Arbre généalogique Homs » Unknown / Theodelinde? de Sens (± 774-± 794)

Données personnelles Unknown / Theodelinde? de Sens 

  • Elle est née environ 774 dans France.
  • Profession: .
    {geni:job_title} Concubine
  • Elle est décédée environ 794.
  • Un enfant de Gainfroi (Gunfred) de Maasgau et Theidlindis de Blois
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 25 août 2011.

Famille de Unknown / Theodelinde? de Sens

(1) Elle avait une relation avec Reginmund van Friesland.


  1. Mathilda de Frise  ± 835-920 

(2) Elle est mariée avec Louis I "le Pieux" / "The Pious" / "le Debonnaire" des Francs.

Ils se sont mariés environ 808 à Not Married.


  1. Alpaïs de Paris  ± 824-896 

Notes par Unknown / Theodelinde? de Sens

By Theodelinde of Sens Louis the Pious had two illegitimate children:

* Arnulf of Sens * Alpais
{geni:occupation} Concubine, Peut-être morte en couche, cette inconnue de l'histoire donna un fils à Louis le Pieux en 794
{geni:about_me} Louis I The Pious had 3 partners:

1. Ermengard

2. Judith

=3.Theodelinde? / Concubine 1=
Mistress (1): ---. The name of Emperor Lothar's mistress or mistresses is not known. [] Theodelinde of Sens[citation needed] :[]

With her he had two illegitimate children [] []

'''3.1 Alpais (c793-852)''' [ALPAIS ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]). Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[218]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the '''wife of "Bicgo de amici regis"''' when recording the death of her husband[219]. Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[220]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the age of these children when their father died. The question of Alpais's paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the possible daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. No indication has been found of the name of Alpais's mother. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of Bego's estimated birth date. After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852. '''m ([806]) [as his second wife,] BEGO, son of [GERARD [I] Comte de Paris & his wife Rotrud] ([755/60]-28 Oct 816).''' He governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania in 806. '''Comte de Paris''' in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus.] [] Alpais:[]

'''3.2 Arnoul (794-841)''' ARNOUL ([794]-after [Mar/Apr] 841). The Chronicon Moissacense names "quartum…filium [Ludovici]…ex concubina…Arnulfum" recording that his father gave him the county of Sens[221]. Comte de Sens 817. He was a supporter of his half-brother Emperor Lothaire in [Mar/Apr] 841[222]. []Arnulf of Sens:[]

Louis the Pious

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By Theodelinde of Sens, he had two illegitimate children:

Arnulf of Sens


Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor1

Family 1 Theudelinde de Sens b. circa 775, d. circa 794

Child 1.Alpais+ b. c 790, d. 29 May 852

Family 2 Irmengarde of Hesbain b. 780, d. 3 October 818

Children 1.Lothar I Holy Roman Emperor+ b. c 795, d. 29 Sep 855

2.Pepin I of Aquitaine b. 797, d. 838

3.Rotrud b. 800

4.Adelaide 11

5.Hildegarde+ b. 802, d. c 841

6.Louis II , The German+ b. 805, d. 28 Aug 876

Family 3 Judith of Bavaria & Swabia b. circa 800, d. 19 April 843

Children 1.Gisela of France+ b. 820, d. 1 Jul 87413

2.Charles II The Bald, King of France+ b. 13 Jun 823, d. 6 Oct 877

3.Alpaide Princess of France+ b. c 8251

Theudelinde de Sens1

b. circa 775, d. circa 794, #24107

Pop-up Pedigree

Father Gainfroy de Sens1 b. circa 750

Mother Theudelinde de Blisgau1 b. circa 755, d. after 795

Name VariationTheudelinde de Sens was also found as Unknown mistress.

Birth*circa 775Theudelinde de was born circa 775.1

AssocWith*before 794Theudelinde was associated with Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor though not married.

Death*circa 794Theudelinde de may have died circa 794.1

Family Louis I The Pious King of France, Holy Roman Emperor b. August 778, d. 20 June 840

Child 1.Alpais+ b. c 790, d. 29 May 852


Cette inconnue de l'histoire donna un fils à Louis le Pieux vers 794:

Arnulf, Comte de Sens ((fl. 817))(Arnoul (Carolingien)).

Il est cité en mars-avril 841 comme partisan de Lothaire I et allié des comtes Gundbald, Warnar et Gerhard. Son prochain successeur assuré ne date que de 882 et on ignore la date de sa mort.
=Louis I The Pious (See also excellent summary on the MP Overview) =
LOUIS [Hludowic], son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (Chasseneuil-du-Poitou {Vienne} [16 Apr/Sep] 778-island in the Rhine near Ingelheim 20 Jun 840, bur Metz, église abbatiale de Saint-Arnoul[178]). [] He is named, and his parentage recorded, in the Gesta Mettensium, which specifies that he was his parents' third son, born a twin with Hlothar[179] . The Annales Fuldenses record the death "in insulam quondam Rheni fluminis prope Ingilenheim XII Kal Iul 840" of Emperor Louis and his burial "Mettis civitatem…in basilica sancti Arnulfi"[184]. The necrology of Prüm records the death "840 12 Kal Iul" of "Ludvicus imperator"[185]. The necrology of St Gall records the death "XII Kal Jul" of "Hludowicus imperator in insula Rheni quiæ est sita iuxta palatium Ingelheim"[186]. The Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris records the death "XII Kal Jul" of "Ludovicus imperator"[187]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "XII Kal Jul" of "Ludovicus imperator"[188]. []

'''=1. Ermengard=
m firstly ([794]) ERMENGARD, daughter of ENGUERRAND Comte [de Hesbaye] & his wife --- ([775/80]-Angers 3 Oct 818[189], bur Angers). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names the wife of Emperor Ludwig "filiam nobilissimi ducis Ingorammi…Irmingarda"[190]. The Gesta Francorum records the death "818 V Non Oct" of "Irmingardis regina"[191]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death "V Non Oct" of "Hirmingardis regina" three days after falling ill[192]. [] Ermengarde of Hesbaye (married ca 794-98) []'''

With her he had six children[] three sons and three daughters:[]

'''1. 1 Lothaire(795-855)''' [Lothar] (795-Kloster Prüm 29 Sep 855, bur Kloster Prüm). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I & his wife Ermengard[200]. He was crowned joint Emperor LOTHAIRE I, jointly with his father, in Jul 817 at Aix-la-Chapelle. [] Lothair (795–855), king of Middle Francia:[]

'''1.2 Pepin (797-838)''' PEPIN ([797]-Poitiers 13 Dec 838, bur Poitiers, église collégiale de Sainte-Radégonde). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I & his wife Ermengard[201]. Under the Ordinatio Imperii promulgated by his father at Worms in 817, he became PEPIN I King of Aquitaine. [] Pepin (797–838), king of Aquitaine:[]

'''1.3 Rotrude (800-)''' HROTRUD [Rotrude] ([800]-). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Pipinum et Hludovicum Rotrudim et Hildegardim" as children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Yrmingardi regina"[202]. [] Rotrude (b. 800), '''married Gerard''':[]

'''1.4 Berta or Adelaide''' BERTA Settipani cites charters which name Berta as the daughter of Emperor Louis[203]. [] Note; Wikipaedia doesn’t mention a Berta, and has an Adelaide instead.
Adelaide (b. c. 799) :[] Note Charles Cawley’s Medlands doesn’t mention Adelaide, and has a Berta instead.

'''1.5 Hildegrard (c802-857)''' HILDEGARD ([802/04]-857, or maybe after [23 Aug 860]). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Hlotharium Pipinum et Hludovicum Rotrudim et Hildegardim" as children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Yrmingardi regina"[204]. Hildegard is named as sister of Charles by Nithard[205]. Abbess of Notre-Dame and Saint-Jean at Laon. She supported her brother Lothaire against her half-brother Charles and, in Oct 841, imprisoned Adalgar at Laon. After Laon was besieged, she surrendered Adalgar but was herself released by her half-brother205. The Annales Formoselenses record the death in 857 of "Hildegard, Lothawici regis filia"[206], corroborated in the Annales Alemannici[207]. [] Hildegard (or Matilda) (b. c. 802), '''married Gerard, Count of Auvergne''':[]

'''1.6 Louis (806-876)''' LOUIS ([806]-Frankfurt-am-Main 28 Aug 876, bur Kloster Lorsch). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I and his wife Ermengardis[208]. Under the Ordinatio Imperii promulgated by his father at Worms in 817, he became King of Bavaria and Carinthia. Under the partition of territories agreed by the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, Louis was installed as LUDWIG II "le Germanique/der Deutsche" King of the East Franks. [] Louis the German (c. 805–875), king of East Francia:[]

=2. Judith=
m secondly (Aix-la-Chapelle Feb 819) JUDITH, daughter of WELF [I] Graf [von Altdorf] & his wife Heilwig --- ([805]-Tours 19 Apr 843, bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Annales Xantenses record the marriage in Feb 819 of "Ludewicus imperator" and "Iudith"[193]. Thegan names "filiam Hwelfi ducis sui, qui erat de nobolissima progenie Bawariorum…Iudith…ex parte matris…Eigilwi nobilissimi generic Saxonici" as second wife of Emperor Ludwig, specifying that she was "enim pulchra valde"[194]. Einhard's Annales record that Emperor Louis chose "Huelpi comitis filiam…Judith" as his wife in 819 after "inspectis plerisque nobelium filiabus"[195]. Judith was influential with her husband, which increased the tensions with the emperor's sons by his first marriage. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "quondam duce Bernhardo, qui erat de stirpe regali" was accused of violating "Iudith reginam" but comments that this was all lies[196]. Judith was exiled to the monastery of Sainte-Croix de Poitiers during the first rebellion of her stepsons in 830, was released in 831, but exiled again to Tortona in Italy in 833 from where she was brought back in Apr 834[197]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "XIII Kal Mai" of "Judith regina"[198]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 843 of "Iudhit imperatrix mater Karoli" at Tours[199]. [] His second wife was, Judith of Bavaria:[]

With her had three children[] / a daughter and a son: :[]

'''2.1 Gisela (c819-c874)''' GISELA ([819/822]-after 1 Jul 874, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Karolum et Gislam" children of "Hludovicus ymperator…ex Iudith ymperatrice"[209]. Her marriage is deduced from a charter in which Gisela states that their '''eldest son Unruoch''' brought back the body of Eberhard from Italy[210]. She founded the abbey of St Calixtus at Cysoing, Flanders, where she lived as a widow. "Gisle" granted "le fisc de Somain en Ostrevant" to "filii…Adelarde" by charter dated 14 Apr 869, which names "rex Karolus meus…germanus…senioris mei dulcis memorie Evrardi…tres infantes meos Rodulfum…et Berengarium…et…Adelarde"[211]. The Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis records that “Gisla” donated property to Cysoing abbey for her burial next to “coniugis mei dulcis memoriæ Evrardi”, by charter dated 2 Apr 870 which names “filiæ meæ Ingiltrudis…filius meus Rodulfus”, and by charter dated “Kal Jul anno XXXV regnante Carolo Rege”, naming “filii mei Unroch…filiorum meorum Adalardo atque Rodulfo” and signed by “Odelrici Comitis”[212]. "Gisle" donated property to Cysoing for the anniversaries of "Ludovico imperatore patre meo et…Judith imperatrice matre mea et…rege Karolo…germano et…prole mea…Hengeltrude, Hunroc, Berengario, Adelardo, Rodulpho, Hellwich, Gilla, Judith" by charter dated to [874][213]. [] ''''m ([836]) EBERHARD Marchese di Friulia, son of UNRUOCH Comte [en Ternois] & his wife Engeltrude''' (-in Italy 16 Dec 866, bur Cysoing, Abbey of St Calixtus). [] Gisela, '''married Eberhard I of Friuli''':[]

