Harrower Family Tree » Catharine Moffat (1822-1893)

Données personnelles Catharine Moffat 

Les sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Famille de Catharine Moffat

Elle est mariée avec Abraham Archibald.

Ils se sont mariés le 5 septembre 1845 à Adamsrow, Newton, Midlothian, Scotland, elle avait 23 ans.Source 9


  1. Janet Archibald  1844-????
  2. Elizabeth Archibald  1847-1854
  3. Catharine Archibald  1849-????
  4. William Archibald  1851-1901 
  5. Sarah Lee Archibald  1853-1930 
  6. Helen Archibald  1858-1943
  7. Agnes Archibald  1860-1944 
  8. Abravina Archibald  1866-1947 
  9. Elizabeth Archibald  1855-1939 

Notes par Catharine Moffat

1. There is no record on Scotlands people of Catherine's birth.

2. Mothers maiden surname found from record of Agnes Moffat (sister) from Scotlands people. ie mother is Elisabeth Reid.

3. Mothers name on death register recorded as Catherine Reid, not Elizabeth. Death registered by William Archibald, Son, Donibristle.

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Catharine Moffat

Catharine Moffat


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    Les sources

    1. 1881 Scotland Census Ancestry.com, Record for Abraham Archibald Parish: Dunfermline; ED: 24; Page: 15; Line: 11; Roll: CSSCT1881_118 1881 Scotland Census [Ancestry.com] The 1881 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 3/4 April 1881. The following information was requested: place, name, relationship to head of family, marital status, age, gender, profession, birthplace, and whether blind, deaf, and dumb. Database online
      Record for Abraham Archibald
      Name: Abraham Archibald
      Age: 59
      Estimated birth year: abt 1822
      Relationship: Head
      Spouse's name: Catherine Archibald
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Newton, Midlothian
      Registration Number: 424
      Registration district: Dunfermline
      Civil Parish: Dunfermline
      County: Fife
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      ED: 24
      Household schedule number: 63
      Line: 11
      Roll: CSSCT1881_118
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      Abraham Archibald 59
      Catherine Archibald 59
      Helen Archibald 23
      Agnes Archibald 20
      Abravina Archibald 14
    2. 1891 Scotland Census Scotlands People, 1891 ARCHIBALD, ABRAM (Census 1891 424/00 015/00 003) Parish: Dunfermline, Townhill 1891 Scotland Census [Scotlandspeople.com] The 1891 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 5/6 April 1891. The following information was requested: place, name, relationship to head of family, marital status, age, gender, profession, birthplace, and whether blind, deaf, and dumb. Database online
      Name: Abram Archibald
      Age: 69
      Estimated birth year: abt 1822
      Relationship: Head
      Spouse's name: Catherine Archibald
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Adamsrow, Midlothian
      Registration Number: 424
      Registration district: Dunfermline
      Civil Parish: Dunfermline
      County: Fife
      Address: Main Street
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      ED: 15
      Household schedule number: 15
      Line: 11
      Roll: CSSCT1891_129
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      Abram Archibald 69
      Catherine Archibald 69
      Helen Archibald 32
      Abravina Archibald 24
    3. 1841 Scotland Census Ancestry.com, Record for William Moffat Parish: Newton; ED: 4; Page: 5; Line: 1450; Year: 1841 1841 Scotland Census [Ancestry.com] The 1841 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 6 June 1841. The following information was requested: name, age, gender, profession, and birthplace. Database online.
      Record for William Moffat
      Name: William Moffat
      Age: 49
      Estimated birth year: abt 1792
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Midlothian, Scotland
      Civil Parish: Newton
      County: Midlothian
      Address: Millerhill
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      Parish Number: 696
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      William Moffat 49 Head
      Elisabeth Moffat 50 Wife
      Martha Moffat 22 Coal Miner
      Cathrine Moffat 19 Coal Miner
      Agnes Moffat 17 Coal Miner
      William Moffat 14 Coal Miner
    4. 1861 Scotland Census Ancestry.com, Record for Abram Archibald Parish: Dalgety; ED: 2; Page: 3; Line: 19; Roll: CSSCT1861_55 1861 Scotland Census [Ancestry.com] The 1861 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 7/8 April 1861. The following information was requested: place, name, relationship to head of family, marital status, age, gender, profession, birthplace, and whether blind, deaf, and dumb. Database online.
      Record for Abram Archibald
      Name: Abram Archibald
      Age: 39
      Estimated birth year: abt 1822
      Relationship: Head
      Spouse's name: Catherine Archibald
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Newton, Midlothian
      Registration Number: 422
      Registration district: Dalgety
      Civil Parish: Dalgety
      County: Fife
      Address: Old Terrace
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      ED: 2
      Household schedule number: 13
      Line: 14
      Roll: CSSCT1861_55
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      Abram Archibald 39
      Catherin Archibald 36
      Catherin Archibald 12
      William Archibald 9
      Sarah Lee Archibald 7
      Elisabeth Archibald 5
      Helen Archibald 3
      Agnes Archibald 6 Mo
    5. 1851 Scotland Census Ancestry.com, Record for Abram Archibald Parish: Dalgety; ED: 2; Page: 6; Line: 7; Roll: CSSCT1851_86; Year: 1851 1851 Scotland Census [Ancestry.com] The 1851 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 30/31 March 1851. The following information was requested: place, name, relationship to head of family, marital status, age, gender, profession, birthplace, and whether blind, deaf, and dumb. Database online.
      Record for Abram Archibald
      Name: Abram Archibald
      Age: 29
      Estimated birth year: abt 1822
      Relationship: Head
      Spouse: Catharine Archibald
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Newton, Midlothian
      Parish Number: 422
      Civil Parish: Dalgety
      Town: West Square
      County: Fife
      Address: West Square
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      ED: 2
      Page: 6
      Household schedule number:14
      Line: 7
      Roll: CSSCT1851_86
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      Abram Archibald 29
      Catharine Archibald 29
      Janet Archibald 7
      Elizabeth Archibald 4
      Catharine Archibald 2
    6. 1891 Scotland Census Ancestry.com, Record for Abram Archibald Parish: Dunfermline; ED: 15; Page: 3; Line: 11; Roll: CSSCT1891_129 1891 Scotland Census [Ancestry.com] The 1891 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 5/6 April 1891. The following information was requested: place, name, relationship to head of family, marital status, age, gender, profession, birthplace, and whether blind, deaf, and dumb. Database online
      Record for Abram Archibald
      Name: Abram Archibald
      Age: 69
      Estimated birth year: abt 1822
      Relationship: Head
      Spouse's name: Catherine Archibald
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Adamsrow, Midlothian
      Registration Number: 424
      Registration district: Dunfermline
      Civil Parish: Dunfermline
      County: Fife
      Address: Main Street
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      ED: 15
      Household schedule number: 15
      Line: 11
      Roll: CSSCT1891_129
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      Abram Archibald 69
      Catherine Archibald 69
      Helen Archibald 32
      Abravina Archibald 24
    7. 1871 Scotland Census Ancestry.com, Record for Abraham Archibald Parish: Dalgety; ED: 2; Page: 17; Line: 1; Roll: CSSCT1871_72 1871 Scotland Census [Ancestry.com] The 1871 Census for Scotland was taken on the night of 2/3 April 1871. The following information was requested: place, name, relationship to head of family, marital status, age, gender, profession, birthplace, and whether blind, deaf, and dumb. Database online.
      Record for Abraham Archibald
      Name: Abraham Archibald
      Age: 49
      Estimated birth year: abt 1822
      Relationship: Head
      Spouse's name: Catharine Archibald
      Gender: Male
      Where born: Newton, Midlothian
      Registration Number: 422
      Registration district: Dalgety
      Civil Parish: Dalgety
      County: Fife
      Address: Fordell Square
      Occupation: Coal Miner
      ED: 2
      Household schedule number: 77
      Line: 1
      Roll: CSSCT1871_72
      Household Members:
      Name Age
      Abraham Archibald 49
      Catharine Archibald 49
      William Archibald 20
      Sarah Archibald 18
      Lellie Archibald 15
      Agnes Archibald 11
      Abravina Archibald 4
    8. Scotlands People - Statutory Registers of Deaths (from 1855), 1893 MOFFAT, CATHERINE (Statutory registers Deaths 424/ 85) Actually recorded as Catherine Archibald
      1893 ARCHIBALD, CATHERINE (Statutory registers Deaths 424/ 85)
      Deaths in the District of Dunfermline in the County of Fife 1893
      Catherine Archibald, married to Abram Archibald, Coal Miner .
      1893 February Twenty Sixth. 8h. 0.m. P.M.
      Townhill, Dunfermline. F. 71 Years.
      Parents: William Moffat Coal Miner (Deceased), Catherine Moffat, M.S. Reid (Should read Elizabeth Reid) (Deceased)
      COD Cancer of Liver as cert. by Arthur Drysdale M.B.
      William Archibald. Son. Donibristle
      Registered 1893. February 27th at Dunfermline,
      James Walls Registrar
    9. Scotlands People - Old Parish Registers of Banns and Marriages, 1845 ARCHIBALD, ABRAM, CATHERINE MOFFAT (O.P.R. Marriages 696/ 0060 0119 Newton)
      1845. Newton 14th June 1845.
      Abram Archibald, Collier, Adamsrow, and Catherine Moffat, residing at Millerhill, both in this Parish, gave in their names for Proclamation in order to Marriage -
      Cautioner for the Man Andrew Archibald & for the woman William Archibald -
      Married the 5th September, thereafter, by the Rev'n John R. Glass??? Musselburgh

    Événements historiques

    • La température le 5 septembre 1845 était d'environ 14,0 °C. Le vent venait principalement de l'/du nord-nordest. Caractérisation du temps: half bewolkt. Source: KNMI
    •  Cette page est uniquement disponible en néerlandais.
      De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden werd in 1794-1795 door de Fransen veroverd onder leiding van bevelhebber Charles Pichegru (geholpen door de Nederlander Herman Willem Daendels); de verovering werd vergemakkelijkt door het dichtvriezen van de Waterlinie; Willem V moest op 18 januari 1795 uitwijken naar Engeland (en van daaruit in 1801 naar Duitsland); de patriotten namen de macht over van de aristocratische regenten en proclameerden de Bataafsche Republiek; op 16 mei 1795 werd het Haags Verdrag gesloten, waarmee ons land een vazalstaat werd van Frankrijk; in 3.1796 kwam er een Nationale Vergadering; in 1798 pleegde Daendels een staatsgreep, die de unitarissen aan de macht bracht; er kwam een nieuwe grondwet, die een Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam (met een Eerste en Tweede Kamer) instelde en als regering een Directoire; in 1799 sloeg Daendels bij Castricum een Brits-Russische invasie af; in 1801 kwam er een nieuwe grondwet; bij de Vrede van Amiens (1802) kreeg ons land van Engeland zijn koloniën terug (behalve Ceylon); na de grondwetswijziging van 1805 kwam er een raadpensionaris als eenhoofdig gezag, namelijk Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (van 31 oktober 1761 tot 25 maart 1825).
    • En l'an 1845: Source: Wikipedia

    Même jour de naissance/décès

    Source: Wikipedia

    Sur le nom de famille Moffat

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    Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
    Colin Harrower, "Harrower Family Tree", base de données, Généalogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/harrower-family-tree/I242.php : consultée 31 octobre 2024), "Catharine Moffat (1822-1893)".