maximum test » Adalard "le Sénéchal" (Adalard "le Sénéchal") "Alard the Seneschal" (800-± 870)

Persoonlijke gegevens Adalard "le Sénéchal" (Adalard "le Sénéchal") "Alard the Seneschal" 

  • Roepnaam is Alard the Seneschal.
  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 800Metz
  • Hij is overleden rond 870.
  • Een kind van Leuthard en Grimhildis
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 26 januari 2020.

Gezin van Adalard "le Sénéchal" (Adalard "le Sénéchal") "Alard the Seneschal"

Hij heeft/had een relatie met ....


  1. Adalhard  ± 840-890 

Notities over Adalard "le Sénéchal" (Adalard "le Sénéchal") "Alard the Seneschal"

[3692] "Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists..." Line 191, brother of Garnier, ancestor of the Margraves of Spoleto; it is only prob. that he is father-in-law of Carloman

WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Wash Ah'tafel) # 4467368022 = 235700310

LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). [ See Parentage Discussion] "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus"[68]. Comte de Fézensac. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death of "Burgundio" [in 801] and that "comitatus eius Fedentiacus" was granted to "Liutardo"[69]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Liutardum, Isembardum" [in 813][70]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Jan" of "Leuthardi comitis"[71].

m GRIMHILD, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the testament of "Gerardus [comes]" which names "…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[72]. Liuthard & his wife had three children:

a)GERARD [II] (-[11 Feb or 4 Mar] 874, bur Avignon). His parentage is confirmed by his testament under which "Gerardus [comes]" names "coniugis meæ…Berthæ…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum" and "consanguinitate, affinitate et propinquitate etiam nobis junctis, id est Leufredi et Adalardi Comitum", and which is signed by "Gerardi comitis, Bertæ coniugis…Evæ filiæ ipsorum"[73]. Emperor Lothar confirmed a donation of property "in pago Arduennensi sitam…Villantia" to the abbey of Prüm by "Richardus quondam comes…per Biuinum fratrem suum, et Gerardum et Basinum qui et Tancredus comites" by charter dated 12 Nov 842[74], although it is not known whether this is the same Gerard. However, as both Gerard and the descendants of Bivin were associated with Provence, it is possible that their association started earlier in the Ardennes. Comte de Vienne. Emperor Lothar returned property to the church of Lyon, at the request of “Gerardus…comes atque marchio”, by charter dated to [852][75]. A document issued by Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks dated Nov 853 names "Folcoinus episcopus, Adalgarius, Engilscalcus et Berengarius" as missi in "comitatu Berengarii, Engilscalchi, Gerardi et in comitatibus Reginarii"[76], although it is not known whether this count Gerard is the same as the one named in the other references listed below. "Karoli rex, Hlotharii augusti filius" confirmed the privileges of the church of Villeurbane in favour of the church of Lyon at the request of "comes et parens noster ac nutritor Girardus" by charter dated 10 Oct 856[77]. The precise relationship between Comte Gérard and the Carolingian monarchs has not been established. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed the foundation of the monastery "in pago Avalensi in parrochia Augustudunensis civitatis in loco…Virziliacus" by "Gerardus…comes", with the consent of "coniugis sue Berthæ", by charter dated 6 Jan 868[78]. The Chronico Vezeliacensi records that "Comes Girardus fundator hujus loci" died in 847 and was buried "apud Avinionem civitatem suam"[79], although this year is incorrect. The 13th century obituary of the Eglise primatiale de Lyon records the death "III Non" of "Geraldus comes"[80]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IV Non Mar" of "Gerardi comitis"[81]. m BERTA, daughter of HUGUES Comte de Tours & his wife Ava --- (-[6 Nov] 877). Pope John VIII recalls "Gerardus comes…cum Berta quondam conjuge sua" as founders of the monastery referred to in his letter[82]. Her parentage is confirmed by her husband's testament under which "Gerardus [comes]" names "coniugis meæ…Berthæ…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[83]. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed the foundation of the monastery "in pago Avalensi in parrochia Augustudunensis civitatis in loco…Virziliacus" by "Gerardus…comes", with the consent of "coniugis sue Berthæ", by charter dated 6 Jan 868[84]. The Chronico Vezeliacensi records that "Berta comitissa hujus loci fundatrix" died in 844 and was buried "apud Pulterias"[85], although the year is incorrect. The 13th century obituary of the Eglise primatiale de Lyon records the death "VIII Id Nov" of "Berta comitissa"[86]. Gérard [II] & his wife had one child:

>>i) EVA . The testament of "Gerardus [comes]" is signed by "Gerardi comitis, Bertæ coniugis…Evæ filiæ ipsorum"[87].

b) ''' [ADALHARD [III] (-after 16 Jun 866). The primary source which identifies Adalhard as the son of Liuthard has not yet been identified, although the testament of "Gerardus [comes]" names "consanguinitate, affinitate et propinquitate etiam nobis junctis, id est Leufredi et Adalardi Comitum"[88]. Seneschal of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux". Nithard says that he "cared little for the public good and tried to please everyone…and ruined the kingdom altogether"[89]. The Breve Chronicon Epternacense names “Adelardus comes” as abbot of Echternach from 850 to 856[90]. "Adelhardus comes" was "provisor monasterii S. Maximini" in Jul 855[91]. "Hlotharius…rex" donated property "in pago Eiflinse in comitatu Matfridi" at the request of "Adalardus et Matfridus…comites" to "vassallo præfati Matfridi Otberto" by charter dated 28 Jun 856[92]. An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[93]. The Annales Bertiniani record that "Carlomannus, Hlodowici regis Germaniæ" sought refuge with "Adalardo, Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo, suo autem propinquo" after he was banished by his father following his rebellion in 861[94]. The Annales Bertiniani record that "Adalardo Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo" was "propinquo" of the brothers Udo (ancestor of the Franconian Konradiner family), Berengar and Waldo who were expelled from Germany in 865[95], and in a later passage record that "Adalardo…et suis propinquis Hugonis et Berengario" fought the Vikings in 865[96]. "Leudo episcopus et Adelardus comes missi dominici in comitatu Augustidunense" heard a dispute between "Vulfaldum episcopum et Heccardum comitem" concerning land at Perrecy, the proceedings recorded in a charter dated to [866/75][97]. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed the donation of property "in pago uilla in pago in in in in pago in pago Belnense in uilla Nolaico" made by "Adelardus comes et abbas cœnobii Sancti Symphoriani" by charter dated 16 Jun 866[98]. m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known. Adalhard [III] & his wife had [three] children:
>>i)[STEPHANUS [III] (-after 18 Sep 882). "Hildebertus filius quondam Berengarii comitis" donated property "res…mee in comitatu Vuabrinse prope fluvio…Cherus villam…Beuram" for "germano meo Berengario" to Verdun Sainte-Vanne by charter dated 18 Sep 882, subscribed by "Stephanus comes, Matfridus comes, Witpertus comes"[99].

>>ii) [ADALHARD [IV] (-[2 Jan] 890). The primary source which identifies Adalhard [IV] as the son of Adalhard [III] has not yet been identified. However, the Catalogus abbatem Epternacensium, which names "Adelardus iunior comes" as [lay] abbot of Echternach in 878 until 890, indicates that this may be correct[100]. The Breve Chronicon Epternacense also names “Adelardus junior comes” as abbot of Echternach from 878 to 890[101]. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed a donation of property "in pago Muselahgeuui in comitatu Adalhardi villam…Berge" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 24 Jul 880[102]. Emperor Karl III granted property "in Weitereiba in comitatu Adalhardi ad Rosbach" to Kloster Fulda by charter dated 7 Apr 884[103]. The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont records the death "4 Non Jan" of "Adellardus"[104], although it is not certain that this refers to Adalhard [IV]. Hlawitschka suggests that Adelhard [IV] married a daughter of Matfried [II] or of Matfried's sister and that the couple were the parents of the three brothers Gebhard and Matfried Counts of Metz and Richer Bishop of Verdun[105].] - [COMTES de METZ.]

>>iii)daughter . The Annales Bertiniani record that the son of Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks was betrothed to "filiam Adelardi" against his father's will but did not marry her[106]. Betrothed (865) to LUDWIG, son of LUDWIG II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Hemma --- ([835]-Frankfurt-am-Main 20 Jan 882, bur Kloster Lorsch).

c) [ENGELTRUDIS . The wife of Eudes is named by Nithard who records "Hirmentrude, daughter of Odo and Ingiltrud" as the wife of Charles[107]. However, the Annales Bertiniani suggest that she was the sister of Adalhard [III] (and therefore maybe the daughter of Liuthard) when they record that "Carlomannus, Hlodowici regis Germaniæ" sought refuge with "Adalardo, Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo, suo autem propinquo" after he was banished by his father following his rebellion in 861[108]. m [as his second wife,] EUDES Comte d'Orléans, son of --- ([770/80]-killed in battle [Touraine] Jun 834).]
[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: A. Roots 191; RC 260.
Roots: PROBABLY the father of the wife of Carloman.
[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: A. Roots 191; RC 260.
Roots: PROBABLY the father of the wife of Carloman.

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