'''2.2 Charles (823-877)''' CHARLES (Frankfurt-am-Main 13 Jun 823-Avrieux or Brides-les-Bains, Savoie 6 Oct 877, bur Nantua Abbey, transferred to église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The Annales S. Benigni Divisionensis record the birth of "Karolus filius Ludowici" in Frankfurt "Idus Iun 824"[214]. Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names Charles as son of his father by his second wife[215]. Under the division of Imperial territories by the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, he became CHARLES II “le Chauve” King of the West Franks. [] Charles the Bald, king of West Francia:[]

'''2.3? Daughter''' [daughter . The Casus Monasterii Petrishusensis records that "rex Francorum qui et imperator Romanorum" (which appears to indicate Charles II "le Chauve") gave his sister in marriage to "vir nobilissimo genere decoratus", that the couple had two sons to whom their uncle gave "in Alemannia loca…Potamum et Brigantium, Ubirlingin et Buochorn, Ahihusin et Turingen atque Heistirgou, Wintirture…et in Retia Curiensi Mesouch", and that one of the sons returned to France while the other "Oudalricus" retained all the property in Alamannia[216]. The editor of the MGH SS compilation dates this source to the mid-12th century[217]. The information has not been corroborated in any earlier primary source, although it is not known what prior documentation may have been available to the compiler of the Casus. There are several other difficulties with this marriage which suggest that the report in the Casus should be treated with caution. If the information is accurate, it is likely that the bride was a full sister of King Charles, although if this is correct her absence from contemporary documentation is surprising. If she had been Charles's half-sister, it is difficult to see how Charles would have had much influence on her marriage, which would have been arranged by one of her full brothers. In any case, it is unlikely that Emperor Louis's first wife would have had further children after [812/15] at the latest, given the birth of her eldest son in 795. If that estimated birth date is correct, then it is more likely that this daughter's marriage would have been arranged by her father Emperor Louis before his death in 840. Another problem is the potential consanguinity between the parties. Although the precise relationship between the couple's son Udalrich [III] and the earlier Udalrichinger cannot be established from available documentation, it is probable that he was closely related to Hildegard, first wife of Emperor Charles I, who was the paternal grandmother of Emperor Louis's children. Lastly, Udalrich [III] is recorded in charters dated 847 and 854, suggesting a birth date in the 820s assuming that he was adult at the time, which is inconsistent with Charles II "le Chauve" (born in 823) having arranged his parents' marriage. [] m --- [Udalrichinger].] [] Note: Wikipaedia doesn’t record this daughter.

=3.Theodelinde? / Concubine 1=
Mistress (1): ---. The name of Emperor Lothar's mistress or mistresses is not known. [] Theodelinde of Sens[citation needed] :[]

With her he had two illegitimate children [] []

'''3.1 Alpais (c793-852)''' [ALPAIS ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]). Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[218]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the '''wife of "Bicgo de amici regis"''' when recording the death of her husband[219]. Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[220]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the age of these children when their father died. The question of Alpais's paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the possible daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. No indication has been found of the name of Alpais's mother. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of Bego's estimated birth date. After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852. '''m ([806]) [as his second wife,] BEGO, son of [GERARD [I] Comte de Paris & his wife Rotrud] ([755/60]-28 Oct 816).''' He governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania in 806. '''Comte de Paris''' in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus.] [] Alpais:[]

'''3.2 Arnoul (794-841)''' ARNOUL ([794]-after [Mar/Apr] 841). The Chronicon Moissacense names "quartum…filium [Ludovici]…ex concubina…Arnulfum" recording that his father gave him the county of Sens[221]. Comte de Sens 817. He was a supporter of his half-brother Emperor Lothaire in [Mar/Apr] 841[222]. []Arnulf of Sens:[]

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Unknown / Theodelinde? de Sens

Mainier de Sens
± 746-± 800
N.N. de Sens
± 765-± 777
Aberic de Blois
± 747-± 831

Unknown / Theodelinde? de Sens
± 774-± 794

(2) ± 808

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