Genealogy Windsor-Cicognani » William Boys (1452-1507)

Persoonlijke gegevens William Boys 

Gezin van William Boys

Hij is getrouwd met Isabella Phallop.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1475, hij was toen 23 jaar oud.


  1. John Boys  1476-1533 
  2. Thomas Boys  1478-1507 

Notities over William Boys

Purchased estate of Fredville in 1485 where he resided. Returned to Bonnington before his death
On a Brass Plate, fix’d to a Stone on ye Floor, is engraved the Popish Representation of The Holy Trinity. viz. God The Father in the Form of an Old Man with a Triple Crown, with Christ in his Bosom; and the Holy Ghost, in the Form of a Dove, over His Head. Underneath are ye Images of A Man, his Wife, and 8 Children; with the following Inscription. Hic Jacet Willielmus BOYS, et Isabella Uxor ejus, qui quidem Willielmus obijt, ultimo Die Julij Anno Dom MDVII [1507] quorum Animabus propitietur Deus. On a Label wch. proceeds from The Man’s Mouth, are these Words. Sancta Trinitas, Unus Deus, miserdere Nobis. On a Label wch. comes from The Womans Mouth are these, Pater, de Caelis, Deus, Miserere Nobis.

[roughly, Here lies Willielmus Boys and his wife Isabella, who died July 1507 A.D., God be merciful on their souls].
BONNINGTON, in the south-east part of this parish, was in early times the property and residence of a family of the same name, who appear to have been possessed of it so late as the latter end of the reign of king Edward I. but it became of much more eminent note afterwards, from being the antient seat from whence the numerous and knightly family of Bois branched out, as from their original stock, and spread with distinguished reputation through the eastern parts of this county, deriving their descent from R. de Boys, or de Bosco, who is mentioned in the Battle abbey roil of those who accompanied the Conqueror into England, and were amply rewarded by him with the possessions of the conquered Saxons. From R. de Boys, or de Bosco, before-mentioned, descended John Boys, who was of Bonnington in the 30th year of king Edward III. [A.D. 1357] but his descendant William Boys having purchased Fredville, in the adjoining parish of Nonington, removed thither, though some time before his death he returned to Bonnington, where he died in 1507, and was buried in this church. He left five sons and three daughters. To his eldest son John, he gave Fredville; and to the second, Thomas, he gave Bonnington; giving, as Philipott says, the fairest estate to the former, and the antient family seat to the latter; and from the descendants of John Boys, the eldest son, of Fredville, sprang those of Fredville, Hode, Holt-street, Betshanger, Challock, Deal, Sandwich, St. Gregory's, in Canterbury, Denton, and of Surry; and from the descendants of Thomas Boys, esq. of Bonnington, sprang those of Bonnington, Hith, Mersham, Wilsborough, Sevington, and Uffington, all which are now extinct in the male line, excepting those of Sandwich and Wilsborough, a more particular account of all which may be seen under those several places. In the descendants of Thomas Boys, esq. the second son above-mentioned, of Bonnington, resident here, it continued down to Sir John Boys, to whose coat armour king Charles I. gave the augmentation of a crown imperial, or, on a canton, azure; for his loyalty and valour at Donington castle, in Berkshire, of which he was governor, where being summoned by the parliament forces, to surrender the place under peril of being put to the sword, he stoutly answered, that he would never quit the castle without the king's order, nor take nor give quarter. He died in 1664, and was buried at Goodneston...

GOODNESTON, or Gunston, is within the ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION of the diocese of Canterbury, and deanry of Bridge.
The church, which is dedicated to the Holy Cross, consists of two isles and two chancels, having a beacon tower at the west end, in which are four bells. This church seems to have been erected in great measure by the assistance of the family of Boys, of Bonnington, about the time of king Edward III. for on one side of the west door, under the steeple, is carved in the stone work, Orate p T. boye adjutor isti op. On each side a shield of arms, one a cross, the other a saltier; and at top three more shields, the first of which is that of Langley, and the third of Oxenden; and over a window of the south isle (now stopped up) the centre stone has carved on it, Willyam boyes, and at each corner are carved the singular emblematical figures of a sow with a litter of pigs, and of a sow sitting upright, a chain about its neck, fastened to a rock behind, and an infant child in swaddling clothes in its lap. In the south isle is a stone, with figures in brass, and inscription for William Boys and Isabell his wife. He died anno 1507... In the north chancel, belonging to the estate of Bonnington, are interred the family of Boys, of that seat, though the brasses of most of their stones are lost... In the church-yard is a stone, on which were once figures in brass, long since gone, for Thomas Boys, of Bonnington, and Edith his wife. He died in 1479.

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van William Boys

John Boys
Agnes Boys
Thomas Boys

William Boys

John Boys
Thomas Boys

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    Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
    Roger Windsor, "Genealogy Windsor-Cicognani", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 26 september 2024), "William Boys (1452-1507)".