Family Tree Welborn » Thomas de Ludlowe of Mitcham & Scrivelsby (± 1265-± 1313)

Persoonlijke gegevens Thomas de Ludlowe of Mitcham & Scrivelsby 

Gezin van Thomas de Ludlowe of Mitcham & Scrivelsby

Hij is getrouwd met Joane de Ludlow de (Marmion).

Zij zijn getrouwd


  1. Thomas de Ludlowe (Ludlow)  ± 1299-1336 

Notities over Thomas de Ludlowe of Mitcham & Scrivelsby

Sir Thomas de Ludlowe, of Mitcham & Scrivelsby is your 21st great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Geneva Allene Welborn
your mother ·Üí Henry Loyd Smith, Sr.
her father ·Üí Edith Lucinda Lee
his mother ·Üí William M Lee, Will
her father ·Üí Britton Lee
his father ·Üí William Samuel Lee
his father ·Üí Lemuel Lee
his father ·Üí Mary Lee
his mother ·Üí Ann Allen
her mother ·Üí Thomas Anderson
her father ·Üí Robert Anderson, I
his father ·Üí Mary Overton
his mother ·Üí Joanne Palmer Overton
her mother ·Üí Robert Snawsell
her father ·Üí Elizabeth Wentworth
his mother ·Üí Thomas Wentworth, the younger
her father ·Üí Elizabeth Wentworth
his mother ·Üí Beatrice Woodruffe
her mother ·Üí Margaret Dymoke
her mother ·Üí Sir Thomas Dymoke, King's Champion
her father ·Üí Margaret Dymock (de Ludlow)
his mother ·Üí Thomas de Ludlowe of Scrivelsby
her father ·Üí Sir Thomas de Ludlowe, of Mitcham & Scrivelsby
his father

Thomas de Ludlowe, of Mitcham & Scrivelsby
circa 1265
Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, England
circa 1313 (40-56)
Immediate Family:
Son of Nicholas de Ludelowe and Marjery de Ludlow
Husband of Joane de Ludlow de (Marmion)
Father of John de Ludlowe and Thomas de Ludlowe of Scrivelsby
Brother of John de Ludlowe, of Chipping Campden and Sir Laurence de Ludlow, of Stokesay

Third son of Nicholas and Margery Ludlow, Wool Merchant for Edw I. Through his wife Joan, daughter of Sir Philip Marmion of Scrivelsby, Lincs he inherited the title King's Champion to Edw I and Edward II. He became a Knight of the Bath in 1306 and a Knight of Surrey in 1307. Thomas and Joan had one son (died young) and a daughter Margaret, who subsequently married Sir John Dymoke who on Thomas Ludlow's death in 1313 assumed the role of King's Champion. The Dymokes continue to hold the title to this day. Thomas held property in Shropshire and Surrey (Mitcham and Walton on Thames) his wife Joan held Shrivelsby, Lincs which on her death passed to her daughter Margaret and the Dymoke family, who remain in situ to the present day. Ref: Ludlow Pedigree and Research Vol I p68 & p69
Property owned in Mitcham, Surrey.
Property owned in Shrewsbury.
Property owned: in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire. He married Joan, co-heiress of Philip Marmion and, through this marriage, acquired the manor of Shrivelsby, Lincs.
25 Jul 1272, Waltham. Licence to trade wool,
29 Oct 1275, Shrewsbury Court appointed to pleas
1275 Appointed attorney for Geoffrey de Genevill and his wife Matilda (Lacy) who held Ludlow Castle (Appointment for one year).Ref: Cal Pat Rolls Edw I 1272-1279 p431
1277 Geoffrey de Genevill & Matilda his wife appoints Thomas de Ludlow &Roger Dewvas as attorneys during their absence
20 Oct 1277 Shrewsbury. Court mention
Son of Nicholas de Ludlow takes over the Manor of Walton on Thames (Walleton) Surrey, formerly the property of Walter de la Lynde. Ref: Cal Pat Rolls Edw I 1292-1301 p225
1306 Knight of the Bath
1306 Thomas Lulow of Scrivelsby, Lincs with others invaded the home of the Parson of Scrivelsby stole his beasts
and assaulted members of his staff.Ref: Cal Rolls Edw I 1301-1313 p538
1307 Knight of Surrey
On Philip Marmion's death, Thomas also inherited the title of King's Champion. This title subsequently passed (by the marriage of Thomas de Ludlow's only daughter and sole heiress) to the Dymock family, who have held the title to the present day. Thomas de Ludlow was knighted (Knight of the Bath) by Edward II in 1306 and also qualified for knighthood in Surrey, where he held several properties in Mitcham and Weybridge.
1309 Son of Laurence de Ludlow receives 60 Marks from the King forservices rendered to the late King in Scotland.
Ref: Cal Pat Rolls Edw II 1307-1313 p116
1310 On 8 Jan 1310 William de Paris was accused of being in a gang that hunted deer illegally on Sir Thomas Ludlow's land at Scrivelsby and assaulted his servants.[3] Ludlow retaliated by gathering up a band of men and robbing and maiming William at Morton by Horncastle, Lincolnshire. A warrant for their arrests was issued on 18 Mar 1310.[3]
Thomas dies - Scrivelsby is in his wifes name. He leaves property in Surrey at Walton on Thames, Tooting Manor,\Mitcham his heir is Thomas his son aged 14.Ref: Inq Post Mort Edw II Vol V 1307-1313 p259

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Over de familienaam De Ludlowe

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 16 februari 2025), "Thomas de Ludlowe of Mitcham & Scrivelsby (± 1265-± 1313)".