Généalogie Wylie » Henry II King of (Henry II, King of) France [[ChWikibio]] (1519-1559)

Données personnelles Henry II King of (Henry II, King of) France [[ChWikibio]] 

Famille de Henry II King of (Henry II, King of) France [[ChWikibio]]

(1) Il avait une relation avec Catherine de' Medici.


  1. Elizabeth of Valois  1545-1568 
  2. Claude of Valois  1547-1575 
  3. Louis of France  1549-1549

(2) Il est marié avec Filippa Duci.

Ils se sont mariés not married, mistress.


  1. Diane of France  1538-1619

(3) Il a/avait une relation avec Janet Stewart.

Notes par Henry II King of (Henry II, King of) France [[ChWikibio]]

Charlemagne Descendant many times over!

This Charlemagne descendant is documented here on this one extended family site
as either a 25th-26th-27th-28th-29th-30th great grandchild repeatedly so many times
uniquely as to at least be into the triple figures as such a multi-ancestral path descendant of ,
Charlemagne, first Holy Roman Emperor [HRE]---coronation on 25 December 800 in Rome---
with HREs so created and so serving until August 6, 1806, when the Empire was disbanded.

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Henry II of France

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Early years
Attitude towards Protestants
Italian War of 1551–1559
Patent innovation
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Henry II of France
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Henry II of France
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Henry II
Henry II of France-François Clouet (altered).jpg
Portrait by François Clouet's workshop, 1559
(oil on panel, 39.6 x 28.7 cm, Holyrood Palace)
King of France (more...)
Reign31 March 1547 – 10 July 1559
Coronation25 July 1547
PredecessorFrancis I
SuccessorFrancis II
Born31 March 1519
Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Died10 July 1559 (aged 40)
Hôtel des Tournelles
Burial13 August 1559
Saint Denis Basilica
SpouseCatherine de' Medici

​(m. 1533)
among others...
Francis II of France
Elisabeth, Queen of Spain
Claude, Duchess of Lorraine
Louis, Duke of Orléans
Charles IX of France
Henry III, King of France and Poland
Margaret, Queen of France
Francis, Duke of Anjou
Victoire of Valois
Joan of Valois
FatherFrancis I of France
MotherClaude, Duchess of Brittany
SignatureHenry II's signature
Henry II (French: Henri II; 31 March 1519 – 10 July 1559) was King of France from 31 March 1547 until his death in 1559. The second son of Francis I and Duchess Claude of Brittany, he became Dauphin of France upon the death of his elder brother Francis in 1536.

As a child, Henry and his elder brother spent over four years in captivity in Spain as hostages in exchange for their father. Henry pursued his father's policies in matters of art, war, and religion. He persevered in the Italian Wars against the Habsburgs and tried to suppress the Reformation, even as the Huguenot numbers were increasing drastically in France during his reign.

Under the April 1559 Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis which ended the Italian Wars, France renounced its claims in Italy, but gained certain other territories, including the Pale of Calais and the Three Bishoprics. These acquisitions strengthened French borders while the abdication of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor in January 1556 and division of his empire between Spain and Austria provided them with greater flexibility in foreign policy. Nostradamus also served King Henry as physician and astrologer.

In July 1559, Henry was injured in a jousting tournament held to celebrate the treaty and died ten days later after his surgeon, Ambroise Paré, was unable to cure the wound inflicted by Gabriel de Montgomery, the captain of his Scottish Guard. Though he died early, the succession appeared secure as he left four young sons, as well as a wife in Catherine de' Medici, to lead a capable regency during their minority. Three of those sons would all live long enough to be king themselves, but their ineffectual reigns, and the unpopularity of Catherine's regency, helped to spark the French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Protestants, and an eventual end to the House of Valois as France's ruling dynasty.

Early years

Henry as a child
Henry was born in the royal Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, near Paris, the son of King Francis I and Claude, Duchess of Brittany, daughter of Louis XII of France and Anne, Duchess of Brittany. Francis and Claude were second cousins, both had Louis I, Duke of Orléans, as a patrilineal great-grandfather, and their marriage strengthened the family's claim to the throne.[1]

Henry's father was captured at the Battle of Pavia in 1525 by the forces of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and held prisoner in Spain.[2] To obtain his release, it was agreed that Henry and his older brother Francis be sent to Spain in his place.[3] They remained in captivity for over four years.[4]

Henry married Catherine de' Medici, a member of the ruling family of Florence, on 28 October 1533, when they were both fourteen years old.[5] The wedding was officiated by Pope Clement VII.[5] At this time, Henry's brother Francis was alive and there was little prospect of Henry coming to the throne. The following year, he became romantically involved with a thirty-five-year-old widow, Diane de Poitiers. Henry and Diane had always been very close: the young lady had fondly embraced Henry on the day he, as a 7-year-old child, set off to captivity in Spain, and the bond had been renewed after his return to France.[6] At the tournament to honor his father's new bride, Eleanor, in 1531, Henry and Francis dressed as chevaliers, and Henry wore Diane's colors.[6]

Extremely confident, mature and intelligent, Diane left Catherine powerless to intervene.[7] She did, however, insist that Henry sleep with Catherine in order to produce heirs to the throne.[7]

When his elder brother Francis died in 1536 after a game of tennis, Henry became heir apparent to the throne.

His attachment to Diane caused a breach with his father in 1544; the royal mistress Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly persuaded Francis that Henry and Diane were intriguing on behalf of the Constable Montmorency, who had been banished from court in 1540. Francis banished Diane from court.[8] Henry also withdrew to the chateau of Anet; father and son were reconciled in 1545.[9]

He succeeded his father on his 28th birthday and was crowned King of France on 25 July 1547 at Reims Cathedral.[10]

Attitude towards Protestants
Henry's reign was marked by the persecution of Protestants, mainly Calvinists known as Huguenots. Henry II severely punished them, particularly the ministers, for example by burning at the stake or cutting off their tongues for uttering heresies.[11]

Henry II was made a Knight of the Garter by Edward VI, King of England, in April 1551.[12]

The Edict of Châteaubriant (27 June 1551) called upon the civil and ecclesiastical courts to detect and punish all heretics and placed severe restrictions on Huguenots, including the loss of one-third of their property to informers, and confiscations. The Edict also strictly regulated publications by prohibiting the sale, importation or printing of any unapproved book. It was during the reign of Henry II that Huguenot attempts at establishing a colony in Brazil were made, with the short-lived formation of France Antarctique.[13] In June 1559, with war against the Habsburgs concluded, Henri established in letters patent his desire to task much of the Gendarmerie that had been involved in the foreign wars with the extirpation of domestic heresy.[14]

Italian War of 1551–1559
Main article: Italian War of 1551–1559

Henry II enters Metz following the 1552 Treaty of Chambord
The Italian War of 1551–1559 began when Henry declared war on Holy Roman Emperor Charles V with the intent of recapturing Italy and ensuring French, rather than Habsburg, domination of European affairs. Persecution of Protestants at home did not prevent him from becoming allied with German Protestant princes at the Treaty of Chambord in 1552. Simultaneously, the continuation of his father's Franco-Ottoman alliance allowed him to invade the Rhineland while a Franco-Ottoman fleet defended southern France.[15] Although an attempted 1553 invasion of Tuscany ended with defeat at Marciano, in return for his support in the Second Schmalkaldic War, Henry occupied the Three Bishoprics of Toul, Verdun and Metz, acquisitions secured with victory at Renty in 1554.[16]

After the abdication of Charles V in 1556, the Habsburg empire was split between his son Philip II of Spain and brother Emperor Ferdinand I. The focus of Henry's conflict with the Habsburgs shifted to Flanders, where Philip, in conjunction with Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, defeated the French at the St Quentin. England's entry into the war later that year led to the French capture of Calais, and French armies plundered Spanish possessions in the Low Countries. However, in April 1559 lack of money and increasing domestic religious tensions led Henry to agree the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis.[17]

The Peace was signed between Henry and Elizabeth I of England on 2 April[18] and between Henry and Philip of Spain on 3 April 1559 at Le Cateau-Cambrésis. Under its terms, France restored Piedmont and Savoy to Emmanuel Philibert, but retained Saluzzo, Calais and the Three Bishoprics. The agreement was reinforced by a marriage between Henry's sister Margaret and Emmanuel Philibert, while his daughter Elisabeth of Valois became Philip's third wife.[19]

Henry raised the young Mary, Queen of Scots, at his court, hoping to establish a dynastic claim to the Kingdom of Scotland by marrying her to Dauphin Francis on 24 April 1558. Their son would have been King of France and King of Scotland, and also a claimant to the throne of England. Henry had Mary sign secret documents, illegal in Scottish law, that would ensure Valois rule in Scotland even if Mary died without leaving a child by Francis.[20] As it happened, Francis died without issue a year and half after his father, ending the French claim to Scotland.

Patent innovation
Main article: History of patent law

Henry II
Henry II introduced the concept of publishing the description of an invention in the form of a patent. The idea was to require an inventor to disclose his invention in exchange for monopoly rights to the patent. The description is called a patent "specification". The first patent specification was submitted by the inventor Abel Foullon for "Usaige & Description de l'holmetre" (a type of rangefinder). Publication was delayed until after the patent expired in 1561.[21]


The fatal tournament between Henry II and Montgomery (Lord of "Lorges")
Henry II was an avid hunter and a participant in jousts and tournaments. On 30 June 1559, a tournament was held near Place des Vosges to celebrate the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis with his longtime enemies, the Habsburgs of Austria, and to celebrate the marriage of his daughter Elisabeth of Valois to King Philip II of Spain. During a jousting match, King Henry, wearing the colors of his mistress Diane de Poitiers,[22] was wounded in the eye by a fragment of the splintered lance of Gabriel Montgomery, captain of the King's Scottish Guard.[23] Despite the efforts of royal surgeons Ambroise Paré and Andreas Vesalius, the court doctors ultimately "advocated a wait-and-see strategy";[24] as a result, the king's untreated eye and brain damage led to his death by sepsis on 10 July 1559.[25] He was buried in a cadaver tomb in Saint Denis Basilica. Henry's death played a significant role in the decline of jousting as a sport, particularly in France.[26]

Tombs of Henry II of France and his wife Catherine de' Medici in Basilica of St Denis, Paris
As Henry lay dying, Queen Catherine limited access to his bedside and denied his mistress Diane de Poitiers permission to see him, even though he repeatedly asked for her. Following his death, Catherine sent Diane into exile, where she lived in comfort on her own properties until her death.[22]

It was the practice to enclose the heart of the king in an urn. The Monument to the Heart of Henry II is in the collection of the Louvre, but was originally in the Chapel of Orleans beneath a pyramid. The original bronze urn holding the king's heart was destroyed during the French Revolution and a replica was made in the 19th century. The marble sculpture of the Three Graces holding the urn, executed from a single piece of marble by Germain Pilon, the sculptor to Catherine de' Medici, survives.[27]

Henry was succeeded by his sickly fifteen-year-old son, Francis II.[28] Francis was married to sixteen-year-old Mary, Queen of Scots, who had been his childhood friend and fiancée since her arrival at the French court when she was five.[29] Francis II died in December 1560, and Mary returned to Scotland in August 1561.[30] Francis II was succeeded by his ten-year-old brother Charles IX. His mother, Catherine de Medici, acted as regent.[31]

See also: Descendants of Henry II of France
Catherine de' Medici bore ten of Henry's children:[32]

Francis II, born 19 January 1544, who married Mary, Queen of Scots
Elizabeth of France, born 2 April 1545, who married Philip II, King of Spain
Claude, born 12 November 1547, who married Charles III, Duke of Lorraine
Louis, Duke of Orléans, born 3 February 1549, died 24 October 1550
Charles IX, born 27 June 1550, died 30 May 1574
Henry III, born 19 September 1551, also briefly King of Poland
Margaret, born 14 May 1553, who married Henry III, King of Navarre (later Henry IV of France)
Hercules, born 18 March 1555, later known as Francis, Duke of Alençon and Anjou
Victoire, born 24 June 1556, died 17 August 1556
Joan, born 24 June 1556, stillborn.
Henry II also had three illegitimate children:

By Filippa Duci:[33]
Diane, duchesse d'Angoulême (1538–1619). At the age of fourteen, she married Orazio Farnese, Duke of Castro,[34] who died in battle in 1553. Her second marriage was to François, Duke of Montmorency.[35]
By Lady Janet Stewart (1502–1562), the illegitimate daughter of James IV of Scotland:[36]
Henri d'Angoulême (1551 – June 1586).[37] He was legitimized and became governor of Provence.
By Nicole de Savigny:
Henri de Saint-Rémi [fr] (1557–1621).[38] He was given the title of Count of Saint-Rémy. One of his last known descendants was Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, Countess de la Motte, famous for her role in the Affair of the Diamond Necklace at the court of Louis XVI.
Henri or Henry has had four notable portrayals onscreen:

He was played by a young Roger Moore in the 1956 film Diane, opposite Lana Turner in the title role and Marisa Pavan as Catherine de Medici.[39]

In the 1998 film Ever After, the Prince Charming figure, portrayed by Dougray Scott, shares his name with the historical monarch.

In the 2013 CW series Reign, he is played by Alan van Sprang.[40]

In the premiere of The Serpent Queen (2022), a young Henri (Alex Heath) is shown meeting and marrying Catherine De Medici, performing consummation of the marriage, jousting, and snuggling in the older Diane's arms. Beginning with the fourth episode, older Henri is portrayed by Lee Ingleby.

Royal Monogram
Royal Monogram

Detail from portrait plaque, enamel and gilding on copper
Detail from portrait plaque, enamel and gilding on copper

Henry II, here standing on an oriental carpet, continued the policy of Franco-Ottoman alliance of his father Francis I. Painting by François Clouet.
Henry II, here standing on an oriental carpet, continued the policy of Franco-Ottoman alliance of his father Francis I. Painting by François Clouet.

Coin of Henry II, 1547
Coin of Henry II, 1547

"Bastard culverin" of 1548, with arms of Henri II and Catherine de Medicis and crescent of Diane de Poitiers. Caliber: 85mm, length: 300 cm, weight: 1076 kg.
"Bastard culverin" of 1548, with arms of Henri II and Catherine de Medicis and crescent of Diane de Poitiers. Caliber: 85mm, length: 300 cm, weight: 1076 kg.

A cypher machine in the shape of a book, with arms of Henri II.
A cypher machine in the shape of a book, with arms of Henri II.

Monument to the Heart of Henry II, Louvre, Paris, sculpture of the Three Graces by Germain Pilon holding a replica of the urn that contained the king's heart
Monument to the Heart of Henry II, Louvre, Paris, sculpture of the Three Graces by Germain Pilon holding a replica of the urn that contained the king's heart

Ancestors of Henry II of France
Baumgartner 1988, pp. 3–5.
Tazón 2003, p. 16.
Knecht 1984, p. 189.
Watkins 2009, pp. 79–80.
Baumgartner 1988, p. 28-29.
Wellman 2013, p. 197.
Wellman 2013, p. 200.
Wellman 2013, p. 176.
Wellman 2013, p. 177.
Thevet 2010, pp. 24–25.
Baumgartner 1988, pp. 114–132.
Loach 2014, p. 107.
Felix & Juall 2016, p. 2.
Harding 1978, p. 37.
Inalcik 1995, p. 328.
Thevet 2010, p. 92.
Konnert 2006, p. 97.
Nolan 2006, p. 127.
Knecht 2000, p. 1.
Guy 2012, p. 91.
Frumkin 1945, p. 143.
Wellman 2013, p. 213.
Baumgartner 1988, p. 250.
Zanello, Marc; Charlier, Philippe; Corns, Robert; Devaux, Bertrand; Berche, Patrick; Pallud, Johan (January 2015). "The death of Henry II, King of France (1519-1559). From myth to medical and historical fact". Acta Neurochir (Wien). 157 (1): 145–9. doi:10.1007/s00701-014-2280-9. PMID 25421951. S2CID 24693363. Retrieved 24 August 2022.
Baumgartner 1988, p. 252.
Barber & Barker 1989, p. 134, 139.
Goldberg 1966, p. 206-218.
Knecht 1997, p. 59.
Baumgartner 1988, pp. 67–69.
Fraser 1991, p. 900.
Knecht 1997, p. 72.
Anselme 1726, pp. 134–136.
Merrill 1935, p. 133.
Baumgartner 1988, p. 70.
Lanza 2007, p. 29.
Sealy 1981, p. 206.
Wellman 2013, p. 212.
Knecht 1997, p. 38.
"Lana Turner as 'Diane'", The New York Times, 13 January 1956.
Wilford, Denette (16 October 2013). "'Reign' Cast Gets Down And Dirty With Details on Royal TV Show". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 7 February 2014.
Knecht 1984, p. 1-2.
Anselme de Sainte-Marie, Père (1726). Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France [Genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of France] (in French). Vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Paris: La compagnie des libraires. pp. 134–136.
Adams, Tracy (2010). The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria. Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 255.
Gicquel, Yvonig [in French] (1986). Alain IX de Rohan, 1382–1462: un grand seigneur de l'âge d'or de la Bretagne (in French). Éditions Jean Picollec. p. 480. ISBN 9782864770718.
Jackson-Laufer, Guida Myrl (1999). Women Rulers Throughout the Ages: An Illustrated Guide. ABC-CLIO. p. 231. ISBN 9781576070918.
Wilson, Katharina M. (1991). An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers. Taylor & Francis. p. 258. ISBN 9780824085476.
Robin, Diana Maury; Larsen, Anne R.; Levin, Carole (2007). Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England. ABC-CLIO. p. 20. ISBN 978-1851097722.
Palluel-Guillard, André. "La Maison de Savoie" (in French). Conseil Savoie Mont Blanc. Retrieved 28 June 2018.
Leguai, André (2005). "Agnès de Bourgogne, duchesse de Bourbon (1405?–1476)". Les ducs de Bourbon, le Bourbonnais et le royaume de France à la fin du Moyen Age [The dukes of Bourbon, the Bourbonnais and the kingdom of France at the end of the Middle Ages] (in French). Yzeure: Société bourbonnaise des études locales. pp. 145–160.
Anselme 1726, p. 207
Desbois, François Alexandre Aubert de la Chenaye (1773). Dictionnaire de la noblesse (in French). Vol. 6 (2nd ed.). p. 452. Retrieved 28 June 2018.
Anselme de Sainte-Marie, Père (1726). Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France [Genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of France] (in French). Vol. 1 (3rd ed.). Paris: La compagnie des libraires. pp. 134–136.
Barber, Richard; Barker, Juliet (1989). Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry and Pageants in the Middle Ages. Boydell. pp. 134, 139. ISBN 978-0-85115-470-1.
Baumgartner, Frederic J (1988). Henry II, King of France, 1547–1559. Duke University Press. ISBN 9780822307952.
Inalcik, Halil (1995). "The Heyday and Decline of the Ottoman Empire". In Holt, P.M.; Lambton, Ann Katherine Swynford; Lewis, Bernard (eds.). The Cambridge History of Islam. Vol. 1A. Cambridge University Press.
Felix, Regina R.; Juall, Scott D., eds. (2016). Cultural Exchanges Between Brazil and France. Purdue University Press.
Frumkin, M. (March 1945). "The Origin of Patent". Journal of the Patent Office Society. XXVII (3).
Fraser, Antonia (1991). "Mary, byname Mary Queen of Scots". The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 7. pp. 900–901.
Goldberg, Victoria L. (1966). "Graces, Muses, and Arts: The Urns of Henry II and Francis I". Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. 29: 206–218. doi:10.2307/750716. JSTOR 750716. S2CID 194963087.
Guy, John (2012). My Heart is my Own: The Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Penguin Books Ltd.
Harding, Robert (1978). Anatomy of a Power Elite. Yale University Press. ISBN 0300022026.
Knecht, R.J. (1984). Francis I. Cambridge University Press.
Knecht, R. J. (1997). Catherine De'Medici. Longman.
Knecht, R.J. (2000). The French Civil Wars, 1562–1598. Pearson Education Ltd.
Konnert, Mark (2006). Early Modern Europe: The Age of Religious War, 1559–1715. University of Toronto Press.
Lanza, Janine M (2007). From Wives to Widows in Early Modern Paris: Gender, Economy, and Law. Ashgate Publishing.
Loach, Jennifer (2014). Edward VI. Yale University Press.
Merrill, Robert V. (November 1935). "Considerations on "Les Amours de I. du Bellay"". Modern Philology. 33 (2): 129–138. doi:10.1086/388187. S2CID 161187778.
Nolan, Cathal J., ed. (2006). "Cateau-Cambresis". The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000–1650: An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization. Vol. 1. Greenwood Press.
Nostradamus, César (1614). Histoire et Chronique de Provence. Simon Rigaud.
Sealy, Robert J. (1981). The Palace Academy of Henry III. Droz.
Tazón, Juan E. (2003). The life and times of Thomas Stukeley (c.1525–78). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Thevet, André (2010). Portraits from the French Renaissance and the Wars of Religion. Translated by Benson, Edward. Truman State University Press.
Thorndike, Lynn (1941). History of Magic and Experimental Science. Vol. 6. New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved 23 October 2017.
Watkins, John (2009). "Marriage a la Mode, 1559: Elisabeth de Valois, Elizabeth I, and the Changing Practice of Dynastic Marriage". In Levin, Carole; Bucholz, R. O. (eds.). Queens and Power in Medieval and Early Modern England. University of Nebraska Press.
Wellman, Kathleen (2013). Queens and Mistresses of Renaissance France. Yale University Press.
External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Henry II of France.
Henry II of France History Today V.59 I9.
Michael Servetus Research- Naturalization Scholarly graphical study on a document issued by Henry II of France in 1548 & 1549
Henry II of France
House of Valois, Orléans-Angoulême branch
Cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty
Born: 31 March 1519 Died: 10 July 1559
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Francis I
King of France
31 March 1547 – 10 July 1559Succeeded by
Francis II
French nobility
Title last held by
Louis IIDuke of Orléans
1519–1536Succeeded by
Charles II
Preceded by
Francis III
Duke of Brittany
10 August 1536 – 31 March 1547Merged in crown
French royalty
Preceded by
Dauphin of France
10 August 1536 – 31 March 1547Succeeded by
Rulers of Brittany
Monarchs of France
Dukes of Orléans
Dauphins of France
Categories live versions at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_II_of_France
Henry II of France
1519 births
1559 deaths
16th-century kings of France
16th-century dukes of Britta
Ancien Régime
Dauphins of France
Dauphins of Viennois
French book and manuscript collectors
House of Valois-Angoulême
Knights of the Garter
People from Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Sport deaths in France
Burials at the Basilica of Saint-Denis
1540s in France
1550s in France
16th-century peers of France
This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 16:02 (UTC).

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Événements historiques

  • En l'an 1519: Source: Wikipedia
    • 18 juin » la Diète de Francfort s'ouvre. Elle proclamera Charles de Habsbourg, d'Autriche et d'Espagne, comme empereur d'Allemagne, le 28 juin suivant.
    • 28 juin » Charles I d'Espagne est élu empereur du Saint-Empire romain germanique.
    • 3 juillet » en son château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, le roi de France François Ier apprend l'échec, cinq jours plus tôt, de sa candidature à la couronne d'empereur, et donc sa non-élection, au profit de Charles Quint. Il se console alors d'une partie de chasse comme il les affectionne, dans la forêt de Fontainebleau.
    • 15 août » la première ville de Panama est fondée par les Espagnols de Pedro Arias Dávila. Détruite le 28 janvier 1671 après la bataille de Mata Asnillos, elle est reconstruite le 21 janvier 1673 à 8km au Sud-Ouest, dans un lieu mieux protégé et plus sain qui deviendra l'actuelle ville de Panama.
    • 6 septembre » acte de naissance du château de Chambord lorsque le roi de France François I donne commission à François de Pontbriand d'ordonner toutes les dépenses qu'il y aurait à faire pour la construction du plus vaste des châteaux de la Loire.
    • 8 novembre » Hernán Cortés rentre à Tenochtitlán et rencontre Moctezuma II.
  • En l'an 1559: Source: Wikipedia
    • 15 janvier » couronnement d'Élisabeth I d'Angleterre.
    • 2 avril » signature du traité franco-anglais du Cateau-Cambrésis.
    • 3 avril » signature du second traité du Cateau-Cambrésis.
    • 30 juin » le roi Henri II est blessé grièvement, au cours d'une joute équestre organisée à Paris, rue Saint-Antoine, pour fêter la signature de la paix du Cateau-Cambrésis, et les mariages des sœur et fille du roi. Sa mort, consécutive à ses blessures le 10 juillet suivant, marque la fin des sports de chevalerie en France, et la destruction par sa veuve, Catherine de Médicis, de l'Hôtel des Tournelles voisin du drame (actuelle place des Vosges).
    • 10 juillet » Marie Stuart devient reine de France, par l'avènement au trône de son mari le dauphin de France, et nouveau roi François II (cf. mort de Henri II le même jour, infra).
    • 23 décembre » exécution d'Anne du Bourg.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Sur le nom de famille France

  • Afficher les informations que Genealogie Online a concernant le patronyme France.
  • Afficher des informations sur France sur le site Archives Ouvertes.
  • Trouvez dans le registre Wie (onder)zoekt wie? qui recherche le nom de famille France.

La publication Généalogie Wylie a été préparée par .contacter l'auteur
Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
Kin Mapper, "Généalogie Wylie", base de données, Généalogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/genealogie-wylie/I383786.php : consultée 26 septembre 2024), "Henry II King of (Henry II, King of) France [[ChWikibio]] (1519-1559)".