristiano que use tal regalía. Así mismo, aparece el sistema de tenencias, que se perpetuará en Navarra y Aragón hasta principios del siglo XIII.

El centro político del mundo cristiano estaba en la corte de Nájera que dio como resultado varios matrimonios reales de las hijas de Sancho Garcés I y la reina Toda Aznar:

Urraca de Pamplona, casada con Ramiro II de León.

Oneca de Pamplona, casada con Alfonso IV "El Monje" de León. Fue reina de León entre 926 y 931. Murió en 931.

Sancha de Pamplona, casada en primeras nupcias con Ordoño II de León, en segundas con el Conde alavés Álvaro Herrameliz y en terceras, con Fernán González, Conde de Castilla.

García I Sánchez, Rey de Pamplona, casado con Andregoto Galíndez y con Teresa de León.

Velasquita o Belasquita Sánchez, casada en primeras nupcias con el Conde alaves Munio Velaz, en segundas con Galindo de Ribagorza y en terceras con Fortún Galíndez.

Munia (Muña) de Pamplona.

Orbita de Navarra, probablemente casada con al-Tawil, gobernador de Huesca. Pudo ser hija póstuma, como hace suponer el significado de su nombre, "la huérfana".

El rey Sancho Garcés I murió en las cercanías de Resa, a orillas del río Ebro, el día 10 de diciembre del año 925 y fue enterrado en San Esteban de Deio en Monjardín.

Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lubb ibn Muhammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, Galindo Aznar II of Aragon and Sancho's uncle, Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

* Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

* Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

* Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

* Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza, and third, nobleman Fortún Galíndez.

* Orbita

* García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

* Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre

Sancho I Garcés (c. 860 – December 11, 925) was king of Pamplona from 905 to 925. He was a son of García Jiménez, who was king of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona and Dadildis de Pallars, his second wife. In 905, a coalition of enemies of the king, Fortún Garcés: Lope ibn Muhammed of the Banu Qasi, King Alfonso III of Asturias, and Sancho's uncle, Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, deposed the king, and put Sancho on the throne in his place. Throughout his reign, he involved himself in the squabbles among the Muslim lords to the south with repeated success. In 907, he turned on his former ally Lope ibn Mohammad, killing him in battle. In 920, he teamed with Bernard I of Ribagorza and Amrus ibn Muhammed, son of Muhammad al Tawil, to attack Monzón. He joined Ultra-Puertos, or Basse-Navarre (Baja Navarra), to his own dominions, also extending his territory as far as Nájera. As a thanksgiving offering for his victories, he founded, in 924, the convent of Albelda.

About the time of, and perhaps to legitimize the succession, Sancho married Toda Aznárez, granddaughter of former king Fortún Garcés. Queen Toda was a daughter of Aznar Sánchez, lord of Larraun, and Oneca Fortúnez, who herself was a daughter of King Fortún. Thus, Toda's children were also descendants of the Arista dynasty of Navarrese monarchs, but likewise akin to Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba, a grandson of Oneca by a former husband. When Sancho died in 925, his only son was still quite young. Thus Sancho was succeeded by his brother, Jimeno Garcés, upon whose death Sancho's son García would succeed.

The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:

Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926

Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile

Urraca, married Ramiro II of León

Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza.


García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa

Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:

Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre

Regent 842, King of Pamplona 852; Deceased 870. Married in 1ªnp with:

URRACA DE GASCUÑA, daughter of Count Sancho Sánchez de Gascony. Parents of:

1.- Fortún Garcés, follow the line.

4.- Sancho Garcés, Coregen of Pamplona with García Jiménez 870-82. Father of:

A.- Aznar Sánchez de Larraún, married his cousin-sister Oneca Durr, daughter of King Fortún Garcés. C / s.


Towards 882, after remaining almost two decades in Cordova, Onneca left to its Muslim children [13] and returned to Pamplona with its father, who had recently taken possession of the throne. Shortly after returning, he married his cousin Aznar Sánchez de Larraún, son of Sancho Garces and grandson of Garcia Iniguez of Pamplona.
55448864. Kong Sancho II. Abarca GARCIASON i Narvarra was a Konge in 970 in Narvarra. (7305) He died in 994.(7306) He was a Greve in Aragonien.(7307) Grevskapet ervervet han ved sitt ekteskap He was married to Grevinne Urraca FERNANCEZ av Aragonien.
887181960. Kong Sancho I. Garcez GRACIASON (21072) died in 925. (21073) Han etterfulgte sin bror Fortun Barcez og utvidet sitt territorium til Tudela. I 905 tok han kongenavn, og i 919 nedla han regjeringen og gikk i kloster. Landet ble imidlertid i 920 truet ved invasjon av muselmennene. Han allierte seg med Ordoro III., men de kristne armeer led et fullstendig nederlag ved Valjunquera. Muselmennene trengte helt frem til Frankrike og led ved tilbaketoget et delvis nederlag ved Roncevaux. I 924 foretok saracerne en ekspesisjon helt frem til Pampelona som de dog måtte oppgi. Han var etterkommer av den aquitanske lendgreve Aznar av Navarra. He was married to Dronning Tota N.NSDTR av Navarra.
Rey de Navarra (905-925).
En varias obras, se le considera como 1er. rey de Aragón
Extendió sus territorios hasta Tudela y Nájera. Como tutor de su hijo García I Sánchez, ejerció el gobierno en el condado de Aragón, y después lo casó con doña Endregoto Galíndez, heredera de dicho condado, preparando así la reunión de ambos estados. Amenazado por una invasión musulmana, se alió al rey de León Ordoño II, pero ambos fueron derrotados en Valdejunquera, en 920. Con Sancho I surge el reino de Navarra como estado independiente
III Conde Soberano de Castilla (995-1017)
III Conde Soberano de Castilla (995-1017)
King of Pamplona (905-925), founded Navarre 873
1 NAME Sancho Garces, Rei de /Navarra/
2 GIVN Sancho Garces, Rei de
2 SURN Navarra
Source: Codex of Roda:

Founder of the Jimenez dynasty. Regent of Pamplona from 870 through 880. Assumed the throne of Fortun Garces while Fortun was imprisoned by the Berber Moors.
1 NAME Sancho Garces, Rei de /Navarra/
2 GIVN Sancho Garces, Rei de
2 SURN Navarra
1 NAME Sancho Garces, Rei de /Navarra/
2 GIVN Sancho Garces, Rei de
2 SURN Navarra
Sancho Garcés I de Pamplona (c. 860 — 10 de Dezembro de 925) também conhecido como Sancho Garcés I, foi rei de Pamplona.

Sua esposa foi a rainha Toda, neta do rei Fortún Garcés, pertenceu a Casa de Aragão.
Rey de Navarra (905-925).
En varias obras, se le considera como 1er. rey de Aragón
Extendió sus territorios hasta Tudela y Nájera. Como tutor de su hijo García I Sánchez, ejerció el gobierno en el condado de Aragón, y después lo casó con doña Endregoto Galíndez, heredera de dicho condado, preparando así la reunión de ambos estados. Amenazado por una invasión musulmana, se alió al rey de León Ordoño II, pero ambos fueron derrotados en Valdejunquera, en 920. Con Sancho I surge el reino de Navarra como estado independiente

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    Over de familienaam Garcés

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    Ard van Bergen, "maximum test", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 24 september 2024), "Sancho I "Antso I.a Gartzes" Garcés Rey de Pamplona (865-925)".