Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Hague, Netherlands » Col. Henry Darnall (1645-< 1711)

Données personnelles Col. Henry Darnall 

Les sources 1, 2, 3Les sources 4, 5, 6

Famille de Col. Henry Darnall

Il est marié avec Eleanor Hatton.

Ils se sont mariés environ 1677.Les sources 2, 6


  1. Henry Darnall  ± 1682-1759 
  2. Anne Darnall  1680-1749 

Notes par Col. Henry Darnall

[Fonda Carroll.FTW]

May have been married previously but 1st wife is unknown.

Colonel Henry Darnall receives the patent for a 7,000 acre land grant from his relative by marriage Charles Calvert, the third Lord Baltimore.  The 7,000 acre tract of land is named "His Lordship's Kindness" in recognition of Lord Baltimore's generosity.  Darnall, who lived at the nearby "Woodyard" as well as at "Darnall's Chance" in Upper Marlboro, was a very wealthy gentleman and held many offices, including Proprietary Agent and Receiver General, one of the most lucrative positions in the provincial government of Maryland.  His total land holdings in Prince George's County covered approximately 10% (27,000 acres) of the present area of the county.

Col. Henry Darnall dies and wills most of his real estate to his son, Henry Darnall, II.  By the 1720's the latter was experiencing serious financial difficulties, and in the period from 1727 to 1730 he liquidated much of his property (eventually 6,700 acres of His Lordship's Kindness, which Darnall disposed of, returned to the possession of the Calverts).


Henry DARNALL I, Lord Baltimore's principal defender during the tumultuous days of Maryland's revolution in government, lived for many years in Prince George's County before moving late in life to Anne Arundel County.  His most important estate here was the WOODYARD, a lumbering facility as well as a tobacco plantation.  He also owned Portland Manor in Anne Arundel County.  Wealthier by far than most Prince Georgeans, at his death he owned more than one hundred slaves (116) and counted among his possessions five wigs, eleven pairs of gloves, and a cloth suit trimmed with gold (from the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland).

Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families - Page 335
Col. Henry Darnall, b--1645 in England, d--June 17, 1711. Collector of port of St. Mary's; Colonel of Horse; Deputy Gov. of Md.; owned large tracts of land in Prince George's Co., Md., "WOOD YARD" and "Portland Manor" in A. A. Co., Md.


Darnell, Henry,, A. A. Co., 28th Apr., 1711;
17th July, 1711.
To wife - dwelling plantation and 1/3 personalty during life.
son-in-law Charles Carroll and hrs,, 3 tracts in Prince George's Co., viz., 1726 A., "The Girl's Portion,"' 925 A., "The Outlet"' at head of Western Brack of Patuxent R. and 406 A., "The Concord," also 400 A., on Patuxent R.., purchased from Philip Gitting, having been purchased by him from Cuthbert Fenwick.

To son-in-law Clement Hill, tracts, each of 400 A. in Prince George's Go., one on lower side of Clement Brooks' land on east side of Piscataway Branch, and the other lying below afsd. tract but separated by- land taken up by Thomas Brook; also such estate as was agreed upon between testator and Clement Hill, Sr., upon his marriage with dau. Anne.

To son-in-law Edward Diggs and hrs., 1000 A., in Cecil Co., conveyed to testator by exs. of Col. Vincent Low; also 2 tracts in Prince George's Co., viz., 250 A., "Kingstone." purchased from Peter Joy., and where sd. Diggs now lives, and 125 A. adjoining,. purchased from Nathan Veitch, these tracts being given in lieu of 1000 A., " The Reserve" and 400 A., " Conveniency, " which were promised to him at his marriage with dau. Elizabeth.

To Arnold Levet of 200 A., Jno. Miller 194 A., the sons of John Summers 130 A., and to Henry Calvert 150 A., tracts in Prince George's Co

To son-in-law Clement Brooks, 46 A., adjoining his quarter, about 2 miles from former dwelling place, "WoodYard,"

To grandson, eld. son of son Henry (Darnall) and hrs., 200 A., "Knot's Neck," also " Burroughs" in Calvert Co., 2000 A., "Land of Promise" in Balto. Co., 500 A., " St. Jerom" in A. A. Co.? all that land part of "Portland Manor" where his father, testator's son Philip, lived, on east side Cabin Branch.

To grandson Philip, young son of afsd. son Philip, and hrs., lands bequeathed his brother Henry should he die without issue, also 3 tracts in Balto. Co., "The Reserve" and "Conveniency" afsd., 800 A.;, "Rich Levels" 250 A., "Portland Landing" and that part of "Portland Manor" on West side Cabin Branch where his father Philip lived. Should son Philip die without issue, his brother Henry, afsd., is made reversionary legatee; and to grandsons at 15 yrs., personalty.

To granddau. Eleanor Darnall, eld. dau. of son Philip, and to Sarah, his young. dau., personalty at 15 yrs. of age.

To grandson John (Darnall), 2nd son of son Henry and hrs., dwelling place, 1000 A., "Portland Manor" in A, A, Co., at decease of wife.

To daus. Mary Carroll and Ann Hill, personalty, and to Robt. Brooke, Wm. Hunter, Thos. Mansell and Leo Thorould., Personalty.

To son Henry,, ex,., residue of estate., real and personal including tracts" in Prince George's Co., viz, that on which testator lived, 1100 A., "Mark's Place," 310 A. "Elizabeth" 150 A.: "Hale's Adventure," 200 A., "Charles Hils," 1900 A., Darnall's Delight," 948 A. "Addition", 262 A., "Darnall's Last Addition.," 7000 A., "His Iordship's Kindness;" also 2 tracts., viz., 105 A.., "Darnall's Chance" and 105 A., adjacent on both of last named tracts, part of Marlborough Town, and to sd son, 1 lot in Charles Town, alias Mount Charles; also right in lease of 1200 A. obtained from Charles., Lord Baltimore, for 21 yrs., and right in two mortgages given by Aaron Rawlings upon 563 A., "Bridge Hill" and 150 A., "Jones Lott," A. A. Co,

Test: Benjamin Hall,, Jeremiah Chapman., Cornelius Wildman, Webber Clark.

By codicil, 28th Apr.,, 1711., after setting forth that, he has been his lordship's agent, for a term of years, mentions that the acreage of lease afsd. devised to son Henry is 2300 A. instead of 1200, as stated.


[Trisha Hull Donovan]

Henry was born 1645 in Hertfordshire, England.  He married (2) ca 1677 Eleanor (Hatton) Brooke 1642-1725, daughter of Richard Hatton and Margaret.  Eleanor was the widow of Major Thomas Brooke.
Just when Henry and his brother John Darnall arrived in Maryland is not definitely known.  It has been stated to be as late as 1772, but Maryland records name him as a transporter of a Richard somebody in 1664, and also as a witness in a case that same year.  In addition, his sister Elizabeth receive a grant of land in 1663.
Henry Darnall was both affluent and influential.  He owned much land and many slaves.  At his death, he bequeathed some thirty thousand acres of land.  (Will, v. 3, p. 196, Baldwin's Calendar of Wills). His home, Darnall's Delight, later called "Woodyard", was the scene of much social activity; his broad, heavily wooded acres affording excellent opportunity to indulge in a favorite sport: following the hounds in the chase.
As Proprietary's Agent, Deputy-Governor, and in other offices of public trust, he served Lord Baltimore and Maryland for many years.
A devout Roman Catholic, he sent his sons to Jesuit schools in Europe - one of the inciting factors in the "Protestant Revolution"; following which, Henry maintained secret quarters in his home, with all equipment necessary for observing the rites of his religion.  ( Note: Even as late as 1735, the Catholic Church had been repressed in now the Puritan influenced Maryland.  Perhaps Henry's Catholic grandaughter Ann married the Anglican John Bradford in this private chapel.
Henry is buried at "Woodyard".  A descendant, George S. Darnall, examining the burial plot some two centuries later, found the stone, of slate, split sidewise, and bearing the following epitah.  Here lyeth interred, ye body of /Col Henry Darnall, Esq./ Who deparated this life ye 17th day of June in ye year of our Lord, 1711/ in ye 66th yeaar of his age.
Bowie, Effie Gwynn; Across the Years in Prince George's County, Upper Marlboro Maryland 1947, Mrs. Bowie has authenticated her material by citing patents, deeds, wills, administrations, Church and other marriage records, newspaper accounts, obituaries, family letters, records, etc .


H.C. SMITH: Col. Henry Darnell (Darnall) 1645-1611:

Henry was born 1645 in Hertfordshire, England.  He married (2) ca 1677 Eleanor (Hatton) Brooke 1642-1725, daughter of Richard Hatton and Margaret.  Eleanor was the widow of Major Thomas Brooke.
Just when Henry and his brother John Darnall arrived in Maryland is not definitely known.  It has been stated to be as late as 1772, but Maryland records name him as a transporter of a Richard somebody in 1664, and also as a witness in a case that same year.  In addition, his sister Elizabeth receive a grant of land in 1663.
Henry Darnall was both affluent and influential. He owned much land and many slaves.  At his death, he bequeathed some thirty thousand acres of land.  (Will, v. 3, p. 196, Baldwin's Calendar of Wills). His home, Darnall's Delight, later called "Woodyard", was the scene of much social activity; his broad, heavily wooded acres affording excellent opportunity to indulge in a favorite sport: following the hounds in the chase.
As Proprietary's Agent, Deputy-Governor, and in other offices of public trust, he served Lord Baltimore and Maryland for many years.
A devout Roman Catholic, he sent his sons to Jesuit schools in Euro pe - one of the inciting factors in the "Protestant Revolution"; following which, Henry maintained secret quarters in his home, with all equipment necessary for observing the rites of his religion. (Note: Even as late as 1735, the Catholic Church had been repressed in newly Puritan influenced Maryland.  Perhaps Henry's Catholic grandaughter Ann married the Anglican John Bradford in Henry's this private chapel on his estate.).
Henry is buried at "Woodyard".  A descendant, George S. Darnall, exam ining the burial plot some two centuries later, found the stone, of slate, split sidewise, and bearing the following epitah. "Here lyeth interred, ye body of COL. HENRY DARNELL, Son of PHILLIP DARNELL, Esq. who deparated this life ye 17th day of June in ye year of our Lord, 1711 in ye 66th year of his age.
While the name is here spelled DARNELL, his preference was for DARNAL L, as shown by his signature on official documents still extant.
The interweaving of the lines of descent, both direct and collateral, from COL. HENRY DARNALL AND JOHN DARNALL and their wives, forms very intricate and highly interesting patterns of interrelationships.  A rather complete exposition of these relationships may be found in ACROSS THE YEARS IN PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, 1947 by Effie Bowie Gwynn, Upper Marlborough, Maryland.. Mrs. Bowie has authenticated her material by citing patents, deeds, wills, administrations, Church and other marriage records, newspaper accounts, obituaries, family letters, records, etc. (Have copy)

Across the Years in Prince George's Co., (The following information shows how the Darnalls, Sewalls, Digges, Carrolls and Bradfords were connected through their land speculations.)  Hall Family- p. 409- Mary Hall, wife of Benjamin Hall (originally Quakers) daughter of Major Thomas Brooke and Eleanor Hatton and step-daughter of Henry Darnall. She married ( 1) John Bowling of St. Mary's County.  (We may be related to Bowling through our Dutton.  One of the Bowling descendants wrote the Maryland Philpot Book.  This lineage -needs more research). In the will of James Bowling dated 7 May 1692, prvd. 10 Oct. 1693, she is named executrix and given residue of real and personal property, including Calvert's Hope.  Bowling Plains in St. Mary's County, is devised to his brother Thomas.  He had owned Bowling's Reserve, Calvert Co., 100 acres, surveyed for him September 22, 1668 near George's Rest, of which he had evidently disposed, as it is not mentioned in his will.  (Our Glover-Fowler family records in Calvert Co. after 1715, and they basically do not communicate or intermarry with the Lord Baltimore Crowd.)
Parternship, 1500 acres in Collington Hundred surveyed 1680, for Maj. Nicholas Sewall and John Darnall on W.S. of Potomac River. Re-surveyed 27 June 1699, for Maj. Sewall, 1878 a. Possr., 1625 a. Richard Harrison; 253 a. Maj. Sewall, (Rent Rolls, P.G. Co.)
The tract of land Partnership, Addition to Partnership and Second Addition to Partnership are particularly identified with Francis and Benjamin Hall.  In P.G. Co. Rolls, Annapolis, we find Partnership, 2000 acres, surveyed 16 April 1728 for Charles Digges and John Bradford.  Transfer s: 1,000 a. John Bradford from Charles Digges, 27 March 1733; 1,000 a. Charles Digges from John Bradford; 27 March 1733; 1000 a. Charles Carroll from John Bradford, June 15 1733. (1733 is near the time that John Bradford and Ann Darnall's daughter is Eleanor is born.  Ann is reputed to have died at childbirth, and raised at the breast with her Aunt Eleanor Darnall, wife of Daniel Carroll, son of Charles Carroll.  I believe Charles Digges' mother was a Darnell the mother of Ann Darnell who married John Bradford.)  Addition to Parnership, 200 acres surveyed February 5, 1732 for Charles Digges at the end of the one hundred perches line,
The 4th of Partnership: "January 16, 1761, 30 acres, Addition to Partnership surveyed for Francis Hall.  (ibid).  Second Addition to Partnership, 67 acres surveyed for Francis Hall, 16 January, 1761; Pat. 17 Jan, 1761.
The original grant of this last named tract is in the possession of a direct descendant of Francis Hill, gent., of Prince George's Co., wherein John Digges for 600 pounds sterling, grants...forever unto Francis Hall, part of a tract of land with appurtenaces lying in Pringe George's Co., called Partnership containing 705 acres, formerly on the 8th of June 1736, mortgaged by said John Digges to William Digges of Prince George's Co.; this mortgage was on the 6 October, 1746 assigned by Ignatius and Nicholas Digges, executors of said William Digges, to Charles Carroll, Esq., also all John Digges' right, title, property claim etc., etc. to said Francis Hall, his heirs and assigns forever. Signed by John Digges before Henry and John Darnall. In Lib. T.T. 63, L.O.M is an indenture in which William Digges, "son and executor of Charles Digges," deeds to Francis Hall, part of a tract with appurtenances in Prince George's Co. called Partnership, 736 acres, purchased by Hall of Mr. John Digges, which tract was formerly purchased by Mr. Edward Digges deceased, of Richard Harrison and by said Edward Digges' wishes (will bearing date 10 April, 1714) sold, by his executors Charles and William Digges to Mr. John Digges, so herein William Digges conveys same.  Endorsed March 23, 1763.
Francis Hall was educated in France at the Jesuit College of St. Omer; he returned to inherit a fine home and large estate, being the only surviving son of Benjamin Hall, Senr.  In the Georgetown University Archives, in the History of the Society of Jesus in North America, by T. Hughe s, S. J.., Vol. II, 1645-1773, p. 534, Francis Hall is listed among the Catholic signatories to petitions made to the Governor and Upper House in the James Carroll-WHITE Marsh Controversy. Other signers were Edward Neale, Henry Darnall of Portland Manor, Phillip Darnall, W. Digges, H. Rozer, Basil Waring, Daniel Carroll, Clement Hill, Ignatius Digges, Henry Brooke and Charles Carroll.  (British Museum M.S.S. 15489 f.f. 71, 72.) (Cleone's comment- Much of this information can be found in the Maryland Archives, now on the internet, indexed, with images of pages.  Much more research of original sources should be done here, including the statement of Archbishop John Carroll to Rev. Badin in Kentucky that his cousin Eleanor Bradford Lancaster, was the most gentle Lady in Kentucky.)

Maryland Rent Rolls- Baltimore and Anne Arundel Counties 1700-1707, 1705- 1724
A Consolidation of Article from the Maryland Historical Magazine- With a New Preface by Robert Barnes and a Foreward by Geoge B. Scriven. Reprinted with a New Index by Anita Comtois.  (Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc, Baltimore, 1976) 975.2 M369 NGS Library Loan? (Cleone's Comment: More rent rolls can be found in the 'Calvert Papers. on microfilm- Col l.  Henry Darnall owned large tracts of Maryland property, not only in Baltimore and Ann Arundel Counties. His son Henry also later owned land at Rock Creek Washington D.C.  After 1810 Darnall, Bradford, Carroll, Beale, and Delany were land speculators...  To establish the relationship of John Bradford Jr's marriage to Ann, daughter of Henry Darnall II, the land transactions needed to be studied to show the interaction of the families. ; John Bradford Sr. married Joyce Carroll, I believe was the sister of James Carroll. Another Carrolls is in his will so I have collected much data about the Carrolls, although related through Joyce Carroll, step mother of John Bradford Jr.)  At Rock Creek, Washington D. C., the church had a deed of John Bradford Sr. and wife Joyce, son John Bradford Jr. and wife Annie. (I believe Annie Darnall, daughter of Henry Darnall Jr. The names on this roll to a great extent are not our Southern Maryland names.  John Bradford Court records did not begin until 1708)

p. 18 - Beale's Camp, 1000 acres Sur. the 22nd Septembr 1683 for Ninian Be ale on the head bush river on the north side of the south west branch of the sd river at a bounded wt oak respecting to the land of Mark RICHARDSO N. rent 20 anum 2.__..__

p. 20 - The Reserve, 100 acres Sur. the 2nd Oct 1684 for Coll. Henry Darnall on the west side of the Susequehanna river at a bounded red oak a bounded tree of Langleys tent. rent 20 anum 2.__ ..__

p. 42 - Darnel's Camp, 1000 acr Sur the 7 June 1683 for John Darnall Esqr on the north branch of gunpowder river (north of Baltimore) begining at a bounded tree of adventures.  Addition formerly taken up for George Lingan belonging to Executrs of the sd Darnell Coll Henry Lowe being one of them.

p. 45 - Darnills Silvania, 500 acr Sur. the 28th Sepr 1683 for John Darnell on the head of gunpowder river on the South side of the south branch of the sd river at a bounded popular at the End of the west and the north Line of Darnells Camp and now in the possetion of Coll Henry Lowe and his Execur rent 20 anum 1..__..__ C. Darnells Silvania

p. 95- C. Possr. 185 a Richd Colegate 365 a Jas Carroll. Poss.r John Hurst at present.

. 121 - Portland Mannour; 2000 A: Sur: 6: Decemr 1667 for Jerome WHITE Esq. on the South side of the west line of Ann Arrundell Mannr 5 00 a: pt of this Mannr was sold to Edwd Talbot & the remainder for his Lor dsP for whom the whole was resurd April 4th 1698 & then found to be 2722 A .Possrs 500 A: Widow Talbot, rent --..10..--
1090 A: Coll. Hen: Darnell by grant from his Lordsp, rent 1.. 2..--
1000 A: Hen: Lazenby for Charles Calvert Lazenby, rent 1.._ _..__
132 A. Remains in his Lo p = 2722

p. 127 - St. Jeromes; 300 A: Sur: 6: Xber for Jerome WHITE Esqr at the west corner of the Land called Quick Sale.  This Land was granted to Coll. Hen. Darnall 6th Augt 1700 % now in hiss possession__..6..__
Batchellors Choyce: 300 A: Sur. 20th Xber for Ninian Beal near Lyons Creek, rent Possr. C. Possr Jonathan Scarth of London. __..6..__

p. 129 - Portland Landing; 200 A: Sur: 17 : May 1672 for Jerom WHITE Esqr on the westward of Portland Mannr.  This Land was sold to his LordsP who granted the same to Coll. Hen Darnall 6th Augt 1700 & he is now pos sr thereof. rent __..4..__

p. 136 - Long Lane; 22 A: Sur: 14 Sept: 1698 for Coll Henry Darnall on the south side of Portland Mannr.  Possr John Battie Rent __..__..11
p. 136 - Battie's Purchase; 53 A: Sur: 24 Sept. 1698 for Coll Henry Darnell on the south side of Portland Mannr. ; Possr John Battie Rent __..2 .. 1 1/2

p. 147- Browsly Hall
800 A: Sur: 20th July 1669 for Richd Wells on the Northward of Ann Arrunddell or the Ridge Mannr - Possrs 500 A: Sam Lane; 300 A: James Butler; __800 Rent--.._

p. 154 - Hills Chance; 215 A: Sur: 14 Sep, 1698 for Coll. Hen Darnall lying on the East side of Ann Arr: Mannr 140 acres of this is taken away by an eldr survey of Hopewell soe remains 75 Acres only to be charged.  Possr Wm Cole Rent __..3..__.

p. 178 - Bright Seat; 400 A: Sur. 20th July 1672 for Edwd Price on the South Side of South River.  This land was Escheated to his Lop for want of hei res of . . . & granted ... to James Carroll who now possesses it.  Rent- -..16..--

p. 205 - Batchellors Hope: 240 A: Sur: 15 Feb 1665 for Walter PHELPS & Nic h: Green on the Nor: Side of So: River on the East side of broad Creek.  Possr Charles Carrol Rent __..4..10



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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Henry Darnall

Henry Darnall
Mary Tooke
< 1573-1632
Philip Darnall
1604-± 1677
Mary Breton

Henry Darnall
1645-< 1711

± 1677

Eleanor Hatton
1642-± 1724

Henry Darnall
± 1682-1759
Anne Darnall

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Les sources

  1. "John D Newport," supplied by Newport, Updated: 2015-04-28; copy held by [RESEARCHER & CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PRIVATE USE]\., rootsweb : John. D. Newport, compiled by John D. Newport [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of America
  2. Carroll, Fonda. Rootsweb GEDCOM., Fonda Carroll's Rootsweb GEDCOM
  3. "Thomas A. Stobie, rootsweb, 2009.," supplied by Stobie, july 2014., Thomas A. Stobie, compiled by Thomas A. Stobie SFO [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE\,]
  4. Fonda Carroll
    Date of Import: 1 Aug 2012
  5. Mark Willis Ballard
    Date of Import: 2 Aug 2012
    / RootsWeb's WorldConnect
  6. Trisha Hull Donovan
    Date of Import: 10 Aug, 2012
    / RootsWeb's WorldConnect

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Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
Richard Remmé, "Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Hague, Netherlands", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 21 septembre 2024), "Col. Henry Darnall (1645-< 1711)".