Concernant le toponyme » Rossville, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Rossville
Les enregistrements de Rossville

Rossville is a small rural community in Lincoln County, Oklahoma, on US Highway 177. The community had a post office from October 7, 1895, until February 15, 1907. Per Oklahoma Place Names it was named for Ross Thomas, a local resident.The community consists of a store, a church, and several residential dwellings. The Rossville School was one mile south of the community and the Rossville cemetery is one mile south and a half-mile west of the community. Many of the buildings (including the store) were relocated back from the right-of-way when US 177 was constructed during the 1960s.

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Lincoln County
Les États-Unis
Vlag van Les États-Unis

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: