Concernant le toponyme » Flintstone, Walker County, Georgia, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Flintstone
Les enregistrements de Flintstone

Flintstone is an unincorporated community in Walker County, Georgia, United States. Located in northwestern Georgia, Flintstone lies approximately 120 miles northwest of Atlanta, 135 miles southwest of Nashville, Tennessee, and 150 miles northeast of Birmingham, Alabama.[citation needed] Although Flintstone is unincorporated, it has a post office, with the ZIP code of 30725; the ZCTA for ZIP Code 30725 had a population of 3,456 at the 2000 census.Flintstone experiences about 210 sunny days, and 110 rainy days, with an annual rainfall of 54 inches with only a few days of snowfall due to the warm temperatures and humidity.Flintstone is also known as Chattanooga Valley, and the northern terminus of the community is the Tennessee-Georgia state boundary. Many residents commute to Chattanooga, Tennessee due to Chattanooga's physical proximity.Geological features include the eastern slope of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge, as well as Chattanooga Creek and Rock Creek.Flintstone is semi-rural, with pockets of subdivisions scattered throughout. It includes a business district complete with a bank, gas stations, hardware and other amenities. Four restaurants are located in the Flintstone area, including Pizza Italiano, Fat Boy & Slim's BBQ, Susan's Diner, and The Dinner Bell.Linston Carver opened a herb company in the town in 1943. In 1959 Paul Hicks began to work with Carver then founded his own business, the Flintstone Herb Company, in 1969, succeeded by his son Berry in 1994.The former main line of the now abandoned Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia Railroad traverses Flintstone.Flintstone is included in the Fort Oglethorpe Quad of topographical maps published by the United States Geological Services..

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: