Arbre généalogique Homs » Úgaine Mór (the Great) "Magnus" mac Echach Ard Rí na h'Éireann (± 669-± 593)

Données personnelles Úgaine Mór (the Great) "Magnus" mac Echach Ard Rí na h'Éireann 

Les sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Le surnom est Magnus.
  • Il est né environ -669 dans Ireland.
  • Il est décédé environ -593 dans Ireland.
  • Il est enterré dans Cruachan, Ireland.
  • Un enfant de Eochaid Buaidhaig mac Duach et Tamar Tephi
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 17 décembre 2011.

Famille de Úgaine Mór (the Great) "Magnus" mac Echach Ard Rí na h'Éireann

Il avait une relation avec Caesair Cruthach.


Notes par Úgaine Mór (the Great) "Magnus" mac Echach Ard Rí na h'Éireann

Name Prefix: King Name Suffix: of Ireland LXVI "The Great"
Name Prefix: King Name Suffix: of Ireland LXVI "The Great"
He married Ceasair Cruthach, daughter of the King of France. Had 25 children & divided Ireland among them.
Úgaine Mor
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Úgaine Mor, also known as Hugony the Great (in English), was a legendary High King of Ireland of the 7th century BC. He was the foster-son of Macha Mong Ruad. He is described as extending his dominion over Scotland and the Isle of Man, and even continental Europe. He is said to have married a daughter of the king of Gaul, who bore him twenty five children.

Preceded by:
Rechtaid Rígderg High King of Ireland
30 or 40 years Succeeded by:

66th Monarch of Ireland, married Caesair, daughter of the King of France.

A Grandchild's Heritage URL:

Generation No. 20-27

20 Nuadhas Fionnfail:[hs32] his son; was the 39th Monarch for 21 years; slain by the son of Art Imleach, Breasrioghacta (961 BC), his successor.

21 Aedan Glas:[hs32] his son. In his time the coast was infested with pirates; and there occurred a dreadful plague (Apthach) which swept away most of the inhabitants.

22 Simeon Breac:[hs32] his son; was the 44th Monarch; he inhumanly caused his predecessor to be torn asunder; but, after a reign of 6 years, he met with a like death (903 BC),by order of Duach Fionn, son to the murdered king

23 Muredach Bolgach:[hs32] his son; was the 46th Monarch for 4 years; killed by Eadhna Dearg (son of Duach Fionn) in 892 BC.
DEATH: c468BC[hs32]
Had following sons:
1. Duach Teamhrach, who had following sons:
1. Eochaidh Framhuine, 51st Monarch of Ireland
2. Conang Beag-eaglach, 53rd Monarch of Ireland
2. Riacha Tolgrach, who is described below

24 Riacha (Feachus?) Tolgrach:[hs32] son of Muredach; was the 55th Monarch for 5 years. His life was ended by the sword of Oilioll Fionn of the line of Heber Fionn, 795 BC

25 Duach Ladhrach:[hs32] his son; was the 59th Monarch for 10 years. He was distinguished by the name Duach Lagrach by reason of his being so strict and hasty in the execution of justice; that he was impatient and would not admit of a moment's delay until the criminal was seized and tried for the offense; the word, "Lagrach," means speed and suddenness. He was killed by Lughaidh Laighe, son of Oilioll Fionn, 737 BC

26 Eochaidh Buadhach:[hs32] his son; was kept out of the Monarchy by his father's slayer. In his time the kingdom was twice visited with a plague

27 Ugaine Mor:[hs32] his son. This Ugaine (Hugony) the Great was the 66th Monarch of Ireland for 40 years.

Rootsweb Feldman
# D: I11188
# Name: Ugaine Mor King of IRELAND 1 2 3 4 5
# Sex: M
# Birth: BEF 100 1 2 3 4 5
# Death: in 663 BC 1 2 3 4 5
# Change Date: 15 JAN 2004 5
# Change Date: 1 NOV 2001 2 3 4 5
# Note:

[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]

2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004


TITL mtunnell.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 28, 2001

Father: Eochaidh BUADHACH b: BEF 100

Marriage 1 Caesair Crutha Princess of GAUL b: BEF 100


1. Has Children LORC
2. Has Children Cobthach Caol Bhreach King of IRELAND b: BEF 100


1. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2004
3. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Jan 18, 2004
4. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 21 Jan 2004
5. Title: Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Feb 6, 2004
{geni:occupation} 66th High King of Ireland

Based on merged profiles,

Death date 593 or 594 BC

"The Great", a High King of Ireland -SPF

Ugaine "the Great" was the 66th Monarch of Ireland. Was called Mór on account of his extensive dominions, being sovereign of all the Islands of Western Europe. Was married to Cæsair, daughter. to the King of France, and by her had issue, twenty-two sons and three daughters.

In order to prevent these children encroaching on each other he divided the Kingdom into twenty-five portions, allotting to each his (or her) distinct inheritance. By means of this division the taxes of the country were collected during the succeeding 300 years. All the sons died without issue except two, Laeghaire Lorc, ancestor of all the Leinster Heremonians; and Cobthach Caolbhreagh, from whom the Heremonians of Leath Cuinn, Meath, Ulster, and Conacht derive their pedigree.

In the early ages the Irish Kings made many military expeditions into foreign countries. Ugaine Mór, called by O'Flaherty, in his Ogygia, "Hugonius Magnus," was contemporary with Alexander the Great; and is stated to have sailed with a fleet into the Mediterranean, landed his forces in Africa, and also attacked Sicily; and having proceeded to Gaul, was married to Cæsair, daughter of the King of the Gauls.

Hugonius was buried at Cruachan. The Irish sent, during the Punic wars, auxiliary troops to their Celtic Brethren, the Gauls; who in their alliance with the Carthaginians under Hannibal, fought against the Roman armies in Spain and Italy.

Ugaine was at length, B.C. 593, slain by Badhbhchadh, who failed to secure the fruits of his murder, the Irish Throne, as he was executed by order of Laeghaire Lorc, the murdered Monarch's son, who became the 68th Monarch.

Ugaine Mor the Great, King of Ireland, m. Caer (Cesair Cruthach, Kesair III) in Gaul, d. ca. 594 BC in Magh Muireadh, Ireland, cause of death was murder by Badhbhchadh, his brother.

Father: Eochaidh Buadhach

He became the sixty-sixth monarch of Ireland ca. 633 BC and reigned for forty years. He was the foster son of Macha Mong Ruadh (Macha the Red Haired) and Cimbaeth. After Cimbaeth died Macha ruled as the first Queen of Ireland. She ruled for seven years before she was slain by Reachtaidh Righdhearg. Ugaine slew Reachtaidh in revenge.

According to some historians Ugaine Mor commanded a fleet to the Mediterranean, landed in Africa, and attacked Sicily. Afterward he went to Gaul, where he married Cesair. They had twenty one sons and three daughters. He supposedly conquered western Europe.

Ugaine extracted oaths from the men of Ireland by "all the elements visible and invisible" that they would never contend with his children or race for the sovereinty of Ireland.

After Ugaine's murder his son, Laeghaire Lorc, became king.

Spouse: Eithne Amlabur



Cobhthach Cael Breagh, King of Ireland, d. ca. 542 BC in Dinn Righ, Ireland, cause of death was roasting alive in a metal building at the burning of Dinn Righ.

Loegaire Lorc, d. ca. 592 BC in Carman, Wexford, Ireland, cause of death was muder by his brother, Cobhthach.

Title: King of Ireland
Augaine (Ugaine) Mór Monarch of Ireland


593 BC


Eochaid Buaid mac Duach


Tamar Tephi ha-David

Misc. Notes

In the early ages the Irish Kings made many military expeditions into foreign countries. Ugaine Mór, called by O'Flaherty, in his Ogygia, "Hugonius Magnus," was contemporary with Alexander the Great; and is stated to have sailed with a fleet into the Mediterranean, landed his forces in Africa, and also attacked Sicily; and. having proceeded to Gaul, was married to Cæsair, daughter of the King of the Gauls. Hugonius was buried at Cruachan. The Irish sent, during the Punic wars, auxiliary troops to their Celtic Brethren, the Gauls; who in their alliance with the Carthaginians under Hannibal, fought against the Roman armies in Spain and Italy. —CONNELLAN.

This Ugaine, (or Hugony) the Great was the 66th Monarch of Ireland. Was called Mór on account of his extensive dominions, — being sovereign of all the Islands of Western Europe. Was married to Cæsair, dau. to the King of France, and by her had issue-twenty-two sons and three daughters. In order to prevent these children encroaching on each other he divided the Kingdom into twenty-five portions, allotting to each his (or her) distinct inheritance. By means of this division the taxes of the country were collected during the succeeding 300 years. All the sons died without issue except two, viz: — Laeghaire Lorc, ancestor of all the Leinster Heremonians; and Cobthach Caolbhreagh, from whom the Heremonians of Leath Cuinn, viz., Meath, Ulster, and Conacht derive their pedigree. Ugaine was at length, B.C. 593, stain by Badhbhchadh, who failed to secure the fruits of his murder — the Irish Throne, as he was executed by order of Laeghaire Lorc, the murdered Monarch's son, who became the 68th Monarch.

Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.
"The Great"
"The Great"
He was the 69th King. It is said that, to secure the throne, he slew his brother Laeghaire. After a long reign, he was at length slain by his nephew Maion.
He was the 69th King. It is said that, to secure the throne, he slew his brother Laeghaire. After a long reign, he was at length slain by his nephew Maion.

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Úgaine Mór (the Great) mac Echach

Tamar Tephi
± 610-????

Úgaine Mór (the Great) mac Echach
± 669-± 593

Caesair Cruthach
± 653-± 633

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    George Homs, "Arbre généalogique Homs", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 25 octobre 2024), "Úgaine Mór (the Great) "Magnus" mac Echach Ard Rí na h'Éireann (± 669-± 593)".