Concernant le toponyme » Big Springs, Douglas County, Kansas, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Big Springs
Les enregistrements de Big Springs

Big Springs is an unincorporated community in western Douglas County, Kansas, United States. Today it has a water tower, tool shop, church and a fire station that is part of the Lecompton Township Fire Dist. 1. Its mailing address is Lecompton. It is part of USD 450 Shawnee Heights School District in Tecumseh.US Highway 40 runs through the town. In 2010, a building on the east side of town caught fire, leaving a restricted area of charred rubble.

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Big Springs
Douglas County
Les États-Unis
Vlag van Les États-Unis

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: