Concernant le toponyme » Cimarron, Colfax County, New Mexico, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Cimarron
Les enregistrements de Cimarron

Cimarron is a village in Colfax County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 917 at the 2000 census. Philmont Scout Ranch, an extensive "high-adventure base" operated by the Boy Scouts of America, is located just south of Cimarron. The Chase Ranch (famous for its heart-shaped brand and allegedly the Marlboro Man's place of origin), Ted Turner's Vermejo Park Ranch, the CS Ranch, the UU Bar Ranch (formerly the property of Waite Phillips), the Elliott Barker State Wildlife Area, the Valle Vidal, Cimarron Canyon State Park, and Carson National Forest are also located in the Cimarron area. The village is a pioneer of the four-day school week, which it originally implemented in the early 1970s, during a time of rising fuel and utility prices.

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Colfax County
New Mexico
Les États-Unis
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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: