Ancestral Trails 2016 » Thomas Farmer (1634-> 1703)

Données personnelles Thomas Farmer 

Famille de Thomas Farmer

Il est marié avec Mary Bailey.

Ils se sont mariés le 12 août 1652 à Pulloxhill, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, il avait 18 ans.Source 1


  1. Ann Farmer  1676-1740 
  2. John Farmer  1661-1726 
  3. Thomas FARMER  1667-1721 

Notes par Thomas Farmer

1703 LAST WILL & TESTAMENT Thomas Farmer 1703 142HW44

In the name of God Amen I Thomas Ffarmer of Pirton in the County of Hertford husbandman being ill of body but of good memory blessed bee God for the same therefore doe make this my last will and testament as followeth first I comend my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my maker hopeing by the sole merritts of Jesus Christ my onlyy Saviour and Redeemer to have all my Sinnes remitted and to bee made ---of eternall life for my body I comitt to the earth whereof it was made to bee buryed in such seemly sorte as my executrix hereafter named shall think fitt as for that worldly estate which it hath pleased God to blesse me withall I dispose hereof as followeth Imprimis I give and devise unto Thomas Ffarmer my sonne and to his heires ad assignes for ever all and every my messuages cottages lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances lying scituate and being in Pirton aforesaid and holden of the manor of Pirton in the County of Hertford aforesaid by Coppy of Courte Roll ---- allways and upon Condicon notwithstanding that hee the said Thomas Ffarmer my sonne or his heires doe and shall well and truly pay or raise to bee paied unto Anne my daughter now wife of Willm Arnold the full summe of fforty pounds of currant English money within one yeare next after my decease and alsoe doe and shall well and truly pay or raise to bee paied unto Mary my Loveing wife the full summe of two pounds and tenn shillings of currant English money yearely and every yeare for and during the terme of her naturall life at fower usuall feasts or days of payment in the yeare That is to say the ffeast day of St Thomas the Appostle the ffeast day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgine Mary, the feast day of St John the Baptist and the ffeast day of St Michaell the Archangell by even and equall porcons the first payment thereof to begine at that ffeast of the ffeasts aforesaid which shall first happen next after my Decease And alsoe doe and shall well and truly pay or raise pay or raise to bee paied unto Willm Ffarmer and Robert Ffarmer my sonnes the full summe of five pounds a peece of currant English money within one yeare next after my Decease Item my will and mind further is that if it shall happen the said Thomas Ffarmer my sonne or his heires shall neglect or refuse to pay the said fforty pounds to the said Anne my daughter two pounds and tenn shillings devised to the said Mary my wife for her life and five pounds apeece to the said Willm and Robert my Sonnes Then I give and devise the said messuages cottages lands tenements and hereditament with the appurtenances unto the said Anne my daughter Mary my wife and Willm and Robert my sonnes to have and to hold unto them and their heires untill they and any of them shalbee fully satisfyed and paied their severall and respective legacyes above in this my will I devised unto them Item I give and devise unto Robert Ffarmer my sonne and to his heires and assignes for ever all and every my Lands tenements and hereditament with the appurtenances scituate lying and being in Pirton aforesaid holden of the manor of Rameridge in the County of Hertford by Coppy of Courte Roll Item I give and devise unto Joseph Ffarmer my sonne and to his heires and assignes for ever all and every my lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances scituate lying and being in Pirton aforesaid and holden of the manor of Pirton Doddingsells in the County of Hertford aforesaid by Coppy Roll Item I give and devise more unto the said Joseph Ffarmer my sonne and to his heires and assignes for ever all and every my lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances scituate lying being in the parish of Shitlington in the County of Bedds and holden of the manor of Shitlington in the County of Bedds by Coppy of Courte Roll of all which premisses I have made severall surrenders to the use of my will Item all the rest of my personall estate goods and chattells whatsoever unbequeathed my detts legacies and funerall expenses first paied and discharged I give and devise unto the aforesaid Mary my Loveing wife whom I doe make constitute ordeigne and appoint sole executrix of this my last will and testament revoaking all former wills heretofore by me made In wittnesse whereof I the said Thomas Ffarmer the testator have hereunto sett my hand and Seale to this my will conteyned in two sheets of paper this sixteenth day of October Anno Domini 1703 and in the second yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lady Anne by the grace of God Queen of England Scottland Ffrance and Ireland Defender of the Faith. Signed Thomas [his mark] Ffarmer [Seal] Signed sealed published and declared last will & testament of the said Thomas Farmer .fore the Sealeing & Testimony hereof I doe hereby devise more unto the said Joseph Ffarmer and to his heires and assignes for ever my half acre moreorlesse of arrable land in the parish of Shitlington in the County of Bedds en of the manor of Aspeley at Aspeley Bury on of ---in the County of Bedford aforesaid Coppy of Courte Rolle in the Hands of Willm Hanscombe James Hanscombe Olliver Garner

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Thomas Farmer

Thomas Farmer
± 1580-????
Anne Hammond
Thomas Farmer
Susanna Craine
± 1611-1658

Thomas Farmer
1634-> 1703


Mary Bailey
± 1632-> 1703

Ann Farmer
John Farmer

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Les sources

  1. Pulloxhill Parish Register

Événements historiques

  • En l'an 1634: Source: Wikipedia
    • 25 février » assassinat de Wallenstein sur ordre de Ferdinand II du Saint-Empire.
    • 13 mars » première séance de l'Académie française.
    • 4 juillet » fondation de la ville de Trois-Rivières, en Nouvelle-France (Québec, Canada) par Laviolette.
    • 5 septembre » bataille de Nördlingen et victoire de l'empereur Ferdinand III de Hongrie sur les Suédois et les Luthériens.
    • 6 septembre » victoire espagnole décisive à la première bataille de Nördlingen pendant la guerre de Trente Ans.
  •  Cette page est uniquement disponible en néerlandais.
    Van 1650 tot 1672 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • En l'an 1652: Source: Wikipedia
    • 6 avril » fondation de la ville du Cap par Jan van Riebeeck.
    • 26 août » bataille de Plymouth (Première guerre anglo-néerlandaise). Victoire navale des Néerlandais de Michiel de Ruyter sur la flotte britannique.
    • 10 décembre » victoire de Maarten Tromp à la bataille de Dungeness.

Sur le nom de famille Farmer

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  • Afficher des informations sur Farmer sur le site Archives Ouvertes.
  • Trouvez dans le registre Wie (onder)zoekt wie? qui recherche le nom de famille Farmer.

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Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 10 novembre 2024), "Thomas Farmer (1634-> 1703)".