Whittington families » Oswald Ernald (Tom,6Th Bart Of Ancoats) MOSLEY (1896-1980)

Données personnelles Oswald Ernald (Tom,6Th Bart Of Ancoats) MOSLEY 

Les sources 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Il est né le 16 novembre 1896 dans Rolleston Hall, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England.
  • Professions:
    • en l'an 1918 Founder of the British Union of Fascists dans Conservative M.P. for Harrow.
    • en l'an 1922 dans Independent M.P. for Harrow.
  • Il est décédé le 3 décembre 1980 dans Orsay, Essonne department, Île-de-France, France, il avait 84 ans.
  • Il est enterré dans cremated in Paris, ashes scattered on the pond at Orsay.
  • Un enfant de Oswald (Sir)(5Th Baronet Of Ancoats) MOSLEY et Katherine Maud EDWARDS-HEATHCOTE
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 30 juillet 2015.

Famille de Oswald Ernald (Tom,6Th Bart Of Ancoats) MOSLEY

(1) Il est marié avec Cynthia Blanche (Lady) CURZON (MOSLEY).

Ils se sont mariés le 11 mai 1920 à St Martin London, Vol 1A, P 1348A, il avait 23 ans.


  1. (Ne pas publique)
  2. MOSLEY  
  3. MOSLEY  
  4. MOSLEY  
  5. Michael MOSLEY  1932-2012

(2) Il est marié avec Diana (Hon) FREEMAN-MITFORD (GUINNESS)(MOSLEY).

Ils se sont mariés en l'an 1936 à In Joseph Goebbels Home In Berlin, Hitler A Guest!, il avait 39 ans.


  1. (Ne pas publique)

Notes par Oswald Ernald (Tom,6Th Bart Of Ancoats) MOSLEY

Polititician, Orator, Fascist, Soldier.

Eldest son..Educ,West Downs,Winchester & Sandhurst Royal Military Academy.

Lived at Apedale Manor as a child..

16th Lancers,

WW1.Youngest member of the House of Commons 1918, MP for Harrow.

.Philanderer & Fascist..

Brilliant organiser, Beaten 77 votes against Neville Chamberlain 1924..

o;British Union of Fascists

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«b» British Union of Fascists«u»«/b» «/u»«b» Years active«;/b» 1932 - 1940«b» Political Ideology«u»«/b»Fascism «/u»«b» Political Position«u»«/b»Far right «/u»«b» International Affiliation«/b» N/A«b» Preceded by«u»«/b»New Party «/u» «;u»British Fascisti «/u»«b» Succeeded by«/b» N/A«b» Colours«u»«/b»Flash and Circle «/u»«b»See also«u»«/b»Politics of the UK «/u» «u»Political parties «/u» «u»Elections «/u» The «b»British Union of Fascists«/b» (BUF) was a «u»political party «/u» in the «u»United Kingdom «/u» formed, in 1932, by former «u»MP «/u» of the «u»Conservative Party «/u» and «u»Labour «/u»'s former government minister «u»Sir Oswald Mosley «/u». The party was a union composed of several smaller «u»fascist «/u» parties such as the «u»British Fascisti «/u».

«b»Contents «/b»[«u»hide «/u»] «u»1 Character«/u» «u»2 Prominence«/u»«u»3 Final years and legacy«/u» «u»4 The BUF in popular culture«/u» «u»5 BUF Anthem«/u»; «u»6 Prominent members«/u» «;u»7 See also«/u» «u»8 Further reading«/u» «u»9 References«;/u» «u»10 External links«/u»

p>«b»[«u»edit «/u»] Character

«/b»Mosley modelled himself on another «u»fascist «/u» leader, «u»Benito Mussolini «/u», and the BUF itself primarily on Mussolini's «u»National Fascist Party «/u» in «u»Italy «/u».

Both Mussolini and, later, Mosley instituted black «u»uniforms «/u» for party members, earning them the nickname "the «u»Blackshirts «/u»." The BUF was «u»anti-communist«/u» and «u»protectionist «/u», and proposed the replacement of «u»parliamentary democracy «/u» with a system of elected executives having jurisdiction over specific industries – a system similar to the «u»corporatism «/u» of the Italian fascists. Unlike the Italian system, however, British fascist corporatism planned a democracy that would replace the «u»House of Lords «/u» with elected executives drawn from major industries, the clergy, and colonial representatives. The «u»House of Commons «/u» was to be reduced in size to allow for a faster, "less factionist" democracy.«u»[1]«/u»

The BUF's political programme and ideology were outlined in such publications as Mosley's «i»Tomorrow We Live«/i» (Abbey Supplies, Ltd., 1938), and A. Raven Thompson's «i»The Coming Corporate State«/i» (1938).

Most of the BUFs policies were built on a framework of «u»isolationism «/u», a political and economic policy prohibiting trade by British nationals outside the «u»British Empire «/u». Moseley proposed that this policy would help protect the British economy from the flux of the world market, especially during the «u»Great Depression «/u», and prevent "cheap slave competition from abroad." «u»[2]«/u»

Many BUF members were drawn from aristocratic and military families and included celebrated military scientist «u»J.F.C. Fuller «/u». Its policy throughout the 1930s was not officially «;u»anti-Semitic «/u»; however, many of its members were openly so. The BUF's appointed propaganda director, American-born «u»William Joyce «/u», was candid and outspoken with regard to his disdain for Jewish people, whom he denounced as "a perpetual nuisance," and, in his last public message as reported by the BBC, announced, "In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war, and I defy the powersof darkness they represent." «u»[3]«/u» However, Oswald Mosley, in his autobiography, «i»My Life«/i», admitted: "As we shall see I had a quarrel years later with certain Jews for political reasons, but have not at any time been an anti-semite."«u»[4]«/u»

Of anti-Semitism in the BUF, «u»«i»The Times «/u»«;/i» wrote, in 1934:

"The listeners heard Sir O. Mosley refer to his would-be interrupters as 'sweeping of the «u»Continental «/u» «;u»ghettoes «/u», hired by Jewish «u»financiers «/u»...an alien gang imported from all quarters of Britain by Jewish money to prevent «u»Englishmen «/u» putting their case [forward]....'" «u»[5]«/u»

Responding, in 1935, to a question from «i»The Times«/i» about the official BUF policy regarding Jewish Britons, Mosley said: "We will not tolerate within the State a minority organized against the interests of the State. Jews must either put the interests of Britain before the interests of Jewry or they will be deported from Britain." «u»[6]«/u»

«/b» «/u»«b»This does not «u»cite «/u» any «u»references or sources «/u».«/b» «i»(January 2007)«/i» Please help «u»improve this article <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=British_Union_of_Fascists&action=edit>«/u» by adding citations to «u»reliable sources «/u». «u»Unverifiable «/u» material may be challenged and removed. The BUF claimed a membership as high as 50,000 at one point, and the «u»«i»Daily Mail «/u»«/i» and «u»«i»Daily Mirror «/u»«/i» were early supporters, the Daily Mail famously running the headline "«i»Hurrah for the Blackshirts!«/i»".

Opinion was divided in response to the BUF's black-shirted followers; in some quarters, their unified appearance, and the vision of militant «u»Britishness «/u» they presented, won the party supporters[«u»«i»citation needed «/u»«/i»]. Others found in them something absurd. «;u»P.G. Wodehouse «/u», for example, based the "amateur «u»dictator «/u»" «u»Roderick Spode «/u» and his «;u»Black Shorts «/u», which appear in his «u»«i»Jeeves and Wooster «/u»«/i» stories, on Mosley and the BUF.

Despite considerable - and sometimes violent - resistance from Jewish people, the Labour Party, assorted democrats and the «u»Communist Party of Great Britain «/u», the BUF still found a following in the «u»East End «/u» of «u»London «/u», where in the «u»London County Council «/u» elections of 1937 they obtained good results in their strongholds of «u»Bethnal Green «/u», «u»Shoreditch «/u» and «u»Limehouse «/u»[«u»«i»citation needed «/u»«/i»]. However, the BUF never faced a «u»General Election «/u»: feeling unready in «u»1935 «/u»[«u»«i»citation needed «/u»«/i»], they urged voters to abstain, offering the promise of "«i»Fascism Next Time«/i»". There never was a "next time", as the «u»next General Election «/u» was not held until July «;u»1945 «/u», by which time «u»World War II «/u» in Europe «u»had ended «/u» and Fascism had been discredited.

Towards the middle of the 1930s, the BUF's increasingly violent activities, and a growing discomfortat its perceived alignment with the «u»German «/u» «u»Nazi party «/u», began to alienate some of its «u»middle-class «/u» supporters. Membership accordingly decreased. At the Olympia rally in London, in 1934, BUF stewards became involved in a violent confrontation with militant communists, and this bad publicity caused the «i»Daily Mail«/i» to withdraw its support from the party.

With its lack of electoral success, the party was drawn away from mainstream politics and further toward extreme «u»anti-Semitism «/u» during «u»1934 «/u»-«u»1935 «;/u» (which saw the resignation of leading members such as Dr. «u»Robert Forgan «/u»). They organised several anti-Semitic marches and protests in London (recalling the earlier tactics of predecessors such as the «u»British Brothers League «/u»), such as the one that resulted in the famous «u»Battle of Cable Street «/u» in October 1936.

Nonetheless, membership fell to below 8,000 by the end of 1935. The government was sufficiently concerned, however, to pass the «u»Public Order Act of 1936 «/u», which banned the wearing of «u»political uniforms «/u» during marches, required police consent for political marches to go ahead, and effectively destroyed the movement.

The BUF was completely banned in May «u»1940 «/u», and Mosley and 740 other senior fascists were «u»interned «/u» for much of «u»World War II «/u». Mosley made several unsuccessful attempts at a political comeback after the war, most notably in the «u»Union Movement «/u».

tory novel, «u»«i»In the Presence of Mine Enemies «/u»«/i», is set in 2010 in a world where the Nazis were triumphant, the BUF governs Britain — and the first stirrings of the reform movement come from there. The BUF and Mosley also appear as background influences in Turtledove's «u»Colonization «/u» trilogy which follows the «u»Worldwar «/u» quadrology and is set in the 1960s.

British humorous writer «u»P.G. Wodehouse «/u» extensively satirized the BUF and their leader in a number of books and short stories. The BUF was satirized as "The Black shorts" for their wearing of black shirts, and their leader was «u»Roderick Spode «/u» who was eventually revealed as the owner of a ladies' underwear shop.

The BUF and Oswald Mosley are also alluded to in «u»Kazuo Ishiguro «/u»'s novel «u»«i»The Remains Of The Day «/u»;«/i».

mbles the German «u»«i»Horst-Wessel-Lied «/u»«/i»; (anthem of the NSDAP) which is now banned in Germany, and was set to the same tune.

The lyricsare as follows:

«i»Comrades, the voices of the dead battalions,«/i»

«i»Of those who fell that Britain might be great,«/i»

raquo;Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us,«/i»

«i»And urge us on to gain the fascist state!«/i»

(Repeat Last Two Lines)

aquo;i»We're of their blood, and spirit of their spirit,«/i»

«i»Sprung from that soil for whose dear sake they bled,«/i»

vested powers, Red Front, and massed ranks of reaction,«/i»

«i»We lead the fight for freedom and for bread!«/i»

(Repeat Last Two Lines)

i»The streets are still, the final struggle's ended;«/i»

«i»Flushed with the fight we proudly hail the dawn!«/i»

«i»See, over all the streets the fascist banners waving,«/i»

«i»Triumphant standards of our race reborn!«/i»

(Repeat Last Two Lines)

anesville Daily Gazette - Janesville, Wisconsin - May 8 1920

Newspaper Archive

on is the daughter of Lord Curzon of Kedleston and of the Mary Letter Chicago Society on both sides of is interested in tho wedding ... in the south on Monday and the following day his widow married the naval officer at Griffin will Be buried at Forest Hills near Boston Monday Mr mother will represent the Lady CynthiaCurzon London May King ... Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium came to by airplane today flying from Brussels in 3 hours 5 7 minutes They made the trip to attend the wedding next Tuesday Lady Cynthia daughter of Earl Curzon ... Capture Re listed MEN BY STRATEGIC LONDON HEARS OFCAP- TURE OF IMPORTANT KEY CITY TO SIA FIGHT WAS..."

Date:«tab»May 8 1920

Place:«tab»Janesville, Wisconsin, United States Of America

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Les sources

  1. Geni World Family Tree, via http://www.myheritage.com/research/colle...

    Oswald Ernald Mosley
    Gender: Male
    Birth: Nov 16 1896 - Rolleston Hall, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England
    Occupation: Founder of the British Union of Fascists
    Death: Dec 31980 - Orsay, Essonne department, Île-de-France, France
    Burial: cremated in Paris; ashes scattered on the pond at Orsay
    Father: Oswald Mosley
    Mother: Katharine Maud Mosley (born Edwards-Heathcote)
    Wives: Cynthia Blanche Mosley (born Curzon), Diana Mosley (born Freeman-Mitford)
    Children: Vivien Elisabeth Forbes Adam (born Mosley), Mosley, <;Private> Mosley, (Oswald) Alexander Mosley, Mosley

    The Geni World Family Tree is found on http://www.geni.com" target="_blank">www.Geni.com. Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage.
  2. WikiTree, via http://www.myheritage.com/research/colle...

    Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, 6th Bart
    Gender: Male
    Birth: Nov 16 1896 - St George Hanover Square, London, United Kingdom
    Death: Dec 3 1980
    Wife: Hon Diana Freeman Mosley (born Mitford)

  3. Newspaper Archive, via http://www.myheritage.com/research/colle...

    The Gleaner
    Publication: Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica
    Date: Apr 7 1920
    Text: "...TO MARRY. IHJARX/S SECOND DAUGHTER ENGAGED TO LIEUT. OSWALD E. MOSLEY, M.P. London, March 25.-The engagement is announced of Lady Cynthia Curzon, second daughter of Earl Curzon of Kedleston, and Lieut ... . 'Oswald Eraald Mosley, Member of ; Parliament for the Harrow Division ;of Middlesex. Lady Cynthia Curzon*s mother was (Mary Letter, daughter of L. Z. ' 'Letter of Washington, D.C. who was married ... to Earl Curzon in 18-95 and who died in 1906. Lieutenant Oswald Mosley of the 16th Lancers, the eldest son of Sir ..."

    Explore your family history through news articles, community news, national news, local news, sports news, current news, classified ads and historical data without the hassle of manually sorting through mounds of papers via the public library can benefit from this huge online archive provided by Newspaper Archive
  4. FamilySearch Family Tree, via http://www.myheritage.com/research/colle...

    Oswald Ernald Mosely
    Birth names: Oswald Ernald MosleyOswald Ernald Mosley 6th Bart.Oswald MosleySir Oswald Mosley 6th Bart.
    Gender: Male
    Birth: Nov 16 1896 - Mayfair, London, England, United Kingdom
    Marriage: Spouse: Cynthia Blanche Curzon - Circa 1920 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachseutts, USA
    Marriage: Spouse: Diana Freeman-Mitford - Oct 1936
    Death: Dec 3 1980 - Orsay,France
    Occupation: 1918 - Conservative M.P. for Harrow
    Occupation: 1922 - Independent M.P. for Harrow
    Occupation: 1929 - Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
    Scholastic achievement: Winchester and Sandhurst
    Parents: Oswald Mosely, Maud Edwards- Heathcote
    Spouses: Cynthia Blanche Curzon, Diana Freeman- Mitford
      Additional information:

    TitleOfNobility: 6th Bart.

    The FamilySearch Family Tree is published by MyHeritage under license from FamilySearch International, the largest genealogy organization in the world. FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church).

Des liens dans d'autres publications

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Événements historiques

  • La température le 16 novembre 1896 était d'environ 1,1 °C. La pression atmosphérique était de 76 cm de mercure. Le taux d'humidité relative était de 96%. Source: KNMI
  • Du 9 mai 1894 au 27 juillet 1897 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Roëll avec comme premier ministre Jonkheer mr. J. Roëll (oud-liberaal).
  • En l'an 1896: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 5,1 millions d'habitants.
    • 4 janvier » l'Utah devient le 45 État américain.
    • 15 janvier » au Siam, les Anglais et les Français signent un accord sur leurs influences respectives dans le Sud-Est asiatique. La France confirme l'indépendance du Siam et se voit reconnaître un protectorat sur le Laos.
    • 1 février » la Crète, inspirée par l'exemple grec, se soulève contre les Turcs.
    • 6 août » Madagascar devient colonie française.
    • 15 octobre » Joseph Gallieni fait fusiller les princes malgaches, dans la colonie de Madagascar et ses dépendances.
    • 30 décembre » exécution de José Rizal aux Philippines.
  • La température au 11 mai 1920 était entre 3,7 et 19,4 °C et était d'une moyenne de 13,1 °C. Il y avait 11,6 heures de soleil (75%). La force moyenne du vent était de 3 Bft (vent modéré) et venait principalement du est-sud-est. Source: KNMI
  • Du 9 septembre 1918 au 18 septembre 1922 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Ruys de Beerenbrouck I avec comme premier ministre Jonkheer mr. Ch.J.M. Ruys de Beerenbrouck (RKSP).
  • En l'an 1920: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 6,8 millions d'habitants.
    • 23 janvier » les Pays-Bas refusent d'extrader l'ex-kaiser Guillaume II que les Alliés veulent juger pour crimes de guerre.
    • 16 avril » reconnaissance officielle par M Eugène Grellier, évêque de Laval, de l'apparition mariale de Pontmain en 1871.
    • 10 juillet » Arthur Meighen devient Premier ministre du Canada.
    • 12 juillet » traité de paix lituano-soviétique de 1920, la Russie soviétique reconnaît l'indépendance de la Lituanie.
    • 30 octobre » fondation du Parti communiste d'Australie à Sydney.
    • 11 novembre » |transfert du cœur de Léon Gambetta au Panthéon de Paris.
  • La température au 3 décembre 1980 était entre -0.4 et 4,3 °C et était d'une moyenne de 1,8 °C. Il y avait une précipitation de 0.6 mm pendant 0.3 heure(s). Il y avait 5,5 heures de soleil (68%). Il faisait nuageux. La force moyenne du vent était de 2 Bft (vent faible) et venait principalement du nord-nord-ouest. Source: KNMI
  • Du lundi, décembre 19, 1977 au vendredi, septembre 11, 1981 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Van Agt I avec comme premier ministre Mr. A.A.M. van Agt (CDA/KVP).
  • En l'an 1980: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 14,1 millions d'habitants.
    • 14 janvier » Indira Gandhi est élue Première ministre de l’Inde.
    • 6 mars » Marguerite Yourcenar devient la première femme élue à l'Académie française.
    • 21 mars » en protestation à l'invasion soviétique en Afghanistan, le président américain Jimmy Carter annonce un boycott des Jeux olympiques de 1980 à Moscou.
    • 30 juillet » |indépendance du Vanuatu.
    • 25 octobre » adoption de la Convention de La Haye.
    • 31 décembre » démission du président sénégalais Léopold Sédar Senghor, remplacé par Abdou Diouf qui nomme Habib Thiam Premier ministre.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Sur le nom de famille MOSLEY

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Philip James Wood, "Whittington families", base de données, Généalogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/whittington-families/I46124.php : consultée 4 juin 2024), "Oswald Ernald (Tom,6Th Bart Of Ancoats) MOSLEY (1896-1980)".