maximum test » Galindo II Aznarez de Aragón (± 875-923)

Données personnelles Galindo II Aznarez de Aragón 

  • Il est né environ 875.
  • Titre: Conde de Aragón
  • Professions:
    • Comte, d'Aragon.
    • Comte, d'Aragon.
    • Conde de Aragão.
    • Conde de Aragão.
    • Comte, d'Aragon.
  • Il est décédé en l'an 923.
  • Un enfant de Aznar II Galíndez et Oneca García de Pamplona
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 22 janvier 2019.

Famille de Galindo II Aznarez de Aragón

Il est marié avec Acibella Garcia de Gascogne.

Ils se sont mariés environ 905.


  1. Andregoto Galíndez  ????-972 

Notes par Galindo II Aznarez de Aragón

Name Suffix: Count Of Aragon
Name Suffix: Count Of Aragon
Name Suffix: Count Of Aragon
[Wikipedia, "Galindo II Aznárez", retrieved 5 Oct 07]
Galindo II Aznárez (d. 922) was a Count of Aragón (893-922), the son and successor of Aznar II Galíndez.

Galindo sponsored the 905 coup d'etat in Pamplona, with the change of the Pamplonese dynasty to another branch allied to Aragón.

Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella Garcés of Gascony, daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony, he had sons Miro and Bishop Redemtus, along with daughter Toda, wife of Hunifred Bernat, count of Ribagorza, to whom she brought Sobrarbe. By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of king García Jiménez, he had Velasquita and Andregota Galíndez (countess 922-925), who married García Sanchez, king of Pamplona (925-970). He also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntoslo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo, and Aznar.
Rootsweb feldman
# D: I01070
# Name: Galindo Ou Oriol D'ARAGON 1 2 3 4 5
# Sex: M
# Birth: ABT 750 1 2 3 4 5
# Death: 809 1 2 3 4 5
# Change Date: 15 JAN 2004 5
# Change Date: 16 SEP 2001 2 3 4 5
# Note:

[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]

2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004


#Générale# Comte d'Aragon de 798 à 808.[Spare.FTW]

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown


1. Has Children Aznar Ier Galindez D'ARAGON b: ABT 775


1. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2004
3. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Jan 18, 2004
4. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 21 Jan 2004
5. Title: Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Feb 6, 2004
#Générale##Générale#Profession : Comte d'Aragon de 844 à 867.

Galindo II Aznárez fue Conde de Aragón (893-922), sucediendo a su padre Aznar II Galíndez.

Patrocinó el golpe de estado de Pamplona (905), del que resultó el cambio de la dinastía pamplonesa por otra rama más favorable a los intereses de Aragón.

Se casó dos veces: con Sancha Garcés y con Acibella Garcés. Tuvo dos hijas: Toda, casada con Hunfredo Bernat, conde de Ribagorza, y Andregoto Galíndez (condesa 922-925), casada con García Sánchez I, rey de Navarra (925-970)

Murió en 922.
Galindo Aznárez II
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Galindo Aznárez II (d. 922) was a Count of Aragón (893-922), the son and successor of Aznar Galíndez II.
Galindo sponsored the 905 coup d'etat in Pamplona, with the change of the Pamplonese dynasty to another branch allied to Aragón.
Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella Garcés of Gascony, daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony, he had sons Miro and Bishop Redemtus, along with daughter Toda, wife of Hunifred Bernat, count of Ribagorza, to whom she brought Sobrarbe. By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of 'king' García Jiménez, he had Velasquita and Andregota Galíndez (countess 922-925), who married García Sanchez, king of Pamplona (925-970). He also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntoslo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo, and Aznar. The first of these, Guntoslo, is apparently the man of this name who would later be count of Aragon, but with none of the autonomy shown by his ancestors, being a fully subservient vassal of his brother-in-law the king of Pamplona.

Galindo Aznárez II (d. 922) was a Count of Aragón (893-922), the son and successor of Aznar Galíndez II.

Galindo sponsored the 905 coup d'etat in Pamplona, with the change of the Pamplonese dynasty to another branch allied to Aragón.

Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella Garcés of Gascony, daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony, he had sons Miro and Bishop Redemtus, along with daughter Toda, wife of Hunifred Bernat, count of Ribagorza, to whom she brought Sobrarbe. By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of 'king' García Jiménez, he had Velasquita and Andregota Galíndez (countess 922-925), who married García Sanchez, king of Pamplona (925-970). He also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntoslo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo, and Aznar. The first of these, Guntoslo, is apparently the man of this name who would later be count of Aragon, but with none of the autonomy shown by his ancestors, being a fully subservient vassal of his brother-in-law the king of Pamplona.

Galindo Aznárez II

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Galindo Aznárez II (died 922) was Count of Aragón (893-922), the son and successor of Aznar Galíndez II.

Galindo was one of a coalition that sponsored the 905 coup d'état in Pamplona in favor of his brother-in-law, Sancho I of Pamplona. However, he turned on this new king and in 911 attacked him in concert with brother-in-law Muhammad al-Tawil and Abd Allah ibn Lubb ibn Qasi. This coalition was defeated, al-Tawil killed, and Galindo forced to become vassal of Sancho.

Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella Garcés of Gascony, daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony, he had sons Miro and Bishop Redemtus, along with daughter Toda, wife of Hunifred Bernat, count of Ribagorza, to whom she brought Sobrarbe. By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of García Jiménez and sister of Sancho I, he had Velasquita and Andregota Galíndez, who married García Sanchez, king of Pamplona (925-970). He also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntoslo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo, and Aznar. The first of these, Guntoslo, is apparently the man of this name who would later be count of Aragon, but only as a fully subservient vassal of his brother-in-law the king of Pamplona.

Preceded by

Aznar Galíndez II Count of Aragon

893–922 Succeeded by

Andregota Galíndez

This page was last modified on 17 April 2010 at 10:31.
Galindo Aznárez II (d. 922) was a Count of Aragón (893-922), the son and successor of Aznar Galíndez II.

Galindo sponsored the 905 coup d'etat in Pamplona, with the change of the Pamplonese dynasty to another branch allied to Aragón.

Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella Garcés of Gascony, daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony, he had sons Miro and Bishop Redemtus, along with daughter Toda, wife of Hunifred Bernat, count of Ribagorza, to whom she brought Sobrarbe. By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of 'king' García Jiménez, he had Velasquita and Andregota Galíndez (countess 922-925), who married García Sanchez, king of Pamplona (925-970). He also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntoslo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo, and Aznar. The first of these, Guntoslo, is apparently the man of this name who would later be count of Aragon, but with none of the autonomy shown by his ancestors, being a fully subservient vassal of his brother-in-law the king of Pamplona.
Galindo Aznárez II (died 922) was Count of Aragón (893-922), the son and successor of Aznar Galíndez II.

Galindo was one of a coalition that sponsored the 905 coup d'état in Pamplona in favor of his brother-in-law, Sancho I of Pamplona. However, he turned on this new king and in 911 attacked him in concert with brother-in-law Muhammad al-Tawil and Abd Allah ibn Lubb ibn Qasi. This coalition was defeated, al-Tawil killed, and Galindo forced to become vassal of Sancho.

Galindo was married twice. By his first wife, Acibella Garcés of Gascony, daughter of Count García II Sánchez of Gascony, he had sons Miro and Bishop Redemtus, along with daughter Toda, wife of Hunifred Bernat, count of Ribagorza, to whom she brought Sobrarbe. By his second wife, Sancha Garcés of Pamplona, daughter of García Jiménez and sister of Sancho I, he had Velasquita and Andregota Galíndez, who married García Sanchez, king of Pamplona (925-970). He also sired several illegitimate sons: Guntoslo, Sancho, Belasco, Banzo, and Aznar. The first of these, Guntoslo, is apparently the man of this name who would later be count of Aragon, but only as a fully subservient vassal of his brother-in-law the king of Pamplona.
Galindo II Aznárez fue Conde de Aragón (893-922), sucediendo a su padre Aznar II Galíndez.
Patrocinó el golpe de Estado de Pamplona (905), del que resultó el cambio de la dinastía Íñigo-Arista pamplonesa por la Jimena, otra rama más favorable a los intereses de Aragón.
Casó en primeras nupcias con Acibella, hija de García Sánchez, conde de Gascuña, y Amuna de Perigord, siendo padres de:
Sancha Galíndez, quien casó con Hunfredo Bernat, conde de Ribagorza
Redemptus Galíndez, obispo
Mirón Galíndez
Toda Galíndez, esposa del conde Bernardo I de Ribagorza.1
En segundas nupcias casó con Sancha Garcés, hija de García Jiménez y Onneca Rebelle de Sangüesa y nieta Íñigo Arista.2 Fueron padres de:
Andregoto Galíndez (condesa 922-925), quien heredó el condado aragonés al no tener su padre hijos varones legítimos, casada con su primo-hermano García Sánchez I de Pamplona (925-970)
É citado pela Wiki como Galindo I Aznárez
Conde de Aragón (844-867), Cerdaña, Pallars, Ribagorza, Urgel (858-867)
Conde de Aragón (893-922)
Conde de Aragón (893-922)
Count of Aragon (893-922). 2 wives, 5 children
Count of Aragon (844-867)
Count of Pallar, Count of Aragon, and Ribagorza
Source for the Belascotones, Galindo and Galindez dysnasties:
Collins, Roger, The Basques. Blackwell Publishing, London 1990
Founded the Dynasty of Sardana, Belascotenes and Galindez.
Source for the Belascotones, Galindo and Galindez dysnasties:
Collins, Roger, The Basques. Blackwell Publishing, London 1990
Galindo II Aznárez fue Conde de Aragón (893-922), sucediendo a su padre Aznar II Galíndez.

Patrocinó el golpe de estado de Pamplona (905), del que resultó el cambio de la dinastía pamplonesa por otra rama más favorable a los intereses de Aragón.

Se casó dos veces: con Sancha Garcés y con Acibella Garcés. Tuvo dos hijas: Toda, casada con Hunfredo Bernat, conde de Ribagorza, y Andregoto Galíndez (condesa 922-925), casada con GarcíaSánchez I, rey de Navarra (925-970)

Murió en 922.

Aznar II Galíndez Conde de Aragón
893 - 922 Sucesor:
Andregoto Galíndez

Retrato de Eduardo Rosales. 1857.
Galindo I Aznárez (?? - 867) fue conde de Aragón del 844 al 867, sucediendo a Galindo Garcés. Aznárez era hijo de Aznar I Galíndez, que había sido conde de Aragón desde el 809 al 820 y conde de Urgel y de Cerdaña partir del 820.

Galindo I Aznárez recibió los dos condados de su padre (Urgel y Cerdaña) en algún momento anterior al 833 y en el 833 fue designado conde de Pallars y Ribagorza, hasta que fue expulsado en el 844. Tras un período de gobierno en Pamplona, volvió a
Aragón en el 844 para asumir la herencia de Galindo Garcés que había muerto sin descendencia.

Galindo I estuvo casado con Guldreguda y tuvo un hijo, Aznar II Galíndez, su sucesor.

Aznar I Galíndez Conde de Urgel
832 - 838 Sucesor:
Sunifredo I
Aznar I Galíndez Conde de Cerdaña
832 - 835 Sucesor:
Sunifredo I
Berenguer de Tolosa Conde de Pallars
833 - 844 Sucesor:
Fredol de Tolosa
Berenguer de Tolosa Conde de Ribagorza
833 - 844 Sucesor:
Fredol de Tolosa
Galindo Garcés Conde de Aragón
844 - 867 Sucesor:
Aznar II Galíndez
887181962. Grev Galindo Aznarez av Aragonien (21078) was a Greve (den annen) in Aragon.(21079) Han gav mellom 795 og 815 Jaca den første grunnlov. Det synes å være sikkert at far Endregote Galindez het G.A., men det er velmulig at den her omtalte G.A var farfar til den G.A som var far til E.G

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Galindo II Aznarez de Aragón
± 875-923

Galindo II Aznarez de Aragón

± 905

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