Rosser Direct Ancestors » Les sources » Census 1921 Charlton & Kidbrooke, London, England RG15/02963/234 (Horth, Amy Sarah)

Description de la source

1921 Census Of England & Wales

Census 1921 Charlton & Kidbrooke, London, England RG15/02963/234 (Horth, Amy Sarah)

Census England 1921
Address: 11 Victoria Road, Charlton
Place: Charlton & Kidbrooke, London, England

Name • Relation • Age • Sex • Marr/Orph'd • Birthplace • Nationality • Education • Occupation • Employment • Place of Work • Chd <16 • Children's Ages
Amy S Henderson • Head • 65y 4m • F • Widowed • West Ham, Essex, England • • • • • • •
Rose M Henderson • Daughter • 35y 5m • F • Single • Greenwich, Kent, England • • • Housewife • • • •
Herbert E Henderson • Son • 26y 1m • M • Single • Greenwich, Kent, England • • • Screw Guage Turner • Vickers Ltd (out of work) • • •
Minnie L Henderson • Daughter • 21y 9m • F • Single • Charlton, Kent, England • • • Shorthand Typist • Bisley & Sons • Chester House, Rotherhithe • •

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