maximum test » Clémence "Clementia VAN POITOU-AQUITANIË" de Poitou de Bouzonville (± 1059-1142)

Données personnelles Clémence "Clementia VAN POITOU-AQUITANIË" de Poitou de Bouzonville 

Source 1

Famille de Clémence "Clementia VAN POITOU-AQUITANIË" de Poitou de Bouzonville

(1) Elle avait une relation avec Konrad I von Salm.


  1. Ermesinde de Luxembourg  ± 1080-1143 

(2) Elle est mariée avec Gerard von Wassenberg.

Ils se sont mariés environ 1086.


  1. Gerhard von Wassenberg  1091-1131 
  2. Judith van Gelre  ± 1087-1151 

Notes par Clémence "Clementia VAN POITOU-AQUITANIË" de Poitou de Bouzonville

SURN Clemence
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
GIVN Clemence
SURN von Poitou
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
SURN Clemence
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
GIVN Clemence
SURN von Poitou
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
It is often erroneously stated that Clemence, who married Conrad I, wa s the daughter of William VII of Aquitaine (Pierre-Guillaume) and Erme sinde of Longwy (daughter of Adalbert of Longwy, Duke Lorraine). Thisf allacy was mistakenly made in the 1960s, but has long been refuted
SURN Clemence
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
GIVN Clemence
SURN von Poitou
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:36
#Générale##Générale#Héritière de Longwy.

Clementia of Aquitaine

*[ from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

Clémence d'Aquitaine (1060 – 4 January 1142) was a daughter of Pierre-Guillaume VII, duke of Aquitaine, and his wife Ermesinde.

She married firstly around 1075 to Conrad I of Luxembourg (1040 † 1086), count of Luxembourg, and had:

Henri III († 1086), comte à Luxembourg
Konrad, cité en 1080
Mathilde (1070 † ), married Godefroy (1075 † ), comte de Bleisgau
Rodolphe († 1099), abbot of Saint-Vannes at Verdun
Ermesinde (1075 † 1143), married
in 1096 to Albert II († 1098), count of Egisheim and of Dagsbourg,
in 1101 to Godefroy (1067 † 1139), count of Namur
William I (1081 † 1131), count of Luxembourg

Widowed, she remarried to Gerard I († 1129), count of Wassenberg and of Guelders. This count married twice and had two children, neither of whose mothers has been identified. These two children, perhaps born to Clémence, were :

Yolande, married around 1107 to Baldwin III († 1120), count of Hainaut, then to Godefroy de Bouchain, vicomte of Valenciennes
Gérard II († 1131), count of Guelders and of Wassenberg

NOTE:Erfgename van Longwy; vrouwe van Gleiberg; gravin van Wassenberg. Zij is aanwezig bij de stichting van het Münster te Luxemburg op 6 juli 1083 en sticht, met toestemming van haar kinderen Willem en Ermesinde, als 'gravin van Gleiberg' het klooster Schiffenberg bij Giessen (1129) en meldt de stichting nogmaals in 1141.

Bij haar overlijden was ze bijna 90 jaar oud!



Met Gerard I van Gelre:

* Jolante van Gelre
1. CLEMENTIA (-after 1141). Her [first] marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 7 Jul 1083 under which "Conradus comes" founded the Benedictine abbey of Münster [Altmünster] in Luxembourg, with the consent of "uxore mea Clementia cum filiis et filiabus nostris"[114]. "Conradus cum uxore mea Clementia" founded the abbey of Münster at Luxembourg, with the consent of "filiis meis Henrico, Conradi et Wilhelmo", by charter dated 1080[115]. Meginher Archbishop of Trier confirmed the foundation of Kloster Schiffenberg by "Clementia…comitissa" with the consent of "filii sui Willehelmi et filie Irmesindis" by charter dated 17 Jun 1129[116]. Her supposed [second/third] marriage is confirmed by a second version of the charter confirming the foundation of Kloster Schiffenberg, dated 1129, which records the donation made by "Clementia comitissa de Glizberc…per manum Gerhardi mariti sui comitis de Gelre", with the consent of "palatine comitisse Gertrudis" [identified as Gertrud von Northeim, widow of Siegfried Graf von Orlamünde, Pfalzgrafen von Lothringen, and wife of Otto von Salm Graf von Rheineck, presumably a relative whose family relationship has not been traced, although see below for some speculation about this] to whom one fourth part of the property belonged[117]. Szabolcs de Vajay dismisses this supposed [second/third] marriage, considering that this second Schiffenberg document is a falsification[118]. However, the language of the document is not obviously anachronistic, the only surprising element being the large number of witnesses. The doubts surrounding the authenticity of these documents is discussed at length by Wyss[119]. "Clementia comitissa de Glizberg cum meis nepotibus Ottone et Wilhelmo" confirmed the foundation of Schiffenberg, with the consent of "domne Gertrudis palatine…[et] Adela filia eiusdem palatine", by charter dated 1141[120]. The documents relating to Clementia´s supposed [second/third] marriage also suggest a possible [second] marriage, because of the two references to her as “comitissa de Glizberc”. No primary source document has yet been identified in which Clementia´s [first] husband is described as “Graf von Gleiberg”. Nor has any record been found of the county of Gleiberg being held by her son by this [first] marriage, Guillaume [I] Comte de Luxembourg, nor by Guillaume´s son Conrad [II] Comte de Luxembourg. One possible explanation is that Clementia was not in fact heiress of Gleiberg, although she is often described as such in contemporary secondary sources, and that she was accorded the title in the 1129 and 1141 as the widow of an otherwise unidentified “Graf von Gleiberg” whom she married after the death of Conrad [I] Comte de Luxembourg. If that is correct, this shadowy [second] husband may have been the uncle or great-uncle of the cousins Otto and Wilhelm who are named above and who would have inherited the title after his death. If Clementia was dowager countess of Gleiberg, maybe continuing to hold part of the county as dower from her [second] husband, this would explain the necessity of her acting jointly with her nephews in the 1129 and 1141 documents. If all this speculation is correct, the consent given in the joint interest in the property in question held by Gertrud von Northeim and her daughter may provide an indication of the family origin of Clementia herself: maybe she was Gertrud´s maternal aunt, a member of the Braunschweig family? [firstly] [as his first wife,] CONRAD [I] Comte [de Luxembourg], son of GISELBERT Graf von Salm, Comte [de Luxembourg] & his wife --- (-in Palestine 8 Aug 1086, bur Luxembourg Münster Abbey). [m [secondly] --- Graf von Gleiberg, son of ---.] [m [secondly/thirdly] [as his second wife,] GERHARD [I] Graaf van Gelre, son of DIETRICH "Flamens" Graf [von Wassenberg] & his wife --- (-before 9 Apr 1138).]

from "Our Folk" by Albert D Hart, Jr.
1 NAME Clemence /d'Aquitaine/
2 GIVN Clemence
2 SURN d'Aquitaine
1 NAME Clemence /d'Aquitaine/
2 GIVN Clemence
2 SURN d'Aquitaine
Clementia van Poitou-Aquitanië, (zie dezelfde persoon hierboven in generatie 29) ook bekend als Clementia van Gleiberg, geb. ca. 1055, ovl. na 1129 (04.01.1142),3 ref. nr. 01.08.2003 ES II-76, ES I.2-203, ES XVIII-26, GN1991p583, KdG97.6,2,[20],19. Zij trouwde met (1) Konrad I van Luxemburg, getrouwd kort voor 1075, ovl. 08.08.1086 in het Heilige Land, begraven in Munsterabdij Luxemburg, ref. nr. 01.08.2003 ES I.2-203, GrJ562/544, GN1991p583.2,1,19 Zij trouwde met (2) Gerard I "de Lange" van Gelre, ook bekend als Gerard van Wassenberg, geb. ca. 1055, ovl. 16.10.1137, ref. nr. 19.02.2004 GrJ544, ES XVIII-26.1,20

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