Concernant le toponyme » Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, England, La Grande-Bretagne

Patronymes populaires à Thornbury
Les enregistrements de Thornbury

Thornbury is a market town in South Gloucestershire, England, approximately 12 miles (19 km) north of the city of Bristol, with a population of 12,342 at the 2001 UK census. The town hosts South Gloucestershire Council headquarters and is twinned with Bockenem in Germany. Thornbury is a Britain in Bloom award-winning town and has its own competition, Thornbury in Bloom. Its suburbs include the Morton and Thornbury Park districts.

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South Gloucestershire
La Grande-Bretagne
Vlag van La Grande-Bretagne

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: