Anthony Willis family tree » Mary Lavern Banks (1900-1981)

Données personnelles Mary Lavern Banks 

Source 1Les sources 1, 2

Famille de Mary Lavern Banks

Elle est mariée avec Fredrick Orval Singleton.

Ils se sont mariés le 14 juin 1923 à Provo, Utah, Utah, United States, elle avait 22 ans.Source 3

Ils se sont mariés en l'an 1925 à Provo, Utah, Utah, elle avait 24 ans.Source 3


Notes par Mary Lavern Banks

Bio of Mary Lavern Banks, written by her own hand.
Page 1) Willard Banks together with his brother-in-law W.O. Creer and brothers Billy and Dave had left from Spanish Fork Utah to Bannock Co Idaho to help build an irrigation canal. When the canal was completed they men could not get their money, so decided to homestead land and use the water for irrigation. So in 1895 Willard moved his family to Bancroft while he build a house on his land, which was about 10 miles N.E. He had to go into the canyon, chop down the trees, haul the logs down across the canal and build the house. April 6, 1896 Glen Williams was born in Bancroft. Later that year Willard moved his family into the two room log house. Willard had also made a cupboard, a long table with a bench on each side, a large flour bin and wash stand. The next spring he added two additional rooms. There were two steps down from the front room into the kitchen. At first there was a home woven carpet on the front room floor and
Page 2) front bedroom floor. Later a reversible boughten (?) carper in the front room. July 31, 1898 Mable Myrtle was born. The oldest sister Esther (Ettie) married W.O. Creer. Elizabeth the second girl lived much of the time with her Grandmother Sarah J.B. Banks in Spanish Fork.
It was a cold wintery morning on November 3. Esther A. Banks was to have her 11th child. One had died as an infant. Jennie Maud. She was the 5th child. This would be the 10th living child. Willard had gone to the neighbors James to get Mrs. James to come to help. They lived about ½ mile away. The nearest Dr. was Dr. Kackley in Soda Springs ten miles away. In those days Mid-wives attended women while giving birth to a baby. Esther herself had been with most of the women in the valley during similar circumstances. When Willard and Mrs. James arrived at the house, Esther had already given birth to a baby girl with dark hair & eyes. Like her fathers.
Page 3) Many pioneer women and the women in the valley were truly pioneer women had given birth to children unassisted. This baby was given the name of Mary. After her mother’s youngest sister & Lavern after Lavern Moore of Spanish Fork because they liked the name. She was called Lavern.
Page 4) The early childhood of Mary Lavern was spent in this valley. She was content with the simple things of life. Never having anything else, Mable & Lavern often played on the ditch bank, where Papa irrigated, in the high clover with old boxed and bottles with cotton or corn silk for hair called “Bottle Kids” for dolls or dolls made from Hollyhocks. Glen made a small doll buggy out of a large corn beef can and spools for wheels. He also made a small bobsleigh. He carved the runners & put metal on them to make them slick. In the winter we would go up above the frozen canal and coast down the hill into the yard. We went to town and to church in a sleigh with a wagon box on bobsleigh runners. The wagon box would have lots of
Page 5) straw in it with heavy quilts & hot rocks to keep our feet warm. The winters were very long and cold. In the house we used stoves and burned wood cut & hauled from the canyon in the fall of the year. In the spring we would go on the hills in front of our house & gather wild flowers. Lady slippers and Buttercups. I have never seen any since I left there. Also Blue Bells & Indian Paint Brushes. We always watched for the water cress in James spring. The first green food in the spring. I have always liked watercress. Mother some time gave us a lunch and we would go out into the pasture and eat it. We always watched for the first Meadow Larks. I always loved to hear the Larks sing in the spring. Remember first circus in Bancroft. Fascinated by the ladies hanging by their teeth & hair.
Lavern was always small for her age in fact her mother wondered if she was going to be normal size for two or three years she didn’t grow very much. Papa was presiding Elder or acting bishop.
Page 6) When Lavern was just 9 months old her father had trouble with his eyes. Father & Mother went to S.S. (assume Soda Springs) where father had one of his eyes removed. Elizabeth, second oldest sister, was home at the time and took care of Lavern and looked after the house & family.
One the first things Lavern remembers is Papa marrying a young couple that came to our house. (Can’t make out the word) was part of the Hatch Ward. Being too far away to attend Hatch Ward every week, we attended conference in Hatch, Father was called presiding Elder and acted as a bishop. The man father married, died a year later leaving his widow & a tiny son. First dead person I ever saw.
I remember my father as always being so pleasant. I don’t remember him ever being cross or angry. He often say by the stove in the kitchen with Mable and I on this knees, and he would sing “Two Little Girls in Blue.” I remember going to Bancroft with Papa and Mama with a wagon load of grain. Father bought me a sack of hard tack candy. I put it on a
Page 7) table in the front room. After supper I went to get the candy. My brothers had eaten it. I cried because I was saving it for my Papa, as I called him.
In April of 1905, Papa was busy with the lambing season. He was bitten by a wood tick. He developed spotted fever, from which caused his death. He was buried in Lund Idaho.
Papa staked out where our new house was to be built. Just south of the old house. The house was never started. The following fall…
Earl, Glen and Mable had Typhoid fever. Nothing was known about bacteria in those days. Earl had an abscess on his lung. Dr. Kackley operated upon him. He wore a tube in his back for over a year. He wore a bandage around his chest. We had no adhesive tape in those days. Glen had an abscess by his navel. It broke & run for a long time. Mable had internal
Page 8) infection. Mother and the boys went to Soda Springs a day or two before Xmas to Xmas shopping. Mable was given her gifts Xmas Eve. She died Xmas morning. I hung up a pair of black stockings my mother had knit for me. I was given Mable’s Xmas presents. Mama kept her filled stockings for a long time.
A few days after Xmas, Mother, Ann, Glen and I went to Logan. I remember the boys taking us to Bancroft at night in the bobsleigh to get the train. We stayed in Logan until spring. Mother did work in the Temple. Ann & Glen went to school. I went to Kindergarten with Lora and Lenn (?)
In the spring we went back to our home in Idaho.
The first circus I ever saw was in Bancroft. I wasn’t very old
I remember going to Hatch to
Page 9) conference, as Ivans was part of the Hatch ward. I also remember going to Hatch with my mother to get seed peas.
Annie Banks came to stay with us. Elias, her little son, had Typhoid. He was on a diet of soda & graham crackers. Louisa and I coaxed for them all the time.
The next year Mama leased the farm and Mama, Ann, Glen & I lived in Uncle Dave’s old two room log house. Glen worked for Uncle Dave and received a little of nothing.
In July of 1908 we came to Provo to visit Ettie. May was living with Ettie & Will, Etties husband talked Mama into selling the farm & buying a house in Provo at 127 East 5 So. Mother worked hard she took in boarders. We lived in this house 4 years. I went to the Maeser School. Miss Knudsen was my
Page 10) first (2 grade) teacher. Miss Strong 3 grade. Mr. Bushman 4th grade. Ms. Page 5 grade. Mr. Cash 6th grade. I was only in Mr. Cash room about a month when my mother died. Oct. 24. 1912. This changed my whole life. I lost her just when I needed her most.
I went to live with my sister May & Arnold Dixon. Glen went to live with Ettie. Ann was married to Karl Bandley the next month. They were to have been married in September, but mother became so sick, they postponed it until Nov. 27 after mother died.
Lavern lived with May for 5 years she went to the Timpanogos School. She made all new friends. She was accepted as one of the Dixons & Taylors.
Dec. 11. May & Arnold’s first child Howard was born. Lavern loved him very much. She always liked children. When he was about 2 ½ years old he had scarlet fever. We were quarantined for 6 weeks. Not permitted
Page 11) to leave the house. I did not graduate from the 8th grade, as I was quarantined at the time. Arnold stayed over at his sisters Aunt Rye Taylor.
In the fall rather than take the 8th grade over, I went to the B.Y. High School. I took a business course.
In June 1918 I went to Idaho and spent the summer on my sister’s ranch. My niece Lora who is 17 months older than I, did the cooking that summer. I really worked hard, we did have some fun we went to dances in the Lund Ward school house, In Grace, Bancroft, Soda Springs and Lava Hot Springs. We went to Grace most of the time. I always loved to dance. I sand in church several times. I taught a class in Sunday School. Ralph Cravew (sp?) from Provo, who was working on the ranch took me out. In the fall of 1918 the flu was so bad. The schools, church
Page 12) was closed most everyone had it. Everyone wore a mask. Several died with it.
The next year I went to school again. I graduated from High School, but had no graduation dress, so didn’t march in with the graduates. I didn’t get my graduation certificate.
Arnold Dixon helped me to get a part time job at the Farmers & Merchants Bank. After school was out in the spring I worked full time during the summer. The next fall, I took two classes in the morning & worked the rest of the day for $75 a month. That was good money then. During the next three years, I lived a few months with Elsie & Wanda on 4 So. 1 W. Nearly froze. Jack was working out around Vernal. I also lived a few months with Mae & Harold Banks as Allen was working on construction. I also lived with Elizabeth. She and Ott went to Pocatello.
Page 13) where he was working on cement construction. Verda & I hatched (??) it for a little over a month, then I was married June 14, 1923. Verda & Sheldon were married July 14, 1923.
In the spring of 1920 Bess Banks was living at Etties also and going to school. She had a cousin, Lucille Peterson, from Spanish Fork also going to the Y. She rode back and forth on the old Oren train. Lucille Peterson invited Bess and I to come over to a Band dance, I believe it was a prom. I never could understand how Ettie let me go, as she was always so strict, and especially about going to public dances and especially out of town. Well at this dance I met Orval Singleton. He made a date to take me to the show the next night Sat. and to the vaudeville on Wed night. He took me out quite a bit.
Page 14) that spring & summer. In the fall we started going steady. We were married in the morning, Thursday June 14, by Bishop L.L. Nelson at Mar & Arnolds. Bess, Vera & Seymour stood up with us. We left soon after we were married and went to Idaho on a little week end trip with Wilford Gray – Bess – Verda. We came back Sunday night and had a reception at Mary’s Monday night. The reason we waited several days, was because Florenea Creer, Elizabeth’s 17 year old daughter died a week before we were married. She had infection in the inner ear.
Orval & I lived in Elizabeth’s for the first month after we were married. Verda went to Idaho to be with her mother. Then we moved to a little old house in the back of the lot on 1st So between 1-2 West.
Page 15) We lived there from July to the first of November. We moved to Spencer Clarks basement apt. on 130 No 5 W. we stayed there until the next Aug. It was so damp so we moved out and over into the Maihen Row where we lived when Veloy was born. We had fun while we lived there. The Whit Hover Glenn Simmons, Dan Pawelson. Cecil Larseus & us. The Tolloes on the corner. Just before Dick was born we moved into the WM Dunn home on 191 W. 2 So. We enjoyed being close the Singleton family. Two years later we moved into Morris Grays house 2 W. 2 So. Veloy walked to Kindergarten. I worked in the primary. When Dick was 5 ½ years old in Nov. we moved to Anson Hatch home. In the basement. It was across the street from the old Parker school. Dick just had to go to the corner
Page 16) west and cross the street to the Meno Trope Hall to kindergarten, where Veloy went the year before. In June we bought our first home 224 No 4th East. I loved it. It had a fireplace & a shower in it. The one thing I love it best for was because my two youngest boys were born there. Gary – Aug 12, 1933 Ray March 31, 1936. It was when Ray was small that Dad & I went to Colton, UT one New Year’s & brought back a little puppy. We named him Whimpy. We all loved him. While living here, Dick broke his elbow, Ray was bit on the face by a dog and kicked in the mouth by a horse. Orval decided to sell and move. Another reason I hard to move, my sister May lived across the street. Ann lived 3 blocks north. Elizabeth 3 blocks So. & 1 East. I was very upset because we handled it thru the Gray’s and I am sure they beat us out of quite a bit. After 10 years we only got $1000 equity in the place. That didn’t sound right. We had to take an old house in trade on 396 W 3 So. We bought another cheap house on 1 No. 7 – 8 W. and lived in it one winter. In the summer we moved to 396 W 3 So and in Sept to Springville where Orval had started to work. We lived there two years. The people sold the house we were renting and the people moved in on us. We couldn’t get the people out of 396 W 3 So so we stayed at Fred & Dora’s for a month 4 kids & a dog. I was working in Firmages. We finally got the people out of our house. They had started to buy it and didn’t want to move. We didn’t know they were buying
Page 18) it and couldn’t find another house. It was wartime and no building going on. Veloy was in her Sr. year in High School, so rode back & forth on the Orem train to school in Springville. Dad did also, as we had no car at the time. Veloy graduated from Springville High School. She had such good friends. Lois Hansen, Beth Stebbins, Lilly Mae Whicker, Jenevive Boyer, LaRayne Thorne.
Veloy went to college at the Y. She got a job in the book store to help pay her way. She was active in dramatics and musicals. She took part in several plays and musicals. She was especially good in the play ‘Dear Ruth’. She took the part of Miriam the younger sister. She started to work at the State Bank, where worked for about 3 years. She met Merman Allenbach who came to Provo to go to the Y. He came early and worked
Page 19) in a cannery before school started. Dick and Norman Dunn were working there also. As was Rum (sp?) Jazmo (sp?) a fellow from Arizona and one from Wyoming. Herm helped Jazmo go to school. He went back to Vista California, was to go on a mission in Jan, but for some reason his papers were mislaid or lost and he didn’t get his call until June. He went to eastern Canada for two years. After he came back he had a bone graft operation on his back. He and Veloy were married January 16, 1953 in the S.L. Temple we went through the Temple on the 15. Veloy and I took out our endowments. Herman stood for Orval’s Dad and was sealed to Gram. We went back to the Temple on the 16 and V & H were married. It was one of the worst storms. We had their reception in the Frist Ward church. It was real nice. We took H & V to Calif. The Allenbach’s
Page 20) had an open house for them at their home in Vista. Veloy got a job at Camp Pendleton. In the fall Herm went to USC. They moved to L.A. lived on El Segundo Road in a trailer. Veloy worked for some Ins. Co. for a few months then took the Civil Service Exam and got a job with the State of California in the Architecture Dept. This was a good job. They moved in an upstairs apt on 25th street where they lived where Jan was born April 7, 1957. She was the prettiest baby in the hospital nursery. They lived on Scudder Road by LA State College where Brent was born. Mar. 24, 1958. Two weeks before was 1 year old. They bought a house on O’Sullivan and lived there while Herm was Interning at the LA County Hospital in Oral Surgery. They moved to Buena Park where they lived when Rick was born. Herm worked with Dr. Howard Davis. They bought a house back up on top of a hill above LA State College.
Page 21) Cavanagh Circle. Herm owns that house and two others on top of the hill. They moved to Seattle where Herm started his own practice. After two years Herm moved his family back to LA. Went back to USC and took Orthodontics. They moved back to their new home in Kent in the meantime they adopted Jill. Nov 13, 1964 and April 1966 they adopted Jim who was 3 ½ at the time. Herm has his own clinic in Burien. Dr. Tolas was in with him, but now work for Herm. Herm 3 pieces of property besides the one his home is on building a home. He is in the Real Estate also. Herm, Veloy & family came down over Decoration Day. Veloy attended 25 year H.S. class reunion. Herm bought the Steward apt. They flew to Hawaii July 4 1968 and 1969. To Europe 1971. Herm gave a talk at the world conference of
Page 22) Oral Surgeons May 19 1971. He gave a report at Chicago 1970. May 16, 1972 Herm & Veloy took Dad & I to Europe. Herm gave a talk in Toluene France. We visited England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Germany & Holland.
Gary. Always liked sports. He especially liked basketball. He and the boys in the neighborhood had a basket on a tree in the back of Margueretis lot. He was a good artist and loved to draw. I thought he may go in for drafting. He graduated from the Y. majoring in Industrial Arts. He married Jackie Goodman Dec 19, 1958. They move to Torrance Calif. He taught there two years and came back to Murray UT They bought a split level home but only lived in it 2 years and sold it. He moved into an old house Gary is remodeling it himself. He will be a long time getting it the way they want it, but when they get it finished, they will have a very nice home.
Gary is planning on going back to Menomonic Wisc. this summer. He and two other Industrial Art teachers in Utah have been selected to go back for 8 weeks training. Take his family. He will have a job for the summer of 1969-70 at the Y. They have 4 wonderful children. Todd, he 8 the 1 of May. Rustin (Rusty) 6 on Feb. 2, 1968. Heidi a darling little blond blue eye girl. Darren 1 Jan. 17, 1968. Todd and Darren both have red hair.
Gary served two years in the Army. 18 months in Germany. Now Todd is 9 1/2 . Rusty just turned 8. Heidi was 5 in Sept. Darren is 3. They had a new baby boy born Jan. 28, 1970 to be named Dallen Fredrick. Scott born Mar. 17, 1972. Gary teaches at John F. Kennedy Jr. High School. Gary & 21 other IA teachers went to Cairo Egypt for 6 weeks – summer of 1976.
Page 24) Ray. Loved baseball when he was in grade school. He played catcher on Franklin School team. He got hit in the nose with a ball bat. Run into a tree while catching a fly ball. He was kicked in the mouth with a horse when 3 years old. Bit by a dog on the face. Fell and cut his head on a lamp. He was always getting hurt. We moved to Springville when he was 3 1/2 . We came back when he was six. He went to kindergarten in Springville that summer at the Lincoln School Came back to Provo and started in the first grade the Franklin. Graduated from Dixon Jr. High, Provo High School >Went to vocational school, graduation from Radio, Television and Electronics. Was in the National Guard 8 ½ years. Married Saundra Gaudio Johnson June 11, 1965. She had a boy Chuckie. A girl Chantel. He is a Mechanic at Barrett’s Garage. He love to Bowl. Has won 4 trophies. He works at Boyers now and lives in Orem. He divorced Saundra July 1971. This is the third time they have separated. The reason Ray stayed with her this long was because of the children. Ray has a lovely home in Orem 1470 So. 240 East.
Aug 1975 Ray married Bonny Elmer O’Brien Roberts in Las Vegas. She has two married sons a 17 year old son Mike & a 15 year old girl Cheri.
Dec. 2 Veloy came down tonight we went to the airport to meet her. She is real tired. She is going to stay about a week Ray & Bonny are going to drive back with her. Veloy bought Bonny’s car.
Page 26) Dick graduated from Springville Jr. High School. He had a pal Norman Dunnd (?) who almost lived at our house after we moved back to Provo. He played the piano and Veloy sang. We always had someone at our home. Dick graduated from Provo High School. He and Joe White from Springville enlisted in the Navy. Dick passed and Joe didn’t until they drafted him later. Dick was in the Pacific during WW2. He was in three invasions, but came home safe. He went to vocational school and graduated from Auto Body and Paint. He worked at Parsleys Garage and several other places, but had to give up painting. He could not work with paint. He worked for the Power Co. putting in poles from Spanish Fork Canyon to the plant at the mouth of Provo Canyon. He worked for Utah
Page 27) County Road Commission on the rock crusher. While working on this over near Genola (?) he had his right arm caught in the crusher and lost it all but 9 in. This was in Aug 1964. He has had a hard time adjusting. He is managing a musical group. They have made some records but haven’t been able to sell them. I don’t know what he will do now. He has never married.
Herm bought the old Stewart Apt. on the block west of here. Dick takes care of it. H Sold it.
Dick is interested with Roger Clark in making a movie out of a story Roger wrote. Hope it works out.
Page 28) Orval & I have lived in this house 26 years this coming Sept. We have made quite a few changes. Put in the furnace, water heater. Closed the east door in the kitchen and put in metal cabinets. Put a patrician in the kitchen so you could not see into the bathroom from the living room. Built a car port and utility room on back of house. Ray suggested he and his Dad build another double car port for he and Dad. Before the carport was finished, Ray got married. Dad finished the carport. I coaxed Dad to finish the carport into a den. He finished by Xmas 1966 we had all the family Xmas Eve. The next Xmas 1967 we had Gary & Ray’s family a week before Xmas. Dick took us to S.L. we took the bus to Pocatello. We took the train to Portland. Changed trains for Seattle. Stayed about a week. H&V took us to Portland. We came back the same way.
Orval & I took the Thomas & Farnsworths to Yuma to visit with the Ferrorts (?). June 6. 1968 Orval and I conducted a tour to the north west and Canada. We were gone 12 days & 11 nights. It was the most successful trip we had conducted in years. We conducted a tour to NY to the world’s fair (1964). Sept 1965 we conducted one to the 4 corners and into Colorado. Summer of 1967 we conducted a tour to Lava Hot Springs, Soda Springs, Montepeilio, Logan Canyon on home. Orval had a kidney removed Prostate & transfusion in April. May 20 1968 I had a heart attack and went to the hospital for 5 days. Was home 2 weeks before we left for trip.
Page 30) At first Dr. said I could not go, but later he said I could. First time I was ever in a hospital. I went to Crane Moleser city home when Dick was born. The other three were born at home. June 1969 we took our third tour to the north west and Canada.
June of 1971 the Senior citizens asked us to conduct another tour to the Portland Rose parade and to Victoria and down to San Francisco, but the ones working up at Elderly centers talked everyone out of it. We didn’t take the trip, but we went ourselves. Dick bought a new Cadillac and drove it up to Veloy’s. It was a nice trip.
May 16, 1972 Herm & Veloy took Dad & I to Europe. It was something I never expected. It’s something Dad and I can relive over & over for the rest of our lives.
June 14, 1973, Orval & I had an open house for our Golden Wedding. We had it in the Veterans Center. All our family except Gary’s there youngest, were there.
Brent, Todd & Chuck met the guests at the door. Heidi, Jill and Chantel helped Patricia Jorgensen serve. Fruit cup, French pastry. Mints. Lillian Young played the Piano during the evening. Veloy sang several numbers. She and Herm sand a song (We Two) composed by Clyde Sandgren. He played for them. Gary and Jackie sang two songs they wrote the words to a song. Over 100 came.
July 29, 1974 Dick, Ray, Chuck, Chantel, Dad and I went to Spokane to the World’s Fair. Met Veloy and family. Spent 2 days at the Fair. Tuesday night went to the dance festival. Jan danced
Page 32) there were 2000 young LDS boys & girls. It was a real sight.
Jan was married June 25, 1977 to Paul Zantgraf. They moved to Beaumont, Texas. Brent left the first part of Dec 10 1977 for a mission to Iowa. He was stationed in Ft. Dodge there in Oskaloosa. Now in Illinois.
Todd graduated from High School in May 1978 also Chuckie.
Chantel went to live with her father in Murray. She graduated from Jr. High school.
Orval took sick Dec. 1974 we took him to Vets hospital Jan 1975. Brought him back after 3 weeks. He almost died. April he was operated on & they removed his left kidney & for prostate probably. Almost died from blood transfusion. Hasn’t felt too good since.
Orval was 83 Sept. 13, 1978. Gary & Ray and Rusty came down. Orval went to the hospital in October for 8 days. He went again Friday evening Dec 8. He stayed all-night. They took tests on Saturday. Sat night they removed the catheter. His kidneys did not function. Dr. Bateman called Dr. Armstrong who was going to open the tube between the kidney and bladder when he went into a coma. Took a heart attack and passed away about 1 am Dec 10, 1978. Buried Wed, Dec. 13 just 3 months after his 83 birthday.

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Les sources

  1. FamilySearch Family Tree,, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Mary Lavern Banks in entry for F. Orval Singleton, 1923.
    Mary Lavern Banks in entry for F. Orval Singleton, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"
    / FamilySearch
  2. U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current,
  3. FamilySearch Family Tree,, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 21 November 2021, 04:56), entry for Mary Lavern Banks (PID ); contributed by various users. PersonID KWCH-Z6Z
    Mary Lavern Banks
    / FamilySearch
  4. FamilySearch Family Tree,, "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 1 July 2016), M. Lavern Banks Singleton, died 13 Aug 1981; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Spanish Fork C
    M. Lavern Banks Singleton, "BillionGraves Index"
    / FamilySearch

Événements historiques

  • La température le 3 novembre 1900 était d'environ 6,2 °C. La pression atmosphérique était de 77 cm de mercure. Le taux d'humidité relative était de 93%. Source: KNMI
  • Du 27 juillet 1897 au 1 août 1901 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Pierson avec comme premier ministre Mr. N.G. Pierson (unie-liberaal).
  • En l'an 1900: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 5,1 millions d'habitants.
    • 27 février » |fondation du Parti travailliste britannique.
    • 28 février » la Libération de Ladysmith met fin au siège de la ville pendant la seconde guerre des Boers.
    • 17 juin » victoire de l'Alliance, à la seconde bataille des forts de Taku, pendant la guerre des Boxers, en Chine.
    • 14 juillet » victoire de l'Alliance, à la bataille de Tien-Tsin, pendant la guerre des Boxers.
    • 19 juillet » ouverture au public de la première ligne de métro parisien.
    • 29 juillet » l'anarchiste Gaetano Bresci assassine le roi d'Italie Humbert Ier.
  • La température au 14 juin 1923 était entre 6,3 et 12,9 °C et était d'une moyenne de 10,1 °C. Il y avait 0.4 mm de précipitation. Il y avait 0.9 heures de soleil (5%). La force moyenne du vent était de 5 Bft (vent assez fort) et venait principalement du ouest-nord-ouest. Source: KNMI
  • Du 19 septembre 1922 au 4 août 1925 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Ruys de Beerenbrouck II avec comme premier ministre Jonkheer mr. Ch.J.M. Ruys de Beerenbrouck (RKSP).
  • En l'an 1923: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 7,1 millions d'habitants.
    • 31 mars » cinquante mille ouvriers des usines Krupp manifestent à Essen (Allemagne), pour protester contre la réquisition de camions par l’armée française. Violente répression qui fait 13 morts et 32 blessés, tous allemands.
    • 26 avril » mariage du prince Albert, duc d’York, futur George VI, alors pas destiné directement à régner, et d’Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, à l’abbaye de Westminster.
    • 1 septembre » au Japon, un séisme de magnitude 7,9 détruit les villes de Tokyo et Yokohama, faisant plus de 142000 morts.
    • 1 octobre » échec d'un coup d'État de la Reichswehr noire en Allemagne.
    • 9 novembre » échec du putsch d'Adolf Hitler à Munich.
    • 11 novembre » le ministre de la Guerre André Maginot allume pour la première fois la flamme du souvenir qui symbolise la tombe du Soldat inconnu sous l'arc de triomphe de l'Étoile.
  • La température au 13 août 1981 était entre 10,7 et 23,8 °C et était d'une moyenne de 17,8 °C. Il y avait 3,6 heures de soleil (24%). Il faisait partiellement nuageux ou couvert. La force moyenne du vent était de 1 Bft (vent faible) et venait principalement du ??. Source: KNMI
  • Du lundi, décembre 19, 1977 au vendredi, septembre 11, 1981 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Van Agt I avec comme premier ministre Mr. A.A.M. van Agt (CDA/KVP).
  • Du vendredi, septembre 11, 1981 au samedi, mai 29, 1982 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Van Agt II avec comme premier ministre Mr. A.A.M. van Agt (CDA).
  • En l'an 1981: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 14,2 millions d'habitants.
    • 14 février » l'incendie qui ravage une discothèque de Dublin, en Irlande, fait 48 victimes et plus de 120 blessés.
    • 21 juin » victoire du Parti socialiste, aux élections législatives françaises.
    • 3 septembre » entrée en vigueur de la Convention sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes.
    • 5 septembre » ouverture du premier congrès de Solidarność.
    • 14 octobre » Hosni Moubarak devient le 4 président de la République arabe d'Égypte.
    • 12 décembre » le gouvernement polonais décrète la loi martiale et interne les militants de Solidarność.
  • La température au 17 août 1981 était entre 7,8 et 19,2 °C et était d'une moyenne de 13,7 °C. Il y avait -0.1 mm de précipitation. Il y avait 10,1 heures de soleil (69%). Il faisait nuageux. La force moyenne du vent était de 2 Bft (vent faible) et venait principalement du ouest-nord-ouest. Source: KNMI
  • Du lundi, décembre 19, 1977 au vendredi, septembre 11, 1981 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Van Agt I avec comme premier ministre Mr. A.A.M. van Agt (CDA/KVP).
  • Du vendredi, septembre 11, 1981 au samedi, mai 29, 1982 il y avait aux Pays-Bas le cabinet Van Agt II avec comme premier ministre Mr. A.A.M. van Agt (CDA).
  • En l'an 1981: Source: Wikipedia
    • La population des Pays-Bas était d'environ 14,2 millions d'habitants.
    • 1 mars » à la prison de Maze, en Ulster, Bobby Sands amorce une grève de la faim pour que les nationalistes irlandais soient séparés des détenus de droit commun; il mourra au bout de soixante-cinq jours de jeûne, durant lequel il a été élu député au Parlement de Londres.
    • 23 avril » l'assassinat de Stefano Bontate marque le début de la deuxième guerre de la mafia, conflit interne à Cosa nostra en Sicile.
    • 5 juin » les centres américains de contrôle et de prévention des maladies rapportent leurs observations sur une nouvelle maladie rare, elle sera nommée «SIDA» quelque temps après.
    • 5 septembre » ouverture du premier congrès de Solidarność.
    • 1 novembre » indépendance d'Antigua-et-Barbuda.
    • 14 décembre » Israël annexe les hauteurs du Golan.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

  • 1971 » King Curtis (Curtis Ousley, dit), musicien américain (° 7 février 1934).
  • 1976 » Kléber Haedens, écrivain français (° 11 décembre 1913).
  • 1982 » Joe Tex (Joseph Arrington Jr., dit), chanteur américain (° 8 août 1933).
  • 1984 » Tigran Petrossian (Тигран Вартанович Петросян), joueur d’échecs russe (° 17 juin 1929).
  • 1986 » Helen Mack, actrice et chanteuse américaine (° 12 novembre 1913).
  • 1991 » Jack Ryan(en), ingénieur militaire américain, créateur des poupées Barbie et des Hot Wheels (° 12 novembre 1926).

Sur le nom de famille Banks

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  • Afficher des informations sur Banks sur le site Archives Ouvertes.
  • Trouvez dans le registre Wie (onder)zoekt wie? qui recherche le nom de famille Banks.

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Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
Anthony Willis, "Anthony Willis family tree", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 8 juin 2024), "Mary Lavern Banks (1900-1981)".