From Castles to America » Howard Eugene Fenstermaker (1918-1959)

Données personnelles Howard Eugene Fenstermaker 

Famille de Howard Eugene Fenstermaker

Il est marié avec Violet.

Ils se sont mariés à Forest Co. Pennsylvania.

Notes par Howard Eugene Fenstermaker

Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I never met Uncle Howard, but I do remember hearing the story of how he died. He was on the roof of one of the churches here in the area, repairing it, when a lightening storm came up. He was struck by lightening, killing him. He was always one of the first to volunteer to help when something needed done. (Seems to be a familial trait:) ) March 22, 2013 at 10:16pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind The one person that may have pictures of him might be my aunt Martha. I will ask around and see if there are any family pictures to share. I do have a picture of grandpa with my dad and his brothers that I could send you if I had a scanner. Maybe have my daughter do it the next time she is home, with her phone. March 22, 2013 at 10:18pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley That I didn't know, never met him in person. All things I found out about him through researching . Was your Grandpa Harold or Harry ? David and Lola must have like "H" for boys names .. Would love any copies of pictures , stories, funeral cards, obituaries . I have tried to find his death certificate on line for Oct 6, 1959 and have had no luck at all. Thank you so much for sharing this story . And I'm so glad that such volunteering , charity and big hearts have been part of the family. My father was a jerk, but his brother my Uncle Phil took part of my heart with him when he died of prostrate cancer . Thank you for at least trying and if you can't , I would love to pay you for a photo copy if you want to mail a copy to me. Let me know March 22, 2013 at 10:44pm · Like · 1 .. Marsha Binkley His grave is on Find A Grave web sight and is memorial #92770009. In case you want to visit. Howard died just 7 months after my Mom died. March 22, 2013 at 10:48pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind His name was Harry. Whatever pictures I can come up with, I will have my daughter, Megan, take pictures with her phone and send them to you. Our immediate part of the Fenstermaker family has always been big on helping, especially other members of the family. I can remember, as a young child, we would all gather at grandpa's for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Talk about a big group! It was the only time us kids were ever allowed in the "parlor"! We would all bring food, exchange gifts, take pictures and sing together. So much fun! There were at least 60 people in the house at this time! Not much room to move around but we had a great time. I miss those gatherings! March 22, 2013 at 10:57pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I'm really sorry to hear that your father was such a jerk but am truly thankful that your uncle stood in his place! We all need someone we can look to for that "fatherly" figure! And, when our earthly fathers fail, our Heavenly Father will never fail or falter. So thankful for that! March 22, 2013 at 10:59pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley So Harry and Gertrude were your grandparents ? Was Leroy your Dad ? I appreciate that , I have thought all these years that I got my big heart from just my Mom, but looks like it skipped my father and found me from the Fenstermacher family as well. Your sweet , blessings for you my 6th cousin March 22, 2013 at 11:00pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Praise God I have always had Him. Would not be here without His love and protection . I met my Uncle when I was in my 20's really and we hit it off right away . He helped me a lot on my research and it was something we both wanted to continue together . Can just imagine him saying from Heaven, I'm here with everyone .. Thank you for sharing , brought tears to my eyes. I was raised as an orphan and never knew times like that . My Mom died when I was 8 , but have always made sure my sons got this and our grandchildren as well. March 22, 2013 at 11:03pm · Like · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yes, Harry and Gertrude were my grandparents. Grandma passed away on July 1st, 1965. I never got to meet her. Grandpa passed the summer of 1970. Don was my dad. My mom's name is Carole Marie Brenner Fenstermaker. March 22, 2013 at 11:04pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind If there is anything I can help you with from this end, just let me know. I will message you with our phone number and address. March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I met our "Father" when I was 12 years old. So thankful for His guidance and loving hand all these years later! March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Your Grandma was just 3 years older than I will be in July March 22, 2013 at 11:06pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yeah, but she also had 12 kids! lol! When in July? March 22, 2013 at 11:07pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Your birthday is 5 days before mine! You have been blessed by a large family as well...that is awesome. Sorry for your losses though. My daughter has had 4 pregnancies; lost 3 and is currently pregnant with what appears to be the first viable pregnancy for her. She is my only child, married, 20 years old. She is currently 17 weeks a long. March 22, 2013 at 11:11pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Prayers of blessings for her. I was 5 months when I was beaten badly by my ex and lost my 1st daughter, Aug 25, 1971 I lost a twin son John Carl Jeffries to my son Joshua still living and my wonderful hubby Dave Binkley and I lost a son Paul Aaron Jan 1986 and then a daughter Sarah Ellen July 13, 1986 . I was 13 weeks pregnant with each they were etopic babies March 22, 2013 at 11:14pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Write a comment... .. . Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I never met Uncle Howard, but I do remember hearing the story of how he died. He was on the roof of one of the churches here in the area, repairing it, when a lightening storm came up. He was struck by lightening, killing him. He was always one of the first to volunteer to help when something needed done. (Seems to be a familial trait:) ) March 22, 2013 at 10:16pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind The one person that may have pictures of him might be my aunt Martha. I will ask around and see if there are any family pictures to share. I do have a picture of grandpa with my dad and his brothers that I could send you if I had a scanner. Maybe have my daughter do it the next time she is home, with her phone. March 22, 2013 at 10:18pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley That I didn't know, never met him in person. All things I found out about him through researching . Was your Grandpa Harold or Harry ? David and Lola must have like "H" for boys names .. Would love any copies of pictures , stories, funeral cards, obituaries . I have tried to find his death certificate on line for Oct 6, 1959 and have had no luck at all. Thank you so much for sharing this story . And I'm so glad that such volunteering , charity and big hearts have been part of the family. My father was a jerk, but his brother my Uncle Phil took part of my heart with him when he died of prostrate cancer . Thank you for at least trying and if you can't , I would love to pay you for a photo copy if you want to mail a copy to me. Let me know March 22, 2013 at 10:44pm · Like · 1 .. Marsha Binkley His grave is on Find A Grave web sight and is memorial #92770009. In case you want to visit. Howard died just 7 months after my Mom died. March 22, 2013 at 10:48pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind His name was Harry. Whatever pictures I can come up with, I will have my daughter, Megan, take pictures with her phone and send them to you. Our immediate part of the Fenstermaker family has always been big on helping, especially other members of the family. I can remember, as a young child, we would all gather at grandpa's for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Talk about a big group! It was the only time us kids were ever allowed in the "parlor"! We would all bring food, exchange gifts, take pictures and sing together. So much fun! There were at least 60 people in the house at this time! Not much room to move around but we had a great time. I miss those gatherings! March 22, 2013 at 10:57pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I'm really sorry to hear that your father was such a jerk but am truly thankful that your uncle stood in his place! We all need someone we can look to for that "fatherly" figure! And, when our earthly fathers fail, our Heavenly Father will never fail or falter. So thankful for that! March 22, 2013 at 10:59pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley So Harry and Gertrude were your grandparents ? Was Leroy your Dad ? I appreciate that , I have thought all these years that I got my big heart from just my Mom, but looks like it skipped my father and found me from the Fenstermacher family as well. Your sweet , blessings for you my 6th cousin March 22, 2013 at 11:00pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Praise God I have always had Him. Would not be here without His love and protection . I met my Uncle when I was in my 20's really and we hit it off right away . He helped me a lot on my research and it was something we both wanted to continue together . Can just imagine him saying from Heaven, I'm here with everyone .. Thank you for sharing , brought tears to my eyes. I was raised as an orphan and never knew times like that . My Mom died when I was 8 , but have always made sure my sons got this and our grandchildren as well. March 22, 2013 at 11:03pm · Like · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yes, Harry and Gertrude were my grandparents. Grandma passed away on July 1st, 1965. I never got to meet her. Grandpa passed the summer of 1970. Don was my dad. My mom's name is Carole Marie Brenner Fenstermaker. March 22, 2013 at 11:04pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind If there is anything I can help you with from this end, just let me know. I will message you with our phone number and address. March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I met our "Father" when I was 12 years old. So thankful for His guidance and loving hand all these years later! March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Your Grandma was just 3 years older than I will be in July March 22, 2013 at 11:06pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yeah, but she also had 12 kids! lol! When in July? March 22, 2013 at 11:07pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Your birthday is 5 days before mine! You have been blessed by a large family as well...that is awesome. Sorry for your losses though. My daughter has had 4 pregnancies; lost 3 and is currently pregnant with what appears to be the first viable pregnancy for her. She is my only child, married, 20 years old. She is currently 17 weeks a long. March 22, 2013 at 11:11pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Prayers of blessings for her. I was 5 months when I was beaten badly by my ex and lost my 1st daughter, Aug 25, 1971 I lost a twin son John Carl Jeffries to my son Joshua still living and my wonderful hubby Dave Binkley and I lost a son Paul Aaron Jan 1986 and then a daughter Sarah Ellen July 13, 1986 . I was 13 weeks pregnant with each they were etopic babies March 22, 2013 at 11:14pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Write a comment... .. . Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I never met Uncle Howard, but I do remember hearing the story of how he died. He was on the roof of one of the churches here in the area, repairing it, when a lightening storm came up. He was struck by lightening, killing him. He was always one of the first to volunteer to help when something needed done. (Seems to be a familial trait:) ) March 22, 2013 at 10:16pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind The one person that may have pictures of him might be my aunt Martha. I will ask around and see if there are any family pictures to share. I do have a picture of grandpa with my dad and his brothers that I could send you if I had a scanner. Maybe have my daughter do it the next time she is home, with her phone. March 22, 2013 at 10:18pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley That I didn't know, never met him in person. All things I found out about him through researching . Was your Grandpa Harold or Harry ? David and Lola must have like "H" for boys names .. Would love any copies of pictures , stories, funeral cards, obituaries . I have tried to find his death certificate on line for Oct 6, 1959 and have had no luck at all. Thank you so much for sharing this story . And I'm so glad that such volunteering , charity and big hearts have been part of the family. My father was a jerk, but his brother my Uncle Phil took part of my heart with him when he died of prostrate cancer . Thank you for at least trying and if you can't , I would love to pay you for a photo copy if you want to mail a copy to me. Let me know March 22, 2013 at 10:44pm · Like · 1 .. Marsha Binkley His grave is on Find A Grave web sight and is memorial #92770009. In case you want to visit. Howard died just 7 months after my Mom died. March 22, 2013 at 10:48pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind His name was Harry. Whatever pictures I can come up with, I will have my daughter, Megan, take pictures with her phone and send them to you. Our immediate part of the Fenstermaker family has always been big on helping, especially other members of the family. I can remember, as a young child, we would all gather at grandpa's for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Talk about a big group! It was the only time us kids were ever allowed in the "parlor"! We would all bring food, exchange gifts, take pictures and sing together. So much fun! There were at least 60 people in the house at this time! Not much room to move around but we had a great time. I miss those gatherings! March 22, 2013 at 10:57pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I'm really sorry to hear that your father was such a jerk but am truly thankful that your uncle stood in his place! We all need someone we can look to for that "fatherly" figure! And, when our earthly fathers fail, our Heavenly Father will never fail or falter. So thankful for that! March 22, 2013 at 10:59pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley So Harry and Gertrude were your grandparents ? Was Leroy your Dad ? I appreciate that , I have thought all these years that I got my big heart from just my Mom, but looks like it skipped my father and found me from the Fenstermacher family as well. Your sweet , blessings for you my 6th cousin March 22, 2013 at 11:00pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Praise God I have always had Him. Would not be here without His love and protection . I met my Uncle when I was in my 20's really and we hit it off right away . He helped me a lot on my research and it was something we both wanted to continue together . Can just imagine him saying from Heaven, I'm here with everyone .. Thank you for sharing , brought tears to my eyes. I was raised as an orphan and never knew times like that . My Mom died when I was 8 , but have always made sure my sons got this and our grandchildren as well. March 22, 2013 at 11:03pm · Like · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yes, Harry and Gertrude were my grandparents. Grandma passed away on July 1st, 1965. I never got to meet her. Grandpa passed the summer of 1970. Don was my dad. My mom's name is Carole Marie Brenner Fenstermaker. March 22, 2013 at 11:04pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind If there is anything I can help you with from this end, just let me know. I will message you with our phone number and address. March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I met our "Father" when I was 12 years old. So thankful for His guidance and loving hand all these years later! March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Your Grandma was just 3 years older than I will be in July March 22, 2013 at 11:06pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yeah, but she also had 12 kids! lol! When in July? March 22, 2013 at 11:07pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Your birthday is 5 days before mine! You have been blessed by a large family as well...that is awesome. Sorry for your losses though. My daughter has had 4 pregnancies; lost 3 and is currently pregnant with what appears to be the first viable pregnancy for her. She is my only child, married, 20 years old. She is currently 17 weeks a long. March 22, 2013 at 11:11pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Prayers of blessings for her. I was 5 months when I was beaten badly by my ex and lost my 1st daughter, Aug 25, 1971 I lost a twin son John Carl Jeffries to my son Joshua still living and my wonderful hubby Dave Binkley and I lost a son Paul Aaron Jan 1986 and then a daughter Sarah Ellen July 13, 1986 . I was 13 weeks pregnant with each they were etopic babies March 22, 2013 at 11:14pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Write a comment... .. . Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I never met Uncle Howard, but I do remember hearing the story of how he died. He was on the roof of one of the churches here in the area, repairing it, when a lightening storm came up. He was struck by lightening, killing him. He was always one of the first to volunteer to help when something needed done. (Seems to be a familial trait:) ) March 22, 2013 at 10:16pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind The one person that may have pictures of him might be my aunt Martha. I will ask around and see if there are any family pictures to share. I do have a picture of grandpa with my dad and his brothers that I could send you if I had a scanner. Maybe have my daughter do it the next time she is home, with her phone. March 22, 2013 at 10:18pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley That I didn't know, never met him in person. All things I found out about him through researching . Was your Grandpa Harold or Harry ? David and Lola must have like "H" for boys names .. Would love any copies of pictures , stories, funeral cards, obituaries . I have tried to find his death certificate on line for Oct 6, 1959 and have had no luck at all. Thank you so much for sharing this story . And I'm so glad that such volunteering , charity and big hearts have been part of the family. My father was a jerk, but his brother my Uncle Phil took part of my heart with him when he died of prostrate cancer . Thank you for at least trying and if you can't , I would love to pay you for a photo copy if you want to mail a copy to me. Let me know March 22, 2013 at 10:44pm · Like · 1 .. Marsha Binkley His grave is on Find A Grave web sight and is memorial #92770009. In case you want to visit. Howard died just 7 months after my Mom died. March 22, 2013 at 10:48pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind His name was Harry. Whatever pictures I can come up with, I will have my daughter, Megan, take pictures with her phone and send them to you. Our immediate part of the Fenstermaker family has always been big on helping, especially other members of the family. I can remember, as a young child, we would all gather at grandpa's for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Talk about a big group! It was the only time us kids were ever allowed in the "parlor"! We would all bring food, exchange gifts, take pictures and sing together. So much fun! There were at least 60 people in the house at this time! Not much room to move around but we had a great time. I miss those gatherings! March 22, 2013 at 10:57pm · Unlike · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I'm really sorry to hear that your father was such a jerk but am truly thankful that your uncle stood in his place! We all need someone we can look to for that "fatherly" figure! And, when our earthly fathers fail, our Heavenly Father will never fail or falter. So thankful for that! March 22, 2013 at 10:59pm · Unlike · 1 .. Marsha Binkley So Harry and Gertrude were your grandparents ? Was Leroy your Dad ? I appreciate that , I have thought all these years that I got my big heart from just my Mom, but looks like it skipped my father and found me from the Fenstermacher family as well. Your sweet , blessings for you my 6th cousin March 22, 2013 at 11:00pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Praise God I have always had Him. Would not be here without His love and protection . I met my Uncle when I was in my 20's really and we hit it off right away . He helped me a lot on my research and it was something we both wanted to continue together . Can just imagine him saying from Heaven, I'm here with everyone .. Thank you for sharing , brought tears to my eyes. I was raised as an orphan and never knew times like that . My Mom died when I was 8 , but have always made sure my sons got this and our grandchildren as well. March 22, 2013 at 11:03pm · Like · 1 .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yes, Harry and Gertrude were my grandparents. Grandma passed away on July 1st, 1965. I never got to meet her. Grandpa passed the summer of 1970. Don was my dad. My mom's name is Carole Marie Brenner Fenstermaker. March 22, 2013 at 11:04pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind If there is anything I can help you with from this end, just let me know. I will message you with our phone number and address. March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind I met our "Father" when I was 12 years old. So thankful for His guidance and loving hand all these years later! March 22, 2013 at 11:05pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Your Grandma was just 3 years older than I will be in July March 22, 2013 at 11:06pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Yeah, but she also had 12 kids! lol! When in July? March 22, 2013 at 11:07pm · Like .. Theresa Fenstermaker Lind Your birthday is 5 days before mine! You have been blessed by a large family as well...that is awesome. Sorry for your losses though. My daughter has had 4 pregnancies; lost 3 and is currently pregnant with what appears to be the first viable pregnancy for her. She is my only child, married, 20 years old. She is currently 17 weeks a long. March 22, 2013 at 11:11pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Prayers of blessings for her. I was 5 months when I was beaten badly by my ex and lost my 1st daughter, Aug 25, 1971 I lost a twin son John Carl Jeffries to my son Joshua still living and my wonderful hubby Dave Binkley and I lost a son Paul Aaron Jan 1986 and then a daughter Sarah Ellen July 13, 1986 . I was 13 weeks pregnant with each they were etopic babies March 22, 2013 at 11:14pm · Like .. Marsha Binkley Write a comment... .. . met Uncle Howard, but I do remember hearing the story of how he died. He was on the roof of one of the churches here in the area, repairing it, when a lightening storm came up. He was struck by lightening, killing him. He was always one of the first to volunteer to help when something needed done. (Seems to be a familial trait:) ) March 22, 2013 at 10:16pm · Unlike · 1 Theresa Fenstermaker Lind The one person that may have pictures of him might be my aunt Martha. I will ask around and see if there are any family pictures to share. I do have a picture of grandpa with my dad and his brothers that I could send you if I had a scanner. Maybe have my daughter do it the next time she is home, with her phone. March 22, 2013 at 10:18pm · Unlike · 1 Marsha Binkley That I didn't know, never met him in person. All things I found out about him through researching . Was your Grandpa Harold or Harry ? David and Lola must have like "H" for boys names .. Would love any copies of pictures , stories, funeral cards, obituaries . I have tried to find his death certificate on line for Oct 6, 1959 and have had no luck at all. Thank you so much for sharing this story . And I'm so glad that such volunteering , charity and big hearts have been part of the family. My father was a jerk, but his

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Howard Eugene Fenstermaker

Howard Eugene Fenstermaker


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Événements historiques

  • La température au 15 janvier 1918 était entre -0.1 et 7,6 °C et était d'une moyenne de 2,8 °C. Il y avait 20,6 mm de précipitation. La force moyenne du vent était de 5 Bft (vent assez fort) et venait principalement du sud-ouest. Source: KNMI
  • Du 29 août 1913 au 9 septembre 1918 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Cort van der Linden avec comme premier ministre Mr. P.W.A. Cort van der Linden (liberaal).
  • Du 9 septembre 1918 au 18 septembre 1922 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Ruys de Beerenbrouck I avec comme premier ministre Jonkheer mr. Ch.J.M. Ruys de Beerenbrouck (RKSP).
  • En l'an 1918: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 6,6 millions d'habitants.
    • 4 janvier » Allemagne, France, Suède et Russie reconnaissent la l'indépendance de la Finlande.
    • 31 janvier » bataille de l'île de May.
    • 24 avril » premier combat de chars d'assaut dans l'histoire, à Villers-Bretonneux, entre les Mark IV britanniques et les A7V allemands (première guerre mondiale).
    • 3 novembre » signature de l’armistice de Villa Giusti, qui marque la fin des hostilités entre l'Empire austro-hongrois et la Triple-Entente, au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale.
    • 8 novembre » abdication du duc Ernest-Auguste III de Brunswick, gendre du Kaiser.
    • 22 novembre » |la ville de Strasbourg redevient française.
  • La température au 6 octobre 1959 était entre 2,1 et 19,6 °C et était d'une moyenne de 11,0 °C. Il y avait 9,7 heures de soleil (86%). La force moyenne du vent était de 4 Bft (vent modéré) et venait principalement du est. Source: KNMI
  • Du 22 décembre 1957 au 19 mai 1959 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Beel II avec comme premier ministre Dr. L.J.M. Beel (KVP).
  • Du 19 mai 1959 au 24 juillet 1964 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet De Quay avec comme premier ministre Prof. dr. J.E. de Quay (KVP).
  • En l'an 1959: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 11,3 millions d'habitants.
    • 7 janvier » les États-Unis reconnaissent le régime cubain de Fidel Castro.
    • 17 janvier » naissance de la Fédération du Mali.
    • 19 février » |un accord reconnaissant l'indépendance de Chypre est signé à Londres par la Grèce, la Turquie et la Grande-Bretagne.
    • 29 avril » la création du gouvernement tibétain en exil est proclamée.
    • 29 juillet » Hawaii vote pour la première fois en qualité d’État américain et envoie des représentants au Congrès.
    • 20 novembre » |proclamation de la Déclaration des droits de l'enfant.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Sur le nom de famille Fenstermaker

Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
Marsha Fenstermacher - Binkley, "From Castles to America", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 22 juin 2024), "Howard Eugene Fenstermaker (1918-1959)".