Family Tree Welborn » William de Ludlowe of Stokesay (± 1270-± 1349)

Persoonlijke gegevens William de Ludlowe of Stokesay 

Gezin van William de Ludlowe of Stokesay

Hij is getrouwd met Matilda de Hodenet (Hodnet).

Zij zijn getrouwd


  1. Laurence de Ludlowe  < 1300-± 1353 

Notities over William de Ludlowe of Stokesay

William de Ludlowe, of Stokesay is your 22nd great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Henry Marvin Welborn
your father ·Üí Emma Corine Welborn (Bombard)
his mother ·Üí Emma Elizabeth Free / Bombard
her mother ·Üí Isabelle Bynum
her mother ·Üí Robert W Bynum
her father ·Üí Elizabeth Bynum
his mother ·Üí Lydia Mitchell
her mother ·Üí Jonathan Wheeler, I
her father ·Üí Martha Wheeler (Salisbury)
his mother ·Üí William Salisbury
her father ·Üí William Salisbury, of Denbigh & Swansea
his father ·Üí John Salisbury, of Denbigh
his father ·Üí Sir John Salusbury, III, "The Strong", MP
his father ·Üí John Salusbury, of Lleweny
his father ·Üí Sir John Salusbury, MP
his father ·Üí Elsbeth Puleston
his mother ·Üí Elen Puleston
her mother ·Üí Sir Robert Whitney, Kt.
her father ·Üí Jennet Whitney
his mother ·Üí Margery Trusell
her mother ·Üí Sir John de Ludlowe
her father ·Üí Sir John Ludlow, of Stokesay & Hodnet
his father ·Üí Laurence de Ludlowe, of Stokesay & Hodnet
his father ·Üí William de Ludlowe, of Stokesay
his father

William de Ludlowe, of Stokesay
circa 1270
Shropshire, England, United Kingdom
circa 1349 (70-88)
England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:
Son of Sir Laurence de Ludlow, of Stokesay and Agnes de Weston

Husband of Matilda de Hodenet

Father of Laurence de Ludlowe, of Stokesay & Hodnet and William de Ludelowe

Brother of Thomas de Ludlowe

Half brother of Sir John de Weston, of Weston-under-Lizard and de Weston

William de Ludlowe married Matilda de Hodenet in 1298

Hodenet came into the possesion of William by marriage and continued in this line for six generations. Each generation was a knight of the shire from the reign of Edward I to Henry VII.
Govenor of Montgomery Castle
Perambulator of the Forest of Morse.

national archives
Heraldic History of the Commoners
Gentleman's Magazine Volume 91


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Over de familienaam De Ludlowe

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 11 februari 2025), "William de Ludlowe of Stokesay (± 1270-± 1349)".