Concernant le toponyme » Richmond, Tasman District, Tasman, Nouvelle-Zélande

Patronymes populaires à Richmond
Les enregistrements de Richmond

Richmond, the seat of the Tasman District Council, lies 13 km south of Nelson in the South Island of New Zealand, close to the southern extremity of Tasman Bay. The census conducted on 6 March 2006 counted more than 14,000 residents. Although Richmond lies outside the boundaries of Nelson City, it forms part of the Nelson Urban Area for statistical purposes, and New Zealanders informally consider it part of Greater Nelson or the "Top of the South". The two unitary authorities co-operate for tourism-marketing purposes via "Latitude Nelson".

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Tasman District
Vlag van Nouvelle-Zélande

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: