Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA » Sir Alan Zouche Knight (± 1203-1270)

Données personnelles Sir Alan Zouche Knight 

Source 1
  • Aussi connu(e) sous le nom de Sir Knight.
  • Il est né environ 1203 dans Ashby, Leicestershire, England.
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2022.
    22 Gens. (AC: Liz Brkly, 1390)
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2023.
    23 Gens. (AC: Edmnd Suttn, 1421; Thos Clffrd, 1414)
  • (Fact 2) dans England.
    Sir Knight
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2024.
    24 Gens. (AC: Isbl Grene, 1430; Mry Fnwck, 1415; Thos Clffrd, 1414; Elnr Holnd, 1405; Rlph Nvll, 1364)
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2025.
    25 Gens. (AC: Jhn Bigod, 1475; Thos Brooke, 1465; Felc Denstn, 1433; Thos Grenvlle, 1428; Hnry Grey, 1419)
  • (Election) dans London, Middlesex, England.
    Constable of The Tower of London
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2026.
    26 Gens. (AC: Mrg Kynastn, 1462)
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2027.
    27 Gens. (AC: Thos Stewkley, 1498; Jhn Bigod, 1475; Mrg Kynastn, 1462)
  • (Fact 1) le 19 novembre 2028.
    28 Gens. (AC: Liz Stwrt, 1497)
  • Il est décédé le 10 août 1270 dans Hampshire, England.
  • Un enfant de Roger Zouche et Margaret Annora Biset

Famille de Sir Alan Zouche Knight

Il est marié avec Ela Helen Elena Quincy.

Ils se sont mariés avant le 1242 à Winchester, Hampshire, England.


  1. Roger Zouche  ± 1242-1285 
  2. Eudo Eudes Zouche  ± 1244-1295 
  3. Margaret Zouche  1251-1329 

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Alan Zouche

Alan Zouche
Henry Biset
Aubrey Lacy
Roger Zouche
1182-± 1211

Alan Zouche
± 1203-1270

< 1242
Roger Zouche
± 1242-1285
Eudo Eudes Zouche
± 1244-1295

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    Les sources

    1. WikiTree, via
      Alan La ZOUCHE (Sir Knight)

      Born: ABT 1203, Ashby, Leicestershire, England

      Died: 10 Aug 1270

      Notes: in the 26th year of Henry III, had a military summons to attend the King into France, and in ten years afterwards had the whole county of Chester, and all North Wales placed under his government. In the 45th year of the same reign he obtained a charter for a weekly market at Ashby-La -Zouche, in Leicestershire, and for two fairs in the year at Swavesey. ABT the same time he was constituted warden of all the King's forests south of Trent, as also Sheriff of Northamptonshire. In the 46th year of Henry III, he was made Justice Itinerant for the cos. of Southampton, Buckingham, and Northampton; and upon the arbitration made by Louis, King of France, between Henry III and the barons, he was one of the sureties on the behalf of the King. In three years afterwards he was constituted Constable of the Tower of London, and Governor of the castle at Northampton. He was violently assaulted in Westminster Hall, in 1268, by John, Earl of Warren and Surrey, upon occasion of a dispute between them regarding some landed property, and with his son, Roger, who happened to be with him, severely wounded.

      Father: Roger La ZOUCHE

      Mother: Margaret ?

      Married: Ela De QUINCY (b. ABT 1220 - d. BEF 20 Aug 1296) (dau. and heir of Roger De Quincy, Earl of Winchester, and Ela Macdonald) BEF 1242, Winchester, Hampshire, England


      1. Helene La ZOUCHE (b. 1242)

      2. Roger La ZOUCHE

      3. Eudo La ZOUCHE

      4. William La ZOUCHE

      5. Alan La ZOUCHE

      6. Oliver La ZOUCHE (b. 1246)

      7. Margaret La ZOUCHE

      8. Henry La ZOUCHE (b. 1248)

      9. Robert La ZOUCHE

      10. Alice La ZOUCHE

      11. Maud ZOUCHE (b. 1254)

    Des liens dans d'autres publications

    On rencontre cette personne aussi dans la publication:

    Même jour de naissance/décès

    Source: Wikipedia

    Sur le nom de famille Zouche

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    • Afficher des informations sur Zouche sur le site Archives Ouvertes.
    • Trouvez dans le registre Wie (onder)zoekt wie? qui recherche le nom de famille Zouche.

    Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
    Tommy Fox, "Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 31 octobre 2024), "Sir Alan Zouche Knight (± 1203-1270)".