Family Tree Welborn » Walter Tailboys (Tallboys) MP, de jure Baron Kyme (± 1350-1417)

Persoonlijke gegevens Walter Tailboys (Tallboys) MP, de jure Baron Kyme 

  • Hij is geboren rond 2 februari 1350 in Hepple, Northumberland, England.
  • Hij is overleden op 20 september 1417 in Kyme, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England.
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 18 september 2018.

Gezin van Walter Tailboys (Tallboys) MP, de jure Baron Kyme

Hij is getrouwd met Margaret Tailboys (Deincourt).

Zij zijn getrouwd


Notities over Walter Tailboys (Tallboys) MP, de jure Baron Kyme

Sir Walter Tailboys, MP, de jure Baron Kyme is your 18th great grandfather.
¬â€ ¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry Welborn¬â€ 
your father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Emma Corine Bombard¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Emma Elizabeth Bombard¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Isabelle Bynum¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Robert W Bynum¬â€ 
her father·Üí¬â€ Elizabeth Bynum¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Lydia Mitchell¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Jonathan Wheeler, I¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Martha Wheeler (Salisbury)¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ William Salisbury, Jr.¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·ÜíWilliam Salisbury, of Denbigh & Swansea¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ John Salisbury, of Denbigh¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Ursula Salusbury¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry Stanley, 4th Earl of Derby¬â€ 
her father·Üí¬â€ Dorothy Howard, Countess of Derby¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Agnes Tylney, Duchess of Norfolk¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Eleanor Tilney Tallboys¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·ÜíWilliam Tailboys, Sir, de jure 7th Baron Kyme¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sir Walter Tailboys¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sir Walter Tailboys, MP, de jure Baron Kyme¬â€ 
his father

Walter Tailboys, MP, de jure Baron Kyme
circa February 02, 1350¬â€ 
Hepple, Northumberland, England
September 20, 1417¬â€ (63-71)¬â€ 
Immediate Family:
Son of¬â€ Sir Henry Tailboys¬â€ and¬â€ Eleanor Tailboys, Baroness Kyme¬â€ 
Husband of¬â€ Margaret Tailboys¬â€ 
Father of¬â€ Sir Walter Tailboys;¬â€ John Talboys, Sr;¬â€ Baroness Margaret Scrope;¬â€ Joan Thimblebyand¬â€ Henry Tailboys¬â€ 
Brother of¬â€ Joan Tailboys¬â€ 

Family and Education b. Hepple, Northumb. 2 Feb. 1350, s. and h. of Sir Henry Tailboys (d. 23 Feb. 1369) of Hepple by Eleanor, da. and h. of Sir Gilbert Burradon of Burradon, Northumb., niece and h. of Gilbert Umfraville (d.s.p. 6 Jan. 1381), 3rd earl of Angus and 3rd Lord Kyme, de jure Baroness Kyme. m. bef. 1396, Margaret, 3s. inc. Walterဠ 1da. Kntd. by Oct. 1386
Offices Held
Commr. of oyer and terminer, Northumb. Dec. 1378 (disorder at Whittingham), Leics. Apr. 1383 (withdrawal of labour services by the tenants of Newstead priory), Lincs. July 1383 (attack on Richard Ravenser, archdeacon of Lincoln), Feb. 1389 (murder of John Rouceby, canon of Lincoln), Mar. 1393 (civic unrest in Lincoln); inquiry Feb. 1387 (extortions at Torksey), May 1389 (alleged usurpation of the franchises of Grimsby), June 1406 (wastes and concealments); array (Lindsey) Dec. 1399, Sept. 1403, May 1415; to proclaim the King·Äôs intention to rule justly May 1402; raise a royal loan June 1406.
Collector of a tax, Northumb. Mar. 1380.
Sheriff, Lincs. 13 Dec. 1389-7 Mar. 1390.
Biography One of the richest landowners to represent Lincolnshire during our period, Walter Tailboys was heir through his mother and father to property in five counties. He was just two years old when his parents settled upon him land in the Northumbrian village of Warton, which lay near the family seat at Hepple. Their estates then comprised half the barony of Hepple with extensive appurtenances in the surrounding countryside and half the manor of Hurworth in County Durham. Both the barony and the manor had been in single ownership until the mid 13th century, when they were partitioned, the other share passing first to the Chartenay family and later to Sir Robert Ogle. Walter was still a minor at the time of his father·Äôs death in 1369, and he had to wait another three years before gaining possession of his patrimony. Indeed, although he proved his age at Newcastle in the Easter week of 1371, it was not until the following October that all these holdings were in his hands. The division of Hurworth and Hepple proved inconvenient in many respects, and as time passed Tailboys and Ogle recognized the desirability of an exchange which would leave each of them with one undivided piece of property. Finally, in November 1386, they reached an agreement whereby Sir Robert was to receive the other half of the barony in return for his share of the manor; and he duly offered securities of 700 marks as an earnest of his readiness to abide by the transaction. A survey of the barony made two years later suggests that Tailboys was well advised to exact such substantial guarantees, as the whole area had suffered badly at the hands of Scottish raiders, and was said to produce little more than 20s. p.a.2 He also derived from his father a claim to the manor of Tailboys in Crawden, Cambridgeshire, which Sir William Heron had acquired, evidently under rather dubious circumstances, from his grandfather some years before. By 1387 he had begun litigation in the court of common pleas against Sir William·Äôs son for the recovery of the manor, and although the case dragged on for at least four years, he was eventually able to re-assert his title.3
It was, however, from his mother that Tailboys obtained by far the most substantial part of his inheritance. Eleanor Burradon was the niece and heir-general of Gilbert, titular earl of Angus and Lord Kyme, who died without issue in January 1381, seised of lands and manors throughout the north of England. Many of these properties were entailed upon the issue of Gilbert·Äôs half-brother, Sir Thomas Umfraville of Hessle in Yorkshire, and were, moreover, held for life by the widowed countess of Angus, but the rest passed directly to Eleanor. She thus became owner of the manors of Frotterton and Fawdon, together with other farmland in Northumberland, the manors of Norton Kyme and Paddockthorpe in Yorkshire, and that of Sotby in Lincolnshire. It is now impossible to tell precisely how much these five major holdings were worth, but they must have produced well over ¬£67 a year. Within a matter of months, Eleanor conveyed most, if not all, of her inheritance to her son, granting him the Northumberland estates in April 1381, and the manor of Sotby soon afterwards. Since he acquired the latter without the necessary royal licence, he almost immediately incurred a fine of ¬£15 at the Exchequer. His interest in establishing himself in Lincolnshire was, however, such that in the following year he undertook to pay the dowager countess and her new husband, Henry Percy, 1st earl of Northumberland, an annual rent of ¬£30 6s.6¬Î©d. for the manor of Skellingthorpe, and from then onwards this part of England became his home. He seems to have had little to do with his mother·Äôs property across the county border in Yorkshire, but it may possibly have come to him slightly later, when she died.4
Although he was still in his early thirties when he moved south, Tailboys had already gained some experience of local government in Northumberland. He was, moreover, a seasoned campaigner, having on his own testimony begun the profession of arms at about the age of 19. His military exploits seem to have been confined to the Anglo-Scottish border, which was the scene of protracted hostilities throughout this period. Indeed, in 1380, he was actually taken captive and ransomed by the Scots, King Richard intervening to authorize an exchange of prisoners and the shipment of grain supplies to Scotland as measures towards his release. Tailboys may well have fought in the retinue of the earl of Northumberland, to whom, as we have seen, his mother became connected by marriage. He certainly took part in Richard II·Äôs unsuccessful expedition to Scotland in 1385, although by then his involvement in border society had virtually ceased. Within less than two years of his arrival in Lincolnshre, Tailboys was returned by the county electors to Parliament, and soon after that he began serving regularly as a royal commissioner there. His servants were accustomed to the lawlessness of the northern march, and found it less easy to settle down: in 1384, for example, a commission of oyer and terminer was set up to investigate a robbery committed by them on the widowed Lady Roos·Äôs estates at Wragby. Even so, their master soon established himself as a leading member of the local community. He was again returned to the House of Commons in 1386, giving evidence during the session on behalf of Richard, Lord Scrope of Bolton, in his celebrated dispute with Sir Robert Grosvenor over their claim to the same coat of arms.5
We do not know if Tailboys was an active supporter of the Lords Appellant, but his return to the Merciless Parliament of 1388 in which they secured the downfall of the court party suggests that he had some sympathy with their cause. This is borne out by his decision to sue out royal letters of pardon in April 1398, when Richard had already punished the chief of his enemies of ten years before. On the other hand, however, the King thought sufficiently well of him to entrust him with the difficult task of settling the civic disturbances which affected Lincoln so seriously in the spring of 1393; and although the problem eventually proved too delicate for a routine commission, it is clear that Tailboys was regarded by the authorities as a man of some consequence. His more personal affairs likewise confirm this impression. In December 1389, for example, the bishop of Lincoln gave him a licence to celebrate mass privately wherever he wished in the diocese. He was, moreover, much in demand as a trustee, notably for the influential Lincoln merchant, John Sutton I* (who left him a hauberk of steel in his will of 1391), Sir Gerard Braybrooke II* and the latterမs uncle Robert Braybrooke, bishop of London. On one occasion he was sued in the court of Chancery for his refusal to surrender estates which had been settled upon him in trust, but the outcome of the case is not recorded. He was evidently on close terms with Robert, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, who chose him, in 1395, as supervisor of his will, and also made him a bequest of a silver cup. His other friends included John Skipwith*, for whom he witnessed deeds, and with whom he stood surety, in 1406, for (Sir) John Rochford*. Although he did not serve again in Parliament after 1388, Tailboys continued to lead an eventful life, marked, in its latter part, by a number of lawsuits. In 1397 he made an attempt to sue one William Hasilrigh for a debt of £40, and a few years later he became involved in a dispute with Sir Henry Retford* over the ownership of land in Lincolnshire. The case was heard at the Lincoln assizes, as was another one, brought by him in 1406, over rights to unspecified property. He was, meanwhile, summoned as a representative for Lincolnshire to the great councils of August 1401 and 1403; and although he performed comparatively few official duties after this date he remained active for several more years. This is evident from a complaint made by the citizens of Lincoln in the spring of 1411, alleging that Tailboys and a retinue of ဘabout 160 horsemenမ had tried to murder Sir Thomas Chaworth* in the city, killing two local men and wounding many others in their attempt. He and his brother-in-law, Sir Geoffrey Luttrell, were, moreover, charged with laying ambushes for local wool merchants on their way to the coast and terrorizing the countryside. The severity with which these crimes was viewed may be gauged from the size of the pledges for good behaviour (£3,000) demanded from Tailboys at this time, and the setting up of a commission of oyer and terminer to examine those concerned.6
Tailboys served on his last royal commission in May 1415, and shortly afterwards he agreed to act as an attorney for his younger son, John, who was about to take part in Henry V·Äôs expedition to France. He died two years later, on 20 Sept. 1417, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Walter. He left a widow, named Margaret, about whom little is known save that in May 1407 she joined with him in obtaining permission from the bishop of Lincoln to hear mass in their own home. Walter, who served as sheriff of Lincolnshire and also sat on the bench in Lindsey, inherited a further part of the Umfraville estates in 1437, and became the owner of Harbottle castle in Northumberland.7
Ref Volumes: 1386-1421 Author: C.R. Notes
Variants: Tailebois, Talboys, Tayllebois.
1. CP, i. 149-51; vii. 358-60; CFR, ix. 252; Hist. Northumb. ed. Dodds, xv. 404; CIPM, xii. 422; xiii. no. 140; xv. nos. 431-6; CCR, 1413-19, p. 465; Reg. Repingdon (Lincoln Rec. Soc. lvii), 98-99; Scrope v. Grosvenor, i. 177; ii. 402-4. Lincs. Peds. ed. Maddison, 945, states that the MP married twice, his second wife being Mary, the sister of Adam Tirwhit (and thus daughter of (Sir) William Tirwhit* of Kettleby). This is highly unlikely, both on chronological grounds and because Tailboys was survived by his only known wife, Margaret, to whom dower was assigned in November 1417 (CCR, 1413-19, pp. 406-7). The Mary, widow of Walter Tailboys, who died in 1447 (CIPM (Rec. Comm.), iv. 234), was almost certainly married to the MP's grandson Walter Tailboys the younger (CCR, 1422-9, p. 395; 1429-35, p. 110). This member of the family is omitted by Maddison from his pedigree, presumably because he predeceased his father. 2. CIPM, xii. no. 422; xiii. no. 140; CCR, 1369-74, p. 253; 1385-9, p. 269; VCH Dur. iii. 286-7; Hist. Northumb. xv. 383-4; CIMisc. v. no. 133; Northumb. and Dur. Deeds (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Recs. Cttee. vii), 175, 188, 221. 3. Peds. Plea Rolls ed. Wrottesley, 172, 184; VCH Cambs. viii. 31. 4. CP, i. 149-51; vii. 352-60; CIPM, xv. nos. 431-6; CFR, ix. 252; Northumb. and Dur. Deeds, 221; Hist. Northumb. xv. 404; CIMisc. vii. no. 53; Harl. Ch. 56G 43; Feudal Aids, vi. 481; Cal. Scots. Docs. iv. no. 298; CPR, 1377-81, p. 626; C138/25/8. 5. Rot. Scot. ed. Macpherson etc. ii. 31; CPR, 1381-5, p. 509; CCR, 1385-9, p. 298; Scrope v. Grosvenor, i. 177; ii. 402-4. 6. C1/6/17; C67/30 m. 27; JUST 1/1514, rot. 89, 93v, 95, 95v; Lambeth Pal. Lib. Reg. Arundel i. f. 157v; CPR, 1391-6, p. 240; 1396-9, p. 134; 1401-5, p. 232; 1408-13, pp. 316-17; CCR, 1405-9, p. 116; Early Lincoln Wills ed. Gibbons, 77; PPC, i. 158; ii. 86; W.O. Massingberd, Ormsby-cum-Ketsby, 75; Lincs. AO, Reg. Buckingham, XII, ff. 362v, 379. 7. Maddison, 945-6; CP, vii. 360; VCH Dur. iii. 288; C138/25/18; Reg. Repingdon, 98-99; CCR, 1413-19, pp. 406-7, 465; CFR, xiv. 229; Scrope v. Grosvenor, ii. 403.
'Sir Walter Tailboys, Lord Kyme, Sheriff of Lincolnshire1
'M, b. 2 February 1350, d. 21 September 1417
Father Sir Henry Tailboys b. c 1331, d. 23 Feb 1369
Mother Eleanor Boroughdon b. c 1333, d. a 1381
' Sir Walter Tailboys, Lord Kyme, Sheriff of Lincolnshire was born on 2 February 1350 at Hepple, Northumberland, England; Age 18 in 1369. He married Margaret Deincourt before 1396; They had 3 sons (Walter, John, & William) and 1 daughter (Joan). Sir Walter Tailboys, Lord Kyme, Sheriff of Lincolnshire died on 21 September 1417 at of Sotby & Skellingthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, at age 67.
'Family Margaret Deincourt d. a Nov 1417
·ó¶Sir John Talboys, Sheriff & Escheator of Lincolnshire+2 d. 16 Apr 1467
·ó¶Walter Tailboys, Esq., Lord Kyme, Sheriff & Justice of the Peace for Lincolnshire+ b. 1391, d. 13 Apr 1444
1.[S6819] Unknown author, The Complete Peerage, by Cokayne, Vol. VII, p. 358; Magna Charta Sureties, 1215, 4th Ed., by F. L. Weis, p. 120; Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists, p. 182.
2.[S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 329.
'Sir Walter Tailboys1
'M, #9861, b. circa 1361, d. between 20 September 1417 and 21 September 1417
Last Edited=7 Dec 2005
' Sir Walter Tailboys was born circa 1361.1 He died between 20 September 1417 and 21 September 1417.1
' He gained the title of 5th Lord Kyme, de jure.3 He is the son of Sir Henry Tailboys and Alienor Borrowdon, Baroness Kyme.2 He held the office of Sheriff of Lincolnshire in 1389.1
'Child of Sir Walter Tailboys
1.Sir Walter Tailboys+1 b. c 1391, d. 13 Apr 1444
1.[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume VII, page 358. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
2.[S2] Peter W. Hammond, editor, The Complete Peerage or a History of the House of Lords and All its Members From the Earliest Times, Volume XIV: Addenda & Corrigenda (Stroud, Gloucestershire, U.K.: Sutton Publishing, 1998), page 25. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage, Volume XIV.
3.[S2] Peter W. Hammond, The Complete Peerage, Volume XIV, page 26.
'Walter TALBOYS (Sheriff of Lincoln)
'Born: 1351/2, Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England
'Died: 21 Sep 1417/8, Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England
Father: Henry TALBOYS
Mother: Eleanor De BOROUGHDON (B. Kyme)
'Married 1: Margaret DEINCOURT 1380, Northumberland, England
1. Walter TALBOYS (Sheriff of Lincoln)
2. John TALBOYS (Sir Sheriff of Lincoln)
3. William TALBOYS
'Married 2: Mary TYRWHITT 1402, Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England¬â€ TALBOYS (Sheriff of Lincoln)1
Sir William Tailbois chivaler died in or before 1366 holding a third part of the manor of Hurworth by a rent of 8s. and keeping the gaol of Sadberge, receiving 22s. rent for the manor of Neasham and for two-thirds of the manor of Hurworth; he also had two-thirds of the advowson of the church. His heir was his son Henry, thirty years of age. (fn. 48) From this it would appear that Sir William was, like his ancestor Ivo in 1212, responsible for the whole service of the manor. Henry Tailbois died in 1369 holding the manor of Hurworth and 5 oxgangs of land there of the bishop by the twentieth part of a knight's fee and suit of court at Sadberge; also three cottages and 11 oxgangs of land by a rent of 8s. 6d. and keeping Sadberge gaol. His son and heir¬â€ 'Walter was eighteen years of age.' (fn. 49) This return was corrected by another taken in 1373 recording that he held the capital messuage, 16 oxgangs of land, &c., half the advowson of the church, and a third part of the mill, by a rent of 9s. and suit of court and keeping with his partners the gaol at Sadberge. (fn. 50) Eleanor the widow of Henry received her dower after taking the oath not to marry without the king's licence. (fn. 51)¬â€ 'Walter, the heir, having proved his age, received his lands from the escheator in 1371'. (fn. 52)
'Walter Tailbois' in 1386 made an exchange with Robert de Ogle by which he received the second moiety of Hurworth for his lands in Hepple, (fn. 53) thus putting an end to the divided lordship in both places. The second moiety had descended with half of Hepple in the Chartenay family. The immediate heir of Richard and Maud de Chartenay was perhaps Philip de Chartenay, who with Nicholas de Farendon witnessed a charter touching Hepple (fn. 54) ; his son Richard made a grant of land in Hepple to Luke Tailbois in 1287, (fn. 55) the deed being dated at Hurworth. He seems to be identical with the Sir Richard Chartenay living at Hurworth in 1264 (fn. 56) whose name occurs in 1293. (fn. 57) He had a brother Robert, to whom he granted the manor of Hepple, (fn. 58) and it seems probable that the latter adopted the name Hepple as a surname. In 1304 Robert de Hepple had died seised of half the manor of Hepple, leaving a son Robert, (fn. 59) and in 1315 Luke Tailbois and Robert de Hepple held jointly the advowson of Hurworth Church. (fn. 60) In 1331 Robert de Hepple had licence to settle his moiety of Hepple on Robert de Ogle and Joan his wife. (fn. 61) A similar settlement was probably made for Hurworth, since ten years later it was among the lands of Robert de Ogle mentioned in a grant of free warren. (fn. 62) In 1355 Robert de Ogle the younger was found to have held a moiety of the 'manor' of Hurworth on Tees jointly with Ellen his wife by grant of Robert de Ogle the elder; it was held of the bishop in socage by a rent of 18s. and a sixteenth share of the custody of Sadberge gaol. Robert son and heir of the younger Robert, then three years of age, (fn. 63) subsequently made the exchange with¬â€ 'Walter Tailbois'.
'Walter Tailbois was a knight in 1389 (fn. 64) and died 21 September 1417 holding the manor of Hurworth (except half an acre) with the advowson of the church by knight's service, suit of court, keeping the gaol, and a rent of 25s. 6d.; his heir was a son' Walter, aged twenty-six. (fn. 65) The younger Walter Tailbois had livery of his Durham lands in 1417 (fn. 66) ; he died in 1444 holding the manor and advowson, and leaving his son William, aged twenty-six, to inherit. (fn. 67) William Tailbois and Elizabeth his wife complained of the finding of the jury in the inquisition, and judgement was given in their favour, the manor of Hurworth being restored to them. (fn. 68) The family had for more than half a century been associated with Lincolnshire. (fn. 69) Walter Tailbois and his son Walter were described as 'of South Kyme' in 1439, (fn. 70) but do not seem to have been summoned to Parliament as barons of Kyme.
'From: 'Parishes: Hurworth', A History of the County of Durham: Volume 3 (1928), pp. 285-293. URL:¬â€¬â€ Date accessed: 11 September 2011.
Sir Walter TAILBOYS Sheriff of Lincolnshire [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 was born 1351 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England. He died 21 Sep 1418 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England. Walter married Margaret on 1390 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England.
Other marriages:
Margaret 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 1369 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England. She died 1401 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England. Margaret married Sir Walter TAILBOYS Sheriff of Lincolnshire on 1390 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England.
They had the following children:
M i Sir Walter TAILBOYS Lord Kyme was born 1391 and died 13 Apr 1444.
M ii Sir John TAILBOYS Sheriff of Lincolnshire was born 1393 and died 16 Apr 1467.
M iii William TAILBOYS 1 was born 1396 in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, England. He died after 20 Oct 1415.
F iv Joan TAILBOYS was born 1399.

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Walter Tailboys (Tallboys)
± 1350-1417

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Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 26 september 2024), "Walter Tailboys (Tallboys) MP, de jure Baron Kyme (± 1350-1417)".