maximum test » Héribert "and Soissons"" de Vermandois (± 880-943)

Persoonlijke gegevens Héribert "and Soissons"" de Vermandois 

Bron 1
  • Roepnaam is and Soissons".
  • Hij is geboren rond 880.
  • Hij werd gedoopt in Count of Vermandois and Troyes.
  • Alternatief: Hij werd gedoopt in St. Quentin-son of Herbert I.
  • Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933 in Mesa Arizona Temple, Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, Verenigde Staten.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 7 januari 1933.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 3 juni 1936.
  • Woonachtig: France.
  • Hij is overleden op 23 februari 943.
  • Hij is begraven in het jaar 943Saint-Quentin-sur-Isère
    Rhone-Alpes France.
  • Een kind van Héribert I de Vermandois en Lietgardis

Gezin van Héribert "and Soissons"" de Vermandois

(1) Hij heeft/had een relatie met Adela Robertien.


  1. Luitgarde  < 925-> 985 
  2. Guy I de Vermandois  ± 940-989 
  3. Adele  915-960 


  1. Robert de Vermandois  ± 910-968 

Notities over Héribert "and Soissons"" de Vermandois


Herbert II, Count of Vermandois
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herbert II (884 – 23 February 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.

[edit] Life

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Adela of France (also known as Liégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

[edit] Death and legacy

Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

[edit] Family

He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.

With Adela, he had 7 children:

* Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
* Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)
* Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)
* Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)
* Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
* Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
* Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims

HERIBERT [II], son of HERIBERT [I] Comte de Vermandois & his wife [Liedgardis] --- ([880]-23 Feb 943, bur Saint Quentin). None of the sources so far consulted state explicitly that Héribert [II] and his sister Beatrix were the children of Héribert [I] but this looks probable. He succeeded his father in [900/907] as Comte de Meaux, de Soissons et de Vermandois. Lay Abbot of St Crépin and St Médard at Soissons. Comte Héribert took part in the rebellion against Charles "le Simple" King of France in 922 and tricked the ex-king into capture. Héribert consolidated his power by arranging for his young son to be made Archbishop of Reims. Comte Héribert received Péronne from Raoul King of France in 924. Together with forces of Arnoul I Count of Flanders, Héribert captured the Viking stronghold of Eu[875]. Following this he apparently forged an alliance with Comte Rollo in [927][876], leaving his son Eudes with Rollo as a hostage. Comte Héribert unsuccessfully attempted to capture Laon in 927[877]. He accompanied the king into Burgundy in 928, when his son Eudes was granted the county of Vienne by Ugo King of Italy. With help from Hugues "le Grand" [Capet], King Raoul subdued Vermandois and Comte Héribert made his submission to the king[878]. In 939. Héribert joined the alliance against Louis IV King of France led by Otto I "der Große" King of Duitsland, who raided Frankish territory and forced King Louis to renounce his claim to the throne of Lotharingia. Together with Hugues "le Grand" [Capet], Héribert besieged Reims, forcing the restoration of his son as archbishop, and also besieged King Louis at Laon. Flodoard records the death of "Heribertus comes" in 943 and his burial at Saint-Quentin[879]. On his death in 943, his territories were divided between his sons by their maternal uncle Hugues "le Grand".

m (before 21 May 907) [ADELA], daughter of ROBERT Marquis en Neustrie, Comte de Paris [later ROBERT I King of France] & his first wife [Adela] --- (before 898-). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comitis Heriberti gener…Roberti" and in a later passage to the sister of "dux Hugo Cappatus" as the wife of "comitis Heriberti de Peroni, Campanie et Veromandie" but does not name her[880]. Her origin is confirmed by Flodoard naming "Hugo dux cum nepotibus suis, Heriberti filiis" in 943[881]. Her birth date is estimated from the birth of her first child in [915]. Her name is deduced as follows. The 21 May 907 donation of Rebais abbey to the church of Paris refers to "comitis Rotberti et Adele comitisse"[882]. Although this phrasing usually indicates husband and wife, Settipani suggests that the chronology of the life of King Robert's son Hugues (attested as Robert's son by his second wife Béatrix) favours his birth, and therefore his father's second marriage, well before 907, which would mean "Adele" could not have been Robert's wife. This reasoning appears based firstly on Hugues already being married in [914], and secondly on the probability of his having reached the age of majority when he was recognised as duke in 922. The 907 document is explained as referring to Robert and his elder daughter. The issue, however, is not beyond doubt, especially if the document in question was misdated. Her marriage date assumes that this identification is correct.

Comte Héribert II & his wife had seven children:

1. ODO [Eudes] ([915]-after 19 Jun 946). Flodoard records that "Odonis filii sui [=Heriberto]" was appointed vicecomes when Ugo King of Italy gave his father "provintiam Viennensem" in 928[883]. His father left him in [927] as a hostage with Rollo Comte [de Normandie]. Unlike his father, he swore allegiance to Louis IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks in 938 and received the guardianship of the royal residence at Laon. He occupied the town and county of Amiens, but was expelled in 944[884].

2. ADELA de Vermandois ([915]-[Bruges 10 Oct] 960, bur Ghent, St Pieter). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Adelam, domni Heriberti comitis filiam" as wife of "comes Arnulfus", specifying that she was "duorum Francorum regum, Odonis atque Rotberti, neptem"[885]. Flodoard refers to the wife of "Arnoul" as sister of "Hugo [de Vermandois Archbishop of Reims]"[886]. Her marriage was arranged to seal the alliance made in 934 between her father and her future husband[887]. m (934) as his second wife, ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders, son of BAUDOUIN II "le Chauve" Count of Flanders & his wife Ælfthryth of Wessex ([885/890]-murdered 27 Mar 964, bur Ghent, St Pieter).

3. HERIBERT "le Vieux" ([910/15][888]-[980/984]). Flodoard names "Heriberti Adalberti fratris" when recording his marriage, and in a later passage "nepotes Hugonis, Heribertus et Rotbertus"[889]. He is documented with his father between 938 and 942 in the latter's war against King Louis IV, submitting to the king with his father in 942. Under the division of territories organised after his father's death in 943, Héribert became Comte d'Omois and received the fortress of Château-Thierry as well as the abbey of Saint-Médard, Soissons. King Lothaire appointed him comte du palais (comte palatin). He succeeded his brother Robert in 967 as Comte de Meaux et de Troyes. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the burial of "comes Trecensis Heribertus II cognomento Vetulus" in "abbatiam Latiniaci"[890]. m (951) as her second husband, EADGIFU, widow of CHARLES III "le Simple" King of the Franks, daughter of EDWARD I King of Wessex & his second wife Ælfleda --- ([902/05][891]-26 Sep after 951, bur Abbaye de Saint-Médard de Soissons). Flodoard names "Ottogeba regina, mater Ludowici regis" when recording her second marriage[892].

4. HUGUES (920-Meaux 962). Flodoard names "Hugone diacono Heriberti filio", when recording his installation as archbishop of Reims in 940[893]. His father engineered the grant by Raoul King of France of the temporal administration of the archbishopric of Reims to Hugues in 925, the appointment being confirmed by Pope John X, but the grant was withdrawn by the king in 932 after he besieged the city[894]. Hugues entered holy orders in 940. His father, who had captured Reims in [Jun/Jul] 940, forced Hugues's restoration as archbishop. Besieged at Laon, King Louis IV was obliged to confirm Hugues's appointment as archbishop and also appointed Hugues as his Arch-Chancellor. Hugues was expelled from Reims in 946 when the town was retaken by King Louis. He was finally deprived of his archbishopric by the papal legate in 948. He died on returning from a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela[895].

5. LUITGARDIS (before 925-14 Nov after 977, bur Chartres, Abbaye de Saint-Père). Rodulfus Glauber refers to the wife of Comte Guillaume as "sororem [Heribertum Trecorum comitem]", specifying that she was childless by her first husband, when recording her second marriage to "Tetbaldus"[896]. The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum refers to the wife of "Tetbaudi comitis" as "sorore Herberti Trecorum comitis"[897]. "Theobaldi comitis…Ledgardis comitisse" subscribed the charter dated 950 under which Ragnfred Bishop of Chartres donated property to Chartres Saint-Père, although the relationship between the two is not specified[898]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVIII Kal Dec" of "Letgardis comitissa"[899]. m firstly ([940]) as his second wife, GUILLAUME I "Longuespée" Comte [de Normandie], son of ROBERT I [Rollo] Comte [de Normandie] & his [second] wife Poppa de Bayeux (-murdered Péquigny-sur-Somme 17 Dec 942, bur Rouen, cathédrale de Notre-Dame). m secondly ([942/45]) THIBAUT "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, son of [THIBAUT "l'Ancien" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours & his first wife ---] (-16 Jan 975).

6. ROBERT (-after 19 Jun 966). "Rodberti filium Heriberti comitis" witnessed a charter of "Gauzfredus comes" dated Jul 940[900]. Under the division of territories organised after his father's death in 943, Robert became Comte de Meaux. He became Comte de Troyes in 956 on the death of his father-in-law, by right of his wife.


7. ADALBERT [Albert] (-8 Sep 987). Flodoard names "Adalbertus filius Heriberti"[901]. Under the division of territories organised after his father's death in 943, Albert became Comte de Vermandois.
Count de Vermandois and Troyes
Name Prefix: Count Name Suffix: II
Herbert II (884 – 23 February 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois and thus a fifth generation descendant of Charlemagne.

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Hildebrante of France (also known as Liégarde or Adèle) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he consituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.
Death and legacy
Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.
He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.
With Adela, he had 7 children:

* Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
* Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)
* Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)
* Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)
* Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
* Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
* Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims


* 4 children of Adele of Vermandois and Arnulf I of Flanders, including Baldwin III of Flanders (double for Charlemagne)
* 3 children of Robert of Vermandois, including Herbert of Vermandois,Adele of Meaux
* 4 children of Adalbert I of Vermandois, including Herbert III of Vermandois (double for Charlemagne)
* 4 children of Luitgarde of Vermandois and Theobald I of Blois, including Odo I of Blois

Third generation

* 5 grandchildren of Arnulf I of Flanders (double for Charlemagne)
* 7 grandchildren of Robert of Vermandois, including Stephen I of Vermandois, Fulk III of Anjou
* 4 grandchildren of Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois, including Otto, Count of Vermandois (double for Charlemagne)
* 8 grandchildren of Theobald I of Blois, including Odo II of Blois, William V of Aquitaine
Greve av Vermandois ca. 905 - 942 som Herbert II.
Greve av Troyes til 942 som Herbert I.
Herbert var vistnok gift med datteren til motkongen Robert I av Frankrike.
Vermandoisslekten var grever av Vermandois fra ca. 900 til 1025 og grever av Troyes
fra ca. 910 til 995. Begge grevskapene lå i Frankrike.

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Hildebrante of France (also known as Liégarde or Adèle) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

[edit] Death and legacy

Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.
Herbert II, Count of Vermandois
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Herbert II (884 ? 23 February 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.

Contents [hide]
1 Life
2 Death and legacy
3 Family
4 External links

[edit] Life
He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Adela of France (also known asLiégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the deathof Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the deathof Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him torestore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon toRoger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great tookback Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

[edit] Death and legacy
Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciledby Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to TheobaldI, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

[edit] Family
He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.

With Adela, he had 7 children:

Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)
Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)
Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)
Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

!COUNT OF VERMANDOIS[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

Herbert II, Count of Vermandois
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herbert II (884 – 23 February 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.

* 1 Life
* 2 Death and legacy
* 3 Family
* 4 External links

[edit] Life

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Adela of France (also known as Liégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

[edit] Death and legacy

Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

[edit] Family

He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.

With Adela, he had 7 children:

* Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
* Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)
* Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)
* Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)
* Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
* Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
* Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims

[edit] External links

* Comtes de Vermandois

Preceded by
Herbert I Count of Vermandois
907–943 Succeeded by
Adalbert I
He imprisoned King Charles "the Simple" at Peronne.

[Weis, 50] Count of Vermandois and Troyes.

[Wikipedia, "Herbert II, Count of Vermandois", retrieved 22 Oct 07]
Herbert II (884 - 23 February 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Adela of France (also known as Liégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

Death and legacy
Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.

With Adela, he had 7 children:

- Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
- Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)
- Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)
- Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)
- Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
- Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
- Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims
I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information

WFT 6122 Count De Vermandois \Herbert II\



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 19, Ed. 1, Tree #0402, Date of Import: 20 Nov 1999]

!Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Phillippa by George
Andrew Moriarty Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society SLC 1985 p 6;
!The Plantagent Ancestry by W.H.Turton DSO Genealogical Publishing Co.
Baltimore 1984 p 112;
!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck p 17;

!Royal Ancestors of Some American Families by Michel Call SLC 1989 503;



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 19, Ed. 1, Tree #0402, Date of Import: 20 Nov 1999]

!Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Phillippa by George
Andrew Moriarty Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society SLC 1985 p 6;
!The Plantagent Ancestry by W.H.Turton DSO Genealogical Publishing Co.
Baltimore 1984 p 112;
!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck p 17;

!Royal Ancestors of Some American Families by Michel Call SLC 1989 503;



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 19, Ed. 1, Tree #0402, Date of Import: 20 Nov 1999]

!Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Phillippa by George
Andrew Moriarty Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society SLC 1985 p 6;
!The Plantagent Ancestry by W.H.Turton DSO Genealogical Publishing Co.
Baltimore 1984 p 112;
!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck p 17;

!Royal Ancestors of Some American Families by Michel Call SLC 1989 503;



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 19, Ed. 1, Tree #0402, Date of Import: 20 Nov 1999]

!Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Phillippa by George
Andrew Moriarty Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society SLC 1985 p 6;
!The Plantagent Ancestry by W.H.Turton DSO Genealogical Publishing Co.
Baltimore 1984 p 112;
!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck p 17;

!Royal Ancestors of Some American Families by Michel Call SLC 1989 503;



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 19, Ed. 1, Tree #0402, Date of Import: 20 Nov 1999]

!Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Phillippa by George
Andrew Moriarty Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society SLC 1985 p 6;
!The Plantagent Ancestry by W.H.Turton DSO Genealogical Publishing Co.
Baltimore 1984 p 112;
!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck p 17;

!Royal Ancestors of Some American Families by Michel Call SLC 1989 503;



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 19, Ed. 1, Tree #0402, Date of Import: 20 Nov 1999]

!Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Phillippa by George
Andrew Moriarty Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society SLC 1985 p 6;
!The Plantagent Ancestry by W.H.Turton DSO Genealogical Publishing Co.
Baltimore 1984 p 112;
!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck p 17;

!Royal Ancestors of Some American Families by Michel Call SLC 1989 503;
[1668] "Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists..." Line 136, Count of Vermandois and Troyes

Count de Vermandois

COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says ABT 943
COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots) says AFT 895, p. 2
Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning PAGE 11,163 DEAT QUAY 2

Count of Vermandois; Heribert II - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve)

also BJOHNSN.GED file

WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Washington Ahnentafel) # 69763078 = 1839370 & # 34902220 = 7356524 = 3678256 = 1839370; d 942/943

"Our Royal Descent from Alfred 'the Great' ..." in Steve Clare papers, p 43, 2nd Count of Vermandois & Valois b 884
Rootsweb Feldman
# ID: I28579
# Name: Herbert II Count Of VERMANDOIS 1
# Sex: M
# Birth: 884 in Vermandois, Neustria 1
# Death: 23 FEB 942/43 in St Quentin 2 3 4 5 1
# Christening: St. Quentin - son of Herbert I 2 3 4 5 1
# Burial: St Quentin 2 3 4 5 1
# Ancestral File #: FLGX-XS
# Change Date: 15 JAN 2004 1
# Change Date: 9 OCT 2001 3 4 5 1
# Note:

[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]

OCCU Count de Vermandois ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart says 880/90;
says ABT 884, Vermandois, Normandy, France;
says 884; ;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, pp 11, 163, 467 says 943;
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says ABT 943; says
23 Feb 942/943, St. Quentin; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 168
Count of Vermandois; Heribert II - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve); Heribert II
(Caroling) Count of Troyes - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); COMYNJ.TAF says mother
was Richilde - NLP; Count of Troyes - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 127;Count of Meaux and Soissons - p. 168; Royalty for Commoners
says mother was Beatrice de Morvois - NLP; says mother
was Bertha de Vermandois - NPH

Father: Herbert I Count Of VERMANDOIS b: 848 in Vermandois Neustria
Mother: Beatrice Of MORVOIS b: ABT 862 in Bar-le-Duc (France)

Marriage 1 Hildebrante Princess of FRANCE b: 897 in Vermandois, Neustria

* Married: 907 in ,,,France 2 3 4 5 1


1. Has Children Herbert VERMANDOIS
2. Has Children Countess Of Flanders ALICE b: ABT 910 in Vermandois, Normandy, France
3. Has Children Luitgarda DE VERMANDOIS b: ABT 915 in Vermandois, Normandy, France
4. Has Children Albert I "The Pious" Count of VERMANDOIS b: 920 in Vermandois, Normandy, France
5. Has Children Robert DE VERMANDOIS b: 920 in Vermandois, Normandy, France
6. Has Children Renaud DE ROUCY b: 926 in Roucy, Aisne, France Abt 937


1. Title: Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Feb 6, 2004
2. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
3. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2004
4. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Jan 18, 2004
5. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 21 Jan 2004


[Geoffrey De Normandie, Gedcom BSJTK Smith Family Tree.ged]

2 source says Herbert II is married to Liegard, whose parents
are Adele (Adela ide, Aenis) m. robert I, King of France html#I4994
Father: Herbert I of
VER MANDOIS.......................................................
Mother: Beatrice of
MORVOIS................................................. .........
Family 1: Hildebrante (Adela) of
NEUSTRASIA ..................................................
+Alice of
VERMANDOIS...... .................................................
............................ .......
............................................. ....................
+Luitgarda of VERMANDOIS
.............. ...................................................
+Robert o f TROYES
.. .......................
....................................... ..........................
Herbert of MEA UX
........ .................
Adalbert of VERMANDOIS
.................................... .............................
Hugh of RHEIMS
............... ..................................................
........................... ........
Dead[Geoffrey De Normandie, Gedcom BSJTK Smith Family Tree.ged]

GIVN Herbert II Count of

GIVN Herbert II Count of
DATE 15 Dec 2000
HIST: @N2290@

GIVN Herbert Ii, Count of
SURN Vermandois
AFN 9G82-J4
DATE 28 AUG 2000
TIME 22:21:58

NSFX et Troyes
AUTH Stuart, Roderick W.
PERI Royalty for Commoners
PUBL Genealogical Publishing co., Inc, Baltimore, MD (1998)
ISB 0-8063-1561-X
TEXT 188-38; 231-36
AUTH Å or c:Weis, Frederick Lewis
PERI Ancestral Roots
EDTN 7th
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD (1999)
TEXT 50-18; 136-18
DATE 30 MAY 2000

Count of Vermandois and Troyes.

Count of Vermandois and Troyes.

OCCU Count de Vermandois ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart says 880/90;
says ABT 884, Vermandois, Normandy, France;
says 884; ;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, pp 11, 163, 467 says 943;
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says ABT 943; says
23 Feb 942/943, St. Quentin; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 168
Count of Vermandois; Heribert II - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve); Heribert II
(Caroling) Count of Troyes - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); COMYNJ.TAF says mother
was Richilde - NLP; Count of Troyes - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 127;Count of Meaux and Soissons - p. 168; Royalty for Commoners
says mother was Beatrice de Morvois - NLP; says mother
was Bertha de Vermandois - NPH

OCCU Count de Vermandois ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart says 880/90;
says ABT 884, Vermandois, Normandy, France;
says 884; ;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, pp 11, 163, 467 says 943;
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says ABT 943; says
23 Feb 942/943, St. Quentin; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 168
Count of Vermandois; Heribert II - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve); Heribert II
(Caroling) Count of Troyes - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); COMYNJ.TAF says mother
was Richilde - NLP; Count of Troyes - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 127;Count of Meaux and Soissons - p. 168; Royalty for Commoners
says mother was Beatrice de Morvois - NLP; says mother
was Bertha de Vermandois - NPH

OCCU Count de Vermandois ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart says 880/90;
says ABT 884, Vermandois, Normandy, France;
says 884; ;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, pp 11, 163, 467 says 943;
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says ABT 943; says
23 Feb 942/943, St. Quentin; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 168
Count of Vermandois; Heribert II - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve); Heribert II
(Caroling) Count of Troyes - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); COMYNJ.TAF says mother
was Richilde - NLP; Count of Troyes - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 127;Count of Meaux and Soissons - p. 168; Royalty for Commoners
says mother was Beatrice de Morvois - NLP; says mother
was Bertha de Vermandois - NPH

OCCU Count de Vermandois ...
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart says 880/90;
says ABT 884, Vermandois, Normandy, France;
says 884; ;
SOUR Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, pp 11, 163, 467 says 943;
COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 says ABT 943; says
23 Feb 942/943, St. Quentin; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 168
Count of Vermandois; Heribert II - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve); Heribert II
(Caroling) Count of Troyes - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); COMYNJ.TAF says mother
was Richilde - NLP; Count of Troyes - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W.
Stuart, p. 127;Count of Meaux and Soissons - p. 168; Royalty for Commoners
says mother was Beatrice de Morvois - NLP; says mother
was Bertha de Vermandois - NPH

DATE 5 MAY 2000

TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

OCCU Ct of Vermandoisubject: Re: Burgundy, Gerberga, Manassas, etc.From: Matman ((XXXXX@XXXX.XXX))Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 18:20:11 +0900Todd A. Farmerie wrote:> > addressed by Szabolcs de Vajay,
in _Annales de Bourgogne_(hereafter AB)> 34:154-69. As is typical of the author, when faced with twoconflicting> versions of a relationship (in this case regarding theancestry of> Gerberga, Queen
of Italy) he develops an entirely differentone. In> this case, he concludes that Gerberga was granddaughter ofLetaud,> daughter of his son Othon. The trouble with this, (and I realise you're not
propoundingthis personally) is that in this theory, Otto-William marries thewife of his great uncle:Letaud/Leotold etc |__________________________________| | Othon || |Gerberga
|| |Otto-William 2.m Ermentrude m.1 Alberic II of MaconVajay invented this Othon/Otto to explain why Otto II of Macon(Otto-William's grandson) calls Letaud his _atavus_ as I mentioned ina
previous post. But as the sources have Otto-William as the sonof Gerberga, there is no real need for this Othon anyway. > Here he again differs from ES, showing Geoffrey marryingfirst, the> aunt,
Aelis of Vermandois, daughter of Heribert II, and by herhavingThis would mean that Heribert II (d.943) had two daughterscalledAdelaide Adela/Aelis etc. We know one married Arnulf the Old ofFlanders
in the 930's, so any daughter of Heribert II who wasyoung enough to givebirth to Fulk the Black and co in c.970, could not have comefromthe same wife: one would have to invent another wife
orconcubine.K.F Werner mapped out the Vermandois family in 1960, and themajorityof historians have followed his version, including the ES, Ithink.Perhaps if the two theories, ie Gerberga dau of
Lambert, andGerbergadau of Leutaud/Leotold, are kept separate, it might be a bitclearer.The Lambert theory: (Bouchard, 'Sword & Mitre', Werner Die Weltals Geschicht, 1960)Robert m. Adelaide|Adela
m.1 Geoffrey m.2 Adelaide m1 Lambert | d.987 | | d.978/9| | |Fulk III Maurice _____|_________________ | | |Gerberga
Matilda Hugom1 Adalbert m Geoffrey |2 Henry of Semur|Alberic II 1m. Ermentrude m2 Otto-WilliamThe Letaud/Leotold theory:_________________________________| |Letaud/Leotold m.
Ermengarde Giselbert d.956| m. Ermengarde| || Robert 1m. Adelaide m.2 Lambert| | _______________|_____________ |__________| | | ||
Gerberga m.2 Henry m.2 Matilda || m.1 Adalbert m.2 Geoffrey || | of Semur || | |Alberic II m 1. Ermentrude m. 2 Otto-William || ____________________||
|Guy of Macon m. AelisI havn't included the idea of 2 Adelaide's daughters ofGiselbert,or Hugo of Chalons, Geoffrey of Anjou, cos of space: but itdoesn't make much difference. Matt
DATE 27 OCT 1997[Geoffrey De Normandie, Gedcom BSJTK Smith Family Tree.ged]


GEN: !6th Ed. Ancestral Roots line 50-18
Herbert II (902 - 943), a man absolutely devoid of scruples,considerably increased the territorial power of the house ofVermandois, and kept the lawful king of France, the unlucky Charlesthe Simple, prisoner for six years
This was a double marriage alliance concluded between King Robert andHerbert II of Vermandois; Robert was married to Beatrice "in or by thelate 890's" Herbert II had married Robert's daughter by 907. Thisdouble alliance strengthened the relationship of the two houses; theVermandois counts had previously supported the Carolingians (Charlesthe Simple) against king Odo; but in 922 Vermandois supported Robert'ssuccesful bid for the throne.
0!Name is; Herbert II, Count Of /VERMANDOIS/
Heribert II, Comte de Vermandois was born circa 880.3 He was the son of Heribert I, Comte de Vermandois.2 He married Liégarde de France, daughter of Robert I, Roi de France.3 He died on 23 February 943.3
Heribert II, Comte de Vermandois gained the title of Comte de Vermandois.1
Children of Heribert II, Comte de Vermandois and Liégarde de France
Luitgarda de Vermandois 2
Adela de Vermandois+ d. 960
Robert, Comte de Troyes+ d. c 9751
Eudes, Comte d'Amiens b. 915, d. a 9462
Hugues, Comte de Reims b. 920, d. 9622
Heribert III, Comte d'Omois b. 927, d. bt 980 - 9842
Albert I, Comte de Vermandois+ b. 934, d. 9872
Herbert II, Count of Vermandois was the uncle of his wife, Hildebrante Princess of France.
Herbert II (884 ? 23 February 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois and thus a fifth generation descendant of Charlemagne. He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Hildebrante of France (also known as Ligarde or Adle) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mzerais and of the Vxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he consituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Pronne. In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roge
Kilde: Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6th
Edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988.
Kilde: Count de Vermandois and Troyes [Ref: Weis AR #118]
Kilde: parents: [Ref: Weis AR #118] Kilde: names: [Ref: Weis AR #118]
Kilde: date: [Ref: Weis AR #118]
Royalty for Commoners - Stuart, p.119
#Générale#inhumation : Saint-Quentin 02

#Générale#Profession : Duc de Vermandois.

source décès : - deloison.ged - Jean-Michel D

#Générale#Il hérite des biens de son père entre 900 et 907 et augmente sapuissance territoriale vers le Vexin et la Champagne. En 922, il participa à larévolte des grands du royaume contre Charles le Simple qu'il captura partraîtrise en 923 et le garda prisonnier comme moyen de pression vis-à-vis du roiRaoul. Il obtint de ce dernier le siège archiépiscopal de Reims pour son filsHugues. En 926, il s'empara d'Amiens. Il obtint le comté de Laon en 928, maisdut le rendre en 931 et en 938. En 931, il se rapprocha du roi de Germanie Henril'Oiseleur, mais se soumit au roi de France en 935. Il intervint ensuiteplusieurs fois à Reims pour restaurer son fils. À sa mort, Hugues le Grandpartagea ses biens entre ses différents fils, afin de mettre fin à la puissancevermandoise.
{geni:about_me} Heribert II de Vermandois, comte de Meaux, de Soissons et de Vermandois

Parents: Heribert I & his wife Liedgardis

Spouse: Adèle de Neustrie, de France (daughter of Robert I King of France.)


