Généalogie Wylie » John King of (John, King of) Denmark , Norway and Sweden (1455-1513)

Données personnelles John King of (John, King of) Denmark , Norway and Sweden 

  • Aussi connu(e) sous le nom de Danish, Norwegian and Swedish: Hans; né Johannes.
  • Prénom John, King of.
  • Il est né le 2 février 1455 dans Aalborghus Castle, Aalborg.
  • Il est décédé le 20 février 1513 dans Aalborghus Castle, Aalborg, il avait 58 ans.
  • Il est enterré dans St. Canute's Cathedral, Odense (from 1807).
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 11 septembre 2023.

Famille de John King of (John, King of) Denmark , Norway and Sweden

Il a/avait une relation avec Christina of Saxony.


Notes par John King of (John, King of) Denmark , Norway and Sweden

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John of Denmark
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other people named John of Denmark, see John of Denmark (disambiguation).

Sculpture from altarpiece by Claus Berg (c. 1530), St. Canute's Cathedral, Odense
King of Denmark (more...)
Reign21 May 1481 – 20 February 1513
Coronation18 May 1483
Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen
PredecessorChristian I
SuccessorChristian II
King of Norway (more...)
Reign1483 – 20 February 1513
Coronation20 July 1483
Nidaros Cathedral
PredecessorChristian I
SuccessorChristian II
King of Sweden (more...)
Reign6 October 1497 – August 1501
Coronation26 November 1497, Stockholm
PredecessorCharles VIII
SuccessorChristian II
Born 2 February 1455
Aalborghus Castle, Aalborg
Died20 February 1513 (aged 58)
Aalborghus Castle, Aalborg
BurialSt. Canute's Cathedral, Odense (from 1807)
SpouseChristina of Saxony
among others...Christian II
Elizabeth, Electress of Brandenburg
Jacob the Dacian (probably)
FatherChristian I of Denmark
MotherDorothea of Brandenburg
ReligionRoman Catholic
Danish Royalty
House of Oldenburg
Main Line

Prince John
Prince Ernest
Christian II
Elizabeth, Electress of Brandenburg
Prince Francis

Seal of King John of Denmark, Norway and Sweden
John (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish: Hans; né Johannes[1]) (2 February 1455[citation needed] – 20 February 1513) was a Scandinavian monarch under the Kalmar Union. He was king of Denmark (1481–1513), Norway (1483–1513) and as John II (Swedish: Johan II[2][3][4][5]) Sweden (1497–1501). From 1482 to 1513, he was concurrently duke of Schleswig and Holstein in joint rule with his brother Frederick.

The three most important political goals of King John were the restoration of the Kalmar Union, reduction of the dominance of the Hanseatic League, and the building of a strong Danish royal power.

Early life
John was born at Aalborghus Castle, in the city of Aalborg in Northern Jutland. He was the third but eldest surviving son of Christian I of Denmark and Dorothea of Brandenburg, daughter of Margrave John of Brandenburg. In 1478, he married Christina of Saxony, granddaughter of Frederick the Gentle of Saxony. This produced the following offspring: Christian II, Francis, Knud, and Elisabeth, who later married as princess of Brandenburg. From about 1496 until 1512, he had a relationship with Edele Jernskjæg.

In 1458, King Christian I, the father of John, had the Norwegian Council of the Realm commit to electing Christian's eldest son as next king of Norway upon his death. A similar declaration was made in Sweden. In 1467, John was hailed as successor to the throne in Denmark. John used the title heir to the throne of Norway, in line with Norway's old status as a hereditary kingdom, but this was a claim the Norwegian Council did not immediately recognise. Consequently, upon King Christian's death in May 1481, John's position was unchallenged in Denmark, whereas in Norway the Council of the Realm assumed royal authority, and an interregnum ensued. No serious rival candidates to the Norwegian throne existed, but the council was determined to demonstrate Norway's status as a sovereign kingdom. A meeting between the Councils of Denmark, Sweden and Norway was appointed for 13 January 1483 at Halmstad, to work out the terms for electing John as king—his håndfæstning. The Swedish Council failed to turn up at the meeting, but the Norwegian and Danish councils proceeded to produce a joint declaration containing the terms for John's rule, and electing him king. It was hoped that Sweden would later accept the same document and thereby acknowledge John as king. Subsequently, John was crowned King of Denmark in Copenhagen on 18 May, and King of Norway in Trondheim on 20 July.

During the first years of his rule John carried out a balancing policy. By diplomatic means he tried to weaken the position of the Swedish regent Sten Sture, and he also sought new allies—he was the first Danish king to establish political cooperation with Russia. After the 1493 treaty, Ivan III of Russia imprisoned all Hanseatic merchants trading in Novgorod and instigated the Russo-Swedish War (1496–1499). The Hanseatic cities were also troubled by a secret war by Danish privateers. At that time the position of the Hansabund was slowly but steadily declining because of changes in trade routes and the growing opposition against the Hanseatic League in the Northern European naval states.

John's domestic policies were marked by economic support of the Danish merchants and by the widespread use of commoners as officials or even as councillors, something which angered the nobility. The most important of his initiatives was perhaps establishing a permanent Danish navy, one which came to play a role during his later years.

According to the Privilege of Ribe the Noble Diets of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein were to elect a duke among the sons of the previous duke. Many nobles in Schleswig and Holstein preferred John's much younger brother Frederick, but John successfully argued for electing both the late king's sons as co-dukes. Although it was initially agreed they should govern the duchies jointly, at the majority of Frederick (in 1490) the duchies were nevertheless divided.

In the meantime, John had initially approved to join a crusade plan as presented in Rome on 25 March 1490, in which Nordic soldiers would be part of a coalition of armies fighting the Turks of the Ottoman Empire; however, he sent a legate with a letter to Julius II to explain that he had many conflicts at home, which would prevent him from implementing such endeavor.[6]

In 1495, John set sail with a large fleet for Kalmar, Sweden, to enter into negotiations with Sten Sture on keeping the Swedes in the Kalmar Union.[7][8][9] However, John's flagship, the Gribshunden, caught fire and burned down while anchored in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Ronneby.[7][10] John was not aboard at the time and so survived. He continued the expedition but did not meet with Sten Sture before leaving Kalmar again.[7][9]

On 6 October 1497, John conquered Sweden during a short and effective military campaign, defeating Sten Sture at the Battle of Rotebro after having undermined his position by winning over most of the Swedish nobility. Sten surrendered to King John in Stockholm and was reconciled with him. John was crowned King of Sweden, and Sten was given the highest position of authority in Sweden below the King.

In 1500, John made an attempt at conquering Dithmarschen (in today's Schleswig-Holstein), an area which the kings of Denmark had long viewed as belonging to their realm, but which was in reality an independent peasant republic under the loose overlordship of the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen.[11] By mid-January 1500 John hired the Black Guard of ruthless and violent Dutch and East Frisian mercenaries, commanded by Thomas Slentz, prior operating for Magnus, vicegerent in the Land of Hadeln.[12][13]

King John's gold coin minted in Stockholm in 1497
John guaranteed for its safe conduct first southeastwards via Lunenburg-Cellean Winsen upon Luhe and Hoopte, crossing the Elbe by Zollenspieker Ferry to the Hamburg-Lübeckian condominial Bergedorf and Vierlande.[14] From there the Black Guard headed northwestwards again, through Holstein towards Ditmarsh. Together with his brother Frederick, John then carried out a large-scale campaign with the Black Guard, but the Ditmarsians under Wulf Isebrand's command caught most of the Guard in a trap at the Battle of Hemmingstedt after having opened the dykes of the low-land area and flooded the narrow main road. Thus John's attempt to subject the Ditmarsian free peasants to feudalism ended for time being.

The defeat in the Battle of Hemmingstedt on 17 February 1500 hurt John's prestige and in 1501, Sweden renounced him as king. John fought an increasingly more bitter war against Sten Sture and his successor Svante Nilsson, and this conflict meant frictions with both the Danish nobility and the Hanseatic cities, especially Lübeck. In 1509, with the Netherlands acting as arbiter, Sweden agreed to a declaration which recognised John as king of Sweden in principle, but he was never allowed into Stockholm as long as he lived, nor crowned king of Sweden anew.

Meanwhile, Norwegian attempts at opposition were strangled by John's son Prince Christian (afterward King Christian II), who was the viceroy of Norway from 1506 until he became king in 1513. Between 1510 and 1512, the king fought a last war with both Sweden and Lübeck in which Denmark was at first very pressed but, with the help of the Scottish Barton brothers,[15] partly turned the tables with a naval offensive. The result concerning Sweden was the status quo, but Lübeck suffered a real political and economic setback by the peace.

In his own age, and partly to posterity, John has often appeared a "commoner's king", a jolly and plain man with a folksy manner. Behind the surface, however, he seems to have been a hard realist and a zealous political calculator. In many ways he is a Scandinavian parallel of Louis XI of France and Henry VII of England.

Death and burial

Face detail on a wall monument by Claus Berg near King John's grave

Altarpiece by Claus Berg, now in St. Canute's Cathedral.
In 1513, King John died at Aalborghus Castle a short time after being thrown from his horse. King John was buried in the church of the Franciscan friary in Odense. Queen Christina, who lived the latter part of her life in a nunnery in Odense, commissioned the famous German sculptor Claus Berg to create a magnificent burial chapel, where both she and her husband were laid to rest after her death in 1521. The late Gothic altarpiece carved by Berg between 1515 and 1525 is one of Denmark's national treasures. Each of the three sections is intricately carved and gilded. It survived the iconoclastic fervour of the Protestant Reformation perhaps because of its connection with the royal burials. The son of King John and Queen Christina, King Christian II, with his wife Isabella of Austria, was also interred in the royal family chapel. In 1807, the former Franciscan church was demolished, and Berg's altarpiece and six royal bodies were transferred to St. Canute's Cathedral, also in Odense.

The 32-year-old heir, Christian II of Denmark assumed the throne but was deposed in 1523. John's bloodline eventually returned to the Danish and Norwegian thrones in the person of Christian IV of Denmark, the great-great-grandson of his daughter, Electress Elisabeth.[16]

Full title
John's full title as King of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway was: King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Wends and the Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn and Dithmarschen, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst[17]

John and Christina had five or six children:

Hans14791480died as a child
Ernst14801500died as a child
Christian II1 July 148125 January 1559King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Had issue.
Jacob14841566Probably identical to Jacob the Dacian
Elizabeth24 June 148510 June 1555Married Joachim I Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg in 1502. Had issue.
Francis15 July 14971 April 1511
See also
List of Danish monarchs
List of Norwegian monarchs
List of Swedish monarchs
Danish monarch's family tree
Caspar Paludan-Müller De første Konger af den Oldenburgske slægt Reitzels, Köpenhamn 1874 s. 131; also Danish WP here
Adolf Schück: Sveriges Konungar och drottningar genom tiderna, AB Svensk litteratur, Stockholm, 1952, LIBRIS 8081452 p. 197
Ohlmarks, Bernadotte & Wieselgren: Sveriges hundra konungar, Biblioteksböcker, Stockholm, 1956, LIBRIS 893472 p 204
Lars O. Lagerqvist: Sverige och dess regenter under 1000 år, Bonniers, Stockholm, 1976, ISBN 91-0-075007-7 p. 119
Lagerqvist & Åberg: Kings and Rulers of Sweden ISBN 9187064-35-9 p. 30
Møller Jensen 2007, p. 150.
Warming, Rolf (1 July 2015). "Gribshunden: Significance and Preliminary Investigations". Combat Archaeology. Retrieved 13 August 2015.
Einarsson, Av Lars. "Ett skeppsvrak i Ronneby skärgård" [A shipwreck in the archipelago of Ronneby] (PDF) (in Swedish). Kalmar Läns Museum (Kalmar County Museum). Retrieved 13 August 2015.
"Ett Skeppsvrak i Ronneby Skärgård" [A Wreckage in the Ronneby Archipelago] (in Swedish). Blekinge Museum. Archived from the original on 31 December 2013. Retrieved 13 August 2015.
Hays, Brooks (13 August 2015). "Medieval wooden 'sea monster' pulled from Baltic Sea". UPI. Retrieved 13 August 2015.
Elke Freifrau von Boeselager, "Das Land Hadeln bis zum Beginn der frühen Neuzeit", in: Geschichte des Landes zwischen Elbe und Weser: 3 vols., Hans-Eckhard Dannenberg and Heinz-Joachim Schulze (eds.), Stade: Landschaftsverband der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, 1995 and 2008, vol. I 'Vor- und Frühgeschichte' (1995; ISBN 978-3-9801919-7-5), vol. II 'Mittelalter (einschl. Kunstgeschichte)' (1995; 978-3-9801919-8-2), vol. III 'Neuzeit (2008; ISBN 978-3-9801919-9-9)', (=Schriftenreihe des Landschaftsverbandes der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden; vols. 7–9), vol. II: pp. 321–388, here p. 332.
Karl Ernst Hermann Krause (1881), "Johann III., Erzbischof von Bremen", Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) (in German), vol. 14, Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 183–185, here p. 184.
Michael Schütz, "Die Konsolidierung des Erzstiftes unter Johann Rode", in: Geschichte des Landes zwischen Elbe und Weser: 3 vols., Hans-Eckhard Dannenberg and Heinz-Joachim Schulze (eds.), Stade: Landschaftsverband der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, 1995 and 2008, vol. I 'Vor- und Frühgeschichte' (1995; ISBN 978-3-9801919-7-5), vol. II 'Mittelalter (einschl. Kunstgeschichte)' (1995; 978-3-9801919-8-2), vol. III 'Neuzeit (2008; ISBN 978-3-9801919-9-9)', (=Schriftenreihe des Landschaftsverbandes der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden; vols. 7–9), vol. II: pp. 263–278, here p. 267.
Karl Ernst Hermann Krause (1881), "Johann III., Erzbischof von Bremen", Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) (in German), vol. 14, Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 183–185, here p. 185.
Hannay, Mackie, Spilman, ed., Letters of James IV, SHS (1953), p.xlii
Hans · Konge af Danmark · Norge fra 1481–1513 og Sverige 1497–1501 (Danske Konger) Archived 1 July 2010 at the Wayback Machine
Kong Hans (Diplomatarium Norvegicum)
Heise, Arnold (1892). "Hans". Dansk biografisk Lexikon. Vol. 6 (1st ed.) – via Project Runeberg.
Møller Jensen, Janus (2007). Denmark and the Crusades, 1400-1650. BRILL. ISBN 9789047419846.
Scocozza, Benito (1997). "Hans". Politikens bog om danske monarker [Politiken's book about Danish monarchs] (in Danish). Copenhagen: Politikens Forlag. pp. 99–101. ISBN 87-567-5772-7.
External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to John of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
The Royal Lineage at the website of the Danish Monarchy
John of Denmark
House of Oldenburg
Born: 2 February 1455 Died: 22 July 1513
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Christian I
Duke of Holstein and Schleswig
with Frederick I (1482–1513)Succeeded by
Frederick I and
Christian II
King of Denmark
1481–1513Succeeded by
Christian II
Title last held by
Christian IKing of Norway
Title last held by
Charles VIIIKing of Sweden
Title next held by
Christian II
Monarchs of Denmark
Monarchs of Norway
Monarchs of Sweden
Monarchs of Iceland
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Categories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_of_Denmark :
1455 births
1513 deaths
15th-century Swedish monarchs
16th-century Swedish monarchs
15th-century Norwegian monarchs
16th-century Norwegian monarchs
Dukes of Schleswig
Dukes of Holstein
Kalmar Union
Burials at St. Canute's Cathedral
Swedish monarchs of German descent
Knights of the Garter
People from Aalborg
15th-century monarchs of Denmark
16th-century monarchs of Denmark
Deaths by horse-riding accident in Denmark
Sons of kings
Children of Christian I of Denmark
Royal reburials
This page was last edited on 18 June 2023, at 12:52 (UTC).

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Événements historiques

  • En l'an 1455: Source: Wikipedia
    • 8 janvier » par la bulle Romanus pontifex, le Portugal obtient l'exclusivité du commerce, de la colonisation et de l'esclavage au sud du Cap Boujdour.
    • 23 février » date admise de publication de la Bible de Gutenberg, le premier livre occidental imprimé avec des caractères mobiles.
    • 22 mai » première bataille de Saint-Albans.
  • En l'an 1513: Source: Wikipedia
    • 4 mars » Piła obtient le droit de Magdebourg du roi de Pologne Sigismond Ier.
    • 27 mars » en Amérique du Nord, en ce jour des Rameaux (Pascuas floridas), l'Espagnol Juan Ponce de León aborde une nouvelle terre, à laquelle il donne le nom de Floride. Au retour, il organise la déportation et la réduction en esclavage des Amérindiens Taïnos de l'archipel des Lucayes (Bahamas).
    • 2 avril » Juan Ponce de León découvre la Floride.
    • 6 juin » bataille de Novare.
    • 25 septembre » Vasco Núñez de Balboa découvre l'océan Pacifique.
    • 29 septembre » le conquistador espagnol Vasco Núñez de Balboa atteint le premier l'océan Pacifique, après avoir franchi (à pied) l'isthme de Panama (en quatre jours).

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

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Kin Mapper, "Généalogie Wylie", base de données, Généalogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/genealogie-wylie/I410973.php : consultée 23 septembre 2024), "John King of (John, King of) Denmark , Norway and Sweden (1455-1513)".