Arbre généalogique Homs » Baudouin II II "Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German" de Hainaut (± 1061-1098)

Données personnelles Baudouin II II "Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German" de Hainaut 

Les sources 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Le surnom est Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German.
  • Il est né environ 1056 TO ABT 1061 dans Hainault, Flemish region, Holy Roman Empire (now Belgium).
  • Il a été baptisé environ 1061.
  • Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 19 décembre 1992.
  • Alternative: Baptisé (à 8 ans ou plus tard) par l'autorité de la prêtrise de l'église SDJ le 19 décembre 1992.
  • Professions:
    • dans Count of Hainaut.
      {geni:current} 0
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Comte, de Mons, de Hainaut, 1071/1098, de Flandre, de Valenciennes, d'Ostrevant, de Douai, Croisé
    • dans comte de Hainaut.
  • Il est décédé le 8 JUN 1098 TO ABT-06-1098 dans Syria.
  • Un enfant de Baudoin VI van Vlaanderen et Richildis von Egisheim
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 30 décembre 2011.

Famille de Baudouin II II "Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German" de Hainaut

Il est marié avec Ida van Leuven.

Ils se sont mariés environ 1084 à Hainaut, Belgium.


  1. Baudouin de Hainaut  ± 1088-1119 
  2. Arnoul de Hainault  ± 1089-± 1142 

Notes par Baudouin II II "Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German" de Hainaut

GIVN Baudouin II Count
SURN von Hainault
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
GIVN Baudouin II Count
SURN von Hainault
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
Name Prefix: Count Name Suffix: II, of Hainault, King of Jerusalem
Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Baldwin II of Mons (1056–1098) was count of Hainaut from 1071 to his death. He was the younger son of Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders and became Count after the death of his older brother, Arnulf III, Count of Flanders. The family claim to the title Count of Flanders was lost by his brother's death, passing instead to their uncle Robert the Frisian. Baldwin joined the First Crusade in the company of Godfrey of Bouillon (rather than with Robert II of Flanders, whose family was still at odds with his own), after selling some of his property to the Bishopric of Liège. In 1098 he was sent back to Constantinople with Hugh of Vermandois after the siege of Antioch, to seek assistance from Byzantine emperor Alexius I. However, Baldwin disappeared during a raid by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia, and was presumably killed.

Family and children
He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Count Henry II of Leuven and sister of Godfrey I of Leuven, Duke of Lower Lotharingia) in 1084. Their children were:

Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut
Louis, living 1096
Simon, a canon in Liege
Henry, living 1096
Willem, died after 1117
Arnould; m. Beatrix von Ath (b. ca 1075 – before 1136), daughter of Walter von Ath and Ade de Roucy
Ide, (ca 1085 – after 1101); 1m: Guy de Chievres; 2m: ca 1100 Thomas I de Coucy
Richilde, (ca 1095 – after 1118); 1115 (div 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort
Aelidis, (before 1098 – 1153); m.Nicolas II de Rumigny
See also
Counts of Hainaut family tree
Alan V. Murray, The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Dynastic History, 1099-1125. Prosopographica et Genealogica, 2000.

Preceded by:
Arnulf I Count of Hainaut
1071–1098 Succeeded by:
Baldwin III
[Wikipedia, "Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut", retrieved 22 Dec 07]
Baldwin II of Mons (1056-1098?) was count of Hainaut from 1071 to his death. He was the younger son of Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders and Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut.

Baldwin became Count after the death of his older brother, Arnulf III, Count of Flanders. The family claim to the title Count of Flanders was lost by his brother's death, passing instead to their uncle Robert the Frisian.

Baldwin joined the First Crusade in the company of Godfrey of Bouillon (rather than with Robert II of Flanders, whose family was still at odds with his own), after selling some of his property to the Bishopric of Liège. In 1098 he was sent back to Constantinople with Hugh of Vermandois after the siege of Antioch, to seek assistance from Byzantine emperor Alexius I. However, Baldwin disappeared during a raid by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia, and was presumably killed.

He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Count Henry II of Leuven and sister of Godfrey I of Leuven, Duke of Lower Lotharingia) in 1084. Their children were:
-Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut
- Louis, living 1096
- Simon, a canon in Liege
- Henry, living 1096
- Willem, died after 1117
- Arnould; m. Beatrix von Ath (b. c. 1075-before 1136), daughter of Walter von Ath and Ade de Roucy
- Ide, (c. 1085-after 1101); 1m: Guy de Chievres; 2m: c. 1100 Thomas I de Coucy
- Richilde, (c. 1095-after 1118); m. c. 1115 (div. 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort
- Aelidis, (before 1098-1153); m. Nicolas II de Rumigny
In 1086, Baldwin went on a Crusade from shich he returned. In 1096, h e returned on a second pilgrimage, disginquished himself at the siegeo f Antioch in 1098 and was sent with Hugh the Great to announce the new s to the Emperor Alexis Comnene and invite him to aide the crusadersi n taking Jerusalem. However, the party fell into the hands of the Tur ks on the road near Nicaea. Hugh the Great escaped, but Baldwin wasca ptured and nothing more was ever heard of him. It is reported thatBal dwin while in the holy Land met with an unsolved fate.
GIVN Baudouin II Count
SURN von Hainault
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
#Générale##Générale#Profession : Comte de Hainaut (II) & Flandres
Décès : au siège de Nicée, dans une embuscade montée parles Turcs ou par lesGrecs.

Comte de Hainaut Baudouin II 1071 - 1099.
Comte de Flandre Baudouin VII 1071 - 1099
Comte de Mons 1078 - 1099.

Prit part à la première croisade (1096-1099).

BIOGRAPHIE: Le Viroinval est une création moderne du XXième siècle qui faitpartie, au même titre que Doische, de la vallée du Viroin. Cette région était lebien propre des comtes de Hainaut depuis le XIième siècle. Mais, en 1096,Baudouin II
décide, selon De Vuyst, de la vendre au prince évêque de Liège pour pouvoirpayer son départ pour la croisade. Malheureusement il ne cite pas sa source, cequi laisse un point d'interrogation.

DECES: En croisade au siège de Nicée, dans une embuscade montée par les Turcs oupar les Grecs.

Source :
- personne, famille : web, Guy Bastin, Gosselies, Charleroi, Hainaut
{geni:occupation} Comte de Hainaut, Count of Hainalt, Comte, de Mons, de Hainaut, 1071/1098, de Flandre, de Valenciennes, d'Ostrevant, de Douai, Croisé

Baudouin de Hainaut

BAUDOUIN de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN VI Count of Flanders, BAUDOUIN I Comte de Hainaut & his wife Richilde de Mons Ctss de Hainaut ([1056]-killed near Nikaia 1098 after 8 Jun). Guibert describes him as "Balduinus comes de Montibus, Roberti Flandrensis comitis iunioris patrui, filius"[196]. "Balduino frater eius [Arnulphum occiso]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[197]. He succeeded his brother in 1071 as BAUDOUIN II Comte de Hainaut et de Valenciennes. By agreement at Liège 1071, procured by Emperor Heinrich IV King of Germany with the aim of confirming the status of the counties of Hainaut and Valenciennes as imperial fiefs, Baudouin's mother (on his behalf) surrendered the two counties to the emperor, who granted them to the bishop of Liège. The bishop then granted the counties to Godefroi III "le Bossu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia, who in turn granted them back to Baudouin and his mother[198]. This process also ensured imperial protection for Hainaut as well as comte Baudouin III's succession, which no doubt would otherwise have been threatened by his uncle Robert I Count of Flanders. "Balduinus, Valenciarum comes, filius Balduini junioris" confirmed the purchase by the abbot of Hasnon of two mills, for the souls of "patris mei Balduini et matris mee Ricildis", by charter dated 1087[199]. Comte Baudouin joined the contingent of Godefroi de Bouillon Duke of Lower Lotharingia (avoiding that of Robert I Count of Flanders) on the First Crusade in 1096, selling the castle of Couvin to Otbert Bishop of Liège to raise funds. William of Tyre names "Baudoin comte de Hainaut" among those who left on the First Crusade with Robert Count of Flanders[200]. He took part in the siege of Antioch in 1098. He was sent with Hugues Comte de Vermandois on a mission to Emperor Alexios I, but was surprised in a Turkish ambush near Nikaia and disappeared, presumed killed[201].

m (1084) IDA de Louvain, daughter of HENRI [II] Comte de Louvain & his wife Adela [in der Betuwe] (-1139). The Chronicon Huberti names "Ida" wife of "Balduinum comitem Montensem" but does not give her origin[202]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the marriage in 1084 of "Idam filiam Henrici Lovaniensis" and "comes Montensis Balduinus"[203]. Albert of Aix records that "la noble épouse de Baudouin comte de Hainaut" wept bitterly for the death of Arnoul [II] de Oudenarde "ce jeune homme qui l'avait accompagnée dans son voyage de France à Jerusalem", in a passage probably dated to [1104/05][204]. He does not specify which Baudouin, but it appears more likely that the text refers to the widow of count Baudouin II than to the young wife of count Baudouin III. If this is correct, it is surprising that the passage does not specify that her husband was dead. On the other hand, the date is early for the marriage of the younger count and in any case no other record has been identified which corroborates that Baudouin III was in Palestine at this time. The report is probably garbled.

Comte Baudouin II & his wife had nine children:

1. IDA de Hainaut ([1085]-after [1105]). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to "sororem Balduini comitis Hainoensis" as wife of "Thomam de Marla"[205]. The Chronicon Hanoniense refers to a second unnamed sister of "comitis Hainoniensis" who married "Thome de Marla"[206]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.

m ([1100], repudiated) as his first wife, THOMAS [I] Comte d´Amiens, Seigneur de Coucy et de Marle, son of ENGUERRAND [I] Comte d´Amiens, Seigneur de Coucy et de Boves & his wife Ada de Marle [Roucy] ([1073]-[1130/31]).

2. [daughter . The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "filio suo [=Gualterus] Teoderico", specifying that he married "sororem Balduini comitis Montensis"[207]. The text does not specify which "Balduini comitis Montensis" is intended. However, if Thierry's date of death is correct as shown above, it is likely that the marriage took place only shortly before this date. If that is correct, then the text most probably refers to Count Baudouin III, who succeeded his father in 1098. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[208], Thierry's wife was Richildis, daughter of Baudouin III Comte de Hainaut, who later married Everard [II] Raoul Châtelain de Tournai. However, this is chronologically impossible (assuming that Thierry did die before 1106) as Baudouin III's marriage is dated to [1107].

m THIERRY d'Avesnes Seigneur de Mortagne, son of WAUTIER [I] d'Oisy, Seigneur d'Avesnes, de Condé et de Leuze & his wife Ade [Ide] de Mortagne (-[before 1106]).]

3. BAUDOUIN de Hainaut (1088-1120). The Chronicon Hanoniense names "primogenitus Balduinus…secundus Arnulphus" as sons of "Balduino comiti Hanoniensi"[209]. He succeeded his father in 1098 as BAUDOUIN III Comte de Hainaut.

- see below.

4. ARNOUL de Hainaut (-after 1117). The Chronicon Lætiense names "Arnulpho, fratri comitis de Hainau Balduini" and his wife "Beatricem filiam [Waltero de Aat] et Ade [filiam] Eustacii del Rues"[210]. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "primogenitus Balduinus…secundus Arnulphus" as sons of "Balduino comiti Hanoniensi"[211].


5. LOUIS de Hainaut (-after 1096). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1096.

6. SIMON de Hainaut (-after 1096). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Canon in Liege 1096.

7. HENRI de Hainaut (-after 1096). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1096.

8. GUILLAUME de Hainaut (-after 1117). A charter dated 1117 records the donation by "comite Balduino", with the consent of "uxore sua Iola et filio suo Balduino…prefati comites fratres Ernulfus et Willelmus", of "allodium de Oberceiis" to the abbey of Saint-Denis en Broqueroie[212].

9. RICHILDIS de Hainaut ([1095]-after 1118). The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Richeldis" as daughter of "Balduino comitis Hanoniensis" and wife of "comiti Montisforti"[213]. Orderic Vitalis names "Richenda" as wife of Amaury de Montfort, but does not give her origin[214].

m ([1115], divorced 1118) AMAURY [III] Seigneur de Montfort, son of SIMON Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury & his third wife Agnès d'Evreux (-[18/19] Apr after 1136, bur Abbaye de Haute-Bruyère). He succeeded as Comte d'Evreux.

10. AELIDIS de Hainaut (-1153 or after). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to "sororem comitis Hainonensium Adelidem nomine" as the second wife of "Nicholaum"[215]. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Alidis" as daughter of "Balduino comitis Hanoniensis" and wife of "Hugoni de Ruminio"[216], which must be a mistake for "Nicholai". 1153.

m as his second wife, NICOLAS [II] Seigneur de Rumigny et de Florennes, son of NICOLAS [I] Seigneur de Florennes & his wife --- (-1153 or after).


Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German. Also called Baudouin de Jérusalem.

Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was the successor of Boudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen; 7th Count of Hainault. Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was born in 1061. He was the son of Boudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen and Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut.3 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was the successor of Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut; Countess of Hainault, restored.

Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut succeeded his mother, who abdicated in his favor, to the countship of Hainault in 1083. He was a witness where Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut abdicated in favor of her son, Baldwin in 1083. 8th Count of Hainault at Holy Roman Empire between 1083 and 1098.

Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut concluded a peace treaty with his uncle, Robert of Flanders, in which Robert was to be ruler of Flanders, and Baldwin of Hainault in 1084.

He married Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen, daughter of Heinrich II, Graf von Löwen and Adela von Tweisterbant, in 1084.

Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was set out on the 1st Crusade accompanied by many noblemen from Hainault, including the famous Gilles de Chin, seigneur of Berlaimont, Chievres, and Wasmes, in 1095. He died after 8 June 1098 at Syria. Died in the East while on the 1st Crusade.

He was the predecessor of Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut; 9th Count of Hainaut.



Baldwin II De Hainault




Baldwin VI , Earl of Flanders


Richilde De Hainault




Baldwin III De Hainault



Gilbert De Gant

Baldwin II De Hainault


Died on First Crusade


Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baldwin II of Mons (1056–1098?) was count of Hainaut from 1071 to his death. He was the younger son of Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders and Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut.


Baldwin became Count after the death of his older brother, Arnulf III, Count of Flanders. The family claim to the title Count of Flanders was lost by his brother's death, passing instead to their uncle Robert the Frisian.

Baldwin joined the First Crusade in the company of Godfrey of Bouillon (rather than with Robert II of Flanders, whose family was still at odds with his own), after selling some of his property to the Bishopric of Liège. In 1098 he was sent back to Constantinople with Hugh of Vermandois after the siege of Antioch, to seek assistance from Byzantine emperor Alexius I. However, Baldwin disappeared during a raid by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia, and was presumably killed.


He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Count Henry II of Leuven and sister of Godfrey I of Leuven, Duke of Lower Lotharingia) in 1084. Their children were:

Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut

Louis, living 1096

Simon, a canon in Liege

Henry, living 1096

Willem, died after 1117

Arnould; m. Beatrix von Ath (b. c. 1075–before 1136), daughter of Walter von Ath and Ade de Roucy

Ide, (c. 1085–after 1101); 1m: Guy de Chievres; 2m: c. 1100 Thomas I de Coucy

Richilde, (c. 1095–after 1118); m. c. 1115 (div. 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort

Aelidis, (before 1098–1153); m. Nicolas II de Rumigny



Baldwin II of Mons (1056–1098?) was count of Hainaut from 1071 to his death. He was the younger son of Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders and Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut.

Baldwin became Count after the death of his older brother, Arnulf III, Count of Flanders. The family claim to the title Count of Flanders was lost by his brother's death, passing instead to their uncle Robert the Frisian.

Baldwin joined the First Crusade in the company of Godfrey of Bouillon (rather than with Robert II of Flanders, whose family was still at odds with his own), after selling some of his property to the Bishopric of Liège. In 1098 he was sent back to Constantinople with Hugh of Vermandois after the siege of Antioch, to seek assistance from Byzantine emperor Alexius I. However, Baldwin disappeared during a raid by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia, and was presumably killed.

He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Count Henry II of Leuven and sister of Godfrey I of Leuven, Duke of Lower Lotharingia) in 1084. Their children were:

Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut

Louis, living 1096

Simon, a canon in Liege

Henry, living 1096

Willem, died after 1117

Arnould; m. Beatrix von Ath (b. c. 1075–before 1136), daughter of Walter von Ath and Ade de Roucy

Ide, (c. 1085–after 1101); 1m: Guy de Chievres; 2m: c. 1100 Thomas I de Coucy

Richilde, (c. 1095–after 1118); m. c. 1115 (div. 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort

Aelidis, (before 1098–1153); m. Nicolas II de Rumigny


# Birth: Abt 1056 in Hainault, Belgium

# Death: Aft 8 Jun 1098 in the Holy Land in the First Crusade

# Change Date: 21 Sep 2005 at 15:23

# Note: Crusader
Boudewijn II (± 1056 – overleden in Syrië, 1098), was graaf van Henegouwen van 1071 tot aan zijn dood. Hij was de tweede zoon van Boudewijn VI van Vlaanderen en Richilde van Henegouwen, en volgde zijn oudere broer Arnulf op, die sneuvelde in de Slag bij Kassel op (22 februari 1071). Als gevolg van deze slag moest Boudewijn Vlaanderen afstaan aan Robrecht I de Fries. Hij slaagde erin Henegouwen te behouden voor zichzelf en zijn moeder Richildis, dankzij de steun van de Luikse prins-bisschop Theoduinus (1048-1076), van wie zij voortaan Henegouwen in leen hielden.

Tot 1076 regeerde Boudewijn II onder het regentschap van zijn moeder, daarna steeds meer zelfstandig. Zijn pogingen om het graafschap Vlaanderen te heroveren mislukten bij herhaling. In 1096 vertrok Boudewijn naar de Eerste Kruistocht, tijdens dewelke hij in Syrië werd vermoord, kort na de inname van Antiochië. Zijn zoon Boudewijn volgde hem op.

Huwelijk en kinderen

Hij huwde in 1084 met Ida van Leuven (1077-1139), dochter van Hendrik II en Adele van de Betuwe, hun kinderen waren:

Boudewijn (III)





Arnold, gehuwd met Beatrix van Ath

Ida, eerst gehuwd met Guy, heer van Chièvres, vervolgens met Thomas van Marle

Richilde, gehuwd met (1115-1118) met Amaury IV van Montfort, graaf van Évreux

Aleida, gehuwd met Nicolaas II van Rumigny

Baldwin II of Mons (1056–1098?) was count of Hainaut from 1071 to his death. He was the younger son of Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders and Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut.

Baldwin became Count after the death of his older brother, Arnulf III, Count of Flanders. The family claim to the title Count of Flanders was lost by his brother's death, passing instead to their uncle Robert the Frisian.

Baldwin joined the First Crusade in the company of Godfrey of Bouillon (rather than with Robert II of Flanders, whose family was still at odds with his own), after selling some of his property to the Bishopric of Liège. In 1098 he was sent back to Constantinople with Hugh of Vermandois after the siege of Antioch, to seek assistance from Byzantine emperor Alexius I. However, Baldwin disappeared during a raid by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia, and was presumably killed.

He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Count Henry II of Leuven and sister of Godfrey I of Leuven, Duke of Lower Lotharingia) in 1084. Their children were:

Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut

Louis, living 1096

Simon, a canon in Liege

Henry, living 1096

Willem, died after 1117

Arnould; m. Beatrix von Ath (b. c. 1075–before 1136), daughter of Walter von Ath and Ade de Roucy

Ide, (c. 1085–after 1101); 1m: Guy de Chievres; 2m: c. 1100 Thomas I de Coucy

Richilde, (c. 1095–after 1118); m. c. 1115 (div. 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort

Aelidis, (before 1098–1153); m. Nicolas II de Rumigny

Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut1,2

b. 1061, d. after 8 June 1098

Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut|b. 1061\nd. a 8 Jun 1098|p355.htm#i5356|Boudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen|b. c 1030\nd. 17 Jul 1070|p348.htm#i7244|Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut|b. c 1019\nd. 15 Mar 1086/87|p352.htm#i7403|Boudewijn V "van Rijsel", Graaf van Vlaanderen|b. 1012\nd. 1 Sep 1067|p347.htm#i5009|Adelle de France, comtesse de Contenance|b. 1009\nd. 8 Jan 1079|p350.htm#i5217|||||||

FatherBoudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen3 b. circa 1030, d. 17 July 1070

MotherRichilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut3 b. circa 1019, d. 15 March 1086/87

Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German.4 Also called Baudouin de Jérusalem.3 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was the successor of Boudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen; 7th Count of Hainault.3 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was born in 1061. He was the son of Boudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen and Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut.3 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was the successor of Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut; Countess of Hainault, restored.5 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut succeeded his mother, who abdicated in his favor, to the countship of Hainault in 1083. He was a witness where Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut abdicated in favor of her son, Baldwin in 1083. 8th Count of Hainault at Holy Roman Empire between 1083 and 1098.6,3 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut concluded a peace treaty with his uncle, Robert of Flanders, in which Robert was to be ruler of Flanders, and Baldwin of Hainault in 1084.6 He married Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen, daughter of Heinrich II, Graf von Löwen and Adela von Tweisterbant, in 1084.4,7 Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut was set out on the 1st Crusade accompanied by many noblemen from Hainault, including the famous Gilles de Chin, seigneur of Berlaimont, Chievres, and Wasmes, in 1095. He died after 8 June 1098 at Syria. Died in the East while on the 1st Crusade.6,3,4 He was the predecessor of Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut; 9th Count of Hainault.6,3,4


Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen b. circa 1070, d. after 1107


* Yde de Hainaut 8

* Alice de Hainault+ b. c 1086?, d. a 1153

* Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut+ b. c 1087, d. 11204

* Richeude de Hainaut b. 1090?
At the time of his succession he was a minor, and Robert, the Frisian,Duke of Flanders, seized Hainault, but Emperor Henry IV finally forcedRobert to return Hainault to the legitimate heir. Baldwin II embarked onthe pilgrimage of the Crusade in 1096, and at the Siege of Antioch, 1098,he was sent with Hugh Magnus to announce the news to Emperor AlexisCommenens, and to invite him to aid the crusaders in taking Jerusalem. Onthe road near Nicea, however, the party fell into the hands of the Turks.Hugh Magnus, leader of the First Crusade, escaped, but Baldwin wascaptured and never heard of again. Baldwin II married 1084 Ida or Alex,daughter of Henry II, Count of Louvain. In 1099 she went to Rome to tryto obtain news of her husband; the Pope, who could tell her nothing,tried to console her, and sent her back to Hainault, where she died 1139.
Children: Baldwin III, Arnould, Ida, Richilde and Alix.
Successor of Baldwin I, with whom he participated in the First Crusade. In
1104 he was captured by the Muslims, who detained him until 1108. After
his election as king, on the death of Baldwin I, he campaigned against the
Turks, winning control of Aleppo and Dimashq. Baldwin II was succeeded by
his son-in-law Fulk V the Young, count of Anjou.
Baudouin II de Flandre, né vers 1056, mort en Asie Mineure en 1098, fut comte de Hainaut de 1071 à 1098. Il était fils de Baudouin VI, comte de Flandre et de Hainaut, et de Richilde, comtesse de Hainaut.
Il était encore adolescent à la mort de son père et sa mère exerça la régence au nom de son frère aîné Arnoul. Mais les ambitions de sa mère et son gouvernement tyrannique occasionna au bout d'un an une révolte qui dégénéra en guerre civile. Arnoul fut tué dans une bataille près de Cassel et Robert le Frison, oncle de Baudouin et d'Arnoul, devint comte de Flandre. Baudouin succéda à son frère comme comte de Hainaut. Richilde obtint de l'aide de l'évêque de Liège, dont elle s'était reconnue vassale pour le Hainaut, mais les Hennuyers furent à nouveau vaincus à Broqueroie. Baudouin dut renoncer à la Flandre en 1085.
En 1095, lors de l'appel d'Urbain II au Concile de Clermont, il prit la croix pour partir à la première croisade. L'antagonisme avec le comte de Flandre fit qu'il joignit l'armée de Godefroy de Bouillon plutôt que celle de Robert II de Flandre. Après la prise d'Antioche, il fut envoyé en ambassade à Constantinople avec Hugues Ier, Liste des comtes de Vermandois. Il fut surpris, attaqué et tué dans une ambuscade turque à proximité de Nicée.
Il épousa en 1084 Ide de Louvain (1077 1139), fille d'Henri II, comte de Louvain et de Bruxelles et d'Adèle de Betuwe.
Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut AKA Baudouin II C of H

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Baudouin II II de Hainaut

Régnier V de Hainaut
± 1012-± 1049
Mathilde de Verdun
± 1017-± 1039

Baudouin II II de Hainaut
± 1061-1098

± 1084

Ida van Leuven
± 1077-± 1103

Arnoul de Hainault
± 1089-± 1142

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    Les sources

    Événements historiques

    • La température au 19 décembre 1992 était entre 4,8 et 10,5 °C et était d'une moyenne de 6,9 °C. Il y avait une précipitation de 3,1 mm pendant 4,8 heure(s). Il faisait presque totalement couvert. La force moyenne du vent était de 2 Bft (vent faible) et venait principalement du au nord. Source: KNMI
    • Du mardi, novembre 7, 1989 au lundi, août 22, 1994 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Lubbers III avec comme premier ministre Drs. R.F.M. Lubbers (CDA).
    • En l'an 1992: Source: Wikipedia
      • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 15,1 millions d'habitants.
      • 4 février » coup d'État militaire avorté par Hugo Chávez contre le président du Venezuela (15 morts, 51 blessés et 1100 arrestations).
      • 11 février » collision entre le USS Baton Rouge et K-276 Kostroma, près de Mourmansk, en Russie.
      • 15 février » |les 12 pays membres de la Communauté européenne reconnaissent l'indépendance de la Slovénie et de la Croatie.
      • 16 février » le gouvernement salvadorien et les représentants de la guérilla signent à Mexico un accord de paix mettant fin à douze années d'une guerre civile qui a fait 75000 morts et ruiné le pays.
      • 30 septembre » José Eduardo dos Santos devient président de l'Angola.
      • 31 décembre » fin de l'existence de la Tchécoslovaquie et naissance de la République tchèque et de la République slovaque.

    Sur le nom de famille De Hainaut

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    George Homs, "Arbre généalogique Homs", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 26 septembre 2024), "Baudouin II II "Also called Graf von Hennegau Balduin II von Hennegau German" de Hainaut (± 1061-1098)".