1. Odo (Eudes)

2. Adele (married Arnoul I de Flandre)

3. Heribert III 'le Vieux'

4. Hugues

5. Luigardis

6. Robert

7. Adalbert



6. HERBERT (II) DE VERMANDOIS, b. 880 Vermandois Picardie, d. Feb 23, 943 Saint Quentin, Aisne, m. his niece, Adèle (II) Princess de France, b. 895, d. 943, daughter of Robert I King of France (and Count of Paris, born in Bourgogne and died in Soissons, France) and his sister Beatrice de Vermandois, b. 876, d. 929, daughter of Herbert (I) Comte de Vermandois and Berthe de Paris

Herbert (III) de Vermandois, Comte de Tours, b. 907, d. 987

Robert Comte de Troyes and Meaux, b. 910, d. Jun 19, 966

Leutgarde de Vermandois, Duchess de Normandy, b. 911, d. Nov 14, 977 Chartres

Adele (ou Alix) de Vermandois, b. 913, d. 959 Bruges

Eudes de Vermandois, Comte de Viennois, b. 915, d. Jun 19, 946

Albert (I) le Pieux de Vermandois, Comte de Vermandois, b. 916, d. Sep 8, 987 Saint-Quentin

Hugues de Vermandois, Archbishop of Reims, b. 920, d. 962 Meaux

Herbert was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.[1] He was apparently well aware of his descent from Charlemagne.[2] Herbert inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Abbey of St. Medard, Soissons. He took the position of Lay abbot entitling him to the income of those estates.[1] His marriage with a daughter of king Robert I of France brought him the County of Meaux.[3]

In 922, when Seulf became Archbishop of Rheims, in an effort to appease Herbert II Seulf solemnly promised him he could nominate his successor.[4] In 923, Count Herbert took the bold step of imprisoning King Charles III, who died still a captive in 929.[a][3] Then, on the death of Seulf in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims.[5] Herbert took the additional step of sending emissaries to Rome to Pope John X to gain his approval, which that pope gave in 926.[4] On his election young Hugh was sent to Auxerre to study.[2]

In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this countship for Eudes, his eldest son.[6] He took the town in defiance of King Rudolph leading to a clash between the two in 927.[2] Using the threat of releasing King Charles III, who he held captive, Herbert managed to hold the city for four more years.[2] But after the death of Charles in 929, Rudolph again attacked Laon in 931 successfully defeating Herbert.[2] The same year the king entered Rheims and defeated archbishop Hugh, the son of Herbert.[7] Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims.[7] Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Château-Thierry, and Soissons.[8] The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud.[9] Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop.[9] Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

Death and legacy[edit]

Herbert II died on 23 February 943 at Saint-Quentin, Aisne (the capital of the county of Vermandois).[1] His vast estates and territories were divided among his sons.[10] Vermandois and Amiens went to the two elder sons while Robert and Herbert, the younger sons, were given the valuable holdings scattered throughout Champagne.[10] On Robert's death his brother's son Herbert III inherited them all. Herbert III's only son Stephen died childless in 1019–20 thus ending the male line of Herbert II.[10]


Herbert married Adele, daughter of Robert I of France.[11] Together they had the following children:
Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (c. 910–946)[1]
Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (c. 915–987), married Gerberge of Lorraine[1]
Adela of Vermandois (910–960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders[1]
Herbert 'the Old' (c. 910–980), Count of Omois, Meaux and Troyes, and abbot of St. Medard, Soissons, married 951 Eadgifu of Wessex daughter of Edward the Elder King of England and widow of Charles III King of France.[b][1]
Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Châlons († 967)[1]
Luitgarde of Vermandois (c. 915-20–978), married 940 William I, Duke of Normandy;[1] married secondly, c. 943–44, Theobald I of Blois[c][12] Their son was Odo I, Count of Blois.[10]
Hugh of Vermandois (920–962), Archbishop of Reims

Herbert II, Count of Vermandois

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Herbert II (884 – February 23, 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.



* 1 Life

* 2 Death and legacy

* 3 Family

* 4 External links

[edit] Life

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Adela of France (also known as Liégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

[edit] Death and legacy

Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

[edit] Family

He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.

With Adela, he had 7 children:

* Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne

* Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)

* Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)

* Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)

* Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne

* Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois

* Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims


He was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois and Bertha de Movris found here:
Herbert II, Count of Vermandois

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Herbert II of Vermandois)

Herbert II

Vermandois coat of arms

Count of Vermandois


907 – 23 February 943


Herbert I


Adalbert I


Hildebranda of France

See details

Adele of Vermandois
Eudes of Vermandois
Adalbert I
Robert of Vermandois
Herbert "the Elder"
Luitgarde of Vermandois
Hugh of Vermandois




Herbert I, Count of Vermandois


Bertha de Morvois


ca 884


23 February 943

Herbert II (884 – February 23, 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.

[hide] 1 Life
2 Death and legacy
3 Family
4 External links

[edit] Life

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Hildebrand of France (also known as Liégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. Because Adela, the name given to the queen, since his mother was so well known. So it has been presumed that he had one spouse with two different common names. But, Hildebrandt was the dau. of Robert I/V and Aelis; and, Lieutgarde was the dau. of Robert I/V and Beatrice.

In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Château-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry-en-Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Château-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

[edit] Death and legacy

Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert "the Elder", Robert, Albert (Adalbert), and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

[edit] Family

With Hildebrand of France, daughter of Robert I of France, he had the following children:
Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (912-946)
Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberge of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Châlons (ca918-968)
Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (ca920-993)
Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims

But, Hildebrandt was the dau. of Robert I/V and Aelis; and, Lieutgarde was the dau. of Robert I/V and Beatrice. Which children belong to which, is to be determined.

[edit] External links
Comtes de Vermandois

Courtesy of fantastically full family tree cf.:

Hughes of Gwerclas 1/2/3/4:
herbert II
Heribert II, geb. ca. 880/890; tracht zijn machtsgebied uit te breiden; leke-abt van Saint-MA#dard-de-Soissons en van Saint-CrA#pin-de-Soissons; graaf van Vermandois, van MA#aux, enz.; speelt een rol in de machtstrijd om de Franse koningskroon en in de conflicten met Oost-FranciA«, BourgondiA«, wegens het lot van Lotharingen; sluit met evenveel gemak allianties, die hij dan zo nodig ook weer zonder me er verbreekt; kiest ondanks zijn eigen Karolingische afstamming veelal de partij der Robertijnen; houdt de ongelukkige koning Karel III de Eenvoudige, na diens afzetting, vele jaren gevangen; overl. 2 3-2-943, begr. Saint-Quentin, tr. vA#A#r 907 NN, geb. vA#A#r 900, overl. na 931; dr. van Robert I graaf van Parijs, markgraaf van NeustriA« (en later tegenkoning der Franken), en diens eerste echtgenote N. (event. AA#lis?).
Imprisoned Charles, the Simple, King of France, at Peronne.
_P_CCINFO 1-7369
Wikipedia biography
Per Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (48:19), (49:19), (50:18), (118:18),
(121E:19), (136:18), Count of Vermondois and Troyes.

from "Our Folk" by Albert D Hart, Jr.
221797462. Greve Heribert II N.NSON av Vermandois (12684) was born between 880 and 890. (12685) He died in 943 in Falt i slaget ved Soissons.(12686) He was a Greve in Vermandois.(12687) han var vistno gift med datter av motkongen Robert I. av Frankrike.
Heribert II van Vermandois, (zie dezelfde persoon hierboven in generatie 32) geb. 880*, ovl. 23.02.943, begraven in St.Quentin, ref. nr. 10.03.2004 ES I.1-7, KdG0.2,6 Hij trouwde met Adelheid van Neustrië, ook bekend als Aelis Capet, getrouwd voor 21.05.907.
was born about 880/890. He died on 23 Feb 943. He was buried in St. Quentin, Frankrijk. He married Adela Hildebrante van Neustrië-56202 in 907
! (1) Count of Meaux
(2) Also AFN 9G82J4
! (1) Count of Meaux
(2) Also AFN 9G82J4
--Other Fields

Ref Number: 511
Line 4897 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
_P_CCINFO 1-2782
Count of Vermandois and Troyes. 7 children
_P_CCINFO 1-20792
_P_CCINFO 1-20792
Han tok til fange Charles le Simple (923). Han ble den førs te greve av
Champagne og tok over Troyes.
! (1) Count of Meaux
(2) Also AFN 9G82J4
Hij tracht zijn machtsgebied uit te breiden; leke-abt van Saint-Médard-de-Soissons en van Saint-Crépin-de-Soissons; graaf van Vermandois, van Méaux, enz.; speelt een rol in de machtstrijd om de Franse koningskroon en in de conflicten met Oost-Francië, Bourgondië, wegens het lot van Lotharingen; sluit met evenveel gemak allianties, die hij dan zo nodig ook weer zonder meer verbreekt; kiest ondanks zijn eigen Karolingische afstamming veelal de partij der Robertijnen; houdt de ongelukkige koning Karel III de Eenvoudige, na diens afzetting, vele jaren gevangen
Herbert II (884 - February 23, 943), Count of Vermandois and Count of Troyes, was the son of Herbert I of Vermandois.

He inherited the domain of his father and in 907, added to it the Saint de Soissons abbey. His marriage with Adela of France (also known as Liégarde) brought him the County of Meaux. In 918, he was also named Count of Mézerais and of the Véxin. With his cousin Bernard, Count of Beauvais and Senlis, he constituted a powerful group in the west of France, to the north and east of Paris. In 923, he imprisoned King Charles III in Chateau-Thierry, then in Péronne.

In 922, the Archbishop of Rheims, Seulf, called on Herbert II to reduce some of his vassals who were in rebellion against him. On the death of Seulf, in 925, with the help of King Rudolph, he acquired for his second son Hugh (then five years old) the archbishopric of Rheims, which had a large inheritance in France and Duitsland. In 926, on the death of Count Roger of Laon, Herbert demanded this County for Eudes, his eldest son. He settled there, initially against the will of King Rudolph and constructed a fortress there. Rudolph yielded to pressure to free king Charles III, whom Herbert still held in prison. In 930, Herbert took the castle of Vitry in Perthois at the expense of Boso, the brother of King Rudolph. Rudolph united his army with the army of Hugh, marquis of Neustria, and in 931, they entered Rheims and defeated Hugh, the son of Herbert. Artaud became the new archbishop of Reims. Herbert II then lost, in three years, Vitry, Laon, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. The intervention of his ally, Henry the Fowler, allowed him to restore his domains (except Rheims and Laon) in exchange for his submission to King Rudolph.

Later Herbert allied with Hugh the Great and William Longsword, duke of Normandy against King Louis IV, who allocated the County of Laon to Roger II, the son of Roger I, in 941. Herbert and Hugh the Great took back Rheims and captured Artaud. Hugh, the son of Herbert, was restored as archbishop. Again the mediation of the German King Otto I in Visé, near Liège, in 942 allowed for the normalization of the situation.

Death and legacy
Herbert II died on 23 February 943 without having succeeded in building the principality of which he dreamed. His succession was reconciled by Hugh the Great, maternal uncle of his children. It took place in 946 and led to an equitable distribution between the sons of Herbert II: Herbert III, Robert, Albert, and Hugh (his other son Eudes died before 946). As for his girls, Adela was married to Arnulf I, count of Flanders, Luitgarde (widow of William Longsword) was married to Theobald I, count of Blois, the first lieutenant of Hugh. She brought to Theobald Provins and domains in the Mézerais.

He was first married to Adela, and then to Hildebrante of France (895-931), daughter of Robert I of France.

With Hildebrante, he had 7 children:

Adele of Vermandois (910-960), married 934 Count Arnulf I of Flanders, also a descendant of Charlemagne
Eudes of Vermandois, Count of Amiens and of Vienne, (910-946)
Herbert "the Elder", Count of Meaux and of Troyes (-993)
Robert of Vermandois, Count of Meaux and Chalons (-968)
Adalbert I, Count of Vermandois (915-987), married Gerberga of Lorraine, also a descendant of Charlemagne
Luitgarde of Vermandois (ca 920-978), married 943 Theobald I of Blois
Hugh of Vermandois (died 962), Archbishop of Reims

External links
Comtes de Vermandois
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
Per Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (48:19), (49:19), (50:18), (118:18),
(121E:19), (136:18), Count of Vermondois and Troyes.
1 NAME Herbert Comte /De Vermandois/ 1 NAME Herbert II /de Vermandois/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 166, 169, 188, 231, 235, 239, 258; Coe; A. Roots 48-19, 49, 50-18, 118, 121E, 136; AF: Smallwood; Kraentzler 1160, 1451; Pfafman. Count of Vermandois, Troyes, Meaux and Soissons. Coe calls him Heribert II. Called in RC 166 the Count of Blois and Chartres. K. calls him Herbert I. Roots: Herbert II, Count of Vermandois and Troyes. Died 943.
Per Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (48:19), (49:19), (50:18), (118:18),
(121E:19), (136:18), Count of Vermondois and Troyes.
34th great grandfather
! (1) Count of Meaux
(2) Also AFN 9G82J4
! (1) Count of Meaux
(2) Also AFN 9G82J4
Herbert II van Vermandois, geboren omstreeks 880. Herbert is overleden op 23-02-943, ongeveer 63 jaar oud. Hij is begraven te St. Quentin (Fr). Titels: van 880 tot 943 Graaf van Meaux van 902 tot 943 Graaf van Vermandois Hij trouwde, ongeveer 27 jaar oud, vóór 907 met de ongeveer 17-jarige 113556590279 Adelheid van Bourgondië, geboren omstreeks 890. Adelheid is overleden na 931, ongeveer 41 jaar oud.
Line 4897 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
1 NAME Herbert Comte /De Vermandois/ 1 NAME Herbert II /de Vermandois/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 166, 169, 188, 231, 235, 239, 258; Coe; A. Roots 48-19, 49, 50-18, 118, 121E, 136; AF: Smallwood; Kraentzler 1160, 1451; Pfafman. Count of Vermandois, Troyes, Meaux and Soissons. Coe calls him Heribert II. Called in RC 166 the Count of Blois and Chartres. K. calls him Herbert I. Roots: Herbert II, Count of Vermandois and Troyes. Died 943.
1 NAME Herbert Comte /De Vermandois/ 1 NAME Herbert II /de Vermandois/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 166, 169, 188, 231, 235, 239, 258; Coe; A. Roots 48-19, 49, 50-18, 118, 121E, 136; AF: Smallwood; Kraentzler 1160, 1451; Pfafman. Count of Vermandois, Troyes, Meaux and Soissons. Coe calls him Heribert II. Called in RC 166 the Count of Blois and Chartres. K. calls him Herbert I. Roots: Herbert II, Count of Vermandois and Troyes. Died 943.
!BIRTH: "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call - Based on Call Family Pedigrees FHL
film 844805 & 844806, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Copy of
"Royal Ancestors" owned by Lynn Bernhard, Orem, UT.
!NOTE Count of Vermandois and Troyes

Line 203 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:

Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
All notes of this line;
Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists by Frederic Lewis Weis
Eight lines of descent of John Prescot, founder of Lancaster, Mass
by Frederick Lewis Weis
Some Magna Carta Barons and Other royal Linages by Dorothy a. Sherman Lainson;B.A.; M.N.

Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists(7th Ed) by Frederick Lewis Weis, Th.D.; F.A.S.G.
Heribert II, geb. ca. 880/890; tracht zijn machtsgebied uit te breiden; leke-abt van Saint-Médard-de-Soissons en van Saint-Crépin-de-Soissons; graaf van Vermandois, van Méaux, enz.; speelt een rol inde machtstrijd om de Franse koningskroon en in de conflicten met Oost-Francië, Bourgondië, wegens het lot van Lotharingen; sluit met evenveel gemak allianties, die hij dan zo nodig ook weer zonder meer verbreekt; kiest ondanks zijn eigen Karolingische afstamming veelal de partij der Robertijnen; houdt de ongelukkige koning Karel III de Eenvoudige, na diens afzetting, vele jaren gevangen; overl. 23-2-943, begr. Saint-Quentin, tr. vóór 907 NN, geb. vóór 900, overl. na 931; dr. van Robert I graaf van Parijs, markgraaf van Neustrië (en later tegenkoning der Franken), en diens eerste echtgenote N. (event. Aélis?).
Per Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (48:19), (49:19), (50:18), (118:18),
(121E:19), (136:18), Count of Vermondois and Troyes.
herbert II

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Héribert de Vermandois

Héribert de Vermandois
± 880-943

Héribert de Vermandois


Adela Robertien
± 898-????

Adela Robertien

< 925-> 985


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