Concernant le toponyme » Westover, Shelby County, Alabama, Les États-Unis

Patronymes populaires à Westover
Les enregistrements de Westover

Westover is a city in Shelby County, Alabama, United States. It was officially incorporated on January 31, 2001 although it was established in 1901 and had a population of 961 when it was incoporporated in 2001.Westover is located along the busy U.S. Highway 280 corridor in the northeastern quadrant of Shelby County. It is approximately twelve miles south of downtown Birmingham and is part of the Birmingham–Hoover Metropolitan Statistical Area.The City of Westover has experienced significant growth over the last few years. The newest residential subdivisions in the City of Westover include Chelsea Square, Carden Crest, The Villages of Westover, Willow Oaks and Yellowleaf Farms. Over seventy-five percent on the property in the City is owned by residential and or commercial developers.Pine Mountain Preserve, the largest development of its kind ever built in the State of Alabama, is an Eddleman Properties development which has been announced. It is on 6,500 acres of property in the City of Westover including a "Town Center". The "Town Center" includes parks, City development sites (City Hall, Library, Fire Stations, etc.), multiple school sites and commercial.The Shelby County School system covers the City of Westover as well as several area private schools. The majority of the City of Westover is in the Chelsea School zone of the Shelby County School system. The City of Westover has been working to secure school sites since 2004 and recently announced it has facilitated a site for a new middle school (or other appropriate school) within the Shelby County Board of Education identified high priority Chelsea Area School Zone of which the City of Westover is a part. The City of Westover policy of securing school sites is a result of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Westover adopted in 2004. On July 19, 2011 the City Council passed a Resolution identifying multiple properties, within the Chelsea Area School Zone, available for donation to the Shelby County Board of Education (See The announcement went on to say, "During these tough economic times, where the Shelby County Board of Education dealt with a major capital shortfall requiring a special referendum, the City of Westover overwhelmingly supported this referendum and is very pleased to facilitate a significant donation to the Shelby County Board of Education for the construction of a new middle school (or other appropriate school) in the Chelsea Area School Zone. The City of Westover is pleased to work with the Shelby County School Board so that all available funds go into world-class facilities for the use of the community and not into unnecessary cost for land, infrastructure and other donated capital improvements."This represents a significant contribution facilitated by the City of Westover of over $2,000,000.00.One structure in Westover, the Archer House, is listed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage.

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: