Arbre généalogique Homs » Heinrich 'der Vogler' "Henry the Fowler" von Sachsen Graf im Südthuringau, König von Östfrankreich (± 876-936)

Données personnelles Heinrich 'der Vogler' "Henry the Fowler" von Sachsen Graf im Südthuringau, König von Östfrankreich 

  • Noms alternatifs: Henry I, " the Fowler"
  • Le surnom est Henry the Fowler.
  • Il est né environ 876 dans Memleben, Herrschaft Ostfalen (Present Bugenlandkreis), Herzogtum Sachsen (Present Sachsen-Anhalt), Ostenfrankenreich (Present Deutschland)Memleben, Herzogtum Sachsen (Present Sachsen-Anhalt).
  • Il a été baptisé dans Duke of, Saxony, 916.
  • Alternative: Il a été baptisé dans King of the Saxons.
  • Alternative: Il a été baptisé dans Duke of, Saxony, 916.
  • Alternative: Il a été baptisé dans KING OF GERMANY.
  • Alternative: Il a été baptisé dans Duke of, Saxony, 916.
  • Alternative: Il a été baptisé environ 876 dans Saxony-Heinrich.
  • Alternative: Il a été baptisé environ 876 dans Sachsen, Germany.
  • Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 18 septembre 1923.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 7 avril 1992.
  • Professions:
    • dans dit l'Oiseleur de l'Empereur.
    • .
    • .
    • dans empereur de Germanie (919-936), empereur du Saint Empire (919), roi de Lotharingie (925-936).
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Keiser av Tyskland
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Tysk-Romersk kejsare 919
    • le 30 NOV 912 TO 06-05-919 Sachsen, Germany dans Sachsen.
      {geni:current} 0
      {geni:job_title} Herzog
    • environ 919 TO ABT 936 dans Emperor Elected.
      {geni:current} 0
    • le 6 MAY 919 TO 02-07-936 dans Germany.
      {geni:current} 0
      {geni:job_title} King of East Franconia
  • Résidant: Germany.
  • Il est décédé le 2 juillet 936 dans Memleben, Herrschaft Ostfalen (Present Bugenlandkreis), Herzogtum Sachsen (Present Sachsen-Anhalt), Ostenfrankenreich (Present Deutschland)Memleben, Herzogtum Sachsen (Present Sachsen-Anhalt).
  • Il est enterré dans Quedlinburg StiftskircheQuedlinburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Deutscland.
  • Un enfant de Otto I "der Erlauchte" Liudolfing von Sachsen et Hadwig (Hedwig) von Friesland
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 14 juin 2012.

Famille de Heinrich 'der Vogler' "Henry the Fowler" von Sachsen Graf im Südthuringau, König von Östfrankreich

Il est marié avec Matilda von Ringelheim.

Ils se sont mariés environ 909 à Wallhausen, Mulachgau (Present Bad Kreuznach), Herzogtum Franken (Present Rhineland-Palatinate), Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany)Wallhausen, Herzogtum Franken (Present Rhineland-Palatinate).


  1. Gerberga von Sachsen  ± 914-983 
  2. Otto I von Sachsen  912-973 

Notes par Heinrich 'der Vogler' "Henry the Fowler" von Sachsen Graf im Südthuringau, König von Östfrankreich

(Research):Henry I Encyclopædia Britannica Article born c. 876 died July 2, 936, Memleben, Saxony [now in Germany] also called Henry the Fowler , German Heinrich der Vogler German king and founder of the Saxon dynasty (918-1024) who strengthened the East Frankish, or German, army, encouraged the growth of towns, brought Lotharingia (Lorraine) back under German control (925), and secured German borders against pagan incursions. The son of Otto the Illustrious, the Liudolfing duke of Saxony, Henry became duke at his father's death (912). His first marriage, to Hatheburg, daughter of Erwin, count of Merseburg, was declared invalid because she had become a nun after her first husband's death. He married Matilda, daughter of Dietrich, count of Westphalia, in 909; their eldest son would rule as the Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great (936-973). Although at war (912-915) with Conrad I of Franconia (German king, 903-918) over title to lands in Thuringia, Henry received Conrad's deathbed designation as heir to the throne. He was elected king of Germany (May 919) by nobles of Saxony and Franconia, two of the four most influential duchies; the other two important duchies, Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a confederation of duchies rather than a nation. Having complete authority in Saxony and nominal sovereignty in Franconia, he sought to bring the duchies of Swabia and Bavaria into the confederation. After forcing the submission of Burchard, duke of Swabia (919), he allowed the duke to retain control over the civil administration of the duchy. On the basis of an election by Bavarian and East Frankish nobles (919), Arnulf, duke of Bavaria, also claimed the German throne. In 921, after two military campaigns, the king forced Arnulf to submit and relinquish his claim to the throne, though the duke retained complete internal control of Bavaria. Henry defeated Giselbert, king of Lotharingia, in 925, and that region, which had become independent of Germany in 910, was brought back under German control. Giselbert, who was recognized as duke of Lotharingia, married the king's daughter Gerberga in 928. When the Magyars, barbarian warriors from Hungary, invaded Germany in 924, Henry agreed to pay tribute to them and return a captured Magyar chief in exchange for a nine-year (924-933) cession of raids on German territory. During these years the king built fortified towns and trained the cavalry force he used to defeat various Slavic tribes; he conquered the Havelli at Brandenburg and the Daleminzi at Meissen in 928 and suppressed a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. The king refused to pay more tribute when the nine-year truce ended in 933. He used his seasoned cavalry to destroy the Magyars, who had resumed their raids, at Riade on March 15, 933, and ended their threat to the German countryside. The king's last campaign, an invasion of Denmark (934), added the territory of Schleswig to the German state. The story that Henry received the surname Fowler because he was laying bird snares when informed of his election as king is probably a myth. ======================================================= Henry I Henry I or Henry the Fowler,876?-936, German king (919-36), first of the Saxon line and father of Otto I, the first of the Holy Roman emperors. Henry succeeded his father as duke of Saxony in 912. A foe of King Conrad I, who futilely tried to subdue the rebellious Henry, he was nevertheless named (918) by Conrad as his successor. Designated king by Saxon and Franconian nobles in 919, Henry refused to be crowned by the bishops, thus maintaining his independence of the church. As king he immediately turned to restoring monarchical authority, which had been whittled away by the dukes. By 921 he had secured recognition of his royal authority from the dukes of Swabia and Bavaria. In 925 he won Lotharingia from its allegiance to France. Henry also dealt with the Magyar raids, which Conrad had failed to halt. In 924 after a Magyar invasion of Saxony, Henry arranged a nine-year truce and agreed to pay yearly tribute to the Magyars. He used this respite to introduce military reforms in Saxony and Thuringia. Saxon soldiers were trained for mounted combat, and the new efficiency of his army enabled him to take Brandenburg from the Wends. In the marches, or frontier regions, Henry built large fortresses, primarily for military purposes; however, he attracted some permanent settlers in these regions. In 933 the truce with the Magyars ended when Henry refused to pay tribute; he defeated the Magyars in a great battle at Riade, near the Unstrut River. He expanded his frontier at Danish expense in 934. Before his death Henry secured from the nobles the succession of his son as Otto I. His wife, Matilda, founded many monasteries, including Quedlinburg, where she lies buried with her husband. She is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church; her feast is Mar. 14.
Weis, p. 51, 123: Duke of Saxony, King of the Saxons 912-936
Name Prefix: King Name Suffix: I, Holy Roman Emperor, Duke Of Saxony "The Fowler"
Konge av Tyskland 919 - 936.
Henrik var stifter at det sachsiske hus. Han ble hertug i Sachsen etter farens død i 912.
Da Ludvig ?barnet? døde i 911, holdt hele det tyske rike på å gå i fullstendig
oppløsning. For å få slutt på den stadige oppdelingen av riket ved hvert arveskifte, ble
Tyskland nå gjort til et valgrike. Merovinger og karolinger hadde skapt sitt rike ved erobringer
og betraktet det som et slags storgods, som kongen kunne stykke ut til sine sønner etter
forgodtbefinnende. Men fra nå av skulle kongedømmet ikke lenger være arvelig. Kongen
skulle velges av folket, dvs. valget ble foretatt av rikets fornemste fyrster - hertugene - med de
andre stormennenes og folkets bifall. En slektning av de siste karolinger, hertug Konrad av
Franken, ble den første tyske valgkonge. På sitt dødsleie viste han bevis på sitt høysinn ved å
overvinne seg selv til å oversende kronen, rikssverdet og kongekåpen til den dyktigste av sine
motstandere, hertug Henrik av Sachsen. Tysklands vel lå Konrad mer på hjertet enn noe
annet, og om noen skulle kunne redde rikets enhet, måtte det være Henrik, som også hadde
sine stammefrender, de mektige sakserne, i ryggen.
Henrik går i middelalderkrønikene under navnet ?Fuglefangeren? fordi han var ute på
fuglejakt da han mottok budet fra Konrad. At han var en ivrig jeger, er i hvert fall ganske
Henrik ble valgt til konge i 919. Han tilhørte en ualminnelig livskraftig slekt, hans farmor
Oda ble således hele 107 år gammel. Selv hadde han en imponerende skikkelse, men var
temmelig stor og tung, en ekte saksisk folkekonge. Hans rettlinjede karakter og store
viljestyrke som var parret med en velgjørende og gemyttlig ro, gjorde at han nettopp var den
rette mann til å forene stridbare viljer og holde et vaklende rike sammen. Som menneske var
han godhjertet og trofast, som politiker like seig og utholdende som han var klok.
Overfor slaverne førte Henrik en kraftig og fremgangsrik politikk og tsjekkerne i
Böhmen og Mähren ble tvunget til underkastelse under det tyske rike. Saksernes gamle
arvefiende, venderne øst for Elben, beseiret han også, og fikk dessuten satt stopp for
vikingenes herjinger. Han oppsøkte danskene i deres eget land, tilføyde dem et knusende
nederlag og tvang danskekongen til å sverge ham troskapsed. Selv madjarenes stormflod
lyktes det Henrik å demme opp for - i hvert fall for sitt eget hertugdømmes vedkommende - ved
å oppføre befestede murer rundt alle bebodde steder i Sachsen og utstyre dem med
garnisoner. Av disse borgene oppsto senere de første saksiske byene. Dessuten arbeidet han
på å skape et sterkt kavaleri, så han kunne føre sine kriger mest mulig med rytterhærer, ?små,
men helt av jern?, og det lyktes også virkelig for ham å kaste de ungarske hordene tilbake
med slik kraft at de senere ikke våget seg over Tysklands grenser så lenge Henrik levde.
Henrik hadde stått fram i den ytterste nød og reddet Tyskland ikke bare fra indre
oppløsning, men også fra store ytre farer. Men hadde han ikke hatt sine stammefrender
saksernes urokkelige styrke å støtte seg til, ville han neppe ha kunnet gjennomføre den store
oppgaven han hadde påtatt seg.
Han døde av slag i 936.
Henry I, also called HENRY THE FOWLER, German HEINRICH DER VOGLER (b.c. 876--d. July 2, 936, Memleben, Saxony [now in Germany]), German king and founder of the Saxon dynasty (918-1024) who strengthened the East Frankish, or German, army, encouraged the growth of towns, brought Lotharingia (Lorraine) back under German control (925), and secured German borders against pagan incursions.
The son of Otto the Illustrious, the Liudolfing duke of Saxony, Henrybecame duke at his father's death (912). His first marriage, to Hatheburg, daughter of Erwin, count of Merseburg, was declared invalid because she had become a nun after her first husband's death. He married Matilda, daughter of Dietrich, count of Westphalia, in 909; their eldest son would rule as the Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great (936-973).
Although at war (912-915) with Conrad I of Franconia (German king, 903-918) over title to lands in Thuringia, Henry received Conrad's deathbed designation as heir to the throne. He was elected king of Germany (May 919) by nobles of Saxony and Franconia, two of the four most influential duchies; the other two important duchies, Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a confederation of duchies rather than a nation. Having complete authority in Saxony and nominal sovereignty in Franconia, he sought to bring the duchies of Swabia and Bavaria into the confederation. After forcing the submission of Burchard, duke of Swabia (919), he allowed the duke to retain control over the civil administration of the duchy. On the basis ofan election by Bavarian and East Frankish nobles (919), Arnulf, duke of Bavaria, also claimed the German throne. In 921, after two militarycampaigns, the king forced Arnulf to submit and relinquish his claim to the throne, though the duke retained complete internal control of Bavaria.
Henry defeated Giselbert, king of Lotharingia, in 925, and that region, which had become independent of Germany in 910, was brought back under German control. Giselbert, who was recognized as duke of Lotharingia, married the king's daughter Gerberga in 928.
When the Magyars, barbarian warriors from Hungary, invaded Germany in924, Henry agreed to pay tribute to them and return a captured Magyarchief in exchange for a nine-year (924-933) cession of raids on German territory. During these years the king built fortified towns and trained the cavalry force he used to defeat various Slavic tribes; he conquered the Havelli at Brandenburg and the Daleminzi at Meissen in 928and suppressed a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. The king refused to paymore tribute when the nine-year truce ended in 933. He used his seasoned cavalry to destroy the Magyars, who had resumed their raids, at Riade on March 15, 933, and ended their threat to the German countryside. The king's last campaign, an invasion of Denmark (934), added the territory of Schleswig to the German state.
The story that Henry received the surname Fowler because he was laying bird snares when informed of his election as king is probably a myth.
Henry I, also called HENRY THE FOWLER, German HEINRICH DER VOGLER (b.c. 876--d. July 2, 936, Memleben, Saxony [now in Germany]), German king and founder of the Saxon dynasty (918-1024) who strengthened the East Frankish, or German, army, encouraged the growth of towns, brought Lotharingia (Lorraine) back under German control (925), and secured German borders against pagan incursions.
The son of Otto the Illustrious, the Liudolfing duke of Saxony, Henrybecame duke at his father's death (912). His first marriage, to Hatheburg, daughter of Erwin, count of Merseburg, was declared invalid because she had become a nun after her first husband's death. He married Matilda, daughter of Dietrich, count of Westphalia, in 909; their eldest son would rule as the Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great (936-973).
Although at war (912-915) with Conrad I of Franconia (German king, 903-918) over title to lands in Thuringia, Henry received Conrad's deathbed designation as heir to the throne. He was elected king of Germany (May 919) by nobles of Saxony and Franconia, two of the four most influential duchies; the other two important duchies, Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a confederation of duchies rather than a nation. Having complete authority in Saxony and nominal sovereignty in Franconia, he sought to bring the duchies of Swabia and Bavaria into the confederation. After forcing the submission of Burchard, duke of Swabia (919), he allowed the duke to retain control over the civil administration of the duchy. On the basis ofan election by Bavarian and East Frankish nobles (919), Arnulf, duke of Bavaria, also claimed the German throne. In 921, after two militarycampaigns, the king forced Arnulf to submit and relinquish his claim to the throne, though the duke retained complete internal control of Bavaria.
Henry defeated Giselbert, king of Lotharingia, in 925, and that region, which had become independent of Germany in 910, was brought back under German control. Giselbert, who was recognized as duke of Lotharingia, married the king's daughter Gerberga in 928.
When the Magyars, barbarian warriors from Hungary, invaded Germany in924, Henry agreed to pay tribute to them and return a captured Magyarchief in exchange for a nine-year (924-933) cession of raids on German territory. During these years the king built fortified towns and trained the cavalry force he used to defeat various Slavic tribes; he conquered the Havelli at Brandenburg and the Daleminzi at Meissen in 928and suppressed a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. The king refused to paymore tribute when the nine-year truce ended in 933. He used his seasoned cavalry to destroy the Magyars, who had resumed their raids, at Riade on March 15, 933, and ended their threat to the German countryside. The king's last campaign, an invasion of Denmark (934), added the territory of Schleswig to the German state.
The story that Henry received the surname Fowler because he was laying bird snares when informed of his election as king is probably a myth.
Henry I, also called HENRY THE FOWLER, German HEINRICH DER VOGLER (b.c. 876--d. July 2, 936, Memleben, Saxony [now in Germany]), German king and founder of the Saxon dynasty (918-1024) who strengthened the East Frankish, or German, army, encouraged the growth of towns, brought Lotharingia (Lorraine) back under German control (925), and secured German borders against pagan incursions.
The son of Otto the Illustrious, the Liudolfing duke of Saxony, Henrybecame duke at his father's death (912). His first marriage, to Hatheburg, daughter of Erwin, count of Merseburg, was declared invalid because she had become a nun after her first husband's death. He married Matilda, daughter of Dietrich, count of Westphalia, in 909; their eldest son would rule as the Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great (936-973).
Although at war (912-915) with Conrad I of Franconia (German king, 903-918) over title to lands in Thuringia, Henry received Conrad's deathbed designation as heir to the throne. He was elected king of Germany (May 919) by nobles of Saxony and Franconia, two of the four most influential duchies; the other two important duchies, Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a confederation of duchies rather than a nation. Having complete authority in Saxony and nominal sovereignty in Franconia, he sought to bring the duchies of Swabia and Bavaria into the confederation. After forcing the submission of Burchard, duke of Swabia (919), he allowed the duke to retain control over the civil administration of the duchy. On the basis ofan election by Bavarian and East Frankish nobles (919), Arnulf, duke of Bavaria, also claimed the German throne. In 921, after two militarycampaigns, the king forced Arnulf to submit and relinquish his claim to the throne, though the duke retained complete internal control of Bavaria.
Henry defeated Giselbert, king of Lotharingia, in 925, and that region, which had become independent of Germany in 910, was brought back under German control. Giselbert, who was recognized as duke of Lotharingia, married the king's daughter Gerberga in 928.
When the Magyars, barbarian warriors from Hungary, invaded Germany in924, Henry agreed to pay tribute to them and return a captured Magyarchief in exchange for a nine-year (924-933) cession of raids on German territory. During these years the king built fortified towns and trained the cavalry force he used to defeat various Slavic tribes; he conquered the Havelli at Brandenburg and the Daleminzi at Meissen in 928and suppressed a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. The king refused to paymore tribute when the nine-year truce ended in 933. He used his seasoned cavalry to destroy the Magyars, who had resumed their raids, at Riade on March 15, 933, and ended their threat to the German countryside. The king's last campaign, an invasion of Denmark (934), added the territory of Schleswig to the German state.
The story that Henry received the surname Fowler because he was laying bird snares when informed of his election as king is probably a myth.
Henry I the Fowler (German: Heinrich der Finkler or Heinrich der Vogler; Latin: Henricius Auceps) (876 - July 2, 936), was the duke of Saxony from 912 and king of the Germans from 919 until his death in 936. First of the Ottonian Dynasty of German kings and emperors, he is generally considered to be the founder and first king of the medieval German Empire, known until then as East Francia. An avid hunter, he obtained the epithet "the Fowler" because he was allegedly fixing his birding nets when messengers arrived to inform him that he was to be king. (Fowler is another word for bird hunter)

Henry was the son of Otto the Illustrious, duke of Saxony, and his wife Hedwiga, a great-great-granddaughter of Charlemagne, and a daughter of Carloman of Bavaria. In 906 he married Hatheburg, daughter of the Saxon count Erwin, but divorced her in 909, after she had given birth to his son Thankmar. Later that year he married Matilda of Ringelheim, daughter of Dietrich, count in western Saxony (Westfalia). Matilda bore him three sons and two daughters and founded many religious institutions, including the abbey of Quedlinburg where Henry is buried, and was later canonized.

Henry regarded the kingdom as a confederation of tribal duchies rather than a feudal kingdom and himself as primus inter pares. Rather than seeking to administer the empire through counts, as Charlemagne had done and his successors had attempted, Henry allowed the dukes of Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria to maintain complete internal control of their holdings. In 925, he defeated Giselbert, duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine), and brought that realm, which had been lost in 910, back into the German kingdom as the fifth tribal duchy (the others being Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, and Bavaria), but allowing Giselbert to remain in power and marrying his daughter Gerberga to his new vassal in 928.

Henry was an able military leader. Germany had been repeatedly raided by the Magyars (Hungarians), and in 924 Henry paid them a tribute to secure a ten-year truce so that he could fortify towns and train a new elite cavalry force. With his new army, he conquered the Havelli and the Daleminzi in 928 and put down a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. When the Magyars began raiding again, he led an army of all German tribes to victory over them at the battle of Riade in 933, stopping one of their advances into Germany. He also pacified territories to the north, where the Danes had harried the Frisians off to the sea. The monk and historian Widukind of Corvey in his Res gestae Saxonicae reports that the Danes were subjects of Henry the Fowler. Henry incorporated territories held by the Wends, who together with the Danes had attacked Germany, into his kingdom and also conquered Schleswig in 934.

When Henry died on 2 July 936, all German tribes were united in a single kingdom. Henry I is therefore considered the first German king and the founder of the eventual Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation).

His son Otto succeeded him as Emperor Otto I ("the Great"). His second son, Henry, became duke of Bavaria. A third son, Brun (or Bruno), became archbishop of Cologne. His son from his first marriage, Thankmar, rebelled against his half-brother Otto and was killed in battle in 936. His daughter Gerberga of Saxony married Duke Giselbert of Lorraine and subsequently King Louis IV of France. His youngest daughter Hedwige of Saxony married Duke (Hugh the Great) of France and was the mother of Hugh Capet, the first Capetian king of France. (Wikipedia)

Henry I, also known as Henry the Fowler (in German, Henrik or Heinrich der Vogler) was the founder of the Saxon dynasty of kings and emperors in Germany. Although he never took the title "Emperor" (his son Otto was the first to revive the title centuries after the Carolingians), future emperors would reckon the numbering of "Henrys" from his reign. How he got his nickname is uncertain; one story has it that he was called "fowler" because he was setting bird snares when informed of his election as king, but that is probably a myth.

When his father, Duke Otto the Illustrious, died in 912, Henry became Duke of Saxony. Six years later, Conrad I of Franconia designated Henry as his heir shortly before he died. Henry now controlled two of the four most significant duchies in Germany, the nobles of which elected him king of Germany in May of 919. However, the other two important duchies, Bavaria and Swabia, did not recognize him as their king.

Henry had respect for the autonomy of the various duchies of Germany, but he also wanted them to unite in a confederation. He managed to force Burchard, the duke of Swabia, to submit to him in 919, but he allowed Burchard to retain administrative control over his duchy. In that same year, Bavarian and East Frankish nobles elected Arnulf, duke of Bavaria, as king of Germany, and Henry met the challenge with two military campaigns, forcing Arnulf to submit in 921. Though Arnulf gave up his claim to the throne, he retained control of his duchy of Bavaria. Four years later Henry defeated Giselbert, king of Lotharingia, and brought the region back under German control. Giselbert was allowed to remain in charge of Lotharingia as duke, and in 928 he married Henry's daughter, Gerberga.

In 924 the barbarian Magyar tribe invaded Germany. Henry agreed to pay them tribute and to return a hostage chief in exchange for a nine-year halt to raids on German lands. Henry used the time well; he built fortified towns, trained mounted warriors into a formidable army, and led them in some solid victories against various Slavic tribes. When the nine-year truce ended, Henry refused to pay more tribute, and the Magyars resumed their raids. But Henry crushed them at Riade in March of 933, putting an end to the Magyar threat to the Germans.

Henry's last campaign was an invasion of Denmark through which the territory of Schleswig became part of Germany. (
Founder of the Saxon dynasty, he was the Liudolfing duke of Saxony from 912.
He was recognized as German king in 919 by nobles of Saxony and Franconia,
two of the four most influntial duchies; the other two important duchies,
Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a
confederation of duchies rather than a nation. He had ongoing problems with
barbarian warriors from Hungary called the Magyars, but finally destroyed
them in battle. His Son Otto I succeeded him.
Henry the Fowler
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Henry I, the Fowler (German: Heinrich der Vogler) (876 - July 2, 936), was Duke of Saxony from 912 and king of the Germans from 919 until his death in 936. First of the Ottonian Dynasty of German kings and emperors, he is generally considered to be the founder and first king of the medieval German Empire, known until then as the East Franconian Kingdom. An avid hunter, he obtained the epithet "the Fowler" because he was allegedly fixing his birding nets when messengers arrived to inform him that he was to be king.

Henry was the son of Otto the Illustrious, duke of Saxony, and his wife Hedwiga, a great-granddaughter of Charlemagne. In 906 he married Hatheburg, daughter of the Saxon count Erwin, but divorced her in 909 after she had given birth to his son Thankmar. Later that year he married Matilda of Ringelheim, daughter of Dietrich, count in western Saxony (Westfalia). Matilda bore him three sons and two daughters and founded many religious institutions, including the abbey of Quedlinburg where Henry is buried, and was later canonized.

Henry became duke of Saxony upon his father's death in 912 and, an able ruler, continued to strengthen Saxony, frequently in conflict with his neighbors to the South, the dukes of Franconia.

In 918 king Conrad I of the East-Franconian Empire, and duke of Franconia, died and recommended Henry as his successor as king, despite the fact that they had been at odds with each other from 912 to 915 over the title to lands in Thuringia. Conrad's choice was conveyed by duke Eberhard III of Franconia, Conrad's brother and heir, to the assembled Franconian and Saxon nobles at the Reichstag of Fritzlar in 919, which duly elected Henry to be king. Henry refused to be anointed by a high church official, the only king of his time not to undergo that rite – allegedly because he did not wish to be king by the church's but by the people's acclaim. Duke Burkhard I of Swabia soon swore fealty to the new king, but duke Arnulf of Bavaria did not submit until Henry invaded Bavaria in 921 and Arnulf swore fealty to him.

Henry regarded the kingdom as a confederation of tribal duchies rather than a feudal kingdom and himself as primus inter pares. Rather than seeking to administer the empire through counts, as Charlemagne had done and his successors had attempted, Henry allowed the dukes of Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria to maintain complete internal control of their holdings. In 925, he defeated Giselbert, duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine), and brought that realm, which had been lost in 910, back into the German kingdom as the fifth tribal duchy (the others being Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, and Bavaria), but allowing Giselbert to remain in power and marrying his daughter Gerberga to his new vassal in 928.

Henry was a very able military leader. Germany had been repeatedly raided by the Magyars (Hungarians), and in 924 Henry paid them a tribute to secure a ten-year truce so that he could fortify towns and train a new elite cavalry force. With his new army, he conquered the Havelli and the Daleminzi in 928 and put down a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. When the Magyars began raiding again, he led an army of all German tribes to victory over them at the battle of Riade in 933, stopping one of their advances into Germany. He also pacified territories to the north, where the Danes had harried the Frisians off to the sea. The monk and historian Widukind of Corvey in his Rex gestae Saxonicae reports that the Danes were subjects of Henry the Fowler. Henry incorporated territories held by the Wends, who together with the Danes had attacked Germany, into his kingdom and also conquered Schleswig in 934.

When Henry died on 2 July 936, all German tribes were united in a single kingdom. Henry I is therefore considered the first German king and the founder of the eventual Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation).

His son Otto succeeded him as Emperor Otto I ("the Great"). His second son, Henry, became duke of Bavaria. A third son, Brun (or Bruno), became archbishop of Cologne. His son from his first marriage, Thankmar, rebelled against his half-brother Otto and was killed in battle in 936. His daughter Gerberga married Duke Giselbert of Lorraine and subsequently King Louis IV of France. His youngest daughter Hedwige of Saxony married Duke (Hugh the Great) of France and was the mother of Hugh Capet, the first Capetian king of France.

He appears in Return to Castle Wolfenstein when the Nazis are trying to wake him from the dead so they can win the war.

Preceded by:
Conrad I King of Germany
919–936 Succeeded by:
Otto I
Preceded by:
Otto I the Illustrious Duke of Saxony
912–936 Succeeded by:
Otto the Great
Henry I of Germany
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Henry I the Fowler
King of the Germans, Duke of the Saxons

Henry met by a delegation offering the crown while trapping birds. This depiction of the legend was painted by Hermann Vogel in 1900.
Reign 23 April 919 – 2 July 936
Coronation None
Born 876
Memleben, Saxony
Died 2 July 936
Predecessor Conrad I
Successor Otto I
Consort Matilda of Ringelheim
Royal House Liudolfing
Father Otto the Illustrious
Mother Hedwiga of Franconia
Henry I the Fowler (German: Heinrich der Finkler or Heinrich der Vogler; Latin: Henricius Auceps) (876 – 2 July 936) was the duke of Saxony from 912 and king of the Germans from 919 until his death. First of the Ottonian Dynasty of German kings and emperors, he is generally considered to be the founder and first king of the medieval German state, known until then as East Francia. An avid hunter, he obtained the epithet "the Fowler"[1] because he was allegedly fixing his birding nets when messengers arrived to inform him that he was to be king.

Contents [hide]
1 Family
2 Succession
3 Policy
4 Death and aftermath
5 Notes

[edit] Family
Born in Memleben, in what is now Saxony-Anhalt, Henry was the son of Otto the Illustrious, duke of Saxony, and his wife Hedwiga, daughter of Henry of Franconia and Ingeltrude and a great-great-granddaughter of Charlemagne. In 906 he married Hatheburg, daughter of the Saxon count Erwin, but divorced her in 909, after she had given birth to his son Thankmar. Later that year he married St Matilda of Ringelheim, daughter of Dietrich, count in western Saxony (Westfalia).St Matilda bore him three sons and two daughters and founded many religious institutions, including the abbey of Quedlinburg where Henry is buried, and was later canonized.

[edit] Succession
Henry became duke of Saxony upon his father's death in 912. An able ruler, he continued to strengthen Saxony, frequently in conflict with his neighbors to the South, the dukes of Franconia.

In 918 Conrad I, king of the East-Francian Empire and duke of Franconia, died. Although they had been at odds with each other from 912 to 915 over the title to lands in Thuringia, before he died Conrad had recommended Henry as his successor as king. Conrad's choice was conveyed by Duke Eberhard of Franconia, Conrad's brother and heir, at the Reichstag of Fritzlar in 919. The assembled Franconian and Saxon nobles duly elected Henry to be king. Henry refused to be anointed by a high church official - the only king of his time not to undergo that rite – allegedly because he did not wish to be king by the church's but by the people's acclaim. Duke Burchard II of Swabia soon swore fealty to the new king, but duke Arnulf of Bavaria did not submit until Henry invaded Bavaria in 921.

[edit] Policy
Henry regarded the kingdom as a confederation of tribal duchies rather than as a feudal kingdom and saw himself as primus inter pares. Instead of seeking to administer the empire through counts, as Charlemagne had done and as his successors had attempted, Henry allowed the dukes of Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria to maintain complete internal control of their holdings. In 925 he defeated Giselbert, duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine), and brought that realm, which had been lost in 910, back into the German kingdom as the fifth tribal duchy (the others being Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, and Bavaria). Allowing Giselbert to remain in power as duke of Lotharingia, Henry arranged the marriage of his daughter Gerberga of Saxony to his new vassal in 928.

Henry was an able military leader. In 924 Henry paid a tribute to the Magyars (Hungarians), who had repeatedly raided Germany, and thereby secured a ten-year truce so that he could fortify towns and train a new elite cavalry force. During the truce with the Magyars, Henry conquered the Havelli and the Daleminzi in 928 and put down a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. When the Magyars began raiding again, he led an army of all German tribes to victory at the battle of Riade in 933 near the river Unstrut, stopping their advance into Germany. He also pacified territories to the north, where the Danes had harried the Frisians by sea. The monk and historian Widukind of Corvey in his Res gestae Saxonicae reports that the Danes were subjects of Henry the Fowler. Henry incorporated into his kingdom territories held by the Wends, who together with the Danes had attacked Germany, and also conquered Schleswig in 934.

[edit] Death and aftermath
Henry died of a cerebral stroke on 2 July 936 in his palatium in Memleben, one of his favourite places. By then all German tribes were united in a single kingdom. Henry I is therefore considered the first German king and the founder of the eventual Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation). He has sometimes been considered as Holy Roman Emperor, Henry I.

His son Otto succeeded him as Emperor. His second son, Henry, became duke of Bavaria. A third son, Brun (or Bruno), became archbishop of Cologne. His son from his first marriage, Thankmar, rebelled against his half-brother Otto and was killed in battle in 936. After the death of her husband Duke Giselbert of Lotharingia, Henry's daughter Gerberga of Saxony married King Louis IV of France. His youngest daughter Hedwige of Saxony married Duke (Hugh the Great) of France and was the mother of Hugh Capet, the first Capetian king of France.

Henry returned to public attention as a character in Richard Wagner's opera, Lohengrin (1850). There are indications that Heinrich Himmler imagined himself the reincarnation of the first king of Germany.[2]

[edit] Notes
^ A fowler is one who hunts wildfowl.
^ Frischauer, Willi. Himmler, the Evil Genius of the Third Reich. London: Odhams, 1953, pages 85-88; Kersten, Felix. The Kersten Memoirs: 1940-1945. New York: Macmillan, 1957, page 238.
Henry I of Germany
Born: 876 Died: 2 July 936
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Conrad I King of the Germans
Challenged by Anti-King Arnulf the Bad 919-921
23 April 919 – 2 July 936 Succeeded by
Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor
Preceded by
Otto the Illustrious Duke of Saxony
30 November 912 – 2 July 936
Founder of the Saxon dynasty, he was the Liudolfing duke of Saxony from 912.
He was recognized as German king in 919 by nobles of Saxony and Franconia,
two of the four most influntial duchies; the other two important duchies,
Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a
confederation of duchies rather than a nation. He had ongoing problems with
barbarian warriors from Hungary called the Magyars, but finally destroyed
them in battle. His Son Otto I succeeded him.
Founder of the Saxon dynasty, he was the Liudolfing duke of Saxony from 912.
He was recognized as German king in 919 by nobles of Saxony and Franconia,
two of the four most influntial duchies; the other two important duchies,
Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a
confederation of duchies rather than a nation. He had ongoing problems with
barbarian warriors from Hungary called the Magyars, but finally destroyed
them in battle. His Son Otto I succeeded him.
Henry I, the Fowler, "Emperor of the West, 919-936; Emperor of Germany, 912-936; Duke of Saxony.
Founder of the Saxon dynasty, he was the Liudolfing duke of Saxony from 912.
He was recognized as German king in 919 by nobles of Saxony and Franconia,
two of the four most influntial duchies; the other two important duchies,
Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king. Henry considered Germany a
confederation of duchies rather than a nation. He had ongoing problems with
barbarian warriors from Hungary called the Magyars, but finally destroyed
them in battle. His Son Otto I succeeded him.
!DESCENT: Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., Ancestral Roots
of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700, 7th ed., at 123
(1992). Line 141-18.
FTW gives birth date as 887 A.D.
Germany: HISTORY: Germany from 911 to 1250: THE 10TH AND 11TH CENTURIE S:The accession of the Saxons.
Germany in the 10th and 11th centuries. Conrad I was quite unequal t othe situation in Germany. According to the beliefs of contemporaries , hisfailure meant that his house was luckless and lacked theprosperit y-bringing virtues that belonged to true kingship. On hisdeathbed in 9 18, he therefore proposed that the crown, which in 911 hadremained wit h the Franks, should now pass to the leading man in Saxony,the Liudolf ing Henry (later called the Fowler). Henry I was elected bythe Saxons and Franks at Fritzlar, their ancient meeting place, in 919.With a mon arch of their own race, the Saxons now took over the burden andthe rew ards of being the kingmaking people. The centre of gravity shiftedto e astern Saxony, where the Liudolfing lands lay.

Henry I also called HENRY THE FOWLER, German HEINRICH DER VOGLER (b. c.876--d. July 2, 936, Memleben, Saxony [now in Germany]), German kin g andfounder of the Saxon dynasty (918-1024) who strengthened the East Frankish, or German, army, encouraged the growth of towns, broughtLoth aringia (Lorraine) back under German control (925), and securedGerman borders against pagan incursions.
919 Chosen King by the Franks and Saxons on the advice of Conrad I.
FOWLERS first appeared in England with William the Conqueror in 1066
Participated in invasion of France under Norseman ROLFE (ROLLO) at the beginning of 10th century
FRENCH--fowlere, agent or dealer of fowl ancient Anglo-Saxon origin"Fu gal" = "fowl"
I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
(Research):Duke Heinrich I "der Vogelsteller" of Saxony (912-936), King of Germany (919-936), *875, +Memleben 2.7.936; 1m: Hatheberge N; 2m: 909 St.Mathilde von Ringelheim (Westfalen) (*877 +968), dau.of Theoderich Gf von Ringelheim
I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
(Research):Duke Heinrich I "der Vogelsteller" of Saxony (912-936), King of Germany (919-936), *875, +Memleben 2.7.936; 1m: Hatheberge N; 2m: 909 St.Mathilde von Ringelheim (Westfalen) (*877 +968), dau.of Theoderich Gf von Ringelheim
King of Germany, Emperor Elect

Henry I (of Germany), called Henry The Fowler (876?-936), king of German y (919-36), the first of the Saxon line of German kings. In 912 Henry suc ceeded his father as duke of Saxony. Following the death of Conrad I, kin g of Germany, in 918, Henry was chosen king by the Franconian and Saxon n obles. Bavaria, Swabia, and Lotharingia refused to acknowledge him at fir st, and it was not until 925 that he managed to win recognition from al l the German states. In 926 Henry secured a nine-year truce from warfar e with the Magyars. During that period he transformed many of the small t owns of Germany into fortified cities with trained troops of mounted warr iors. His military preparations were successfully tested in a war agains t the Wends in 929. When the Magyars invaded Thüringen in 933, Henry repu lsed them decisively. He defeated the Danes in the following year and sei zed territory from them. Henry was the first to create a united Germany , and, although he never received the imperial crown, he is generally rec ognized as one of the Holy Roman emperors. He was succeeded by his son, O tto (Othon).
"Henry I (of Germany)," Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-199 8 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[3005] BIRTH: COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots) PAGE 6

DEATH: COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots) PAGE 6: 2 Jul 936

Henry the Fowler, German king (919-936), was the first of the Saxon line, precursors to the Holy Roman emperors. After succeeding Conrad I as German king, he won Lotharingia from its allegiance to France (925), defeated the Magyars (933), and fortified his frontiers. St. Matilda, his queen, founded many monasteries - Encyclopedia, p. 373; Henry I - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve)

Microsoft Encarta Enclyclopedia 1993

"Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists": Duke of Saxony, Emperor of Germany 912-936

WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Washington Ahnentafel) # 69804446 = 3678750, "the Fowler" Emeror of Germany, d 4 Jul 936

"Bloodline ... ", p 226-8, Henry I (the Fowler) of Germany; Duke of Saxony 912-36; founder of Saxon dynasty; King 919-936

Kinship II - A collection of family, friends and U.S. Presidents
ID: I575149609
Name: Heinrich I Of The GERMANS
Given Name: Heinrich I Of The
Surname: GERMANS
Sex: M
Birth: 0876 in Of, , Saxony, Germany
Death: 2 Jul 0936 in , Membleben, Saxony, Germany
Christening: 0876 Saxony - Heinrich
Burial: Quedlinburg
Change Date: 16 Dec 2003 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Name Prefix: King
Also Known As:<_AKA> "The Fowler"
Ancestral File Number: FLH2-5C
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
ALIA The /Fowler/
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999

TYPE Acceded
DATE 919

Called "Henry the Fowler". Holy Roman Emperor.

Called "Henry the Fowler". Holy Roman Emperor.

See Historical Document.

TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #1222
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997

GIVN Heinrich I, King of
SURN Germany
EVEN Germany
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 919 AND 936
EVEN Saxon King
TYPE Coronation
DATE 912
PLAC Saxony
DATE 28 AUG 2000
TIME 22:27:26

GIVN HENRY I of Saxony &
SURN Germany
NSFX HR Emperor*
EVEN Germany
TYPE Ruled
DATE BET 919 AND 936
Henry I of Saxony, known as the Fowler King, and the CityBuilder,succeeded Conrad of Franconia as King of Imperial Germany in 919.Hewas succeeded by Otto I in 936.
TITL Kingdom's of Europe, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruling MonarchsFromAncient Times to the Present
AUTH Gene Gurney
PUBL Crown Publishers, New York. 1982
PAGE Gurney page 262.
EVEN Saxon King
TYPE Coronation
DATE 912
PLAC Saxony

TYPE Title (Facts Pg)
PLAC Rex Francorum - 'l'Oiseleur'

OCCU King of Germany ...
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots) says ABT 876; CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says876;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 69 says 876;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 8 ABT 876;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 70;
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots);
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 99,227,307;
Henry the Fowler, German king (919-936), was the first of the Saxon line,
precursors to the Holy Roman emperors. After succeeding Conrad I asGerman
king, he won Lotharingia from its allegiance to France (925), defeatedthe
Magyars (933), and fortified his frontiers. St. Matilda, his queen,founded
many monasteries - Encyclopedia, p. 373; Henry I - COMYN4.TAF(Compuserve);
HENRY I, son of OTTO I and HEDWIGE DE BAVARIA: Heinrich I Aucepts(Liudolfing) of Saxonie, Holy Roman Emperor - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve),#933
Henry I "the Fowler," Emperor of the West, 919-936; Emperor of Germany,912-936; Duke of Saxony - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.69
Duke of Saxony, Emperor of Germany, 919 - Americans of Royal Descent,Charles H. Browning, p. 409
Matilda was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p.70

OCCU King of Germany ...
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots) says ABT 876; CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says876;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 69 says 876;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 8 ABT 876;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 70;
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots);
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 99,227,307;
Henry the Fowler, German king (919-936), was the first of the Saxon line,
precursors to the Holy Roman emperors. After succeeding Conrad I asGerman
king, he won Lotharingia from its allegiance to France (925), defeatedthe
Magyars (933), and fortified his frontiers. St. Matilda, his queen,founded
many monasteries - Encyclopedia, p. 373; Henry I - COMYN4.TAF(Compuserve);
HENRY I, son of OTTO I and HEDWIGE DE BAVARIA: Heinrich I Aucepts(Liudolfing) of Saxonie, Holy Roman Emperor - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve),#933
Henry I "the Fowler," Emperor of the West, 919-936; Emperor of Germany,912-936; Duke of Saxony - Royalty for

Father: Otto Of SAXONY b: Abt 0851 in Saxony, Germany
Mother: Hathui Of SAXONY b: Abt 0855 in Of, , , Saxony

Father: Otto Of SAXONY b: Abt 0851 in Saxony, Germany
Mother: Hedwige Empress of HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE b: Abt 0856 in of,,,Germany

Marriage 1 Matilda Of RINGELHEIM b: Abt 0878 in Ringelheim, Golsar, Hanover, Germany
Married: 0909
SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 909;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart,p. 70, 239 says 909;
HAWKINS.GED says 909; ;

SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 909;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart,p. 70, 239 says 909;
HAWKINS.GED says 909; ;

SOUR COMYNI.GED (Compuserve) says ABT 909;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart,p. 70, 239 says 909;
HAWKINS.GED says 909; ;

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
TITL pennington.FTW
MEDI Other
PAGE Tree #4635
TEXT Date of Import: Aug 19, 1997
REFN 205969

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
REFN 50844

_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FREL Unknown
_MREL Unknown

TITL Final.ged
MEDI Other
TEXT Date of Import: Feb 1, 1999
Henrich II Of SAXONY (BAVARIA) b: Abt 0919 in Of, , Saxony, Germany
Bruno I Archbishop Of KOLN b: Abt 0925 in , , Saxony, Germany
Gerberge Of FRANCE b: 0913/0914 in , Nordhausen, Saxony, Prussia
Hedwige (Hartwige) Princess Of The GERMANS b: Abt 0922 in Of, , Saxony, Germany
Otto I "The Great" Emperor Of The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE b: 23 Nov 0912 in Of, , Saxony, Germany
Otto I Emperor Holy Roman EMPIRE b: 23 Nov 0912 in Saxony,Preussen
Hedwige Princess GERMANY b: 0910 in Saxony,Germany
Dtr of Henry I of SAXONY b: Abt 0910 in Saxony - dtr of Henry the Fowler
Heinrich I, Count of BAYERN b: 0920 in Saxony - son of Henry I the Fowler

Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Title: Ancestral File (R)
Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998


Charles II The Bald, b 823 - Frankfurt, Prussia URL:

Gilbert, Duke of Lorraine
Born: ABT 880 - Reims, Lorraine, France
Marr: -
Died: 2 OCT 939 - Andernach, Rhineland, Prussia
Father: Rainer (Regnier) I, Duke of Lorraine
Mother: Hersent, Duchess of Lorraine
Other Spouses:
Gerberge, Queen of France
Born: 883 - Nordhausen, Saxony, Prussia
Died: - Reims, Champagne
Father: Heinrich I "The Fowler", King of the Germans
Mother: Matilda, Countess of Ringelheim
Other Spouses: Louis IV "Transmarinus", King of France
Alberade de Lorraine
Born: ABT 895 - Lorraine, France
Marr: - Rainer (Regnier) I, Duke of Lorraine
Died: 15 MAR 973 -



The Franks under Charlemagne slowly conquered the pagan Saxon tribes (782-804). The Saxons were initially subsumed by the Frankish Empire, but emerged as a separate kingdom during the Carolingian fragmentation that followed.

888 -918
Saxony emerges as one of the more powerful stem duchies in East Francia (kings of Germany), once the formal split is made between East and West Franks. The earliest dukes seize the throne of East Francia and under Otto I create what comes to be known the Holy Roman Empire.

AD 888 - 962

880 - 912
Otto the Illustrious
912 - 936
Henry I the Fowler King of the Saxons (918-936).
936 - 973
Otto I the Great King. First Emperor of German Roman Empire (962-973).
962 -1025
Otto's line continues as Holy Roman Emperors.
Henry I, also called HENRY THE FOWLER, German HEINRICH DER VOGLER (b. c. 876--d. July 2, 936, Memleben, Saxony [now in Germany]), German king and founder of the Saxon dynasty (918-1024) who strengthened the East Frankish, or German,army, encouraged the growth of towns, brought Lotharingia (Lorraine)
back under German control (925), and secured German borders against pagan incursions.
The son of Otto the Illustrious, the Liudolfing duke of Saxony, Henry became duke at his father's death (912). His first marriage, to Hatheburg, daughter of Erwin, count of Merseburg, was declared invalid because she had
become a nun after her first husband's death. He married Matilda, daughter of Dietrich, count of Westphalia, in 909; their eldest son would rule as the Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great (936-973).
Although at war (912-915) with Conrad I of Franconia (German king,903-918) over title to lands in Thuringia, Henry received Conrad's deathbed designation as heir to the throne. He was elected king of Germany (May 919) by
nobles of Saxony and Franconia, two of the four most influential duchies; the other two important duchies, Swabia and Bavaria, did not recognize him as king.
Henry considered Germany a confederation of duchies rather than a nation. Having complete authority in Saxony and nominal sovereignty in Franconia, he sought to bring the duchies of Swabia and Bavaria into the confederation. After forcing the submission of Burchard, duke of Swabia (919), he allowed the duke to retain control over the civil administration of the duchy. On the basis of an election by Bavarian and East Frankish nobles (919), Arnulf, duke of Bavaria, also claimed the German throne. In 921, after two military campaigns, the king forced Arnulf to submit and relinquish his claim to the throne, though the duke retained complete internal control of Bavaria.
Henry defeated Giselbert, king of Lotharingia, in 925, and that region, which had become independent of Germany in 910,was brought back under German control. Giselbert, who was recognized as duke of Lotharingia, married the king's daughter Gerberga in 928.
When the Magyars, barbarian warriors from Hungary, invaded Germany in 924, Henry agreed to pay tribute to them and return a captured Magyar chief in exchange for a nine-year (924-933) cession of raids on German territory. During these years the king built fortified towns and trained the cavalry force he used to defeat various Slavic tribes; he conquered the Havelli at Brandenburg and the Daleminzi at Meissen in 928 and suppressed a rebellion in Bohemia in 929. The king refused to pay more tribute when the nine-year truce ended in 933. He used his seasoned cavalry to destroy the Magyars,who had resumed their raids, at Riade on March 15, 933, and ended their threat to the German countryside. The king's last campaign, an invasion of Denmark (934), added the territory of Schleswig to the German state.
The story that Henry received the surname Fowler because he was laying bird snares when informed of his election as king is probably a myth.
[Again. He still wansn't able to force recognician over His vassals as Empeoor and not just German King. He wasn't crowned in Italy by the pope either.]
!Name is; Heinrich I, "The Fowler" Emperor Of /GERMANY/
Holy Roman Emperor
!Name is; Heinrich I, "The Fowler" Emperor Of /GERMANY/
!Name is; Heinrich I, "The Fowler" Emperor Of /GERMANY/
NAME Henry I The Fowler King of The SAXONS
[Ancestral Safari, Wm. G. Cook, Parke's Newsletter 1991 #3] : HENRY I
THE FOWLER, Emperor of Ringelheim.
[The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval Europe] The Ottonian Rulers
of Germany: fl 919-936.
Person Source
[Jeremiah Brown.FTW]

Heinrich I of Germany, Duke of Saxony, was chosen as King of Germany in 919 by the other German rulers and reigned over Germany 919-936. During his reign Germany was something like a confederation of territories such as Bavaria, Schwabia, Franconia and Lorraine. He was known as the "City-Builder". He is named as the head of the Saxon dynasty.
#Générale##Générale#2ʻ mari d'Hatheburge d'Alstadt, refusa la couronne d'empereur

note couple : #Générale#s:ds01.10

note couple : #Générale#s:ds01.10 ; ds19.1b ; Auréjac

#Générale#Profession : Roi de Germanie de 919 au 2 Juillet 936.
{geni:occupation} Duke of Saxony, König des Ostfrankenreichs, King of Eastern Franconia, Emperor of Germany, Duke of Saxony from 912 and King of the Germans from 919 until his death. Henry the Fowler, Heinrich der Finkler or Heinrich der Vogler; Latin: Henricius Auceps.
{geni:about_me} ==Heinrich I "der Vogler"==
==Henry I "the Fowler"==

*[ The Peerage]
*[ Geneall]
*[ Wikipedia]
*'''King of Germany''' (formally King of East Francia) Reign 24. May 919 – 2. July 936 Coronationnone
>'''Predecessor:''' [ Conrad I] '''Successor:''' [ Otto I]
*'''Duke of Saxony''' Reign 30. November 912 – 2. July 936
>'''Predecessor:''' [ Otto the Illustrious] '''Successor:''' [ Otto I]
Henry I of Germany from Wikipedia
1 NAME the Fowler //
2 GIVN the Fowler
2 NICK the Fowler

1 NAME Henry I "the Fowler" of the /West/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 876 2 PLAC ,Germany 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 DEAT 2 DATE 2 JUL 936 2 PLAC Memleben, Saxony, Germany 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: Kraentzler 1260. 1477, 1517; RC 92, 134, 321, 338, 372; Coe, A. Roots 50, 141, 240; Royal Descents; AF; Horizon History of Germany; Pfafman. Known as Henry the Fowler because he was hawking when notified he had been selected king. Duke of Saxony; Emperor of Germany, 912-936, and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, 919-936. K: Heinrich von Sachsen. Duke von Sachsen. King of the Germans. King of Lorraine.
Roots: Henry I, "the Fowler", King of the Saxons.
Descents: Henry I the Fowler, German Emperor, died 936.

TITLE: Emperor of the West
1 NAME the Fowler //
2 GIVN the Fowler
2 NICK the Fowler

1 NAME Henry I "the Fowler" of the /West/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 876 2 PLAC ,Germany 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 DEAT 2 DATE 2 JUL 936 2 PLAC Memleben, Saxony, Germany 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: Kraentzler 1260. 1477, 1517; RC 92, 134, 321, 338, 372; Coe, A. Roots 50, 141, 240; Royal Descents; AF; Horizon History of Germany; Pfafman. Known as Henry the Fowler because he was hawking when notified he had been selected king. Duke of Saxony; Emperor of Germany, 912-936, and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, 919-936. K: Heinrich von Sachsen. Duke von Sachsen. King of the Germans. King of Lorraine.
Roots: Henry I, "the Fowler", King of the Saxons.
Descents: Henry I the Fowler, German Emperor, died 936.

TITLE: Emperor of the West
Henrique, o Passarinheiro (Heinrich der Finkler ou Heinrich der Vogler, em alemão; Henricius Auceps, em latim) (876 – 2 de julho de 936) foi duque da Saxônia a partir de 912 d.C. e rei dos germanos (chamado Henrique I da Germânia) de 919 até a sua morte, em 936. Primeiro da dinastia otoniana de reis e imperadores germanos, é considerado o fundador e primeiro rei do império alemão medieval, até então conhecido como Frância Oriental. Recebeu o epíteto "passarinheiro" porque teria recebido a notícia de sua eleição como rei no momento em que consertava as suas redes de passarinhagem. Sucedeu-no no trono Otão I da Germânia.
!Name is; Heinrich I, "The Fowler" Emperor Of /GERMANY/
Hendrik I van Saksen, (zie dezelfde persoon hierboven in generatie 32) ook bekend als "de Vogelaar", geb. ca. 0876, ovl. 02.07.0936 in Memleben, begraven in Stiftskirche Quedlinburg, ref. nr. 22.02.2004 ES I.1-10, GMA.2,1 Hij trouwde met Mathilde van Ringelheim van Westfalen, getrouwd 0909 in Wallhausen.
!King of Germany

!BIRTH: "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call - Based on Call Family Pedigrees FHL
film 844805 & 844806, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Copy of
"Royal Ancestors" owned by Lynn Bernhard, Orem, UT.

!SOURCE "The Dudley Genealogies" p vi FHL book 929.273 D863dd p 67
!NOTE Called "l'Oiseleur" - the fowler

Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
1 NAME the Fowler //
2 GIVN the Fowler
2 NICK the Fowler

1 NAME Henry I "the Fowler" of the /West/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 DATE 876 2 PLAC ,Germany 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 DEAT 2 DATE 2 JUL 936 2 PLAC Memleben, Saxony, Germany 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: Kraentzler 1260. 1477, 1517; RC 92, 134, 321, 338, 372; Coe, A. Roots 50, 141, 240; Royal Descents; AF; Horizon History of Germany; Pfafman. Known as Henry the Fowler because he was hawking when notified he had been selected king. Duke of Saxony; Emperor of Germany, 912-936, and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, 919-936. K: Heinrich von Sachsen. Duke von Sachsen. King of the Germans. King of Lorraine.
Roots: Henry I, "the Fowler", King of the Saxons.
Descents: Henry I the Fowler, German Emperor, died 936.

TITLE: Emperor of the West
--Other Fields

Ref Number: 368
King of Germany
_P_CCINFO 1-20792
Line 5172 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Heinrich I "The Fowler" King Of The /GERMANS/
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
Original individual @P3960083042@ (@MS_TREE2.GED0_15GM2@) merged with @P3960083320@ (@MS_TREE2.GED0_15GM2@)
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
The first of the Saxon line of German kings. In 912 Henri succeeded his
father as duke of Saxony. Following the death of Conrad I, king of
Germany, in 918, Henri was chosen king by the Franconian and Saxon nobles.
Bavaria, Swabia, and Lotharingia refused to acknowledge him at first, and
it was not until 925 that he managed to win recognition from all the
German states. In 926 Henri secured a nine-year truce from warfare with
the Magyars. During that period he transformed many of the small towns of
Germany into fortified cities with trained troops of mounted warriors. His
military preparations were successfully tested in a war against the Wends
in 929. When the Magyars invaded Thuringia in 933, Henri repulsed them
decisively. He defeated the Danes in the following year and seized
territory from them. Henri was the first to create a united Germany, and,
although he never received the imperial crown, he is generally recognized
as one of the Holy Roman emperors. He was succeeded by his son, Otto.
GJ=Gary Jacobson
Emperor of Germany or King of Saxons 912-936.
33 great grandfather,and also the Duke of Saxony
The first of the Saxon line of German kings. In 912 Henri succeededhis father as duke of Saxony. Following the death of Conrad I, king ofGermany, in 918, Henri was chosen king by the Franconian and Saxonnobles. Bavaria, Swabia, and Lotharingia refused to acknowledge him atfirst, and it was not until 925 that he managed to win recognitionfrom all the German states. In 926 Henri secured a nine-year trucefrom warfare with the Magyars. During that period he transformed manyof the small towns of Germany into fortified cities with trainedtroops of mounted warriors. His military preparations weresuccessfully tested in a war against the Wends in 929. When theMagyars invaded Thuringia in 933, Henri repulsed them decisively. Hedefeated the Danes in the following year and seized territory fromthem. Henri was the first to create a united Germany, and, although henever received the imperial crown, he is generally recognized as oneof the Holy Roman emperors. He was succeeded by his son, Otto.
Henrik I av Sachsen, også kalt Henrik I Fuglefangeren, tysk: Heinrich der Finkler eller Heinrich der Vogler (født 876, død 2. juli 936), var konge av Tyskland i perioden 919-936. Enkelte kilder omtaler ham som keiser. Han var Sachsens første konge innen ?det ottonske dynasti?, da han var sønn til hertug Otto av Sachsen.

Henrik var gift med Matilda av Ringelheim, datter av hertug Teodebert av Westfalen.

Han ble konge etter sin onkel Konrad I etter at han på sin dødsseng overtalte han sin bror, markgreve Eberhard av Franken, om å tilby kronen til Henrik som var en av hans hovedmotstandere. Grunnen var at han så på Henrik som den eneste prinsen som var i stand til å holde kongedømmet sammen mot de interne stridighetene blant hertugene og mot de pågående invasjonene til madjarene. Eberhard og den øvrige frankiske adelen aksepterte Konrads råd, og Henrik ble valgt til konge som Henrik I i 919 ved Fritzlar.

Henrik invaderte de nordiske områdene, hvor danskene hadde beseiret friserne og gjorde i følge munken og historikeren Widukind av Corvey i sin bok Rex gestae Saxonicae den danske konen til vasall under Henrik. Han inntok også områder som hadde tilhørt venderne etter at disse hadde angrepet Tyskland sammen med danskene. Videre erobret han Slesvig i 934.

Han erobret videre hertugdømmet Bayern og kongedømmet Lorraine og ga disse som arveland til sine barn.

Da han døde av slag i sitt palass i Memleben var alle de tyske stammene samlet til et rike og Henrik blir derfor ansett som den første tyske kongen og den som la grunnlaget for Det tysk-romerske riket. Dette ble fullført av hans sønn Otto.

Keiser Otto I, født 912, død 973
Gerberga av Sachsen, født 913, død 5. mai 984, gift med hertug Gilbert av Lorraine, deretter Ludvig IV av Frankrike
Henrik I av Bayern, født 919, død 955
Hedvig av Sachsen, født 922, gift med Hugo den store, hertug av Franken og de var foreldre til Hugo Capet
Bruno, erkebiskop av Köln, født 925, død 965
Source: The Rufus Parks Pedigree by Brian J.L. Berry. Chart: pages 55 & 56
Page 54:
5b.Henry the Fowler, 867-2 July 936, so called because he was hawking in the Hartz Mountians when he was notified of his election by the nobles to succeed Conrad I as emperor 919. He succeeded his father as Duke of Saxony 864. He was often at war over disputed lands as well as with plundering Magyars. He mar. (2) Mechtilde, dau. of Dietrich, count of Ringelheim. Henry d. in his palace at Memleben [and] was bur. at Quedlinburg.

Page 58:
9.Henry I the Fowler 876-2 July 936; Duke of Saxony, emperor; mar. (2) Mechtilde, dau. of Dietrich, Count of Ringelheim.

!Availability: The libraries of Ken, Karen, Kristen, Kevin, Brian, Amy, Adam and FAL

Source: "Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists" by Frederick Lewis Weis.
Page121 line (141-18):
18.Henry I, the fowler, b. 876, d. Memleben, 2 Jul. 936, Duke of Saxony, King of the Saxons 912-936; m. (2) Mechtilde, dau. of Count Dietrich of Ringelheim. (CCN 495).

Dutch "Winkler Prins" encyclopedia says Henry was via his mother a
grandson of Louis the German (who was a grandson of Charlemagne). The
sources of this article are:
- Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs unter König Heinrich, by G. Waitz (1885,
- König Heinrich I, by Fr. Lüdtke (1936)
- Geschichte der sächsischen Kaiserzeit, by R. Holzmann (1941, 1953)
- König Heinrich I, by W. Mohr (1950)
- Von den Karolingern zu den Staufern, by J. Haller (1958)
- Die Mark Brandenburg, by J. Schultze (1961)
- Heinrich I, Südwest- und Westpolitik, by H. Büttner (1964)
"Von den Karolingern zu den Staufern" is the source of the genealogicalinformation in the article.
Ancestral File Number: FLH2-5CDutch "Winkler Prins" encyclopediasays Henry was via his mother a
grandson of Louis the German (who was a grandson of Charlemagne). The
sources of this article are:
- Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs unter König Heinrich, by G. Waitz (1885,
- König Heinrich I, by Fr. Lüdtke (1936)
- Geschichte der sächsischen Kaiserzeit, by R. Holzmann (1941, 1953)
- König Heinrich I, by W. Mohr (1950)
- Von den Karolingern zu den Staufern, by J. Haller (1958)
- Die Mark Brandenburg, by J. Schultze (1961)
- Heinrich I, Südwest- und Westpolitik, by H. Büttner (1964)
"Von den Karolingern zu den Staufern" is the source of the genealogicalinformation in the article.[Custer February 1, 2002 Family Tree.FTW]

[merge G675.FTW]

Dutch "Winkler Prins" encyclopedia says Henry was via his mother a
grandson of Louis the German (who was a grandson of Charlemagne). The
sources of this article are:
- Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs unter König Heinrich, by G. Waitz (1885,
- König Heinrich I, by Fr. Lüdtke (1936)
- Geschichte der sächsischen Kaiserzeit, by R. Holzmann (1941, 1953)
- König Heinrich I, by W. Mohr (1950)
- Von den Karolingern zu den Staufern, by J. Haller (1958)
- Die Mark Brandenburg, by J. Schultze (1961)
- Heinrich I, Südwest- und Westpolitik, by H. Büttner (1964)
"Von den Karolingern zu den Staufern" is the source of the genealogicalinformation in the article.
887190584. Kong Henrik I Fuglefangeren OTTOSON av Tyskland(21603) was born about 876.(21604) He was a Hertug in 912 in Sachsen.(21605) He was a Konge between 919 and 936 in Tyskland.(21606) He died 936 av slag.(21607) Stifter av det sachsiske hus, hertug i Sachsen egter farens død 912. He was married to Mathilde THEODIDRIKSDTR av Ringelheim ?.2.909.
Heinrich was born in 876, the son of Otto, duke of Saxony, and Haduwig von Babenberg. Emperor-Elect Konrad I had designated Heinrich as his successor, which was supported by the Saxon and Franconian nobility. Although he was the first non-Frank ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, he adopted Frankish customs, dress and manners.

He regarded the support of the nobility as sufficient for his position, and refused to be crowned by the bishops. As duke of Saxony he had shown his independence from Emperor and Church. However when he became emperor he grew closer to the Church.

The most serious problem of his reign was the independence of the higher nobility. This had been caused by the disintegration of monarchical powers in the preceding fifty years. He re-established imperial control over Suabia, Lotharingia and Bavaria. However, in general he allowed the dukes a free hand within their own territories.

Several times after 925 he raided the territories of his uncivilized neighbours, the Slavic Wends and the Hungarian Magyars, taking Brandenburg from the Wends, and defeating the Magyars in battle in 933. In the conquered lands he built fortified cities as military strongholds.

His rule restored much of the power and prestige of the monarchy so that, before he died (on 2 July 936), he obtained the recognition of his son Otto as his successor.
He was elected King of Germany in 918. He was Duke of Saxony and is considered one of the Holy Roman Emperors, although he was never officially named as such. His unofficial term was 919 to 936.
He has sometimes been considered as Holy Roman Emperor, Henry I.
Line 5172 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Heinrich I "The Fowler" King Of The /GERMANS/
He was elected King of Germany in 918. He was Duke of Saxony and is considered one of the Holy Roman Emperors, although he was never officially named as such. His unofficial term was 919 to 936.
Henrik I "Fågelfängaren" Saxon DYNASTY, also called LIUDOLFING DYNASTY, ruling house of German kings (Holy Roman emperors) from 919 to 1024. It came to power when the Liudolfing duke of Saxony was elected German king as Henry I (later called the Fowler), in 919. Henry I's son and successor, Otto I the Great (king 936-973, western emperor from 962), won a decisive victory over the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld near Augsburg in 955 and continued the policy, initiated by Henry I, of German expansion into Slavic territory to the east; he also intervened in Italy and, like several of his successors, established control over the papacy. By investing churchmen in Germany with lands, he laid down a long-lasting framework of support for the crown against the lay nobility. He was crowned emperor by Pope John XII at Rome in 962. He concluded the Privilegium Ottonianum, a treaty that regulated relations between emperor and pope, and initiated a Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. His son Otto II (973-83) continued his policy, but his grandson Otto III (983-1002) was interested in Italian affairs to the detriment of Germany. The last member of the line, Henry II (1002-24), turned his attention back to Germany. When Henry II died childless in 1024, another descendant of Henry I, Conrad II, the Salian, was elected king, thus initiating the Salian dynasty.

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Événements historiques

  • La température au 7 avril 1992 était entre 6,4 et 14,1 °C et était d'une moyenne de 9,9 °C. Il y avait -0.1 mm de précipitation. Il y avait 3,3 heures de soleil (25%). Il faisait très nuageux. La force moyenne du vent était de 2 Bft (vent faible) et venait principalement du sud-sud-est. Source: KNMI
  • Du mardi, novembre 7, 1989 au lundi, août 22, 1994 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Lubbers III avec comme premier ministre Drs. R.F.M. Lubbers (CDA).
  • En l'an 1992: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 15,1 millions d'habitants.
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Sur le nom de famille Von Sachsen

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George Homs, "Arbre généalogique Homs", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 7 juin 2024), "Heinrich 'der Vogler' "Henry the Fowler" von Sachsen Graf im Südthuringau, König von Östfrankreich (± 876-936)".