Family Tree Welborn » Richard d'Avranches, Le Goz Vicomte d'Avranches (1025-1066)

Persoonlijke gegevens Richard d'Avranches, Le Goz Vicomte d'Avranches 

  • Hij is geboren op 13 oktober 1025 in Avranches, Basse-Normandie, France.
  • Hij is overleden op 14 oktober 1066 in Avranches, Manche, Basse-Normandie, France, hij was toen 41 jaar oud.
  • Hij is begraven in Avranches, Manche, Basse-Normandie, France.
  • Een kind van Thurstan le Goz en Judith de Montanolier de Montrolier
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 8 november 2022.

Gezin van Richard d'Avranches, Le Goz Vicomte d'Avranches

Hij is getrouwd met Emma de Conteville.

Zij zijn getrouwd


Notities over Richard d'Avranches, Le Goz Vicomte d'Avranches

Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches is your 29th great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Geneva Allene Welborn
your mother ·Üí Alice Elmyra Smith
her mother ·Üí Nellie Mary Henley
her mother ·Üí John Merrit Wooldridge
her father ·Üí Merritt Wooldridge
his father ·Üí Chesley Wooldridge
his father ·Üí Edward Wooldridge, Jr.
his father ·Üí Mary Wooldridge
his mother ·Üí Mary Martha Flournoy
her mother ·Üí Jane Gower
her mother ·Üí Marian Mary Hatcher
her mother ·Üí Elizabeth Newport
her mother ·Üí Elizabeth Glanfield
her mother ·Üí Elizabeth Brent
her mother ·Üí Jane Wroth
her mother ·Üí Isabel Haute
her mother ·Üí Joan Frowick
her mother ·Üí Richard Stourton
her father ·Üí Jane Basset, of Sapcote
his mother ·Üí Ralph Basset, IV, 3rd Lord Basset of Drayton
her father ·Üí Ralph Basset
his father ·Üí Sir Ralph Bassett, 2nd Lord Drayton
his father ·Üí Ralph Bassett, 1st Lord Basset of Drayton
his father ·Üí Ralph IV Basset, Lord of Drayton
his father ·Üí Ralph de Bassett, I
his father ·Üí Ralph de Bassett, II
his father ·Üí Lord Ralph de Bassett, Lord Drayton
his father ·Üí Maud de Ridel
his mother ·Üí Geva d'Avranches
her mother ·Üí Hugh "Lupus" d'Avranches, 1st Earl of Chester
her father ·Üí Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches
his father

Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches is your 28th great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Marvin "Toad" Henry Welborn, Jr.
your father ·Üí Heny Marvin Welborn, Sr.
his father ·Üí Calhoun H. Welborn
his father ·Üí Sarah Elizabeth Dikes
his mother ·Üí Benjamin Franklin Dykes, II
her father ·Üí William Dykes, Sr.
his father ·Üí George Dykes, Sr.
his father ·Üí Edward George Dykes
his father ·Üí Edward Dykes
his father ·Üí Thomas Dykes
his father ·Üí Edward Dykes
his father ·Üí Thomas Dykes
his father ·Üí Leonard Dykes
his father ·Üí Isabelle Dykes
his mother ·Üí Mary Pennington
her mother ·Üí Mary Hudleston
her mother ·Üí Sir Henry Fenwick
her father ·Üí Margaret de Percy
his mother ·Üí Sir Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland
her father ·Üí Mary of Lancaster, Baroness Percy
his mother ·Üí Henry of Lancaster
her father ·Üí Blanche of Artois
his mother ·Üí Robert I the Good, count of Artois
her father ·Üí Blanche de Castille, reine consort de France
his mother ·Üí Alfonso VIII el Noble, rey de Castilla
her father ·Üí Blanca de Navarra, reina consorte de Castilla
his mother ·Üí Marguerite de l'Aigle
her mother ·Üí Gilbert de L'aigle, Vicomte d'Exmes
her father ·Üí Judith "le Goz" d'Avranches
his mother ·Üí Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches
her father

Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches is your 26th great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Marvin "Toad" Henry Welborn, Jr.
your father ·Üí Heny Marvin Welborn, Sr.
his father ·Üí Calhoun H. Welborn
his father ·Üí Sarah Elizabeth Dikes
his mother ·Üí Benjamin Franklin Dykes, II
her father ·Üí William Dykes, Sr.
his father ·Üí Sarah Unity Dykes Gunby
his mother ·Üí James Bounds
her father ·Üí John Bounds, Sr.
his father ·Üí Jonas Bond
his father ·Üí Philip Bond
his father ·Üí Thomas Bond
his father ·Üí John Bond
his father ·Üí Walter Bond
his father ·Üí John Bond, of Buckland
his father ·Üí Sir Robert of Lutton III de Bond De Earth
his father ·Üí Catherine Bond
his mother ·Üí Jane de Erdington
her mother ·Üí Sir Thomas de Harcourt, Knight
her father ·Üí Sir William de Harcourt
his father ·Üí Eleanor (Ellen) De Harcourt
his mother ·Üí Eudo Eon la Zouche, Lord of Cantelou
her father ·Üí Sir Roger La Zouche
his father ·Üí Adelicia de Belmeis, Lady Ashby la Zouche
his mother ·Üí Maud Matilda de Rumilly
her mother ·Üí William FitzRanulf Meschin
her father ·Üí Maud (Margaret) d'Avranches, Le Goz
his mother ·Üí Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches
her father

Richard , Viscount of Avranches Richard le Goz, Vicomte d'Avranches
October 13, 1025
Avranches, Basse-Normandie, France
October 14, 1066 (41)
Avranches, Manche, Basse-Normandie, France
Place of Burial:
Avranches, Manche, FR, Basse-Normandie
Immediate Family:
Son of Thurstan le Goz, viscount of Avranches and Judith de Montanolier
Husband of Aelois (Alice) Le Goz; NN d'Avranches, mistress and Emma de Conteville
Father of Hugh "Lupus" d'Avranches, 1st Earl of Chester; Helisende d'Avranches; Judith "le Goz" d'Avranches and Maud (Margaret) d'Avranches, Le Goz
Brother of Thurstan (Richard) Haldup; Robert "the Chamberlain" Bigod; Honfroi FitzAmfrid de Tilleul, Seigneur de Tilleul-en-Auge; Renouf / Ranulf le Goz d'Avranches; Gislebert / Gilbert le Goz; and Anne Le Goz ¬´ less

Richard 'le Goz', Vicomte d'Avranches
Parents: Toustain (Thurstan) le Goz and wife's name unknown (possibly Judith Montanolier or Monteroulier)
Spouse: Name unknown: perhaps "Emma" (perhaps de Conteville or de Grandmesnil)
Hugues d'Avranches 'Lupus'
Marguerite, married Ranulf Vicomte du Bessin
Helisende, married Guillaume [II] Comte d'Eu
Judith, married Richer de Laigle
LINKS to MEDIEVAL LANDS [updated July 2017]
THURSTAN "le Goz" (-[1045/55]). Vicomte. "Ricardi filii Gulberti, Nigelli vicecomitisဦStorstingi vicecomitis" signed the charter dated 1027 (redated to [1017]) in which "secundus nominis mei Normannorum dux Ricardus" confirmed donations to Fécamp abbey[102]. "ဦTorstingus vicecomesဦ" witnessed the charter dated Aug 1027 under which Richard II Duke of Normandy donated property to the abbey of Bernay[103]. "ဦTurstingi vicecomitisဦ" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy donated "in comitatu Abrincatensi villamဦSancti Johannis" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[104]. "ဦNigelli vicecomitis, Tursteni vicecomitisဦWillelmi Arcacensis comitis, Godefridi vicecomitis, Rodgerii filii Rodulfi, Wimundiဦ" witnessed the charter dated to [1040] under which Guillaume Comte de Talou donated property to Jumièges[105]. "Turstin vicecomes" witness the donation to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen of "Gozelinus vicecomes" dated [1038/50][106]. "ဦNigelli vicecomitis, Tursteni vicecomitis, Godefredi vicecomitisဦ" subscribed the charter dated to [1040] under which "Vuillelmus Ricardi magni ducis Normannorum filius" donated property to the abbey of Jumièges[107]. "ဦTurstinci vicecomitisဦTurstinci GazelဦRichardi filii Turstinci, Roberti fratris eiusဦ" witnessed the charter dated to [1047 or before] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation by "AdelelmiဦBeatricis uxor eiusဦRotberti filius eius" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[108]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that လTurstenus cognomento Guz, Ausfridi Dani filius...præses Oximensisဝ rebelled against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy at လFalesiæ castellumဝ, which was attacked by the dukeမs forces led by လRodulfus Waceiensis magister militumဝ, and was forced to flee into exile, dated to early during the reign of Duke Guillaume II from the context[109]. m ---. The name of Thurstan's wife is not known. Thurstan & his wife had two children:
a) RICHARD "le Goz" (-after 1082). Guillaume of Jumièges records that လRicardus Turstini filiusဝ served Duke Guillaume II loyally after his father လTurstenus cognomento Guz, Ausfridi Dani filius...præses Oximensisဝ rebelled and was forced to flee into exile[110]. "ဦTurstinci vicecomitisဦTurstinci GazelဦRichardi filii Turstinci, Roberti fratris eiusဦ" witnessed the charter dated to [1047 or before] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation by "AdelelmiဦBeatricis uxor eiusဦRotberti filius eius" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[111]. Vicomte d'Avranches. "ဦRichardi filii Torestiniဦ" witnessed the charter dated to [1055] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier[112]. "ဦWillelmi filii Osberti, Rotgerii de Monte Golmerii, Richardis vicecomitis Abrinchensisဦ" witnessed the charter dated [1055/56] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy "in pagoဦConstantino, villamဦFlotomannum" to Saint-Florent de Saumur[113]. "ဦRicardus vicecomes Abrincatinusဦ" witnessed the charter dated 1064 under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy settled a claim in favour of the monks of Marmoutier relating to property donated by "Guido de Valle"[114]. The Chronique de Normandie, based on le Roman de Rou, names "Richart dမAvrenchin" among those who took part in the conquest of England in 1066[115]. "Richardi filii Torsteingoiz" witnessed a charter of William I King of England dated 1069[116]. "Ricardo filio Turstini Guz et Guillelmo Caritate, Fulkoque filio Gerardi Budel atque Radulfo de Ollei" are named as present in the charter dated 30 Nov 1074 under which Odo Bishop of Bayeux bought "la terre de Chernet" from "Herberto de Agnellis", with the consent of "suo domino Radulfo de Conchis"[117].
m (before [1047]) ---. The name of Richardမs wife is not known. She is called လEmmaဝ in the Complete Peerage[118], but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. A manuscript relating to St Werburghမs Chester records that လHugo Lupus filius ducis Britanniæ et nepos Gulielmi magni ex sororeဝ transformed the foundation into a monastery[119]. This suggests that Huguesမs mother may have been a uterine sister of King William, and therefore daughter of Herluin de Conteville. However, no indication has been in other primary sources which supports the contention that Hugues was the son of a duke of Brittany. It is assumed therefore that both lines of his parentage have been romanticised in this document to improve his status and reputation. Another possibility is that she was related to the Grantmesnil family: Orderic Vitalis records that လRodbertus, Unfridi filiusဝ [Robert of Rhuddlan, son of Onfroi de Tilleul and his wife Adelise de Grantmesnil] went လcum Hugone consobrino suo, Richardi de Abrincis cognomento Goz filioဝ to England[120]. If the relationship is as indicated by Orderic, from a chronological point of view Richardမs wife could have been --- de Grantmesnil, daughter of Robert de Grantmesnil & his wife Hawise ---.
Richard & his wife had four children:
i) HUGUES d'Avranches "Lupus"[121] ([1047]-St Werburg's Abbey, Chester 27 Jul 1101). Orderic Vitalis records that King William granted ·ÄúCestrensem consulatum·Äù to ·ÄúHugonis de Abrincis filio Ricardi cognomento Goz·Äù after Gerbod returned to Flanders, dated to 1071[122], whereby he is held to have become Earl of Chester.
ii) MARGUERITE [Mathilde] d'Avranches (-after [1098]). She is named "Mathilda soror Hugonis comitis" by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her son[123]. The Liber Vitæ of Durham names "Rannulfus Mahald uxor eius Ricardus Rannulfus de Mesc filii eorum Lucia uxor Rann"[124]. m RANULF Vicomte du Bessin, son of RANULF Vicomte du Bessin & his wife Alix de Normandie (-after [1098]).
iii) HELISENDE d'Avranches . Her marriage is referred to by Orderic Vitalis, who says that she was the sister of Hugh Earl of Chester but does not give her name[125]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. m as his second wife, GUILLAUME [II] Comte d'Eu, son of ROBERT Comte d'Eu & his first wife Beatrix --- (-2 Jan after 1096).

