Concernant le toponyme » Albany, Carroll County, New Hampshire, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Albany

Albany is a town in Carroll County, New Hampshire, United States. The population was 735 at the 2010 census. Albany includes Mount Chocorua and Mount Paugus, as well as the southeastern corner of the White Mountain National Forest. Albany is the entrance to the Mount Washington Valley, and features a 120-foot covered bridge that spans the Swift River just north of the Kancamagus Highway. Spectacular views of Mount Chocorua, popular with hikers, are seen from this picturesque town. Albany is also home to the World Fellowship Center, a resort and retreat center founded in 1941 by and for peace activists.

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Carroll County
New Hampshire
Les États-Unis
Vlag van Les États-Unis

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: