Concernant le toponyme » Silver City, Lyon County, Nevada, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Silver City
Les enregistrements de Silver City

Silver City is a near ghost town in Lyon County, Nevada, USA, near the Lyon/Carson border. The population as of the 2000 census was 170. Settled in 1859, the population in 1861 was about 1200, but began declining after the Virginia and Truckee Railroad was completed in 1869. Devil's Gate, just north of Silver City, marks the boundary line between Storey and Lyon Counties, and was a notable landmark of the Nevada Territory. Through this narrow gorge thousands of people passed on their way to the mines of the Comstock Lode. It is now used by Nevada State Route 342.

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Silver City
Lyon County
Les États-Unis
Vlag van Les États-Unis

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: