Ancestral Glimpses » Mary Hampton (± 1656-1727)

Données personnelles Mary Hampton 

  • Elle est née environ 1656 dans Elizabethtown, Essex County, New Jersey, British America.
  • Elle est décédée le 16 octobre 1727 dans Elizabethtown, Essex County, New Jersey, British America.

    Fout Attention: Déja décédé (D) lors de la naissance (??-??-1763) de l'enfant (John Terrill).

  • Testament le 28 FEB.
    In The Name of God, Amen. The Twenty Eighth Day of February in the Thirteenth Year of The Reign of our Soveraign Lord George By the Grace of God, King of Great Brittain &c.a and in the year of Our Lord Christ (according to English Accompt) one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Six I Mary Terrill widow (of late the wife of Thomas Terrill Late of Elizabeth Town In the County of Essex and Province of New Jersey--Black-smith Deceased) Being Sick and weak In Body but of Sound and perfect mind and Memory (Thanks To almighty God therefore) Do make this my Last will and Testament In Manner and form following That is To say first I Commit my Soul and Spirit To almighty God Who Gave it and My Body to the Dust to Receive a Decent Christian Burial; And Whereas In and by The Last will and Testament of my said Deceased husband he made and Appointed me the sole whole and only Executrix thereof And Therein Ordered me To pay All his Just Debts out of his Moveable Estate, as also a Legacy of The Sum of ten Shillings Current money of the province of New Jersey To his Eldest son Ephraim Terrill his Execurs adminrs or assigns out of the Same Movable Estate, And Then (his Just Debts and the sd Legacy being first Paid and Discharged as aforesd) Did Give and Bequeathe unto me (his then wife) The One Equal Third Part of all his sd whole movable Estate then Remaining - (as by the said Last will and Testament Relation being thereunto had may and will more and at Large appear - And forasmuch as there are yet some few Debts Due to sundery Persons from the sd Estate, And Therefore have not yet made up my Accts as Executrix in the Registry of the Prerogative office of sd Province Now therefore by this my Last will and TestamentI will and order my wel beloved son John Terrill of Elizabeth-Town abovesd (whom I also make ordain and appoint the sole whole and only Executor of this my Last will and Testament) To Pay and Discharge out of the said Movable Estate (before any Division thereof be made) all such Debts as are Justly Due therefrom to any Person or persons, and as soon as Conveniently he Can to Render in to the Prerogative Court an accompt of my administration of and for [_?_] Goods Chattels and Credits of my said Deceased husband - And as for my Equal Third Part of the said Movable Estate I Give bequeath and Dispose of the same as followeth, That is To sayfirst I Give and bequeathe unto my youngest Daughter Phebe Terrill All and singular my waring Apparrel of what sort and kind forever -Item I Give and Bequeathe unto my Daughter Sarah Terrill my Riding side saddle with all the appurtenances thereto Belonging -Item I Give and bequeathe unto my Daughter Abigail Baldwin the sum of five shillings out of my sd Third part of the said Movable Estate hereby Debarring her from any further Claim to the same or any part thereof -Item, All the Rest and Remainder of my sd Third part of sd Movable Estate I Give and Bequeathe unto my said Two Daughters Sarah Terrill and Phebe Terrill To be Equally Divided Bewtween them Part and part Equal and Alike - And my will is [that] if Either of them the said Sarah or Phebe shall happen to Die before the Age of Eighteen Years [and] before Marriage that then and in such Case the part and portion of her of her so hapening to Die as aforsaid shall fall [lie] and Remain To the survivour of her so hapening to Die before such age and not married as aforesd. -Item I will and Order by these p[re]sents that the Other Two Third parts of the said Movable Estate (the Just Debts herefrom Due to any person or persons being thereout first Discharged shall be ordered and Disposed of according as in the sd Last will and Testament of my sd Deceased husband is Given and bequeathed.Item, I make ordain and appoint my Trusty and wel beloved son John Terrill above mentioned to be the sole whole and Only Executor of this my Last will and Testament Desiring him and hereby willing that he Take into his Care and Charge my Three Younger Children (namely Daniel Sarah and Phebe) together with their several Legacys to them Given and bequeathed both by the last will and Testament of my sd Deceased husband and by this my Last will and Testmanet and the same to Delivr to them severally - as they successively attain to Lawful age or sooner if sooner married - and I Do Require him my said son John In the Name of God to Execute this my Last will and Testament according to the True Intent and meaning thereof, and I do Nulifie and make utterly Void all former wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore in any wise made and Declared Ratifying and Confirming this to be my only Last will and Testment.In witness whereeof I the said Mary Terrill have hereunto set my mark instead of my name and afixed my seal the Day and Year first herein above written [the word (to pay) plac’d in the Margent before the Tenth Line, and the word (therefore) over the seventeenth Line, - being first so plac’d and interline.]The Mark ofMary (mark) Terrill WidowSigned and Sealed, Published and Declared by the sd Testatrix, to be her Last will & Testament, In the p[re]sence of us wittnesses,--Samuel Whitehead.Jonathan olliverSusanna her/SC/mark CraigNote N14559An Inventory of the personal Estate of the Widow Mary Terrillof Elisabeth Town in ye County of Esex and provence of East New Jersey Deceas’d and of such personal Esteate and Legacyes as was Coming in her hands at her Decease bequeathed by ye last will and testament of her Deceased husband Thomas Terrill of such good and Chattels as Came to our Knowledg prized by Andrew Hamton and David Olliverbed bolster . pillow & pillow case 3-09-00two cover=lids 1? 12s. one blanket 12 . two sheets 15s. curtains 2 3-01-00bedstead and cord and iron curtain rod 0-12-00bed bolster pillow & pillow case 1-10-00two old cover-lids. some blanket. some sheet 1-04-00one trundle bedsteed. cord and old tick[en?] 0-06-00cubard 1#. old trunk 2s. one table 10s. an old table 2s 1-14-00skales & weights 3s6d. hetchel & sha[r?]s 7s. one chest 3s 0-13-06eight chairs & bench 12s. looking glase 5s. stilyards 8s 1-05-00two tramils 8s 3d. [fire shovel?] 4s 6d gridiron 3s tongus 4s 6d 1-00-03smoothing irons and heaters 4s. [sheep?] shars 2s. the books 8s 0-14-00shoemakers tools & [table?] belonging 2-01-00all ye [puetter?]old iron 4s. earthenware 3s 9d. six forks & five knives 0-11-09six trenchers one knot boule more one boule all 6s 9d 0-06-09two ancors one tub 3 pails 8s old frieing pan & two chese fats 2s 0-10-00lume quill wheele warping bars boxes and all other appurtances belonging 5-05-00Indian corn in ye ear 12s 6d. old churne 2s 0-14-06two hogsheds four old casks two powdering bariles 0-18-00one bed 1# 16s. one blanket 4s 6d. three coverlids 1# 10s bed steed. cord & old tickon 10s 4-00-06to cotton wool 7s 6d. sheeps wool 4s 2d. died wool 1s 2d 0-12-10the old lumber 10s. old chest 4s. ox hide 7s 8d 1-01-08brasse kittle and skilit 1# 4s 1-04-00two iron pots & iron kittle 1# 2s 1-02-00one plow 15s harness 3s broad ax 3s 1-01-00two yoaks 6s iron gears & coller 10s 6d 0-16-06sixteen old sheep and eight lambs 6# 8s 6-08-00bettle rings & 2 wedges 6s one swefeltree chaine one iron [_] 0-13-00cart and wheels 1? 10s 1-10-00young horse 4# 4-00-00old bay horse 3# 10s one mare 2# 15s 6-05-00 ? 56=00=0330=12=051/2The whole esteate is 86=12=081/2(third page, = 2nd page of inventory)[six?] young swine 2# 8s one old sow swine 1# 3-08-00thirty geese 1s 3d per each 1-17-06flour mill & press & ye appurtenences belonging thereto 1-10-00the equal moiety of green corn on ye ground of Josiah Terrill 3-10-00small horse plow & share 7s. clevis and pin 3s 6d 0-10-06pair of sheers 6# 6-00-00two cows 5# 10s two yearling 1# 16s 7-06-00one gun. sword. powder horn 1# 13s stubing hoe?s 1-19-00one chaine & piece of a broaken chaine 0-10-00one drawing knife goudge & chisel 5s spade 2s 0-07-00a bolt. hamer and one old sickle 0-04-10one coat 1-15-00one great spinning wheal 0-05-00one small dutch wheale 0-08-00to one new dutch wheale 0-18-00to debts due to ye esteate 0-03-071/2. . . . . . . . . And Hamton. . . . . . . . . . David Olliver ? 30-12-051/2(fourth page)the Debts due from ye Esteate of sd Deceased besides Legacyes is ? 21-9-4the Debts paid Due from the Esteate of his Deceased father . . . . . 7-18-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ? 29-7-7paid by Mary Terrill in he [sic] life time that was due from ye Effects of her Deceased husband Thomas Terrill the sum of 38-9-11 as was what her Executor hath [__] paid(fifth page)March ye 4th 1729/30The accompt of John Terrill of Elizabeth town in ye county of Essex and province of East New Jersey Executor-& Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattles of the widow Mary Terrill late of The afore sd Elizabeth Deceased as well of and for such and so much of the same goods and chattles as came to his hands as of and for his payments and Disbursements out of the same as followeth vis The said accomptant chargeth himself with all and singular the goods and chattles of the sd Deceased, specified in an inventory thereof Made and Exhibited into the Registry of the prerogative court of the province of New Jersey amounting as by the said inventory apears to the sum of . ?.86-12-81/2Here the accomptant prayeth alowance for certain Debts w’ch he hath payed and Discharged that was Due from ye Esteate of the widow Mary Terrill Deceased to vis as followethto proving ye will 3-4-2 The accomptant prayeth alowethto David Oliver 0-5-0 for certain Debts which he hath payedto Andrew Hamton Junr 0-16-0 and Discharded [sic] that was due from yeConradus Winans 0-01-6 Estate of his Deceased father ThomasJohn Porter 0-15-0 Terrill as followeth visto Mr. Edward Vaughn 1-15-9 to Mary Ogden 0-3-9William Gainweight 0-06-0 to John Porter 1-0-9Abhraim Hedfield 0-01-6 to Mr Edward Vogh 2-0-0William Winans Junr 1-08-0 Jeremiah Bird 1-4-6Jane Tongvelue 5-04-9 John Osborn 1-0-6Peter Tremble 0-15-9 Ephraim Terrill 2-0-0Thomas Clark 1-11-6 aledged to be due by George [Dresy]? 0-8-9Ebnesr Johnson 0-13-6James Hamton 0-06-0 ?7-18-3Andrew Hamton Sen 0-10-9 The accomptant prayethIchabod Burnet 0-04-6 alowance in the behalfe of his Deceased17-19-4 Mother Mary Terrill abovesd whichfor his trouble 03-10-6 he in her lifetime payed and dischargedfrom ye Esteate of her Deceased husband Thomas Terrill that was due fromhis Esteate as followeth visto proving ye will & charges [acreuing?] ?4-8-0 Cradus Winans will [____] 0-[13]?-8Doctr Burnit 1-8-0 Jeremiah Bird 6-[8]?-0Andrew Hamton Senr 1-4-0 Robert Ogden 0-11-7William [Wilfrarison?] 3-7-9 Jacob Dehart 4-00-1Abhraim Hedfield 1-9-6 bond to [Homer?] Johnson 11-[?]-[0]Daniel Sayre 0-6-0 22-09-4Jane [Tongileant?] 0-17-9 14-10-2Joseph Watkins 1-03-2 ? 36-19-6John Blanchard Senr & Junr 0-07-0 to William Dag[noskey?] 0-[18]?-914-10-2 [37]?-00-[10]?(sixth page)The accomptant prayeth alowence for certain Debts Inventoryed in ye Estate of his Deceased father whichprove insolvent to ye value of ? 1-10-0__________________________Notes: 1.) Much of this was hard to read. Referring back to the microfilm helped somewhat. 2.) Not all of the tallies add up correctly.
    ↑ Source: #S382 Page: page 14
    ↑ Source: #S951 Page: p. 744
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 16 novembre 2014.

Famille de Mary Hampton

Elle est mariée avec Thomas Terrill.

Ils se sont mariés environ 1681 à East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York, British America.


  1. Josiah Terrill  1689-1749 
  2. John Terrill  1763-????

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Mary Hampton

Mary Hampton
± 1656-1727

± 1681

Thomas Terrill
1656-± 1725

John Terrill

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Événements historiques

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Sur le nom de famille Hampton

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Lors de la copie des données de cet arbre généalogique, veuillez inclure une référence à l'origine:
Dae Powell, "Ancestral Glimpses", base de données, Généalogie Online ( : consultée 24 septembre 2024), "Mary Hampton (± 1656-1727)".