Ancêtres Joosse-Roose » Isaac "d'oude" Seloivre (± 1616-1682)

Données personnelles Isaac "d'oude" Seloivre 

Famille de Isaac "d'oude" Seloivre

Il est marié avec Susanna Sohier.

Ils se sont mariés en l'an 1641 à Holland.


  1. Sara Seloivre  ± 1650-???? 
  2. Isaac Seloivre  ± 1642-± 1690

Notes par Isaac "d'oude" Seloivre

[[Category:Dutch Roots PPP]]{{Dutch Roots|Needs=Birth}}
==Biography ==
{{Huguenot Emigrant}}
===French Huguenots===The Selovers were French Huguenots who sought refuge in the Netherlands. The name seems to have been spelled Seloivre in the French form. Upon marr. to Dutch wives who found the French name diff.spelling became Seloover and Sloover. When NY was no longer Dutch, the English had trouble with both spelling and pronunciation and it became Selover and Slover. Some branches retained the Seloover spelling others used Sellover and some even accented the first syllable by spelling it Sealover. The name is also spelled Seloover, Sloover, Slover. Isaac was a Coachbuilder, and Alderman
From records in the Netherlands, there is mention of '''Isaac Seloivre''' on 25 April 1670 as a coach builder and alderman of Breskens, a neighbor place of Groede. Isacq Slover and his wife Susanna Sohier, coming from Groede, joined the church of Middelburg in October 1673. There is a reference from the Bibliotheque Wallone, of Leyden, Holland which found the Selover name and said they came from Groede, joined the Church of Middleburg in Oct. 1673. On 25 Apr 1670 mention was made of Isaac Seloivre, coachbuilder, alderman of Breskens (neighbor place of Groede). 4 Aug 1670 a marriage-contract was closed between his daughter Sara w/Heyndrick Antheuniss Fioen (ibidem) Mother; Susanna Sohier.
Isaac Seloivre born 1616 was a French Huguenot who fled the presecution of his faith in France. He was born in Flanders, Francais near the city of Calais. He fled to the Netherlands where a codicil to his will was written in 5m 1681 at Schoondijke, Zeeland, Netherlands. By 4m 1682 his wife Susannah SOHIER was called his widowed there. He died 25 Apr 1682 in Middleburg, Zeeland, Holland. Isaac married [[Sohier-70|Susanna Sohier]] on 1641 in Holland. She died 15 Nov 1694 in Middleburg, Zeeland, Holland. Isaac Seloivre (1616 - 1681) and Susannah (Sohier) Seloivre were probably married en Francais before they fled to the Netherlands. On 4 m 1682 she was called Isaac's widow at Schoondijke, Zeeland, Netherlands and in 1694 she was living in Middelburg and she later was buried in the Walloon Church in Middelburg.

Children from this marriage were: # Isaac Selover born 1642/1660 in Zeeland, Holland He was a schoolteacher in Schoondijke, Zeeuws Vlaanderen the Netherlands. He died 1715 in Flatbush, Kings Co. New York. Isaac married Hester Leenda on 1683 in Holland. Hester Leenda van Leuvenigh born 1664 in Holland She died 1695 in Newcastle? Delaware? Hester married Isaac Selover on 1683 in Holland.
# Susanna Seloivre was born 1648. # Sara Seloivre was born 1650. She died 22 Nov 1739.4 Aug 1670 a marriage-contract was closed between his daughter Sara w/Heyndrick Antheuniss Fioen (ibidem) Mother; Susanna Sohier
# Abraham Seloivre
# Elysabeth Seloivre was born 1654.
===WIll and Testament===*"Testament van Isaac Seloivre d'oude en zijn huisvr. Susanna Sohier, wonende te Middelburg, de man ziek te bed in Schoondijke, de vrouw gezond; ze maken een aanvulling op hun testament voor not. Strijepe, Middelburg; het aandeel van hun dochters Sara en Elijsabeth zal op hun dochters kinderen komen; hij legateert bovendien een mantel aan zijn zoon Isaac, en ook een aan diens zoon Isaac.
get: Nicolaes Rips, Francois Pauls Koevoet
WT Isaac Seloover, WT Susanna Sohier
NB. 15-11-1694 copie gegeven aan Sara Seloivre."
* On 15 May 1681, Isaac Seloivre and his wife Susanna Sohier, residing at Middelburg, made a testament that he is lying ill at bed in Schoondijke, six miles south of Breskens; he wrote his name "Seloover". Isaac made a codicil, or an addition to his will, which arranged that the share of his daughters Sara and Elisabeth would go to their children and not to their husbands. Further, he gives a black coat to his son Isaac and another one to his grandson Isaac. He died therefore betw. 15 May 1681-25 Apr 1682; so he did not come to America c. 1683.
* An act of 25 April 1682 speaks of Susanna Sohier, widow of Isaac Seloivre. He died 16 May 1682, probably at Schoondijke.
===Notarial deeds===* 8-7-1664 "Verklaring als bij 31 van Isaac Seloivre, Abram Gerij, Pieter Watte en Jan Cloet, als d overneminge hebbend van Maerten Wijtten over 64 gem. land, aankomend Martijnus Vett. (wg) Isaac Seloivre, (merk) Abram Gerij, (merk) Pieter Watthe, (wg) J Willemsen de Groote" [ Breskens, Attestatiën 1657-1668] (nr 31b and 4) Bewerking: Huib J. Plankeel, Leiden -
* 7-8-1668 "BB&S verklaren op verzoek van Heindrick Genel, deurwaerder voor den Hove van Vlaanderen, dat Samuel Tacq suffisante borge is voor de £200 vls. waarvoor ST zich borg heeft gesteld, gevende voor reden van wetenschap "dat denselven Tacq eenige hondert ponden vls. contanten ten intrest heeft, versekert op suffisante capitalen, oock dat hij een lantman is in grooten gebruijck ende labeur sonder dat oijt tot onse kennisse is gecomen, dat hij anders als voor een welgestelt man wert gegroet ende aengesien". (wg) Jan Poleij, (wg) Isaac Seloivre, (wg) J Willemsen de Groote"
* 04-08-1670 ''Huwelijkscontract tussen Heijndrick Antheuniss[en] Fioen, jm, oud ca 27 jr, en Sara Seloivre, jd, geass m haar vader Isaac Seloivre en moeder Susanna Sohier. get: Anthonij Mijlle, Jan Carton'' Source: Quote from Notariële acten notaris Jan Gillissen van Cruijningen [ #037 ZV2153, n30] Bewerking: Huib J. Plankeel, Leiden -
* 09-12-1672 '' '''Isaac Seloivre d'oude''', wagemaker, won. binnen Breskens, verpacht Pieter Watthe en Abraham Gerij, landlieden, voor 6 jaar 11 gem. weiland in Oud Breskens. get: David Jansen, David Stiffenda (MERK) Onder stond : 26-1-1679 geprolongeerd voor weer 6 jaar, nu aan PW en aan Abraham Haccombaer[t] in huw met de wed. Abraham Gerij. WT Abraham Accombaer. NB. Deze verlenging is (voortijdig) vernietigd op 11-4-1682'' #071 [ZV2153, n63]
* ''On 26 May 1673, '''Isaac Seloivre de oude''' (the Elder) sells his materials for 1,000 Car. guilders to Jan Carton; he lets his house at Breskens to the same person (ibidem). On 26 January 1679, he sells the house to Carton (No. 2154).''
26-05-1673''Overeenkomst tussen '''Isaac Seloivre d'oude''', wagemaker, en Jan Carton; Isaac heeft al zijn hout en gereedschap verkocht aan Jan voor 1000 car.gld. contant, Jan kan evenwel niet contant betalen, maar mag het op rente 1 jaar houden; verder heeft Isaac aan Jan verhuurd voor 3 jaar a £20 per jaar sijns Seloivre's huijsinge, schuere, backeete, wijnckel ende hof binnen Breskens, gelijk door hem tot nu toe bewoond, op voorwaarde evenwel dat hij IS het eerste jaar vrij gebruik zal hebben van de groote kamer. get: Job Kole WT Job Cole, David Stiffenda
WT Isaac Seloivre, WT Jan Carton'' Toegevoegd: 23-06-1673, de huurtijd is verlengd tot 6 jaar, ipv 3 jaar; IS houdt het gebruik van de cleene camer (ipv de groote camer) maar wel voor de gehele 6 jaar. WT Jean CartonSource: Quote from Notariële acten notaris Jan Gillissen van Cruijningen [ #075 [ZV2153, n67] Bewerking: Huib J. Plankeel, Leiden -
* 9 July 1680 he is named as guardian (paternal uncle by marriage) of Catelijntie Boogaart:
Isaac Seloivre, persoon in het weeskamerarchief van Breskens, 09-07-1680 Rol: Voogd paternel Weeskamer te: Breskens Betreft: Staat Datum: 09-07-1680 Beschrijving: Overleden Breskens 05-11-1679 Cornelis Boogaert. Kind: Catelijntie Boogaart 1 jaar. Voogd pat. Isaac Seloivre, aangetrouwd oom. Batig slot £ 353.7.4 Toegangsnummer: 11 Rechterlijke, Weeskamer en Notariële Archieven Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (RAZVL), 1447-1796 Inventarisnummer:2151ccc [ Isaac Seloivre, persoon in het weeskamerarchief van Breskens, 09-07-1680]
* 15-05-1681 Gepasseerd in dorp Schoondijke Notariële acten, 1668-1695 /Notarial deeds, Notaris Jan Gillissen van Cruijningen Source: [ Notariële acten, 1668-1695 /Notarial deeds, Notaris Jan Gillissen van Cruijningen ]#175 ZV2154, n30
* 27-07-1684 Autorisatie van Susanna Sohier, wed Isaac Seloivre d'oude, won. Middelburg, aan NN, procureur voor het Vrije, om te dagvaarden Claes Verwee, originele debiteur, ofte Francois Pers, wagemaker, en besitter van t nagenoemde huis, won. beide in Schoondijke; dit huis heeft aangekomen Isaac Seloivre jr, gewesen schoolmeester, die het verkocht heeft aan Claes Verwee, die hiervoor 8-10-1679 verbandbrief heeft gegeven, welke verbandbrief haar man van zijn voorn. zoon heeft gekocht; Claes Verwee heeft dit huis naderhand verkocht aan Francois Pers. get: Jacob van Dillenburg, Willem Heernisse [huizen Schoondijke]
* Translated: 27-07-1684 ''Authorization of Susanna Sohier , wid Isaac d' Seloivre the old (senior) , living in Middelburg, to NN , attorney for the Free , to sue Claes Verwee original debtor or Francois Pers, (wagemaker) , and owner of the next mentioned house , both residing in Schoondijke; This house was heired by Isaac Seloivre Jr. , who has been a schoolteacher,Isaac sold it to Claes Verwee who gave for this 8-10-1679 a mortgage bond which mortgage bond (verbandbrief) by her husband was bought from their son Isaac''; Claes Verwee afterwards sold this house to Francois Pers. get-witn: Jacob Dillenburg, Willem Heernisse'' Source: Akten Sohier 1680_1700 #219 [ ZV2154, n73]
* A marginal note on the codicil to Isaac's will states that a copy was given to Sara Seloivre on 15 Nov. 1694.

== Sources ==
* Isaac Seloivre, "Find A Grave Index" url Familysearch ( : accessed 21 October 2015), Isaac Seloivre, 1681; Burial, , ; citing record ID 77089190, Find a Grave, Reason This Source Is Attached Add Justification Add Originally Created: 16 January 2015 added by STENBAK1

== Notes ==

Information looks to be for the first Isaac Selover (born 1616)....
*Bibliotheque Wallone, Letde, 10 July 1951; Pieterskerhoff, 40: (from extensive card system) No. 4, Isacq Slover (or Selover).**We found such a name. An Isaac Selover and his wife Susanna Sohier, coming from Groede, joined the Church of Middelburg in October 1673, signed Th. Maryt, for Librarian.
Information looks to be for the first Isaac Selover (born 1616)....

*Rijksarchief in Zeeland, No. C644 9 August 1951, Middelburg**25 April 1670 mention is made of Isaac Seloivre, coachbuilder, Alderman of Breskens (nabour place of Groede) (inventaris recterlijke archieven Zeewsch-Viaanderen No. 2153)**4 Aug 1670 a marriage-contract between his daughter Sara with Heyndrick Antheunias Fioen (Mother); Susanna Sohier
**Isaac Seloivre died between May 15, 1681 and 25 April 1682**Isaac & Susanna had the following children: 1. Isaac, the Younger 2. Susanna, married Jan Dermont 3. Sara 4. Abraham 5. Elysabeth.**Isaac, Jr. was named schoolmaster at Schoodijke on 26 May 1673; a former schoolmaster on 27 July 1684.
----Information looks to be for the first Isaac Selover (born 1616)'s wife....
*Sohier: article in Dutch magazine of 1883-85, (Genealogical Heraldic Society Monthly**All the Sohiers of Netherlands were descended from Hugues and Adelie de Torote, of Warmenhuysen. a number of them lived at Middelburg, but no relationship to Susanna Sohier has been found.**The Genealogical Library at Salt Lake City show Sohier family traces back to Emperor Charlemagne.**Isaac Selover, born probably in Zeeland, son of Isaac Selover and Susanna Sohier was living in Flatbush as late as 1715 (NY), probable that Isaac left Holland shortly after the death of his father, on tax rolls of Newcastle, Delaware from 1683-1687.

*Source: [ Sohier by Rick Sohier Dutch] and [ Rick Sohier French]

== Acknowledgments ==
* Thank you to [[McCarty-644 | Lori Thomas]] for [ creating] Slover-45 on 8 Nov 2013.
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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Isaac Seloivre

Isaac Seloivre
± 1616-1682


Susanna Sohier
± 1619-± 1694

Sara Seloivre
± 1650-????
Isaac Seloivre
± 1642-± 1690

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Événements historiques

  • En l'an 1682: Source: Wikipedia
    • 19 mars » adoption de la déclaration des Quatre articles.
    • 23 mars » Louis XIV confirme par édit la Déclaration des Quatre articles, qui devient ainsi loi d’État. Le pape Innocent XII refuse alors de donner l’institution canonique aux prêtres choisis par le roi pour occuper les évêchés vacants, sous prétexte qu’ils avaient souscrit à la déclaration.
    • 9 avril » René Robert Cavelier de La Salle prend possession du Mississippi au nom de la France.
    • 6 mai » Louis XIV de France déplace sa cour au château de Versailles.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Sur le nom de famille Seloivre

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Monique Joosse, "Ancêtres Joosse-Roose", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 24 septembre 2024), "Isaac "d'oude" Seloivre (± 1616-1682)".