iv) JUDITH d'Avranches . Orderic Vitalis records that လRicherium de Aquila Engenulfi filiumဝ married လJudith filiam Ricardi Abrincatensis cognomento Goz, sororem...Hugonis Cestrensium comitisဝ[126]. "Robertusဦ" donated property to Chartres Saint-Père by charter dated to [1101/17], confirmed by "Gislebertiဦde Aquila" and witnessed by "Gisleberti de Aquila, Julite eiusdem matris et Juliane uxoris ipsius"[127]. "Richer de Aquila son of Ingenulf de Aquila" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Evroul by charter dated to [1099] (although this date is incorrect if the date of his death is as shown above), witnessed by "ဦJudiht uxore mea, filia Richardi de Abrincis et sorore Hugonis comitis Cestrensis"[128]. "Robertusဦ" donated property to Chartres Saint-Père by charter dated to [1101/17], confirmed by "Gislebertiဦde Aquila" and witnessed by "Gisleberti de Aquila, Julite eiusdem matris et Juliane uxoris ipsius"[129]. m RICHER de Laigle, son of ENGENULF & his wife Richereda --- (-killed in battle Sainte-Suzanne 18 Nov 1085, bur Monastery of St Sulpice-sur-Risle).
Second son of Thurstan was:

b) ROBERT . "ဦTurstinci vicecomitisဦTurstinci GazelဦRichardi filii Turstinci, Roberti fratris eiusဦ" witnessed the charter dated to [1047 or before] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation by "AdelelmiဦBeatricis uxor eiusဦRotberti filius eius" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[130].
[102] Louviers, Tome I, II, p. 3.
[103] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 7, p. 8, citing Neustria pia, p. 398.
[104] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 9, p. 10.
[105] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 16, p. 17.
[106] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, 2, p. 423.
[107] Jumièges, Tome I, 20, p. 63.
[108] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 22, p. 26.
[109] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Duchesne, 1619), Liber VII, VI, p. 270.
[110] Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ (Duchesne, 1619), Liber VII, VI, p. 270.
[111] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 22, p. 26.
[112] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 25, p. 28.
[113] Saint-Florent Saumur (Chartes normandes), 6, p. 670.
[114] Broussillon (1895), Tome I, 28, p. 39.
[115] Extrait de la Chronique de Normandie, RHGF XIII, p. 237.
[116] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, 67, p. 455.
[117] Bayeux (Livre noir), Tome I, II, p. 3.
[118] CP III 164.
[119] Dugdale Monasticon II, Chester St Werburgh, I, p. 384.
[120] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. III, Liber VIII, III, p. 283.
[121] A nickname attributed to him later because of his rapacity: CP III 164.
[122] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. II, Liber IV, VII, p. 219.
[123] Orderic Vitalis (Chibnall), Vol. VI, Book XII, p. 309.
[124] Durham Liber Vitæ, folio 52, p. 78.
[125] Orderic Vitalis (Chibnall), Vol. IV, Book VIII, p. 285.
[126] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. III, Liber VII, X, p. 197.
[127] Chartres Saint-Père, Tome II, Liber Quartus, 27, p. 534.
[128] Round (1899), 622, p. 218.
[129] Chartres Saint-Père, Tome II, Liber Quartus, 27, p. 534.
[130] Delisle (1867), Pièces justificatives, 22, p. 26.

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Over de familienaam D'Avranches, Le Goz

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 25 september 2024), "Richard d'Avranches, Le Goz Vicomte d'Avranches (1025-1066)".